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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest yuki_akira

thanks for the pictures

looks beautiful, really beautiful


wanted to know if the concert over the rainbow is the fifth of September

I understand that in japan fanmetting is the sixth of septiembre

Fanmeeting she will come to that?

someone knows something

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Guest susAmerica


I posted, most likely in the previous page, that it seems like GHS will be going to Sept 6 event in Japan. That information comes from the GHS fans of the DCinside on August 20th.( I hope that the DCinside fans really know what they are talking about.) The DCinside fans were worried that GHS will be too tired after doing her own concert in Seoul and then flying to Japan for the BOF event. GHS is not new to multi-tasking.

minjee, thank you for the pic that you made of GHS with over the rainbow. Very very symbolic of GHS and who she is.


배우 구혜선이 라디오 방송에 출연해 자신의 이상형을 밝혔다.

구혜선은 지난 16일 SBS 파워FM(107.7MHz) ‘박소현의 러브게임’의 새 코너 ‘스타, 책을 말하다’에 출연했다.

구혜선은 이날 방송에서 “인생의 소울메이트를 빨리 만나고 싶다”며 “거지같이 살고 있어도 좋으니 빨리만 나타났으면 좋겠다. 주변 환경이나 그런 것보다는 영혼이 통하는 남자를 만나고 싶다”고 솔직하게 털어놨다.

이날 배우가 아닌 작가로 출연한 구혜선은 DJ 박소현과 함께 최근 발간된 자신의 소설 ‘탱고’에 대한 대화를 나눴다. 구혜선은 “책을 너무 쓰고 싶어서 잠자는 시간을 줄여가면서 썼다”며 “'꽃보다 남자' 촬영장에서 틈만 나면 노트북으로 작업을 할 정도였다”고 말했다.

또한 구혜선은 이날 드라마 ‘꽃보다 남자’의 남자배우 중 누가 가장 이상형에 가깝냐는 박소현의 질문에 “나는 다 좋다”고 웃으며 말해 눈길을 끌었다. 이어 조만간 자신의 뉴에이지 앨범이 나온다는 소식을 전해 박소현과 청취자들의 기대를 모았다.

한편 구혜선은 최근 종영한 KBS 2TV 드라마 ‘꽃보다 남자’에서 여주인공 금잔디 역을 맡아 몸을 사리지 않는 온몸 열연을 펼쳤고, 최근 일러스트 픽션 ‘탱고’를 출간하며 남다른 글솜씨와 그림솜씨를 동시에 뽐냈다.

I had been looking for the radio interview of GHS with Park So Yeon who is a lady DJ for the SBS Power FM (107.7MHz). This interview took place on April 16th, 2009. Above article seems to be a quick summary and not the whole interview of the radio show where GHS talked about her book TANGO and her ideal type of man for herself. I highlighted the part that I will translate. Her ideal is not so different from what she has been talking.

"I want to meet my life partner, my soulmate as soon as possible. I don't care if he has been living like a pauper so far. I don't care about where he comes from or his credentials (environmental conditions), I care about and want someone with whom I can connect at the soul level." GHS was asked which one of her BOF male co-stars does she consider closest to her ideal style (I think in terms of physical style) and she answered with a smile that she likes all of them."


My question STILL to GHS is: She knew she was interested in a particular guy back in February, 2009. Did she let the guy know how she feels? This interview took place in April 16th. She still wants THE GUY to appear. So maybe not?? OR did she already confess and found out that he really is NOT for her?? And, so, she is still waitng for her soulmate to appear while never neglecting her hard work to realize her dreams and goals??? :D

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^Thanks Sue!. I love how she answered "She likes all of them!" Giving an answer yet not an answer! How does she do that? LOL. She truly is inspirational, love her quote "Nobody succeeds just once and for all. Failures will be less.There is always tomorrow. I am going to try again the next day. I believe that someday FOR SURE I will make it happen." , this is something that is true for all of us. What HS said remind me that The opposite of SUCCESS is not FAILURE. The opposite of success is QUITTING. Because if you don't quit, despite 100 failures, you are one step CLOSURE to success. Besides we all know that inventions such as the light bulbs etc. had many failed experiments thus taking the inventor one step closure to success.

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^^ Sue, I think HS probably hasn't confessed at that point during April. The interview you translated above does show how 'impatient' she is to start one (similar to her mentioning during the TBS King's Brunch interview that she can't wait when she sees someone she likes), but although she also mentioned during the TBS interview that she may first confess, her past relationship (the 2nd relationship, the one you translated which mentions it was love at first sight and yet it was the guy who first pursued her) shows that she may wait for the other person to make the move, although I reckon she may be giving hints, strong ones all the while. I think this radio interview in April seems like a strong hint with the "whoever you are, please just appear before me".

The 20s is definitely a beautiful time for her, seeing her various accomplishments and recognitions in the fields she's started to venture into. Let us continue to be surprised by her.

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Guest Dipyramidal

I can't wait for her album! She sounded really natural and elegnant in her small singing part in boys before flowers.

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Guest nhamthach

My question STILL to GHS is: She knew she was interested in a particular guy back in February, 2009. Did she let the guy know how she feels? This interview took place in April 16th. She still wants THE GUY to appear. So maybe not?? OR did she already confess and found out that he really is NOT for her?? And, so, she is still waitng for her soulmate to appear while never neglecting her hard work to realize her dreams and goals???

she still says not different last times, maybe sometimes , she still remember to this guy , so it is right? I wonder is she waiting this guy in February? ? I hope she will find better person and happy <_<

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she still says not different last times, maybe sometimes , she still remember to this guy , so it is right? I wonder is she waiting this guy in February? ? I hope she will find better person and happy <_<

Honestly to me she's sounded like a girl in love...and frankly, even if she has found her true soulmate or whatever, wud she be suicidal enuf to annouce it to the world? One thing for sure she is still bind to her mgt co which I'm sure will not allow her to simply reveal her personal relationship...If so, how come till to date we're still guessing the identity of her last boyfriend ??!! Not to mention that she's not settling down yet within this 2 or 3 years...to reveal a relationship now when they intend to settle down when she's 30, can be a pressure for her when she & her partner being harass by the media & fans all the time....

And if she's not in love, she wudn be so keen talking abt her future BF or soulmate or wanting to get married soon or what not since bf & marriage wud be the last thing on her mind if she only focussing on her career...however if the girl is in love but still career oriented...well, she wud sure speaks in rhymes..want to get married but cannot...want to meet soulmate...talk so much abt what she expected in her soulmate...up to that she didn't care if he has bad feet odour...gosh...the girl is totally in love :D who wud ever think having a future bf with bad feet odour or whatever kind of stinky odour, for that matter...unless she's already in love with someone who has the problem!!!! :lol:

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Guest pixie_eve

GHS is truly an inspiring character...SHe encountered so many antis in her 20s who criticized her (though the HS fans outweigh the antis) but the antis never dampened her fighting spirit and her quest for success..She sees failure as a way to prove herself more..Remarkable! at such a young age when girls her age can only think about self-indulgence and vanity, she goes the extra mile and try to follow all her dreams and ambitions..

"I want to meet my life partner, my soulmate as soon as possible. I don't care if he has been living like a pauper so far. I don't care about where he comes from or his credentials (environmental conditions), I care about and want someone with whom I can connect at the soul level." GHS was asked which one of her BOF male co-stars does she consider closest to her ideal style (I think in terms of physical style) and she answered with a smile that she likes all of them."

Most likely GHS will not admit whether she is seeing someone now or not. Korean entertainment and YG is very keen in guarding their talents especially their love life. I do hope HS finds her soulmate soon, and once she found him,,i hope they will last forever, and never be affected by intrigues in the entertainment world..

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Guest minjee

hey everyone~~at this time GHS may be quiet these days but seems like she's busy preparing for her concert next week! I can't believe it will be September next week already! Time is so fast.....anyways, remember the article posted by susamerica about Lee Minwoo's eomma wants HS to be his son's girlfriend/lover. I found the YT link if anyone wants to watch it! Minwoo's mother is so adorable you can tell she is a big fan of Goo Hye Sun. :D

quick summary from the vid (fastforward vid to 1:27) :D


The emcess ask her which female celebrity does she want to be for her son, Minwoo? She answers "Goo Hye Sun"


Minwoo agrees with her mother's answer because he knows that she likes GHS a lot :)


Minwoo then reveals about his phone call not long ago with HS telling her that his mother is a big fan of her & so they can talk to each other :D


He then imitates how his mother was talking to HS on the phone " Aigo..annyounghaseyo~I am really your fan" then she asks for her sign/autograph and then inviting her to eat meal together at their house. The audience then breaks out of laughter! Minwoo's mother seems to blush of shyness it was cute! LOL @ Minwoo imitating his mother's voice :lol:

090815 Star Junior Show Minwoo & Omoni 4/8


waah! my 200th post ^^

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Guest susAmerica

The article below is dated April 9th, 2009 and is from STAR NEWS and reported by Kim Soo Jin.

I highlighted the parts that I translated; highlighted parts are either information that I don't think we are aware of or something that I thought are worth repeating.

Headline: "If everything goes accordingly, I will direct a musical, full-length movie this year."

구혜선, 빠르면 올해 음악소재 장편영화 연출②

김수진 기자 | 2009/04/09 10:08 | 조회 3979

"대중적인 장편영화를 하고 싶다."

I want to make a movie that would appeal to lots of people.

구혜선이 단편영화 연출에 이어 장편 영화 연출에 도전한다. 구혜선은 최근 진행된 머니투데이 스타뉴스와의 인터뷰에서 "올해나 내년, 대중영화에 도전할 예정이다"고 밝혔다.

그는 "많은 분들이 내가 너무 일을 쉽게 벌이는 게 아니냐고 우려하시는데 무엇이든 도전한다는 것이 좋은 것 같다. 실패할지라도 내가 사람들에게 영향을 주거나 자극을 줄 수 있다면 좋은 것이라고 생각한다"고 설명했다.

"Many people are concerned that I am displaying too easily all of my works." (I guess some people were worried that GHS is leaving herself too vulnerable to public criticisms whatever they may be.) "However, I believe that it is good to challenge oneself no matter what the consequences. Even if I fail, I think it worthwhile if I could do something to stimulate and affect some people."

구혜선이 도전할 장편 영화는 음악을 소재로 한 이야기. 단 3일 만에 완성된 시나리오라는 점에서 놀랍기만 하다.

It was very surprising to discover that GHS' full-length, musical movie scenario was written in 3 days!

사실 구혜선이 단편영화 '유쾌한 도우미'를 통해 영화감독으로 변신했을 때도 놀라기는 마찬가지였다. 하지만 그의 도전은 2009 부산아시아단편영화제(BASFF) 본선에 진출하는 성과를 얻어냈다. 부산아시아단편영화제에 출품된 20개국 656편 가운데, '유쾌한 도우미'는 14개국 90편의 작품 가운데 포함돼 본선 진출 경쟁작으로 선정했다. '유쾌한 도우미'는 죽음에 대해 그린 영화다. Actually, it was also a surprise when GHS earned her status as a director through <Cheerful Caretaker>. Moreover, her short movie was one of 90 final selections from 14 countries. These 90 final selections were selected from 656 applications from 20 countries.

구혜선은 "남들의 평가 기준인 경력이나 시기는 내게 별로 중요한 의미가 아니다. 나이가 어리고 많고도 중요하지 않다고 생각한다"며 '많은 것을 해보고 싶다"며 "그러기 위해서 가장 중요한 것은 나를 믿어야하는 자신감이라고 생각한다"고 강조했다. 그는 "사실 나도 실패가 많았다. 시나리오를 들고 발품을 팔며 여기저기 영화사를 돌아다녔고, 책을 낼 때도 여기저기 출판사에서 퇴짜를 당했었다"며 "결과물에 대해서만 알려져 내가 실패와 시련이 없다고 생각하면 어불성설이다. 결과물은 노력의 산실이다"고 피력했다.

"It is not meaningful to me to base my career and opportunity on other people's judgements and opinions. I want to try many things. To do so, the most important thing to me is to have the kind of self-confidence based on a stong belief in myself." "I also had numerous failures. I went to many movie production companies with my screen script. I did the same thing to publish my book. I dealt with tons of rejections." "People are only aware of the final outcomes of my works and therefore think that I have never experienced any failures and ordeals. But that is illogical! 결과물은 노력의 산실이다="The final products are like the birthing process or labor of effort." (I hope I translated GHS' quote properly--I just thought she gave such a powerful image to how much effort she have put in for her work, whether one has experienced or witnessed the consistent care of carrying for 9 months and the pain of labor of giving birth. Her work is her baby.)

구혜선은 "5년 동안 공들여 쓴 시나리오에 대한 영화사들의 반응은 냉담했다. 3일 만에 쓴 시나리오는 이에 반해 반응이 좋았다"며 "개인적으로는 5년 동안 공들여 쓴 시나리오에 더 애착이 생긴다"고 말했다.

"The movie production companies favored the script written in 3 days over the script that took me 5 years to write. Personally, I am much more attached to my work that took 5 years to complete."

한편 구혜선은 KBS 2TV '꽃보다 남자'의 종영과 동시에 공개한 소설 '탱고'로 작가로 변신, 화제가 되고 있다.


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Guest susAmerica

Getting to know more about GHS,,,,while nothing new in the news about her,,,,,

Segments from Sports Chosun on March 23, 2009 by Reporter Kwon Myung Hwan:

감독의 "컷" 사인이 떨어지고 다들 촬영 장비를 옮긴다. 구혜선은 점심을 못 먹었는지 도시락을 본격적으로 먹기 시작했다. 구혜선 옆에 가서 허기진 목소리로 "계란말이 완전 맛있겠어요"라고 했더니 계란말이를 하나 집어준다. 계란말이를 한 입에 삼켰더니 "이건 토마토가 들어간 거예요"하면서 또띠아 하나를 더 줬다. 감동에 목이 막혔다.

한 제작진은 "윤지후(김현중)도 못 먹는 금잔디표 도시락을, 구준표만 먹을 수 있다는 바로 그 도시락을 정말 먹었단 말인가"라며 믿기지 않는 표정을 지었다.(믿기지 않긴 기자도 마찬가지다)

This article was about Goo Joon Pyo and Jandi's last date in BOF. When the scene where Jandi fed Junpyo the pretty lunch was completed, the reporter stated that GHS started to eat the lunch herself while the staff were moving the equipment. The reporter approached GHS and said that the rolled eggs looked delicious. GHS handed him a roll. While he ate in one bite, GHS then gave him another roll saying that particular roll had tomatoes in it. The reporter was so touched that he almost choked. He was so shocked to have eaten lunch offered by Jandi--a lunch that was only meant for Goo JunPyo and not even for Yoon Ji Hoo!!! (I thought that was funny! I remember reading in another article how GHS also started to feed the rest of the staff the left over from the pretty lunch. She loves to eat as we all know and is generous as we all know. A staff person took 2~3 hours to make that pretty lunch and to create Junpyo's face and GHS is not about to let such a treat go to waste!! I would not either!)

드라마가 끝나면 가장 하고 싶은 게 뭘까. 구준표는 일과 휴식을 한 번에 즐길 수 있는 런던을 선택했다. "쇼핑도 하고 화보 촬영도 할 수 있어서 런던으로 가자고 했어요." 금잔디는 해외보다 국내 여행을 택했다. "일단 머리에서 발끝까지 종합검진 받고요. 그다음엔 돈 얼마 안 들고 배낭 메고 그냥 걷고 싶어요, 마음의 여유를 얻는 게 진정한 휴식이라고 생각해요."

Reporter Kwon asked LMH and GHS what they would really like to do after BOF is completed. LMH said that he would be going to London to not only to shop and rest but to also film a CF. GHS would prefer to stay in Korea instead of going overseas. After getting a comprehensive medical exam from head to foot, she would love to go on a very cheap backpacking and just walk. She feels that the real rest for her is to give 'space to her mind'. (She is down to earth, not fancy, and it does not seem to take a lot to please her!!)

A segment from Sports Seoul on March 22, 2009 by Reporter Jo Hyun Jung:

이민호와 구혜선이 22일 오후 인천 실미도 유원지 일대에서 데이트 장면을 촬영했다. 이들은 촬영현장 공개행사에서 ‘사랑과 우정 중에서 뭘 선택하겠냐”는 질문에 대조적인 입장을 보였다. 이민호는 “‘꽃보다 남자’에선 내가 먼저 좋아했으니까 이런 삼각구도에선 무조건 사랑”이라고 말했다. 하재경(이민정)과 금잔디의 사랑을 받고 있는 극중 상황이 실제라면 누구를 택하겠느냐는 질문에는 “둘다 매력있어 양다리를 걸치겠다”면서 “둘다 밝고 활발한 성격에 사람들을 편하게 해줘서 금방 친해졌다”며 웃었다.

반면 구혜선은 “사랑보다 친구나 가족을 선택하겠다. 그걸 버리고 사랑하기는 힘들것 같다”고 답했다. 구준표와 윤지후(김현중)로부터 사랑받고 있지만 “실제라면 둘 다 싫다. 사랑은 딱 하나여서 그 사람밖에 생각이 안나야 하는데. 둘다 신경이 쓰이는 걸 보면 둘다 아닌것 같다”고 말했다.

Reporter Jo interviewed GHS and LMH during their last date scene as well. He asked them whether they would personally choose love or friendship. Both showed their contrasting answers. LMH said that, if he actually was in the middle of a love triangle between two energetic, comfortable, friendly and bright women (GHS and Lee Min Jung), he would have to date both of them.He laughed. In contrast, GHS said that she would choose friendship and family over love. It would be too hard for her to love someone when she just abandoned friends and family. Although Jandi is receiving love from both Junpyo and Jihoo characters in BOF, GHS herself would not choose either of the relationships. She believes that if she truly loves somebody, she would only think about that one somebody and no one else. However, since Jandi's mind worries over two men, GHS does not think Jandi really loves either of them as a woman loves a man. (I like her analogy and her thoughtful answer.)

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Ah... Sue, we're getting too pampered with your translations. Even on days where there's no new news, reading these old titbits that have gone unnoticed is just as delectable.

Getting to know more about GHS,,,,while nothing new in the news about her,,,,,

GHS handed him a roll. While he ate in one bite, GHS then gave him another roll saying that particular roll had tomatoes in it. The reporter was so touched that he almost choked.

Hyesun is so sweet. The first eggroll may have been offered out of politeness. But the second one definitely showed something more about her. Plus she even mentioned that one was different with tomato, probably tastier, or offering a different kinda taste. She's very open to strangers (yes, even reporters are strangers). I think this shows her 'jandi' personality, just like what she says she gets influenced by jandi's cheerfulness.

Although Jandi is receiving love from both Junpyo and Jihoo characters in BOF, GHS herself would not choose either of the relationships. She believes that if she truly loves somebody, she would only think about that one somebody and no one else. However, since Jandi's mind worries over two men, GHS does not think Jandi really loves either of them as a woman loves a man. (I like her analogy and her thoughtful answer.)

Although I read this last news before, I previously only understood it to the part where she said she would choose neither. But now that you've translated the rest of the article, it does make sense. And that just shows how strongly she believes in love for only one person, even after the disappointment in her past relationship. I'm encouraged to know she still thinks this way. For a while when i was reading articles of her hoping to get married and such, i was worried she'd just marry off to any good man even if she does not feel strongly for him to save herself from more heartbreak.

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Guest ching22194

Sue you're an angel..

Any news about GHS and LMH, may it be old or new

is an energizer for me.. :D

Is there any news about her doing any drama this year or maybe next year?

My colleagues are planning to go to Korea. They mentioned about the

Hallyu Tour. If she will have one i would love to go with them.

It would be a waste if i can't see her in person.

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Although Jandi is receiving love from both Junpyo and Jihoo characters in BOF, GHS herself would not choose either of the relationships. She believes that if she truly loves somebody, she would only think about that one somebody and no one else. However, since Jandi's mind worries over two men, GHS does not think Jandi really loves either of them as a woman loves a man. (I like her analogy and her thoughtful answer.)

Thanks Sue for translating this. Now we know the secret to BOF and who Jandi really chose. :D ...not Jun pyo and Ji hoo! She's right, if you're thinking and worrying about two men than the truth is you really don't truly love them. If it's true love, then there is no room for another man :)

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Although Jandi is receiving love from both Junpyo and Jihoo characters in BOF, GHS herself would not choose either of the relationships. She believes that if she truly loves somebody, she would only think about that one somebody and no one else. However, since Jandi's mind worries over two men, GHS does not think Jandi really loves either of them as a woman loves a man. (I like her analogy and her thoughtful answer.)

Yes, I like her insight too...no wonder as audience many of us seems confused to whom she really loves...cos although she kept on saying loving JP, JD physically can't seems to be without JH...she seems can't say 'no' to either man...sure she rejected JH but she's not that eager to accept JP as well...now as GHS she put it that way, well, I see her point...both men are equally important to her, therefore neither of them are really what JD really wants as a man.....I never see it quite that way before.....

Waaa....still no news abt her.....seems like she's really laying low...Is she even in Korea? For all we know she has sneak out to Japan to prepare for her concert or some other country for whatever reason....she's very good too at travelling in annonymous...

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Guest susAmerica

090824 20's Choice Goo Hye Sun play Rubik's Cube cut


hye sun is so cute

GHS says in the clip,"you cannot give me things (i.e.RUbik's Cube) like this. I get a headache from it." Yet, like a woman who likes a good challenge, she keeps at it. On the screen are words that GHS is a honest type who admits when she cannot do something.

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Guest susAmerica

I enjoy finding old articles about GHS--feel like I am learning more about this remarkable and talent-ful person. The late Representative Jung Seung Hae talks about GHS below. :)

스포츠한국 > 뉴스 > 방송 Sports HanKook

이재원 기자 jjstar@sportshankook.co.kr Reporter Lee Jae Won

입력시간 : 2009/03/06 07:00:03 Reported on March 6, 2009


Headline: "구혜선 중심 잘 잡고 있다" 박수갈채 정승혜 대표, 금잔디 연기 칭찬

Headline: "GHS is keeping a good focus." Applause and Cheers by Rep. Jung Seung Hae who praises GHS' acting. (in BOF)

"날개를 잘 휘어서 중심을 잡아 가더라."

"She is flexing her wings well that she is keeping the balance and centering herself well"

배우 구혜선을 감독으로 발탁한 영화사 아침의 정승혜 대표가 '금잔디' 연기에 박수를 보냈다. 정 대표는 구혜선이 KBS 2TV 월화드라마 <꽃보다 남자>(극본 윤지련ㆍ감독 전기상)에서 금잔디를 연기하는 모습을 '본방사수'(재방송이나 인터넷판이 아닌, TV의 본방송을 시청하는 것)하고 있다.

Representative Jung Seung Hae, who has selected GHS to become a director, has been watching BOF on TV and sends GHS applause for her role as Geum JanDi.

정 대표는 "구혜선은 주변 상황에 흔들리는 배우가 아니다. 그 안에서 자신이 즐길 줄 알고 상처 받지 않는 스타일이다. 처음부터 끝까지 중심을 잡고 끌고 가야 했던 만큼 쉽지 않았을 텐데 자신의 날개를 휘어서 잘 날고 있다"고 평했다.

Jung comments, "GHS is not an actress who becomes swayed easily by the outside factors. No matter what the condition or situation, GHS is the type to find joy in it and who tries not get hurt emotionally. From the beginning until the end, she had to keep herself centered and focused while working on BOF. It must have been that difficult for her, yet she adjusted and flexed her wings so well that she is flying so very well."

정 대표는 "구혜선이 캐스팅됐을 때 충무로에 와서 이야기를 했었다. '남자 배우들의 팬들이 질투하지 않겠냐'고 농담을 건네자 '제가 제일 누나라 괜찮아요'라며 씩씩하게 말했다"고 말했다.

Jung says: "When GHS was casted for the role in BOF, she came to 'Choong Moo Roh' directly to tell me about it. I asked her wouldn't the male actors' fans become jealous of her and GHS told me with confidence that everything will be fine because she is older than any of the male actors."

정 대표는 "충무로에 올 때도 매니저 없이 혼자 지하철을 타고 올 정도로 대범하다. 드라마가 워낙 인기가 많아 아마 이제는 그렇게 못하지 않을까 싶다"며 웃었다.

"When she came to see me at Choong Moo Roh, GHS came alone on the subway, without her manager. GHS is that open-minded and liberal. Now that the drama is so popular, I am sure she cannot do that easily." Jung laughs.

정 대표는 지난해 구혜선이 단편영화 <유쾌한 도우미>를 제작하도록 적극 지원했었다. 정 대표는 구혜선이 직접 쓴 시나리오를 들고 자문을 구하자 영화를 촬영할 수 있도록 스태프를 동원해 지원사격을 했다.

Ever since GHS sought after Rep. Jung's consultation for her screen play, Rep. Jung has been fully supporting GHS, even providing GHS with the necessary staff to help her direct and fininsh the short film, <Cheerful Caretaker>. (Ahh~to be admired with confidence and such love by one's own reputable mentor!!!!) :D

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