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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest GHSfan

Oh, and one last little msg:

Any silent readers on this page, pls feel free to join us. Don't worry if you can't read Korean or anything, Sunnies are always there to help one another =D rite, Sunnies? ^^ By reading this page for updates, you're already a great fan of Hye Sun onnie~! >_< So just join us~! =D

** hi to all

i agree with Jean-Star :D thanks dear..language itself is not a barrier..Hye Sun unites us here & i`m proud, happy fan to be counted as one..go sunnies!!

sue, thanks so so much for all the translations :D too many beautiful lines to quote..most of us cannot access ipoll site..hope by tomorrow it`s fixed already..i know that to many, it has been a habit voting there..not surprised if it seems addicting :)

jee, thanks for the vid, tweet, pics, cute gif & article :D

hello to sas, dahlia, siomy, thtlam, lxandra, junpyo.jandi, memeo & to all sunnies out there :D

just found this CF..Hye Sun is in the later part..dunno what particular ad is this..




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Guest susAmerica

Thanks minjee for the articles.

[='minjee' date='Apr 23 2010, 10:35 AM' post='15807703']

이민호, 구혜선 영화 출연 죽어도 싫다?


배우 이민호가 구혜선 영화에 출연하지 않은 이유를 털어놨다.

Actor Lee Min Ho reveals why he did not act for GHS's movie.

23일 방송된 MBC <섹션TV 연예통신>에 출연한 이민호는 <꽃보다 남자>에서 함께 출연했던 구혜선과 연락을 자주 하느냐는 질문을 받고 “가끔 한다.”고 대답했다.

LMH of <BOF> was asked by <SectionTV Entertainment News> ,which was broadcast on April 23, if he keeps in touch with GHS. He said that he sometimes=ga-ggeum calls her.

최근 영화 감독으로 데뷔한 구헤선을 두고 이민호는 “나에게 넌지시 영화하자고 말을 했다.”며 “죽어도 싫다고 했다.”고 고백했다.

He revealed this fact about GHS who recently made debut as a director. She asked LMH secretly to do a movie with her. He told her, "I would not to the point of death."

이어 그는 “파트너였다가 감독님이라고 해야 하니까 (불편할 것 같았다.)”며 “내가 말도 안 들을 것 같았다.”고 솔직하게 털어놨다.

LMH states that his honest reasons are: "To have acted as her partner and then to switch and address her as Director-nim would (feel uncomfortable). He also felt that he most likely would not listen to her directions."

한편, 이민호는 현재 MBC 수목드라마 <개인의 취향>에서 전지호 역으로 여성 시청자들의 마음을 설레게 만들고 있다.

Curently, LMH plays the lead role, Jun Jin Ho. in Wed-Thu Drama <Personal Taste> and exciting the hearts of many female viewers.

Another article?

이민호 "구혜선 영화 출연 제의, 불편해서 거절했다"

LMH says: "I rejected GHS's proposal for him to act in her movie due to discomfort."

배우 이민호가 KBS2 '꽃보다 남자'에 함께 출연했던 구혜선이 자신에게 영화 출연 제의를 했다고 밝혀 눈길을 끌었다.

LMH expressed that he was approached by GHS to act in her movie.이민호는 23일 오후 방송된 MBC '섹션TV 연예통신'에 출연해 장편영화 감독으로 데뷔한 구혜선에게 영화 출연 제의는 없었냐는 질문에 "출연 제의가 있었지만 한때 (드라마에서) 파트너였던 구혜선과 감독-배우로 만나는 것이 불편해 거절했다"고 웃으며 말했다.

summary: LMH rejected the offer because it would be too uncomfortable for him to switch the relationship to Director-Actor with GHS who played his partner in BOF.

그는 또 콤플렉스를 묻는 질문에는 "얼굴부터 살이 찌는 것"이라고 답했다.

LMH's personal complex: "My face becomes chubby first."

ADD:[color="#FF0000"] (I think I understand. How can he listen to GHS as a director when he is the one who nicknamed GHS as Goo-Cho-Ding=elementary school ding. She has teased him on the BOF set as seen by BTS and she has also called him, I believe, "a fat-face" when they were taking pix in Japan promotion. I am sure it would be too hard for him to show respect to GHS. hahahahha :D )

현재 손예진과 MBC '개인의 취향'에 출연 중인 그는 '이민호의 취향'에 대해서는 "사람의 매력에 빠지는 편"이라며 "엉뚱한 면이건 청순한 면이건 그 사람만의 매력에 빠진다"고 말했다. LMH was asked about his own personal taste: "I tend to fall for the person's charm. Whether she is ung-ddong (I hate this word because it has too many meanings in the Korean dictionary, including 4-D!) or pure/good-hearted=chung-soon (another Korean word that is hard for me to translate because what do Koreans mean when someone over 21 is pure? So I said "kind-hearted" Hope you do not mind.), I just fall for that person's charm. (I don;t know what he means---does he mean he likes a female who is ung-ddoong and chung-soon and charming or just ung-ddong and chung-soon and those two qualities are charming? confusing.)



ps hi GHSfan,

I remember seeing those 2 pix of GHS that you posted just above me.

That was few years ago when GHS was encouraging people to go out there and vote with "Joyful minds."

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thanks for the speedy translation SUE! :)

actually here is the vid: click me please

~ I remember LMH said that Hyesun asked him to look at her script but he was so busy and then hyesun said she was not interested to cast him anyways..I thought it was just for fun I never thought that she really meant to offer him the role thus by asking him to look at it :) ..

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Thanks jee for the article and sue for the translation. Also thanks for the full translations on Talkshow Rock :)

I guess Minho could hardly listen to Hyesun if she becomes his director-nim, since he likes teasing her all the time :lol:

In case anyone wants to watch the interview, here's the link (the part talk about Hyesun starts at around 3:50)


wave to all sunniez and thanks for all the goodies shared. Have a great weekend!

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annyong sunnies :)

koohs : 어릴적 일입니다. 어머니께서 아침마다 예쁘게 머리를 땋아주셨는데요. 언니와 똑같이 양쪽으로 땋아 한바퀴 돌려주셨습니다. 다이애나(빨강머리 앤 친구) 머리라고 불렸는데요. 방과후엔 언니는 그대로 다이애나 였고, 전 감옥 안 춘향이였습니다.ㅎ 8 minutes ago via twtkr


wow..she's tweet again..

koohs : 때문에 어머니는 하루에 두번씩 제 머리를 손질해 주셨는데요.중학생이 되어 머리를 자르니 어머니가 조금 서운해하셨습니다. 그 이후 어머니는 직접 제 머리를 잘라주시기 시작했는데요. 재미가 붙으셨는지 전보다 더 좋아하셨습니다. 저는 몽실이가 되었지요. 3 minutes ago via twtkr

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~~ hello to everyone

omg just a matter of almost 2 days & there`s a lot to read..i like those tweets..i can`t believe Hye Sun could do such series of constant sharings & can`t imagine her to be open like that but of course i love & respect her that way..as i said, whatever she does, i have enough trust & confidence in her..whatever she`s more comfortable at doing, i wanna let her enjoy every moment of it..every instance is a continuous learning experience..i know in the process, she`ll get to apprehend more many aspects of things around her..

sue, meow, sas, jee, webby, lolli, smdrma, dewimoar, thanks for the vids & translations esp. for the Talkshow Rock parts & tweets, articles/news, pics, etc.. :D

hart, so we`re both making it up to finish reading 3 pages :D

gfxsky, it`s your first post in soompi..welcome to the thread :D

hello to blooming, billie, xiaomaii, sammi02, jandi_girl, ais730, jelita, cheng, thtlam, nasha, regie & to all the sunnies out there :D aja!! fighting!!

(3 days more to go for ipoll :D Hye Sun FTW!! )

GHSfan~i think i fell asleep when im half-way through the 3 pages :lol: and now 2 pages more to read on...but i'll make sure i wont fall asleep anymore...so much exciting news today :rolleyes:

Goo Hye Sun part @ 2:46


Hyesun on twitter today

koohs 넷째 만두녀석이 제 무릎위에 올라왔습니다. 녀석이 잘근잘근 소리를 내며 뭘 씹는데요. 제 바지자락입니다. 밥풀 몇개가 붙어 있습니다. 저는 옷에 뭘 잘 흘리고 먹는데요. 어무니는 싫어하시고 개들은 좋아합니다. ㅎ

34 minutes ago via twtkr

Hyesun is saying that mandoo jumps on her knee, chewing her pants and eats the dropped grains of pap (rice) that's left on her pants...it's so cute!!! little mandoo and Hyesun eoni! :D

Oh btw, is anyone here also having trouble opening the ipoll??....I know many can't open it :( ...I think because the server is very busy at the moment, I hope it works again...I also wonder if Hyesun is on her way to Japan right now... :) we just have to wait and see....

jee~thanks for posting this vid as well as many other updates on GHS...kudos to you for sharing all of these :D

kinda sad because the ipoll is somehow experiencing "heavy traffic"

Good Morning Sunnies, Omg so much update, thanks everybody i had to catch up and i think im up to date now, its been a busy week thank god its friday and im off :):)

Hart it was nice chatting with you 2 days ago hope your feeling better :(

Mha, Minjee, Sue, Meow, Nat, Sas and everybody else I miss you guys hope we spazzz later...

Belindaz congrats fan of the week :) :)

GHS love Always :):)

Dahlia~my condition has improved already...thanks to pain killers i guess :D but i still need that rehab program to remove the stress completely....hope to chat with you again!

Sue~BIG WAVE to you! you always come to the rescue with the fast translations....esp the interview of Minho where GHS was mentioned...happy to know he still calls her :rolleyes:

Sas & Meow~big THANKS as well! for sharing Minho's interview...it made my day :D

Jean-Star~BIG WAVE to you too for encouraging silent readers to post here...for GHS, everyone is WELCOME and be part of the FAMILY here!


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Is this the same tweet? I just read this and it's almost 1:00 in the afternoon here in California so HS is staying up really late!

koohs 때문에 어머니는 하루에 두번씩 제 머리를 손질해 주셨는데요.중학생이 되어 머리를 자르니 어머니가 조금 서운해하셨습니다. 그 이후 어머니는 직접 제 머리를 잘라주시기 시작했는데요. 재미가 붙으셨는지 전보다 더 좋아하셨습니다. 저는 몽실이가 되었지요.

about 1 hour ago via twtkr

Reply Retweet koohs 어릴적 일입니다. 어머니께서 아침마다 예쁘게 머리를 땋아주셨는데요. 언니와 똑같이 양쪽으로 땋아 한바퀴 돌려주셨습니다. 다이애나(빨강머리 앤 친구) 머리라고 불렸는데요. 방과후엔 언니는 그대로 다이애나 였고, 전 감옥 안 춘향이였습니다.ㅎ

about 2 hours ago via twtkr

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks for the twitter!

[name='dewimoar' date='Apr 23 2010, 01:17 PM' post='15808292']

annyong sunnies :)

어릴적 일입니다. 어머니께서 아침마다 예쁘게 머리를 땋아주셨는데요. 언니와 똑같이 양쪽으로 땋아 한바퀴 돌려주셨습니다. 다이애나(빨강머리 앤 친구) 머리라고 불렸는데요. 방과후엔 언니는 그대로 다이애나 였고, 전 감옥 안 춘향이였습니다.ㅎ about 2 hours ago via twtkr (I trans. 4/23 at 3:40PM usNJ time)

This happened when I was little. Every morning, my mother braided my hair very prettily. She also did it exactly the same for my sister. She would part hair to make two even braids and then turn the two braids into a complete one circle around the head. The style was called Diana’s head (a red-headed child? friend). After school, my sister’s Diana’s head would be intact while mine turned into Choon-Hyang’s hair while she was imprisoned. (Hahahah. GHS kills me!!! :D GHS really must have been a tomboy! You guys know the story of Choon-Hyang?)

때문에 어머니는 하루에 두번씩 제 머리를 손질해 주셨는데요.중학생이 되어 머리를 자르니 어머니가 조금 서운해하셨습니다. 그 이후 어머니는 직접 제 머리를 잘라주시기 시작했는데요. 재미가 붙으셨는지 전보다 더 좋아하셨습니다. 저는 몽실이가 되었지요. about 1 hour ago via twtkr (I trans 4/23 at 3:51PM usNJ time)

Because of that, my mother had to style my hair twice a day everyday. When I became a junior high school student, I cut my hair short. I think my mother felt a bit sad about that. After that, my mother personally started to cut my hair. I think she became very interested in styling hair more than before. I became a mong-shil=?( Plump child? No, she was never plump,,,a guinea pig?? Does anyone have an idea what that means?)

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Sue - Thanks for the translation. Hye Sun is very active on her Twitter. Isn't she supposed to be in Japan though?

The word Mong Shil is another word for plump/fat. See below...

As for the Diana hairstyle. At first I thought it was Princess Diana, but it didn't make sense because Princess D was a blonde. So I went to my mom and she said that she's probably referring to the Roman goddess Diana who artists have portrayed as having red hair and often the style is braided as Hye Sun described. [LOL! I don't know why I couldn't have remembered this since my name is Diana]

Here are some photos of the Roman goddess Diana [who is the equivalent of the Greek Goddess Artemis] who would be the equivalent of a leader of a feminist movement of the 21st century and also protected children. She was the goddess of the moon. [Credit: Wikipedia]

DianaLouvre.jpg - This one is actually of Artemis who was also the goddess of hunting.

Red.jpg - This is an artists depiction of the Roman goddess Diana.

Pic credit: All posters.com

edit -

Sue - You're probably right. She could be saying that she was her mother's guinea pig because she wasn't fat when she was young.

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Guest susAmerica

thanks for the speedy translation SUE! :)

actually here is the vid: click me please

~ I remember LMH said that Hyesun asked him to look at her script but he was so busy and then hyesun said she was not interested to cast him anyways..I thought it was just for fun I never thought that she really meant to offer him the role thus by asking him to look at it :) ..

Ooo, Thanks pink fairy! I prefer the speech from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

News articles can sometimes add or take away things from the original.

Thanks for the video clip of the real interview behind the article that I trans above.

It appears that LMH is doing another CF and has to imitate the dance of Hugh Grant from Nottingham Hill movie. He is having some difficulty as he feels a bit embarrassed about dancing in front of some of the fans or extras who came to particiapte in the CF (I think)

Park Seul Gi, the reporter from Section TV says that she was sick for 3 days. But when she heard that she is doing the LMH interview, she became better. She showed her energy on screen. They talked about LMH's current drama and LMH teases Park about whether she is really watching the drama. Clips of few funny scenes were shown.

Park then asked LMH's own personal taste and she said, it is not men, right?

They both laughed and LMH said, no.

LMH says that his "personal taste" changes.But, he is a type that falls for the person's charm. Sometimes he likes someone who is ung-ddong (4-D, pert, saucy, impudent, forward, different, going the wrong direction, unexpected, strange, irrelevant, inconsistent, incoherent, absurd, wild, extravagant,,,whew---I will refer to it from now on as 4-D). Sometimes he likes a person who is chung-soon (=pure...maybe kind-hearted or innocent, etc).

Park then says, that is why sometimes you like me too.

Lee says, of course, I like women who are comical as well.

Park: I heard that you also have a complex.

Lee: my face gains weight first. I want my body to gain weight but it is hard because my face gains weight too. That is why I do not sleep for two days if I have to do a CF after having rested a while. But the problem then is that my eyes may not appear clear and awake.

Park: do you keep in touch with F4 members?

Lee: (very naturally) yes, I do.

Park: how about with GHS-ssi?

Lee: (very naturally) yes, sometimes=ga-ggeum.

Park: Recently, she has made a debut as a director...

Lee: Privately, she did ask me, let's do the movie together. But I told her, Never, even if I have to die.We were partners and then to call her Director-nim,,,I felt that I won't listen/cooperate very well. I felt that, even if she would ask me to do certain things, I would not do it for her. (on the screen, it says that LMH would feel uncomfortable, but he never said that. He sounded like he just cannot treat her as a director-nim. IT is like how can you start using formal language when you have been on informal terms for a while.)

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Guest susAmerica

Sue - Mong Shil is another word for plump/fat.

Thanks LolliDoAlittle for the information.

You know what though,,I really think GHS meant that she became her mother's <guinea pig> for her mother who became very interested in hair cutting to try various hair styles on GHS. I think that makes more sense from what GHS is trying to say in her tweeter. It is just hillarious!

mong-shil means fat and plump and GHS was never that as a child---I don't think. pig is considered fat and plump. ??

I have to find a better dictionary that contains newly derived word meanings and internet abbreviated Korean language, if such is available.

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Thanks LolliDoAlittle for the information.

You know what though,,I really think GHS meant that she became her mother's <guinea pig> for her mother who became very interested in hair cutting to try various hair styles on GHS. I think that makes more sense from what GHS is trying to say in her tweeter. It is just hillarious!

mong-shil means fat and plump and GHS was never that as a child---I don't think. pig is considered fat and plump. ??

I have to find a better dictionary that contains newly derived word meanings and internet abbreviated Korean language, if such is available.

SUE!!! The word Mong Shil is another word for plump/fat. I lied. I'm never asking my dad again. Mong Shil does mean fat/plump [as my dad told me] but in this context according to my mom, Hye Sun's hair became like a model for her mom because she cut it so well. As my omma put it... "Hye Sun's hair mong shil mong shil ha da." [A hair that is cut very tightly/plump... which doesn't make sense... pretty much a very good cut. My mom actually gave me an example of my younger brother. He's fat, but his fat doesn't jiggle when he walks/ it's tight. Good thing my brother isn't on Soompi!]

HS updated again... 5 minutes ago [6:30 P.M NYC Time]

공항에 가는 길입니다. 일을 하러가는데요. 처음으로 비행기를 탄것이 예천으로 향하는 국내선이었습니다. 그때나 지금이나 비행기는 참 큽니다. 작은 사람으로 사는것도 괜찮은것 같습니다. 커다란 비행기를 탈수 있으니까요.ㅎ

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Guest susAmerica

I clicked on sadcello's twitter,

He is the cellist who acted and performed cello music in GHS's MAGIC.

We all saw him perform with GHS on the Talk Show Rock.

He quotes GHS's twitter on his twitter sometimes.

I am not going to copy them. If you click on his twitter, he has @kooh or koohs few times on his twitter.

He also must have gone to the Magic staff dinner with GHS because he says he just cooked Oh-Gyup-Sal and may not have drank anything. GHS talked about eating Oh-Gyup-Sal with the staff and came home late and that is why she broke her promise to walk with Bhap that day. (I know that Sahm-Gyup-Sal is popular pork skin barbequed over charcoal, but what kind of meat is Oh-Gyup-Sal?)

Sadcello also twitted that Magic movie that he worked with Director GHS may be invited by the Jae-Chun International Music Film Festival. Woo, I hope it is true and good luck to Magic!!

이번 구혜선 감독님과 같이 작업한 "요술"도 제천에 초대 될것 같아횸 ㅎㅎ RT @greenysea: RT @KoreaView 제천국제음악영화제에서 음악영화를 위한 지원사업을 한다고 합니다.

10:11 AM Apr 22nd via 파랑새 in reply to greenysea


New GHS twitter!!공항에 가는 길입니다. 일을 하러가는데요. 처음으로 비행기를 탄것이 예천으로 향하는 국내선이었습니다. 그때나 지금이나 비행기는 참 큽니다. 작은 사람으로 사는것도 괜찮은것 같습니다. 커다란 비행기를 탈수 있으니까요.ㅎ

less than a minute ago via twtkr= NJ time 6:27pm on 4/23 Friday--then is it Korean time 8:27 AM on 4/24 Saturday?

I am on my way to the airport. I am going away for work. The first time I ever rode on a plane was the domestic line heading for Yeh-Chun. Then or now, air planes are really big. I think it is OK to live as a small person. One can easily ride on big planes. Ho (YehChun is the birth place of her mother~~Kyung Book, Yeh Chun.)

(she has that subtle cute humor that I cannot help but chuckle as I trans. she does not reveal where she is going but we at soompi know where she is going. ke I wonder if she will twit about the Japan FM for BOF???)

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Guest susAmerica

Sue - Oh Ghup Sal is Five [Fat] layer pork. Oh = Five/ Ghup Sal = Pork.

HS is at the airport and on her way to Japan! Ohhh... concert...

I see Sue writing the rest! Thanks in advance SUE! MUAZ!

Thanks LolliDoAlittle about that meat. Must be thick!

Hey, you got GHS twitter info. too.

Do you happen to know what Korean time GHS left for Japan?

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Guest webby

Thanks LolliDoAlittle about that meat. Must be thick!

Hey, you got GHS twitter info. too.

Do you happen to know what Korean time GHS left for Japan?

she tweetted at ~7:25am and her last tweet last night (or this morning) was 3am-ish. she didn't even get 5 hours sleep. hopefully she can sleep on the plane. i hope she will update through twitter in japan. wonder how much her phone carrier charges for overseas text messaging.

i ate oh-gyup-sal once.

this link explains sam and o gyup sal in korean, it's very long:


o gyup sal is sam gyup sal but with the skin layer intact. When the skin layer is removed, it becomes sam gyup sal.

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Guest susAmerica

she tweetted at ~7:25am and her last tweet last night (or this morning) was 3am-ish. she didn't even get 5 hours sleep. hopefully she can sleep on the plane. i hope she will update through twitter in japan. wonder how much her phone carrier charges for overseas text messaging.

i ate oh-gyup-sal once.

this link explains sam and o gyup sal in korean, it's very long:


o gyup sal is sam gyup sal but with the skin layer intact. When the skin layer is removed, it becomes sam gyup sal.

Ahh, thanks webby. I cannot get the time stamp on the GHS tweeter correctly. Thanks a lot. So her last tweeter was at 7:25 AM on Saturday, April 24th (Korean time)...right?

Thanks you for the information on the Oh-Gyup-sal.

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Guest webby

Ahh, thanks webby. I cannot get the time stamp on the GHS tweeter correctly. Thanks a lot. So her last tweeter was at 7:25 AM on Saturday, April 24th (Korean time)...right?

Thanks you for the information on the Oh-Gyup-sal.

yes, that should be correct. she should have already arrived in japan.

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Guest minjee

thanks everyone for all the updates! This weekend will be great for us because more Hyesun sightings and BOF reunion of course! I guess she's already in Japan maybe doing some rehearsals for the concert and BOF FM tomorrow! I can't wait to see more updates....oh and I saw Queen Que left a message on our GHS FC! :D I was surprised and very happy to see her join us here in soompi. We do love her blog!!! so here's her blog link!! :D it's very nice !! ^^ for now...I hope Hyesun updates her tweet hahaha...twitter is making me addicted to it now lol~~ :D I like it there. On nate website Hyesun ranks no.2 top search in celebrities section today! :)

Queen Que's blog!

p.s has anyone able to access the ipoll site yet??...for me still not working.....I hope she still tops the poll because it ends tomorrow...waaah!!

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