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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest jjongielove




credits: DC

I can't wait to see more pictures of her in SOUP, I watched her new interview she looks so pretty there! :)

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Guest mapleleung


I can't wait to see more pictures of her in SOUP, I watched her new interview she looks so pretty there! :)

thank you ^^jjongielove

i am looking forward to soup's spring and summer season new CF photo ...

after watching the interview few days before , i really want to see the new cf ..

hyesun just like a Goddess...wow....it's hard to find a word to describe my feeling .....

i also waitting for hyesun's film ......i hope i can watch the film in the in the next half year.

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thank you ^^jjongielove

i am looking forward to soup's spring and summer season new CF photo ...

after watching the interview few days before , i really want to see the new cf ..

hyesun just like a Goddess...wow....it's hard to find a word to describe my feeling .....

i also waitting for hyesun's film ......i hope i can watch the film in the in the next half year.

hey there! just a reminder when you quote images when you post...please remove the [img] tag, it's against the soompi rules that's why :) thank you!! Like most of us here, we are very excited to see Goo Hye Sun's SOUP new collection photos! She totally looks feminine and beautiful there like a breathe of fresh air haha! :D

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Guest mapleleung

i`ve found a blog of a Malaysian male filmmaker who attended also last December`s China Mobile Film Festival..remember, our dearest Hye Sun was invited & actually attended also the said event..he stated his series of activities & one is during the Q & A session..he had 2 short film entries, LOVE SUICIDES and KINGYO..i will post the part where he mentioned about Hye Sun:

I wandered into another screening program later. The last short screened was THE MADONNA, by Korean TV actress Ku Hye Sun (she was in the Korean version of BOYS OVER FLOWERS). I noticed during the end credits that many people were flocking into the screening hall. Of course, they were all there to see Ku Hye Sun.

When I first showed people in the festival the poster of KINGYO, many remarked about my actress Luchino Fujisaki's resemblance with Ku Hye Sun. Seeing Ku Hye Sun at the Q and A session, I sort of agreed. However, I felt a little annoyed when questions asked from the audiences had nothing to do with the film at all.

"Do you like Shenzhen?"

"Is this your first time in Shenzhen?"

"When are you recording your next album? I really liked your last album!"

"I love your acting in BOYS OVER FLOWERS!"

I shook my head. "This is preposterous," I said. "People here are treating her like a celebrity, and not a filmmaker. I cannot accept that!" --->> (funny audience..but i wanna understand them since it`s their best chance to interact w/ Hye Sun & maybe it`s their first time to finally see Hye Sun in person)

Then why are you shooting a video of her right now?" My dad said. --->> (good question actually hehe :P i know in a way, Hye Sun maybe caught his attention & interest also) :)

I decided to put an end to the fan questions by asking her two questions.

1) How long did it take for you to shoot your film? And how about pre-production?

2) How does it feel moving from acting to directing?

"3 days." She answered. The audiences cheered wildly.

I shot CHICKEN RICE MYSTERY in 2.5 days. I shot LOVE SUICIDES in 2 days. I shot KINGYO in 3.5 days. I shot AFTERNOON RIVER in a day. EVENING SKY also in a day. WHITE FLOWER in 2 days... but okay. Was in my mind. (after I returned from the film festival, I would take 2.5 days to shoot my newest film EXHALATION too)

"But the pre-production took a much longer time." Ku Hye Sun conceded. Then she elaborated that she would like to direct again, and felt that understanding what it's like to direct will help her immensely with her acting. "Ah. Perhaps I'll consider acting too." I replied. Ku Hye Sun said I will have her support..

source: swiftywriting.blogspot.com or just click here

hi to sunnies esp. in the spazzbox :D

thank you GHSfan ^^

i also join the meeting in that day. .....KKK i see i appear in the movie :wacko:

i think maybe the Director doesn't know our feeling ,so he say he cannot understand why we ask these questions == !

this is our first time to see hyesun directly , i admit that there are some fans want to know more about hyesun , but not the film. however, it's not like the what the director describe. most of us ask questions around the movie...~!!! i also got a chance to ask a question .....my question is foucus on the moive... we know the purpose why we sit here...it's for movie...

maybe the director misunderstand us....maybe he just see part of us ,,,,,,,but it's can't represent all....

anyway, thank you for your information ^^ i think the video take by the director is good ~!!! (i also take a video ,however, because it was took by mobilephone, it looks bad= =)

i also watch the director's movie,,, i think he is a good director ~!!! i know the main idea in his movie....full of meaning .....

hey there! just a reminder when you quote images when you post...please remove the [img] tag, it's against the soompi rules that's why :) thank you!! Like most of us here, we are very excited to see Goo Hye Sun's SOUP new collection photos! She totally looks feminine and beautiful there like a breathe of fresh air haha! :D

oh ~!!thank you minjee~!! i think it's difficult to me for using the sp + + !!!

i don't know how to control it = =!!! maybe first i have to familiar to use it ..then post = =~!!

sorry ...i break the rule ????

how i should do ???

to delete or to rewrite??

sorry ...i hope my mistake will not attract a warning= =!

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U gotta love the TLJ CFs, it's all super adorable! I miss seeing Jo In Sung with Hyesun in TLJ, I wish when he comes back from the army he will get to work with her again! :D They've got great chemistry! ;)

thats trueeeee.i luv to see them togetherrr ;)

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Then, she posted on Jan. 25th that she definitely saw GHS with a trainer again.

This time she was definitely sure it was GHS because she saw her right in front of her as she was getting some water.

She is thinking about joining that gym for sure now and maybe even get a trainer herself after she works on her body first. She also mentions that she thinks GHS looked a little better than SNSD, 4-Minute(?) and Kara. She felt bad that she did not take her phone into the gym to take GHS pix.

The respondents to the blogger were funny as well.

They asked where the gym is and the name.

Some thought about going there and watching TV all day until GHS comes to train and see her in person.

They are all planning a trip to Asan to see GHS. hahaha

Maybe, she is also working out to build muscles for a tough woman role after her movie is finished? hahaha

It is kind of fun knowing what GHS might be doing in her free time. I am becoming a stalker of GHS through the net. hahahah

hello sunnies :D

hi sue :D sorry to cut your post..maybe due to stress & fatigue in her filming tasks, lately i notice Hye Sun quite lost some weight but nothing to worry coz she could regain it easily..haha love the respondents` thoughts..that would be an advantage to the owner of the gym if ever..more influx of customers from any places just to see Hye Sun..i think if i were there, i will do the same..like you, i`m being a stalker of Hye Sun in the net..actually, i`m more excited for her new project/drama after her movie..a tough woman role?? why not?? hope to be mixed still with a slight comic one hehe..i love a funny & mischievous Hye Sun :D

beth, very cute Hye Sun w/ tongue out..love it :D also the nice BOF pic fr. velvet :)

jee, thanks for bringing the TLJ screencaps :D.. both of them look so cute together..would love to see a new cf either w/ Jo In Sung or Rain..TLJ cfs are definitely always the best ones..& you`ll be away for weeks..waahh, surely we`ll be missing you..hope you still visit here once you`re free.. :(

jjongielove, thanks for the Soup promo pic..looking forward for the Soup CF :D

mapleleung, ayakadya :D

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hello all sunnies :P:P

thanks for all news, pics and translations :D

wowwwww!! hyesun will meet oguri shun ;) sounds interested that jandi will have some interaction with jihoo japan hehehe

big wave to all sunnies in this thread, especially mina, mha, blackie, beth, .....

all pics, sorry if i reposted :lol::lol:




cre baidu

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Guest susAmerica

Hello mapleleung! :D

Wow, you were at the China Moble Film Festival?

And saw GHS live?

Congratulations! You are lucky!

If you have anything else to share, even a little bit of HS or her movie.

please do. Thanks you and good to see your post!!


Thanks minjee for the BTS of TLJ CF with Jo In Sung. The picttle captions say that those tiny rectangular

trailers are where the actors prepare make-up and more for the shoot. The caption also says that Jo In Sung was hiding in that trailer continuously. I wonder why?? GHS's trailer was next to his as you can see. The caption also says that the trailer is very curious looking. I agree---hope it lookes bigger inside than from outside. :P

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Guest susAmerica

Here's another short clip of HS speaking in mandarin :D

100126 東風TV- Goo Hye Sun in Taiwan[具惠善的中文問候]


Thanks minjee,

I am just curious. Does GHS seem to speak Mandarin with good accent and all?

She did say that she studied Chinese as a child and she said that she wanted to study it again after she visited Taiwan to promote BOF in June of 2009.

Also, below is a Japanese article about the Yubari IFF. Can anyone read it and see if there is anything more interesting?

Thanks in advance.

cr http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=


2010 夕张国际科幻电影节 即将开幕!!











『ノルウェイノモリ』(監督:ノ・ジンス)『東京タクシー ディレクターズ・カット版』(監督:キム・テシク)


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Guest baiduhuafen

임지규, ‘구혜선 감독’ 영화 주인공 캐스팅

한국 독립영화계의 스타 임지규가 구혜선이 연출하는 장편영화 ‘요술’의 주인공으로 나선다.

임지규는 독립영화 ‘은하해방전선’과 ‘저수지에서 건진 치타’로 전주영화제와 부산국제영화제에서 주목을 받은 유망주다. 구혜선과 작업하는 이번 영화 ‘요술’에서는 내성적인 첼리스트 명진을 연기한다.

임지규는 아직 대중에게 생소한 얼굴이다. 그러나 감독 구혜선은 임지규를 보고 외모에서 풍기는 음악가적인 모습과 ‘은하해방전선’에서 보여준 자연스러운 연기에 매료돼 연출부의 추천을 받자마자 곧바로 주연으로 캐스팅을 확정했다.

임지규는 영화를 위해 지난해 11월부터 첼로 개인레슨을 받으며 완성도 높은 연기를 펼쳤다는 후문이다. 영화 ‘요술’은 2월 중순까지 촬영을 하며 올 가을 개봉을 앞두고 있다.

스포츠월드 김용호 기자

A sunmi in baidu found the news, but she don't understand Korean。

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傳藝喜事到 閩南習俗迎親躍上國際舞台




















P.S meow, :) can you please translate? thanks dear!

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Guest mapleleung

Hello mapleleung! :D

Wow, you were at the China Moble Film Festival?

And saw GHS live?

Congratulations! You are lucky!

If you have anything else to share, even a little bit of HS or her movie.

please do. Thanks you and good to see your post!!


Thanks minjee for the BTS of TLJ CF with Jo In Sung. The picttle captions say that those tiny rectangular

trailers are where the actors prepare make-up and more for the shoot. The caption also says that Jo In Sung was hiding in that trailer continuously. I wonder why?? GHS's trailer was next to his as you can see. The caption also says that the trailer is very curious looking. I agree---hope it lookes bigger inside than from outside. :P

hello sus^^

yes ,, i see hyesun live ,very closely . i get a sign from hyesun ~! and foto..........hehe..so on...

cuz my university is near ShenZhen

i think this experience is memorable , hyesun is a nice girl , she is beautiful , white skin, big eyes , ...

when i first sight hyesun , i just feel i looking at a doll ^^ her sound is soft ~!!!!

of course, she is kind and polite. .....

i am sorry that i can just mention the event in ShenZhen ,,, cuz i living in China..

now, i am planing go to korea again in July this year, i think i would go to manolin ...

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Guest junpyo.jandi

I miss unnie.... I wish she will continue to surprise us...

I hope her BoF pals will support her in her upcoming film...

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thank you GHSfan ^^

i also join the meeting in that day. .....KKK i see i appear in the movie :wacko:

i think maybe the Director doesn't know our feeling ,so he say he cannot understand why we ask these questions == !

this is our first time to see hyesun directly , i admit that there are some fans want to know more about hyesun , but not the film. however, it's not like the what the director describe. most of us ask questions around the movie...~!!! i also got a chance to ask a question .....my question is foucus on the moive... we know the purpose why we sit here...it's for movie...

maybe the director misunderstand us....maybe he just see part of us ,,,,,,,but it's can't represent all....

anyway, thank you for your information ^^ i think the video take by the director is good ~!!! (i also take a video ,however, because it was took by mobilephone, it looks bad= =)

i also watch the director's movie,,, i think he is a good director ~!!! i know the main idea in his movie....full of meaning

hello mapleleung :D wow!! so lucky of you to see Hye Sun in person..maybe the director was not able to actually cover up everything that the fans asked to Hye Sun coz he could be occupied taking up vid & pics of her, could it be?? hehe :D anyway, i get your part..let`s just consider the director`s reactions..thanks to him, we`ve got some info from him..the vid is good actually but just curious as to where you were situated in the venue hehe..he even posted 2 pics of Hye Sun but when i visited his blog site again, i see new photos added & did not further search forthe pics..he`s also a good director based on the data he provided..what do you think of Hye Sun`s film?? sure you`ve watched it :)

hello sus^^

yes ,, i see hyesun live ,very closely . i get a sign from hyesun ~! and foto..........hehe..so on...

cuz my university is near ShenZhen

i think this experience is memorable , hyesun is a nice girl , she is beautiful , white skin, big eyes , ...

when i first sight hyesun , i just feel i looking at a doll ^^ her sound is soft ~!!!!

of course, she is kind and polite. .....

i am sorry that i can just mention the event in ShenZhen ,,, cuz i living in China..

now, i am planing go to korea again in July this year, i think i would go to manolin ...

thanks so much for sharing with us some of your nice experiences w/ Hye Sun..i`m loving our girl more..if you happen to go to Manolin, hope you have a wonderful experience also :D

** waves to all sunnies esp. in the spazzbox**

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wave to all sunnies :) thanks for all the updates, pic, gif, vid, etc. the thread is moving fast~ :D

Thanks minjee,

I am just curious. Does GHS seem to speak Mandarin with good accent and all?

She did say that she studied Chinese as a child and she said that she wanted to study it again after she visited Taiwan to promote BOF in June of 2009.

Also, below is a Japanese article about the Yubari IFF. Can anyone read it and see if there is anything more interesting?

Thanks in advance.

cr http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=


2010 夕张国际科幻电影节 即将开幕!!











『ノルウェイノモリ』(監督:ノ・ジンス)『東京タクシー ディレクターズ・カット版』(監督:キム・テシク)


Thanks minjee for the clip :)

sue, my mandarin is not quite good so I can't judge if Hyesun has a good accent. but I can understand the chinese she said, so I think it's good enough

about the article on Yubari IFF, it's just a general introduction on the event and its programs. I think it's quite interesting that there would be a "barbecue" event on the last day of the Festival for the reporters to enjoy the local foods and to interact with the local residents~ [it sounds fun :D]



there are some Chinese texts too, :D

hi all, thank you so much for the updates... sue, minjee, mha, sas, meow, nat, jjongilove, baiduhuafen, maple, ayakadya...

hi beth unnie, thanks for hyesun gifs and ommalovelyn :)

thanks tracy for the pic & link, though the origin was not stated in the DC post, I think it's a fan account from blog or something~

here's the translation:


After a short break, something unexpected happened!!


wandering around, when arrived at the urban jungle alley! Suddenly it’s filled with strange ambiance


surrounded by many bodyguards, and also lots of screams from the crowd!! I saw….

是臺灣當紅團體"飛輪海",不可思議的是居然還有韓國影星"具惠善" (韓版流星花園飾演金絲草)

popular Taiwan group Fahrenheit, and the most unexpected was Korean actress, Ku Hye Sun (Guem Jan Di of Korean version “Meteor Garden”)


Although I’m not sure if they were filming for some gourmet program or doing promotion, the five people were running around the stalls and taking pictures


Taking photo from the closest distance, it’s clear, isn’t it?


Just at the perfect timing, I met five stars at once!!


KHS was really cute, with great temperament! compared with the four members of Fahrenheit, she’s really petite!


Lighting is too bright, so it’s unclear

我和好姐妹倆被擠在人群中,周圍的追星迷不停的尖叫又拍照 這應該是路過遇到的明星中,真的是驚險又刺激的一次!

my sister (close friend) and I were packed a the crowd, the fans around kept screaming and took pictures. This truly was the most thrilling and exciting experience for meeting celebrities on street!


Today's trip to the night market was full of remarkable memories!! Very lucky and very happy


In the cold in winter, there were many warm & interesting incidence happened! I love it!


I am grateful to share this pleasant feeling with my sister! I am also satisfied with the relaxation!

Also thanks sas for the other chinese article about Hyesun in Taiwan, I'm working on it now, will post it later. :)

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Guest mapleleung

hello mapleleung :D wow!! so lucky of you to see Hye Sun in person..maybe the director was not able to actually cover up everything that the fans asked to Hye Sun coz he could be occupied taking up vid & pics of her, could it be?? hehe :D anyway, i get your part..let`s just consider the director`s reactions..thanks to him, we`ve got some info from him..the vid is good actually but just curious as to where you were situated in the venue hehe..he even posted 2 pics of Hye Sun but when i visited his blog site again, i see new photos added & did not further search forthe pics..he`s also a good director based on the data he provided..what do you think of Hye Sun`s film?? sure you`ve watched it :)

thanks so much for sharing with us some of your nice experiences w/ Hye Sun..i`m loving our girl more..if you happen to go to Manolin, hope you have a wonderful experience also :D

** waves to all sunnies esp. in the spazzbox**

KK hello GHSfan ^^

i sit in front of the director , i sit in the third row . KKK i am not in the photo ,,, but in the video :lol: just a minute ,,,KK pls ignore me ....

in hyesun's movie ,,the most feeling is she use a method which she mention before is to find out the different topic . i ask a question in the meeting , why she has such a idea in the movie to contact the religion and death. in hyesun's answer, she say she just want to descrite her feeling ( sorry ..it's hard to me to remember the fully anwser, but i choose one of the most important, cuz in that time i was nervous :( ...so many people looking at me.. BTW the translator speak sofe ...i can't get the point = =)

i hope to watch the movie again ,,,,i think the movie itself has a lot of meaning and different audience have different feeling :blush:

i wish i can get a chance go to JP to watch the movie again .....but ..i think it is a dream ...T T

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KK hello GHSfan ^^

i sit in front of the director , i sit in the third row . KKK i am not in the photo ,,, but in the video :lol: just a minute ,,,KK pls ignore me ....

in hyesun's movie ,,the most feeling is she use a method which she mention before is to find out the different topic . i ask a question in the meeting , why she has such a idea in the movie to contact the religion and death. in hyesun's answer, she say she just want to descrite her feeling ( sorry ..it's hard to me to remember the fully anwser, but i choose one of the most important, cuz in that time i was nervous :( ...so many people looking at me.. BTW the translator speak sofe ...i can't get the point = =)

i hope to watch the movie again ,,,,i think the movie itself has a lot of meaning and different audience have different feeling :blush:

i wish i can get a chance go to JP to watch the movie again .....but ..i think it is a dream ...T T

thanks mapleleung :D i would feel the same way like you if ever i`m in the same situation..i admire Hye Sun for having a wide range of different ideas that she applied in her film..she doesn`t limit herself to a certain thing..she wants to explore more of her given talents that she wants to share with everyone & that inspires me a lot..i recall this old article that i`ll repost a part only..very inspiring Hye Sun :)

Headline: GHS:<I composed the music for CHEERFUL CARETAKER after having had drinks.>

고경석 기자kave@asiae.co.kr = Reporter Go Kyung Suk of Asia Economy

Posted Nov. 6, 2009 at 10:03 PM


GHS: <Because Cheerful Caretaker deals with such a heavy topic, I worried over how to bring in some lighter element into the film. The easiest option that came to me was music.,,,,As I looked for more cheerful music, I strongly felt that, since it is a short film, I needed to find music without the burden of copyright.

jee, thanks for the vid link :D

meow, thanks so much for the translations..thanks also sue, baiduhuafen & sasha (also for Taiwan pics) for bringing them over :D

tracie, another beautiful Taiwan pic :D

yuki_akira, nice MV :D

hi lovelyn, jando.junpyo :D & to other sunnies

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