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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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가로수길에서 압구정

Mon, March 28, 2011

【2011년 2월18일의 서울 여행의 계속됩니다】

가로수길을 걸었지만 완전히 배가 고프는 기색이 없다 ···.


가는 장소도 없어지고 압구정에 이동하는 것으로.

친구가 걸을 수 없는 정도의 거리도 아니기 때문에 걷는?

이라고 하는 이야기도 나와

そ―이구나. 심해지면 택시 타면 좋아요 ―

라고 하는 것은 이야기에 의하면 가로수길로부터 압구정까지는 약30분.

평소 운동부족이므로 좋은 거리가 아닐까요


정확히 이 근처이었는지구나 ∼이 앞정도를 걷고 있으면

구혜선을 우연히 만났습니다.

라고 말해도 알아 차리지 않은 것이지만 ww

가게에서 나온 여자 아이가 있어

놀랍도록 피부가 하얀 아이구나 ∼ 말야 생각해서 조금 있으면

「지금의 구혜선이야」 라고 ww

친구가 가르쳐 주었다.

한국판 꽃보다 남자의 츠쿠시역의 아이라는것 밖에 모르는 나.

엄청 살결이 희었다.




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Guest susAmerica

가로수길에서 압구정

Mon, March 28, 2011

【2011년 2월18일의 서울 여행의 계속됩니다】

가로수길을 걸었지만 완전히 배가 고프는 기색이 없다 ···.


가는 장소도 없어지고 압구정에 이동하는 것으로.

친구가 걸을 수 없는 정도의 거리도 아니기 때문에 걷는?

이라고 하는 이야기도 나와

そ―이구나. 심해지면 택시 타면 좋아요 ―

라고 하는 것은 이야기에 의하면 가로수길로부터 압구정까지는 약30분.

평소 운동부족이므로 좋은 거리가 아닐까요


정확히 이 근처이었는지구나 ∼이 앞정도를 걷고 있으면

구혜선을 우연히 만났습니다.

라고 말해도 알아 차리지 않은 것이지만 ww

가게에서 나온 여자 아이가 있어

놀랍도록 피부가 하얀 아이구나 ∼ 말야 생각해서 조금 있으면

「지금의 구혜선이야」 라고 ww

친구가 가르쳐 주었다.

한국판 꽃보다 남자의 츠쿠시역의 아이라는것 밖에 모르는 나.

엄청 살결이 희었다.


*quoted image*


Thanks natali.

I saw that goddessku posted this in DC.

I have a feeling above is a google translation of a Japanese fan.

I will summarize.

Goddessku says that this Japanese fan was touring Korea with a friend on Feb 18th (GHS made trailer for Women's INternational Film Festival on the 15th of Feb.) While walking from GaRoSoo Road to AhpGooJung, she and her friend saw GHS coming out of a store. This blogger at first noticed GHS's "amazingly white skin" even before she recognized it was GHS. Her friend actually told her it is GHS. She says she only knows GHS as Korean Version's BOF's Tsukushi.

Goddessku also posted other bloggers and tweeters from Japan in another page. Basicall, they all think of her as adorable and still love BOF. Some are still watching BOF after buying the DVD. Yeah!!!



This article says that The 13th Seoul International Women's Film Festival will take place from April 7 to 14th at the ShinChon's various locations. 115 women's films from 30 countries will be showcased along with Director GHS's official trailer. Actress Kim YuhJin will be sole mc for the opening ceremony. I wonder if GHS will attend at least the opening. I wonder how her movie PEACH TREE is going and when it will finish up?! :)

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Good day! Sunniez   :)

@hanna ~ thanks for your gift but sorry to say that I cannot open the link... :)

@natali & dewimoar ~ thanks for the tweets and updates for the "Peach Tree" filming. Her hair is much longer now.  :):D

@meow & first snow~ yes you're right sisters.GTV already sold AD in other country like Philippines and that is ABS-CBN Network coz they've already broadcast/announce that AD will be air in their station since last year. BOF (Hye Sun) & HANA KIMI (Wu Chun) was aired in ABS-CBN and both was a huge success that's why ABS-CBN bought the rights (AD) though filming is not yet started.

@sue ~  thanks for the translation, I agree with you sis " Knowing GHS as much as we do now, I know that she will not turn back on her commitment unless Taiwan version of AD no longer exist" coz hye sun knows that her fans is anticipating her new drama and really miss her to act again in a drama.  I hope GTV can solve it immediately and I still like Wu Chun to be part of it or if not my (personal) other choices are Jerry Yan or Vic Zhou still parts of F4 (taiwan version) hehehe...   :lol:

Well, whoever the lead actor will be I will still support AD and our Hye Sun .... :sweatingbullets:

Happy Weekend Sunniez !!! :D

Hye Sun  Figthing !! :wub:

oh yes am from Philippines and am very aware that ABS _CBN network ( its the biggest TV station in the Philippines)already bought or hold the title in AD and yes were really eager to see the AD IN FILMING its been 1 year already since the promotion or line up in their TV drama /schedule posted in their website. but until now no concrete or definite news in AD. just like anyone here in soompi lets cross our fingers that it would push through just like the original plan .

but if in case Wu chun didn't make it in AD i think my best bet would be Jerry yan and vaness wu ( sorry guys am biased their my favorite..lol hope you understand)

to all of you here am very thankful and i really appreciate all your hard work,- translating every word.

god bless & keep safe :P

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after the long wait, HyeSun tweeted!!! :w00t:

twitpic.com/4eimcn 영화현장입니다.일하는중 인데요.보기만해도 안타까운 몰골이라 옛 사진 올려봅니다. .

by koohs

29 Mar 14:18 (Korea time)


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유인나 “올해 목표? 연말에 작은 상이라도…하하하” (인터뷰)

서울신문| 기사입력 2011-03-29 13:21

“가 수를 하기엔 제게 재능이 부족하다는 걸 알고 있어요. 배우로서 연기하는데 오히려 가능성을 찾아가고 있죠. 연기 외적 욕심이요? 그건 구혜선처럼 다방면에서 다재다능한 사람에게 생기는 거예요. 전 아직 한 가지도 잘 못하고 있는걸요.”

“제 시나리오요?(웃음) 10분밖에 안 되는 분량인데도 얼마나 힘든지 정말 대머리 되는 줄 알았어요. 근데, 해보니까 정말 재밌더라구요. 감독들이, 그리고 구혜선이 왜 영화를 찍고 또 찍을 수밖에 없는지 알게 됐죠. 또 감독이 배우에게 무엇을 원하는지 배운 것도 소득이었어요.”





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대구보건대학, 각종 TV프로그램 촬영 장소로 각광

TV쇼 진품명품,  드라마 더 뮤지컬 잇달아 촬영                                          


 (아시아뉴스통신=박종률 기자)                                                                               20110329164155.jpg                               

대구보건대학 인당박물관에서 29일 TV쇼 진품명품 출장감정이 촬영되고 있다.(사진제공=대구보건대학)                

 대구보건대학(총장 남성희) 캠퍼스가 최근 각종 TV프로그램의 촬영장소로 각광받고 있다.

 29일 대구보건대학에 따르면 이날 오후 1시부터 대학 인당박물관에서 'TV쇼 진품명품 출장감정 대구시 북구편'이 녹화됐다.

 이번 촬영에는 대학 교직원뿐만 아니라 지역 주민들이 소지한 도자기, 민속품, 그림, 고서 등 모두 150편이 출품돼 당초 예상 녹화시간인 2시간을 넘어 3시간 이상 소요됐다.

 특히 이번 촬영에서 출장감정 역사상 최고 감정가인 2억원 가치의 병풍이 소개 돼 눈길을 끌기도 했다.

 제작진은 "좋은 물품들이 너무 많아 2회 방송을 고려하고 있다"며 "대학과 주민 등의 적극적인 협조로 출장감정 사상 가장 촬영이 순조롭게 마무리됐다"고 전했다.

 이날 촬영분은 4월24일 방송 예정이다.



대구보건대학 인당아트홀에서 지난달 27, 28일 구혜선, 박경림 등이 출연한 드라마 더 뮤지컬이 촬영되고 있다.(사진제공=대구보건대학)                

 앞서 지난달 27, 28일 이틀간 대학 곳곳에서 구혜선, 옥주현, 박경림, 최다니엘 등이 주연한 드라마 '더 뮤지컬' 촬영이 진행됐다.

 대학 인당아트홀과 인당아트센터, 뷰티코디네이션과 실습실, 멀티미디어실, 캠퍼스 잔디광장 등이 주요 촬영 장소였다.

 특히 지난달 28일 오전부터 밤까지 온종일 촬영이 진행된 인당아트홀은 국내 최고 뮤지컬 스타 배강희(옥주현 분)가 주인공 고은비(구혜선 분)를 심사하는 장면 등이 이어지는 등 드라마의 하이라이트 무대로 활용됐다.

 오는 10월 16부작 방송을 목표로 막바지 촬영을 하고 있는 이 드라마는 뮤지컬 배우들의 꿈과 사랑을 그린 뮤지컬 드라마다.

 박은규(46.안경광학과 교수) 인당아트홀 관장은 "대학 캠퍼스가 아름답고 내부 시설이 뛰어나다는 것이 소문나면서 그 동안  많은 영화나 드라마 제작사 측에서 캠퍼스를 배경으로 촬영하자는 제안이 끊이지 않았다"며 "이번 촬영을 계기로 영화나 드라마 촬영이  이어질 것으로 보이며 대학뿐만 아니라 지역 홍보에도 큰 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다"고 말했다.


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Guest susAmerica

I will summarize all of your postsfrom bottom up. Thanks SO MUCH to meow13 and natali and dewimoar. Thank you SO MUCH to marjkisstherain for your post about AD!

Meow13's post about the DaeGoo Health/Medical University(DBU) campus news: DBU's museum was the location for the 29th filming of the various rare and precious traditional and artistic items owned by the university professors and residents--about 150 items. DBU is a very beautiful and well-equipped campus which is constantly used by film-makers as location shots. This film will air on April 24th. ON Feb 27 and 28th, THEMU drama team were there to film all day and night. 오는 10월 16부작 방송을 목표로 막바지 촬영을 하고 있는 이 드라마는 뮤지컬 배우들의 꿈과 사랑을 그린 뮤지컬 드라마다=This 16-episode drama is planning to air this coming October and is a musical drama about the love and dreams of musical actors. (Should we get excited all over again??)


Dewimoar's post: Seoul Motor Show will have a special appearance by GHS on Sunday, April 3rd. (Maybe that day, GHS will also have a fan-signing??)


Natali's post about YG's actress Yoo InNa. She was featured in an aticle and she made a reference to GHS. It appears that Yoo InNa is becoming a very popular actress. A recently previewed movie called Black Mini-Dress starring Yoo InNa with Yoon EunHae and Park HanByul. She also wrote the script and made a 10-minute smartphone movie which won a special award. (It did not say from where she won the award). She says that it was extremely hard to make a movie, albeit 10 min, and she thought she would pull all her hair out. That is why she could understand why directors like GHS wants to make movies and she also understood what the directors may want from actresses more deeply. She says that she would like to focus on becoming a great actress at this point. The movie, Black Mini-Dress, has YOo InNa playing a comical role and has love line with YuKiss's 12 years younger idol member, DongHO?? (Sorry I read the article and forgot to remember the idol's name but I think he is the youngest member of YuKiss.) She also said that her favorite male and female idol groups are YG's Big Bang and 2NE1--not because they are part of her agency but because she really likes them.

GHS and the Great Dane for Toyota Corolla is starting a pre-arranged sale starting March 31st.


Meow13's post of GHS's recent tweet: "I am at the movie location, in the middle of working. I am posting my old pix that make me look like a pitiable blob." :w00t:

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hello Sunnies :)

@dewimoar,meow,nat, thanks for all your articles I really appreciate it ;)

@sue as always thanks for your lovely english translation I love you :)

Thanks sunnies for pictures, tweet, links just love it :)

Have a great day :)

GHS love always :)


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Hyesun at the Seoul Motor Show Today









credit: as labelled



@moya27 구혜선이 젤 예쁘넹.ㅋ 도요타 모델로 특별참석~twitter.com


@philchung1204 구혜선 at seoul motor show press conference

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pink fairy thank you for all the pictures of GHS from seoul motor show..

sue thank you for always translating for us!

i was looking at the picture of the other cars and their models at philchungs twitter and it really made me more proud of GHS..im sorry to say this but all the other car models were all so pretty and dressed up well but toyota had attract the most people..GHS(with her suit and white inside shirt,skinny jeans and of course her signature high heeled shoes and the simplest among the models there) didn't fail them she really proved to them that she is worth to be the ambassador for toyota..i guess it really makes a difference when you're a celebrity model..

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pink fairy thank you for all the pictures of GHS from seoul motor show..

sue thank you for always translating for us!

i was looking at the picture of the other cars and their models at philchungs twitter and it really made me more proud of GHS..im sorry to say this but all the other car models were all so pretty and dressed up well but toyota had attract the most people..GHS(with her suit and white inside shirt,skinny jeans and of course her signature high heeled shoes and the simplest among the models there) didn't fail them she really proved to them that she is worth to be the ambassador for toyota..i guess it really makes a difference when you're a celebrity model..

Thanks to meow, dewimoar, nat, minjee, pinkfairty and to all sunnies for always sharing to us your articles, pix, tweets etc.. and to you too sue for your never ending accurate translation for us.. :wub:

GHS is really pretty. :wub: I've also visited philchungs twitter and yes you're right prettywiz. GHS doesn't need to dress like the other models coz she is the only one who caught the eyes of all the photographer and most of them were men. For sure they were mesmerized by GHS beauty .. :D:wub:

Have a good day !!! :)

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hello to all my Sunniez sista and all minsun sista ^^

thanx for always sharing the latest news bout our lovely Goo Hye Sun.

love her new CF ( Toyota Corolla) she was so georgeous and looking so fresh.

and her new CF NIKON ( on photo shoot) she's looking so boyish but look so lovely.

and thanx for the translation for us. please always up dating news bout GHS.

can't really wait for her up comming drama Absolute Boyfriend and still curious bout the lead male ( coz Wu Zhun had resign from entertainment)

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오늘 서울모터쇼에서 만난 연예인 중에서 가장 좋은 연예인을 꼽으라면.. http://twitpic.com/4fa5mn 개인적으로 구혜선씨.. 가까이서 봐도 예쁘네요.


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