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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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looks like this news hasn't been posted? not her news but related.

Wu Chun drops out of Absolute Boyfriend and remains without contract

It has also been leaked that Wu Chun has dropped out of both his upcoming series (Absolute Boyfriend) and movie (Summer Holiday 2) leading to many speculations of him preparing to leave the entertainment industry.

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http://yfrog.com/h41etgjj 오늘 입학식에 참석한 구혜선 학우입니다. 2011학번 새내기~ (근데 사진올려도 되나?)


http://yfrog.com/h41etgjj 오늘 입학식에 참석한 구혜선 학우입니다. 2011학번 새내기~ (근데 사진올려도 되나?)

— 장석종 (@treviang)

February 23, 2011

성대입학식 갔다가는길,구혜선언니의 입학식참석ㅋㅋ애들소리지르고 난리도아니었당

성대입학식 갔다가는길,구혜선언니의 입학식참석ㅋㅋ애들소리지르고 난리도아니었당

— Jang yun kyoung (@JangYK)

February 23, 2011

구혜선이 입학식에오니 학교가 빛났다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ http://t.co/IbbzM3y http://t.co/LEwzL1t 우리.일행이 차 앞에서 손을 흔드니까 창문을 내리고 인사해줬다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

구혜선이 입학식에오니 학교가 빛났다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ http://t.co/IbbzM3y http://t.co/LEwzL1t 우리.일행이 차 앞에서 손을 흔드니까 창문을 내리고 인사해줬다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

— Hwang Bo-kyung (@HBK_P)

February 23, 2011

구혜선느님 오늘 입학 하악하악 명륜캠에서 볼 수 있겠구나 너무 기쁘다ㅋㅋ



우리는 모두 소녀다?! 감성 종결자, 구헤선 감독이 만드는 서울국제여성영화제 트레일러 http://durl.me/68cu7

[ #Tistory ]우리는 모두 소녀다?! 감성 종결자, 구헤선 감독이 만드는 서울국제여성영화제 트레일러 http://durl.me/68cu7

— 서울국제여성영화제 (@SIWFF)

February 23, 2011



2011학년도 성균관대학교 입학식 실무단

2011-02-23 18:27:48

예술학부로 입학한 11학번 구혜선

거짓말안하고 1미터앞에서 봤다ㄷㄷ

얼굴이 완전 주먹만함;; CD로 가려진다는게 거짓이 아닌듯


생각해 보니 전 대학원 다니는데.. 구혜선은 저랑 동갑인데 학부 신입생.. 그런데도... 왜 이렇게 풋풋할까요...ㅠ_ㅠ http://t.co/uTqCwmV

성균관대 입학식에 온 구혜선.. 처음 보고 합성한줄 알았습니다.;;;

생각해 보니 전 대학원 다니는데.. 구혜선은 저랑 동갑인데 학부 신입생.. 그런데도... 왜 이렇게 풋풋할까요...ㅠ_ㅠ http://t.co/uTqCwmV

— 정향민 (@blindfish_)

February 23, 2011

성균관대 11학번 구혜선!!!

오늘 이색 입학식 성균관대 수원 캠퍼스 취재 갔다가

입학식에 참석한 배우 구혜선!!! ^^


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One more pic Hye Sun @ Sungkyunkwan University:D


최다니엘-이준혁, 구혜선 연출 '복숭아나무' 우정출연

스포츠투데이 원문 기사전송 2011-02-23 14:48


[스포츠투데이 고경석 기자]최다니엘과 이준혁이 구혜선이 연출하는 두 번째 장편영화 ‘복숭아 나무’에 우정출연한다.

23일 구혜선의 소속사에 따르면 구혜선 감독의 동화적인 판타지 영화 ‘복숭아 나무’의 세 주인공으로 조승우, 류덕환, 남상미가 결정됐으며 최다니엘과 이준혁이 우정출연하기로 결정했다.

드라마 '수상한 삼형제'의 이준혁과 시트콤 '지붕뚫고 하이킥', 영화 '시라노; 연애조작단'의 최다니엘은 구혜선과 친분으로 이번 영화에 참여하기로 한 것으로 알려졌다.

두 배우 외에도 구혜선의 첫 번째 연출작 '요술'의 두 주인공인 임지규와 서현진도 우정출연할 예정이다.

구혜선이 직접 설립한 ‘구혜선필름’의 창립작품인 '복숭아 나무'는 올 봄 크랭크인을 목표로 한창 준비 중에 있다.

credit : http://news.nate.com/view/20110223n15646


구혜선 영화 `복숭아나무` 캐스팅 확정…조승우·최다니엘 합류

SPN 원문 기사전송 2011-02-23 14:50


[이데일리 SPN 장서윤 기자] 배우 구혜선이 연출하는 두 번째 장편영화 `복숭아 나무`가 캐스팅을 확정, 올 봄 촬영에 돌입한다.

구혜선의 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트는 23일 "세 남녀주인공 조승우 류덕환 남상미에 이어 서현진, 임지규, 이준혁, 최다니엘 등이 우정출연을 결정했다"고 밝혔다.

특히 조승우는 군 제대 후 첫 복귀작으로 구혜선의 영화를 택해 눈길을 모으고 있다.

`복숭아나무`는 샴 쌍둥이 형제가 겪는 이야기를 다룬 작품으로 판타지적인 성격이 가미된 중장편이 될 전망이다.

한편 이번 작품은 지속적인 영화제작을 위해 구혜선이 직접 설립한 ‘구혜선필름’의 창립작으로 올 봄 크랭크인을 목표로 한창 준비 중에 있다.


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WOW!! there's more and more updates about "Peach Tree" so after Jo Seung Woo now Choi Daniel and Lee Jun Hyuk will join have a cameo in the movie. I do feel this movie will be bigger than her first one,,,,just by looking at the cast :D WOWOWOW!! so exciting!! it's nice to see her celebrity friends joining her project. I do know HS has become good friends with Choi Daniel and he even calls her "Eun Bi" . :D Anyway, thanks for all the updates sue, luvusn, bunbao, meow13, nat,thuhang, first snow & all SUNNIES! It's nice to see some fancams, FA's and pics of Hyesun @ the SungKyungKwan opening ceremony :D :D :D

looks like this news hasn't been posted? not her news but related.

Wu Chun drops out of Absolute Boyfriend and remains without contract

It has also been leaked that Wu Chun has dropped out of both his upcoming series (Absolute Boyfriend) and movie (Summer Holiday 2) leading to many speculations of him preparing to leave the entertainment industry.

OMO is this true?!?!?!? ANDWAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( I also hope hyesun doesn't drop this project

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Guest first_snow

Choi Daniel-Lee JoonHyuk are going to appear in Ku Hyesun's 'Peach Tree' to show their friendship

Ku Hyesun's second featured film received many attentions. Choi Daniel and Lee JoonHyuk are going to have cameo appearance in Ku Hyesun's movie to show off their friendship.

According to the agency, "This is a movie about fantasy, the three main actors were confirmed. They are Jo SeungWoo, Ryu DukHwan and Nam SangMi. And now, Choi Daniel and Lee JoonHyuk is going to join the team for cameo appearance."

Lee JoonHyuk acted in the drama 'Three Brothers' whereas Choi Daniel acted in drama 'High Kick Through The Roof' and movie 'Cyrano: Dating Agency'. The reason for both actors to appear in the movie because they would like to show their strong friendship.

On the other hand, the main actors for Ku Hyesun's first feature film 'YoSool', Seo HyunJin and Lim JiGyu are going to have cameo appearance in 'Peach Tree' too.

Recently, Ku Hyesun has established a new production company under 'Ku Hyesun Film'. Ku Hyesun will begin shooting 'Peach Tree' in Spring season.

Translation credit(Chinese): Baidu Hyesun

Translation credit(English): first_snow @ soompi

Source: Nate (1) and Nate (2)

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Guest susAmerica

Woah! Woah!

Thanks so much Sunnies for the updates and pix and more.

GHS was a hit on the first day at her university. Many people are expressing how small her face is and how contented they feel having GHS in the campus.


Jo SeungWoo's Agency rep has beein saying that Jo selected PEACH TREE becauses of the interesting script and because of his belief in the director's aiblity. YEAH!!


I am so sad to hear that WuZon is no longer going to be part of AD. I wonder if GHS will also do AD?? The reason is that all the articles are saying that GHS will start cranking PEACH TREE in the spring! I also read that Jo SeungWoo ends his cycle in the musical Jekyl and Hyde in May of this year. So, GHS cannot start her movie until May, which is still spring time. I do not know what to feel--sad and happy at the same time....Does anyone have more news about AD and WuZon?? I hope we hear something from GHS's side about her participation in AD.

------------ Thanks in advance...

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thank you all for all the updates, photos and everything else, are really great.

I am delighted to see new photos of Goo Hye Sun noona.

while I am very sad that the departure of Wu Zun of Absolute Boyfriend, now what will happen with this drama? Goo Hye Sun will continue with it? will find a new actor? ... I've been reading that Park Jung Min is thinking of acting in an idol drama in Taiwan, could he be the replacement for Wu Zun?

so many questions that I hope will soon be answered ....

on the other hand I am glad that so many players will make a cameo in the new movie .... Goo Hye Sun

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Thanks first snow, luvsun, nat, bunbao for the all the updates & pics :)

Hyesun is glowing on the first day of university!

also thanks first snow & sue for the translations :)

looks like this news hasn't been posted? not her news but related.

Wu Chun drops out of Absolute Boyfriend and remains without contract

It has also been leaked that Wu Chun has dropped out of both his upcoming series (Absolute Boyfriend) and movie (Summer Holiday 2) leading to many speculations of him preparing to leave the entertainment industry.

finally this news spread out, it was originated from an interview of WuChun for Ming Pao Weekly

                                         辞演聚集电影 吴尊淡出娱乐圈

Drop out of drama & movie, Wu Chun fades out from showbiz

吴尊于去年底与经理人公司可米和华研唱片合约届满,至今两个月仍没有续约,他曾表示为了爸 爸,欲放弃唱歌,令飞轮海拆伙之说甚嚣尘上,虽然约满后他仍有唱片宣传和商演工作,但其实一直只在履行合约届满前订下的工作;不过,最近有消息指他推掉原 本答应演出与韩星具惠善合作的电视剧《绝对达令》和马楚成的电影《夏日么么茶2》,不禁令人揣测他有意退出娱乐圈。

WuChun's contract with Comic & HIM has expired at the end of last year, and has not renew for 2months since then. He expressed that he would abandon singing for his father, which leads to all the rumors about breakup of FRH. though he still went for promotion and performance of the album after the contract ends, those were the jobs set according to his previous contract. nonetheless, it is said that he has dropped out of "Absolute Darling", in which co-work with Ku Hye Sun, and "Summer Love 2" directed by Jingle Ma, and is suspected that he would leave the showbiz.

去年十二月十七日吴尊 为电影《大武生》煞科后即返回汶莱,除了为飞轮海唱片《太热》在国内和日本做宣传和商演外,其余时间都留在老家,为筹备其健身房Fitness  Zone第三间分店开幕,期间他只返过台湾工作两、三天,离开台湾时,有歌迷目睹他好像搬家一样,带了大箱小箱行李返回汶莱。

On Dec 17 last year, WC went back to Brunei right after finishing "Da Wu Sang". Apart from promotions of FRH's album "Heat" & performances in Japan & China, he remained in his home country, preparing for the 3rd branch of his gym Fitness Zone. During that period, he went for work in TW for 2-3 days. When he left TW, some fans witnessed that he seems like moving back to Brunei with lots of luggages.

最近,有消 息透露,已约满经理人公司的吴尊,没有跟公司续约,而且更先后推掉了电视剧《绝对达令》和电影《夏日么么茶2》演出,这部跟韩星具惠善合作的电视剧《绝对 达令》,去年十月五日曾在台湾举行记者会,当时还开拍了一天,不过有说中、韩、台三方合作出现问题,已取消韩国为主要拍摄地的计划,有传制作上屡见货不对 板,令吴尊无法接受,可米和八大电视目前正力挽狂澜说服他演出;此外,吴尊去年答应马楚成,于今年接拍电影《夏日么么茶2》,但年初亦已正式推辞,导演未 能找到合适人选补上,开拍计划押后。

Recently, it is leaked that WC did not renew his contract with his management company since expired, and also dropped out pf drama "Absolute Darling"  and movie "Summer Holiday 2". "Absolute Darling" co-staring Korean star Ku Hye Sun, has held a press conference in TW on Oct 5, and filming has even started for one day. But it is said that there's problem in the cooperation between China, Korea & Taiwan, the original plan to conduct most filming in Korea has been canceled (seems we never know about this plan :o ). it is rumored that the production unpromising work makes WC feel unacceptable, Comic & GTV have been trying their best to persuade him. Furthermore, WC accepted Jingle Ma's offer to star in his movie "Summer Holiday2" this year, but he rejected that early this year and the director postponed the plan since WC's replacement could be found yet.


Confessed that contract has expired for the first time

吴尊在演艺圈工作五年,在经理人公司安排下拼命工作,一年只有新年假 期,令他一直有愧于忽略家人,更萌放弃唱歌减少工作量来照顾爸爸的念头,吴父也希望儿子不再操劳,能返回汶莱过简单生活,所以约满后,吴尊已返回汶莱居 住。

WC has been working in showbiz for 5 years. Under the arrangement of his management company, he has been working non-stop with New Year as the only holiday during the years. He feel guilty for ignoring his family and planned to abandon singing to reduce his working for taking care of his father. WC's dad hopes that his son can work less and back to Brunei for simple life. thus after the contract ended, WC moved back to Brunei.

二月十三日,吴尊的Fitness  Zone第三间分店开幕,吸引数百名粉丝来到汶莱支持偶像,记者逗留汶莱四天,吴尊所到之处都是粉丝前呼后拥,还有香港粉丝开车追踪,万人迷魅力不减,接 受本刊独家专访时,他首次谈到内心想法

On Feb 13, WC's Fitness Zone opened its 3rd branch, attracted hundreds of fans to Brunei to support him. Reporter stayed in Brunei for 4 days, WC was cheered by his fans everywhere he went. there were also HK fans driving around to follow him, proving his charisma. When interviewed by our magazine, he disclosed his thoughts for th first time.

[因为我的contract道了,没有续新约,大家就联想到我不想继续做,我一直都说做得开心就继 续做,不开心就返汶莱,大家都知道娱乐圈不是我唯一的事业,公司找我倾续约,但我仍未决定自己的将来,所以hold住,约满前签了很多工作,还有工作要 做。(飞轮海其余三子一年前都续约了。)每个人都有自己的想法,我是汶莱人,不是在台湾生活,要考虑因素自然比他们多一点,要想得很清楚才能决定。(听闻 有很多公司想签你?)我没想得太远,要做的工作还是先做好才算,总之做任何决定都对得住自己,不要让自己后悔就是了。]

"Because of contract expired without renewal, everyone thought that I would not continue. I have always said that I would continue if I'm happy, and back to Brunei if not. everyone knows that showbiz is not my only business. Management company contacted me for contract renewal but I have decided my future yet thus put it on hold. Lots of works have accepted before contract expired, and I still have works to do (other 3 members has renewed their contract last year) Everyone has his own thought, I am from Brunei, not living in Taiwan, so there are more considering factors for me. I have to think thoroughly before making a decision. (heard that there were many companies want to sign contract with you?) I have thought that much, if I work I have to work my best, It is for my own good for any decision made, I don't want to be regret."

对于推掉《绝对达 令》和《夏日么么茶2》,他说:[《绝对达令》死档期不能配合,四至八月我都要为《阳光天使》和《大武生》宣传,要看公司安排,《夏日么么茶2》仍在洽谈 中,公司仍帮我倾紧很多电影。(放弃唱歌的想法有没有改变?)未来我想放多些时间在想做的事情上,飞轮海刚出了唱片,下一张也不知何时会出,都没有想太多 了。]

regarding dropping out of "Absolute Darling" & " Summer Holiday2", he said, "Absolute Darling" is due to schedule clash, I have to do promotions for "Summer Angel" & "Da Wu Sang" during April to August, it depends on company's arrangement. "Summer Holiday2" is still in liaison, my company is negotiating many movies right now. (any change of mind in abandon singing?) I originally plan to put more time on the thing that I want to do. FRH's album has just released and do not know when would be the next thus I have not thought much about that."

I would skip the rest as they are purely about WC


至于上次离开台湾返汶莱好像搬家一样,吴尊说:[当然啊!汶莱才是我真正的家,当然要将自己东西带回家, (看到你在汶莱很开心,真的没有想过退出吗?)有少少想,哈哈!因为我很想念家人,回到家很开心,另一方面是内疚,对家人和健身室的staff一样,过往 没好好照顾爸爸,他的腰和腿有事又不能陪他看医生,我的stadd在工作上常要等我的指引和决定,但我没有时间理他们,所以我一拍完《大武生》就回来跟进 开新店事宜,这两个月,放很多时间在这边工作,尽力做最多的事,跟员工开户,听会员意见,了解要改善的地方,尽力弥补。]

五年来赚到不少 钱,感觉满足吗?

[我本来就生活不错,但不想用爸爸的钱,自己赚到钱,可以take  care自己的生活是很有成就感,但同时那种满足感觉是一半一半,因为失去的一半是没有时间陪家人,也失去了**,我其实对演艺事业没有信心,大部分的动 力是来自我的fans,没有他们赚多多钱也难撑下去,我的信心是他们给我,所以不会轻易说退出,我会继续做,不过需要很大的**,喜欢的工作才接。]

是 不是因为五年工作量太多,所以希望有更大**?

[辛苦都应该,是要有牺牲,当初签一间公司,都不知自己会不会红,所以很尊重公司的决定,红了,同 样尊重公司,我很珍惜每一天在工作里学到的东西,好伙食不好也会增加experience,对**后做的每一个决定都有帮助,我比较幸运,就算多辛苦都会 用好正面的想法去看每一件事。]

吴尊一直忙于第三间分店开张,新年期间,他曾举家十六人到澳洲度岁。[我常常没时间陪家人,每一年新年有 假期,就会很期待一家人去玩和吃东西,尤其是今年多了一个新成员,是姐姐十个月大的儿子,感觉特别热闹,我陪爸爸到赌场玩,他赢了几千汶币(约港币几万 元),足够我们这个旅程的膳食和shopping费用,蛮不错啊!]



WC has confessed that there's problem (schedule clash) for him to continue working for AD. Hopefully his management company & GTV can work out a solution and there is no confirmation from production company about his drop out yet. Seems there are many problem with TW drama production recently, there's also news about Ariel Lin drop out of Extravagant Challenge, which stars Siwon  & Donghae. Not sure Hyesun's plan / schedule to Taiwan... Let's hope for the best

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Thanks Sunnies for all the updates :D, HS is so fresh&shine with green :wub:. i really hope HS will not drop out of AD, and the production company will only find a replacement of WuChun if he's completely out from AD, let's pray :)

[ #Tistory ]우리는 모두 소녀다?! 감성 종결자, 구헤선 감독이 만드는 서울국제여성영화제 트레일러 http://durl.me/68cu7




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Guest susAmerica

Hello Sunnies!

natali, thanks for your YT of GHS at SGGU!

meow13, thanks for more news about WuZon.

All of a sudden, I am feeling fine and good about what is happening with WuZon.

Perhaps GHS influenced him on his contemplation about what he really wants from his life. GHS did the same thing with her own life! Remember?!

I hope that WZ finds happiness in whatever he decides....not for his fans or his agency or his members of Fahrenheit---but what would give him most joy and satisfaction for the rest of his life. WZ FIGHTING! GHS FIGHTING and all Sunnies, FIGHTING!!

keke don't mind my giddiness...

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110221 ETN - Ku Hye Sun's never ending challenge for an all-round entertainer

만능엔터테이너 구혜선의 쉼 없는 도전!




 [촬영 장면]

소설, 음악, 영화 등 다양한 분야에서 탁월한 끼를  보여주고 있는 노력파 배우 구혜선씨. 스타일리시한 영상감각으로 영화감독으로도 주목받고 있는 그녀의 트레일러 촬영 현장 지금 함께 하시죠.  

초청작 상영 전 선보이는 영화제의 대표 영상물 트레일러의 메가폰을 잡은 구혜선씨. 배우가 아닌 영화감독의 모습으로 대중들 앞에 선  그녀. 모니터는 진지하게 동선도 꼼꼼히 체크하는 모습에서 강한 카리스마가 느껴졌는데요.

Q:[인터뷰-구혜선]연출할 때 기분이  어떤지?

Q:[인터뷰-구혜선]트레일러 제작을 맡은 소감?

Q:[인터뷰-구혜선]제작하는 트레일러의  콘셉트는?

중앙선 안전지대에 놓인 그랜드 피아노 앞에서 육칠십 년대 여고생 교복을 입고 열연한 구혜선씨. 감독과 배우 1인  2역을 맡아 눈길을 끌었습니다.

Q:[인터뷰-구혜선]연기와 연출 중 어떤 분야에 더 애착이  가는지?

도로 위에서 촬영하느라 많은 이들이 고생했지만 영상물의 판타지적 특성상 필요한 부분이었다는 구혜선씨. 고생하는  스태프를 위해 핫 팩을 건넵니다.

도심의 광범위한 공간 속에서 여성의 모습 그리고 음악을 통해 세대를 뛰어넘는 따뜻한 교류를  그려낼 트레일러. 때론 카리스마 넘치는 모습으로 때론 애교 있는 모습으로 현장을 장악한 구혜선씨의 활약으로 더 기대되는 영상물. 3월 초 열릴  서울국제여성영화제에서 최초로 공개된다고 하니 완성작은 그때까지 기다려야 할 것 같네요.

단편영화 '유쾌한 도우미'와 장편영화  '요술'로 다재다능한 재능을 인정받은 구혜선씨. 그녀가 선보일 감각적이면서도 세련된 영상이 기대됩니다.  

Q:[인터뷰-구혜선]최강 동안이자 꿀 피부로 인정받고 있는데?

Q:[인터뷰-구혜선]앞으로의  활동계획?

Q:[인터뷰-구혜선]시청자 여러분께

팔방미인, 아름다운 배우 구혜선씨. 다양한 분야에서 빛나는 그녀의  활동 앞으로도 늘 응원하겠습니다.

credit ietn.co.kr

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Guest susAmerica

@wkd90 으흐흐흐, 구혜선 언니는 대만에 영화 찍으러 나가셔서 MC 힘들 것 같아요. MC는 아직 선정되지 않았습니다~.


Thanks natali for the vid clip of GHS on film location for her trailer for WFFIS. I cannot watch it now but the Korean excerpt below the clip seems like what the reporter in the video must have said--all the things that we know. There are list of questions that reporter asked but no GHS answers. I guess I have to look at the vid clip later.

Above tweet is from someone what must have either asked or wants GHS to be a MC for some event. But the tweeter says that GHS will be leaving to Taiwan to make a drama and cannot be do the mc......(My feeling is that Koreans in Korea do not yet know that there is a problem with WuZon??!! Or do they know that GHS will still go to Taiwan to make AD??!! :wacko:

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인사말 당신 스콰드 혜인 일에 대한 새해 당신에게 많은 성공과 번영을하고자 및 신규 사업에 곧 당신을보고 기대 페루의 국가 부채의 특별 여기에 라틴 아메리카에서 주로 페루로 전송됩니다.

그럼 난 여기 페루 당신의 많은 추종자의 요청에 따라 올해 꽃 소년을 전송하려면 여기를 페루에 언급이 매우 아름다운 드라마의 릴리스에 대한 열망 아르 다들 ..

내가 당신에게 당신이 가지고있는 훌륭한 인재를 admires 사람의 최고의 소원 둡니다. 잘 난 언젠가 우리가 페루를 방문 희망 당신을 사랑 많은 팬들이 있습니다 ..

좋아, 내가 신경을 당신은이 메시지를 읽고 희망과 사과 오류를 맞춤법에 대해 수행할 작별 인사를하고 의사 소통에 구글 번역기를 사용하고 있습니다.

@koohs 좋아, 내가 신경을 당신은이 메시지를 읽고 희망과 사과 오류를 맞춤법에 대해 수행할 작별 인사를하고 의사 소통에 구글 번역기를 사용하고 있습니다.

— tania judith (@liajudith17)

February 25, 2011


'THE 뮤지컬' 드라마 촬영~

2011.2.19 구혜선 나오는 'THE 뮤지컬' 드라마 촬영~

이곳은 내가 근무하는 응급실~^^

2월 27일(일)에 다시 촬영하러 온다네요~ㅎ


정보입수 : 2/27 더 뮤지컬 드라마 촬영 구혜선, 옥주현, 최다니엘 아침9시~오후2시까지 촬영 ㅇㅅㅇ乃

정보입수 : 2/27 더 뮤지컬 드라마 촬영 구혜선, 옥주현, 최다니엘 아침9시~오후2시까지 촬영 ㅇㅅㅇ乃

— Son HyungJin (@_JiiiiiiNi_)

February 25, 2011
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