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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest susAmerica

hello everyone! :P

sue Ive been watching ghs vids at Daum tv pot and i came across this vid..the doctor is saying something and pointing at GHS's face and GO ara..im curious as to what this vid is all about? hehe thanks! :)


The plastic surgeon is responding to many people's questions about the pros and cons of different types of double folds of the eyes. More people are expressing interest in the eyes like GHS and Go Ah Ra as opposed to the formally popular smaller double folds of Han Ga In and Song Hye Go. He says that the "outward folds like GHS and Go Ah Rah may not look very nice without make-up. With make-up, the outward folds make the eyes rounder and brighter.

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GHS @ Todays News


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[오늘의 조선일보] 탤런트 구혜선, 그녀는 왜… A25 …탤런트 구혜선(26)은 최근 영화감독에 소설가, 화가로 변신에 변신을 거듭해왔다

탤런트 구혜선(26)은 최근 영화감독에 소설가, 화가로 변신에 변신을 거듭해왔다. 그가 이번엔 음반을 낸다. 구혜선이 작곡한 노래 6곡을 일본 뉴에이지 피아니스트 이사오 사사키가 편곡했다. 9월 5일엔 '오버 더 레인보우'란 제목으로 연주회도 연다. 정식으로 작곡이나 그림을 배운 적은 없다. "여고 시절부터 혼자 뭔가 만들길 좋아했던 게 쌓여 여기까지 온 것"이라는 설명. 그는 대체 어디까지 일을 벌이고 싶어하는 걸까.


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"제 인생 건 짝사랑을 시작했어요"

소설·그림·음반·연주회에서 장편영화까지… 구혜선, 그녀는 왜…

"튀고 싶어 안달 났다고요? 영화 한편 만드는 게 꿈

이렇게 활동할 수 있는 건 꽃보다 남자의 금잔디 덕 연기 제쳐둔 것 아니에요"

탤런트 구혜선(26)은 최근 영화감독에 소설가, 화가까지 변신에 변신을 거듭해왔다.

드라마 '꽃보다 남자'로 인기를 얻은 직후 줄줄이 시작된 그녀의 이런 행보를 보면서 "재주꾼"이란 칭찬이 나왔지만, "유명세를 무기 삼아 취미활동을 작품활동으로 부풀린다"고 폄하하는 목소리도 적지 않았다.

구혜선이 이번엔 음반을 낸다. 그녀가 직접 작곡한 노래를 일본 뉴에이지 피아니스트 이사오 사사키가 편곡했다. 9월 5일엔 '오버 더 레인보우'란 제목으로 연주회도 연다. 정식으로 작곡이나 그림을 배운 적은 없다. "여고 시절부터 혼자 뭔가 만들길 좋아했던 게 쌓여 여기까지 온 것"이라는 게 그녀의 설명. 그녀는 대체 어디까지 일을 벌이고 싶어하는 걸까.

13일 서울 청담동에서 만난 구혜선은 담담하게 웃었다. "전 욕심이 많은 사람도, 뜨고 싶어 안달 난 아이도 아니에요. 영화 한 편 만드는 게 꿈일 뿐이죠." 이야기는 그렇게 시작됐다.

◆"난 현실주의자…차근차근 하는 것일 뿐"

"전 현실주의자예요. 백일몽만 좇는 소녀라고 생각하시는 분이 많은데, 정반대인 걸요."

얼 굴 절반가량을 차지할 정도로 커다랗고 동그란 두 눈에 힘이 들어갔다. 구혜선은 지금 감독으로서 영화 '요술'(가제)을 준비 중이다. 지난 13회 부천국제판타스틱영화제에 발표했던 첫 단편영화 '유쾌한 도우미' 이후 두 번째로 메가폰을 잡는 것이다. 장르는 '미스터리 음악영화'. 피아노 연주, 그림, 조명이 영화에서 인물만큼이나 큰 비중을 차지하는 영화다.

"영화를 기획해 놓고 보니 그림이 필요했어요. 그래서 예전부터 차근차근 그린 그림을 모아 전시회를 했고요, 영화음악이 비중이 커서 OST(영화용 음악)를 만들어야 했어요. 그래서 고등학교 때부터 작곡한 노래를 다듬어 음반작업을 했죠. 시나리오를 쓰다 보니 그게 발전해 소설 '탱고'가 된 거고요." 그럼 영화가 나오기도 전에 굳이 이걸 발표하고 전시한 이유는 뭘까.

"하 하, 제가 만드는 영화에 덜컥 돈을 내줄 사람이 얼마나 있겠어요. 투자자들을 설득시키는 작업이 필요했어요. 그래서 그림도 보여주고 소설도 내고 음반도 내는 거예요. 이런 과정을 거치면 '구혜선이 쓸데 없는 짓 하는 건 아닐지도 몰라'라고 생각할 수도 있잖아요?"

그녀는 "사실 이렇게 뭔가를 계속 발표하는 활동 자체가 사람들에게 오해를 불러일으킬 수 있다는 걸 잘 안다"고 말했다. "'쟨 뭐야…. 왜 가만히 못 있는 거야'라고 생각할 수도 있겠죠. 하지만 초보인 제가 장편영화에 도전하기 위해선 이런 과정을 거쳐야 한다고 생각해요. 제가 생각해낸 가장 현실적이고도 확실한 투자 유치법인 거죠."

◆"멋 부리지 말아야지…관객은 바보가 아니니까"

지난 5월엔 단편영화로 부산아시아나단편영화제에서 관객상을 받은 그녀다. 처음 만든 영화로 상까지 받았으니 어깨에 힘이 들어가 있을 법도 했다. 구혜선은 그러나 "멋 부리면 안 된다는 사실을 깨달았다"고 말했다.

" 관객은 바보가 아니잖아요. 내가 애써 설명하지 않아도, 쓸데없이 마구 영화에 우겨 넣지 않아도 관객은 알더라고요. 혼자 욕심 내고 하고 싶은 것 다 집어넣는 게 영화가 아니라는 걸 상영회가 끝나고 알았죠. 물잔에 물을 반만 채우느냐 꽉 채우느냐 가지고 스태프들과 입씨름하는 건 어리석은 행동이라는 것도요.(웃음)"

이사오 사사키와의 작업도 난해한 곡을 좀 더 쉽게 정리하는 작업이었다. "제가 일본어를 못해서 무척 걱정했는데, 단 둘이만 남아 음을 고칠 때도 의사 소통이 되는 것 있죠. 콩나물 음표 몇 개 서로 그려 보이면서 "오케이?"라고 물어보면 해결이 되더라고요. 하하."

구혜선에게 그렇다면 연기는 어떤 의미일까. '종합예술인'으로 가기 위한 발판에 불과한 걸까. 그녀는 "45도 각도로 사진이나 찍어 올리던 인터넷 '얼짱' 출신인 제가 이렇게 활동할 수 있었던 건 다 연기 덕인데, 얼토당토 않은 생각"이라고 말했다.

"'꽃보다 남자' 금잔디가 아니었으면 제가 이렇게 영화를 또 찍을 수 있었겠어요? 연기를 제쳐두고 앞으로 영화만 찍겠다고 한다면 그것만큼 오만한 행동도 없을 거예요. 제가 만든 온전한 이야기 하나에 목숨 한번 걸어보려고 하는, 그렇게 제 인생을 건 짝사랑을 시작하는 것뿐이에요."

소설가, 영화감독 데뷔한 구혜선 "이번에는 전시회와 작곡"

소녀가 모은 수집상자… 구혜선 '탱고'

sue: this is the korean texts..thanks! :)

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Guest nhamthach


神话的申彗星引发说了和他名字有关的一段小插曲而引发了关注。申彗星最近在接受Heraldm经济的单独采访时公开了神话的老幺andy不久前经历的和他作为人气歌谣mc活动时有关的一件趣事奇闻。申彗星说 “andy从4月末开始和演员具惠善一起主持人气歌谣,近来看了这个节目,有过突然的震惊。” 之后他笑着说“andy每当在节目里叫‘惠善’的时候,我总觉得好像是在叫我这个哥哥‘彗星’”“为此,在看电视的时候,如果暂时有别的事情要做的话,只要andy喊‘惠善’,我总是会不由自主地把脸转向电视。”

let 's it translated ! thanks :P

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神话的申彗星引发说了和他名字有关的一段小插曲而引发了关注。申彗星最近在接受Heraldm经济的单独采访时公开了神话的老幺andy不久前经历的和他作为人气歌谣mc活动时有关的一件趣事奇闻。申彗星说 “andy从4月末开始和演员具惠善一起主持人气歌谣,近来看了这个节目,有过突然的震惊。” 之后他笑着说“andy每当在节目里叫‘惠善’的时候,我总觉得好像是在叫我这个哥哥‘彗星’”“为此,在看电视的时候,如果暂时有别的事情要做的话,只要andy喊‘惠善’,我总是会不由自主地把脸转向电视。”

let 's it translated ! thanks :P

this news should be when andy and hyesun were MC-ing inkigayo.



Shin hyesung said during the time when andy was MC-ing with hyesun and if hyesung were watching the program, whenever andy called hyesun, he would mistaken it for himself (hyesung), and so he'll always be surprised. He said he will unknowingly turn towards the TV whenever he thought andy was calling for him through the program.

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Guest susAmerica

pink fairy,

thank you for getting the articles. something is wrong with my computer again and I am able to getr only part of the article. Do you think you can post the entire article and I will translate?

EDIT: Never mind.

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Guest Miki67

some BTS pics of the interview ^^



(credit:Snow Julie/ GHS Chinese fansite)

thanks pink fairy for the article dear :) and also cant wait for the translation, thanks in advance Sue ^-^

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Guest susAmerica

QUOTE (pink fairy @ Aug 16 2009, 07:55 PM)

GHS @ Todays News

Pink Fairy, thank you for GHS pix. Love the one of her sitting on the sidewalk. She looks terrific!

The other pictures with a man with a wheel (that is kind of weird!) seem to be from Japan.


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"제 인생 건 짝사랑을 시작했어요"

송혜진 기자 enavel@chosun.com

입력 : 2009.08.17 02:56

"I bet my life and started a one-sided love affair"

by Song Hae Jin Reporter

on August 17, 2009

Novel, art, composition, concert, full-length movie...GHS...why...Are you so impatient to stand out?

Making a movie is my love and my dream. It was all possible due to the success of BOF and Geum Jandi. I am not saying I am quitting acting.

On the one hand GHS is receiving much praise for her multi-talents. On the other hand, she is also recieving lots of criticisms for using her fame to show off her hobbies in big productions.

Now, GHS is about to publish her musical compositions. Her original work has been arranged by the Japan's New Age pianist Isao Sasaki. On September 5th, she and Isao Sasaki will have a concert titled, "Over the Rainbow." She never learned to draw or compose professionally. Her explanation is that, since high school, she has loved creating and has been compiling her work. Just how far is she trying to take these?

On the 13th of August, I met with GHS in Seoul Chun Nam Dong.

"전 욕심이 많은 사람도, 뜨고 싶어 안달 난 아이도 아니에요. 영화 한 편 만드는 게 꿈일 뿐이죠."

Smiling calmly, GHS says: "I am not greedy and I am not impatient to stand out. I just have a dream to make one movie."

"전 현실주의자예요. 백일몽만 좇는 소녀라고 생각하시는 분이 많은데, 정반대인 걸요."

"I am a realist. Many people may characterize me as a dream chaser. I am total opposite."

Her big and round eyes show strength. Currently, she is preparing for her second directorial work and this time for a full-length movie. The tentative title of her movie is <Magic>. Her movie can be classified as 'mysterious musical movie' where piano music, drawings and lighting play as much significant parts as the actors/characters themselves.

"영화를 기획해 놓고 보니 그림이 필요했어요. 그래서 예전부터 차근차근 그린 그림을 모아 전시회를 했고요, 영화음악이 비중이 커서 OST(영화용 음악)를 만들어야 했어요. 그래서 고등학교 때부터 작곡한 노래를 다듬어 음반작업을 했죠. 시나리오를 쓰다 보니 그게 발전해 소설 '탱고'가 된 거고요."

"When I planned to do a move, I realized that I needed drawings. So,I gathered all my drawings from long time ago and had an exhibition. Due to the relative importance of the music for the movie, I made the movie OST by gathering and reworking my compositions from high school days. As I wrote the screenplay, it developed into a novel, <Tango>.

그럼 영화가 나오기도 전에 굳이 이걸 발표하고 전시한 이유는 뭘까.

If so, is there a good reason for putting on all these exhibitions and concerts even before the actual movie is premiered?

"하하, 제가 만드는 영화에 덜컥 돈을 내줄 사람이 얼마나 있겠어요. 투자자들을 설득시키는 작업이 필요했어요. 그래서 그림도 보여주고 소설도 내고 음반도 내는 거예요. 이런 과정을 거치면 '구혜선이 쓸데 없는 짓 하는 건 아닐지도 몰라'라고 생각할 수도 있잖아요?"

"HaHa, Realistically, just how many people do you think will just give me money to make a movie? I needed official projects and presentations to convince the potential investors. That is why I showed them my art work, my novel, and my musical arrangements. I must pass the proper stages in order for the people and potential investors to take me seriously--then they will no longer think me wasting my time doing these activities." (She really is a smart, savvy, and hard working business woman!)

그녀는 "사실 이렇게 뭔가를 계속 발표하는 활동 자체가 사람들에게 오해를 불러일으킬 수 있다는 걸 잘 안다"고 말했다. "'쟨 뭐야…. 왜 가만히 못 있는 거야'라고 생각할 수도 있겠죠. 하지만 초보인 제가 장편영화에 도전하기 위해선 이런 과정을 거쳐야 한다고 생각해요. 제가 생각해낸 가장 현실적이고도 확실한 투자 유치법인 거죠."

"I know that some part of the public is criticizing me and misunderstanding me as I do these various activities, shows and exhibits. However, as a green novice desiring to make a full-length movie, my only most realistic and sure method to attract the investors for my movie was to promote all my work in the most visible ways possible."

When GHS won the Audience Award at the BusanFF in last May for her short film, she felt very encouraged and strengthened. Even though she may have wanted to show off her enthusiasm and proud feelings, she felt the importance of remaining very humble and thankful.

"관객은 바보가 아니잖아요. 내가 애써 설명하지 않아도, 쓸데없이 마구 영화에 우겨 넣지 않아도 관객은 알더라고요. 혼자 욕심 내고 하고 싶은 것 다 집어넣는 게 영화가 아니라는 걸 상영회가 끝나고 알았죠. 물잔에 물을 반만 채우느냐 꽉 채우느냐 가지고 스태프들과 입씨름하는 건 어리석은 행동이라는 것도요.(웃음)"

"The audience is not stupid. Even if I don't explain fully and even if I don't put in all the details into the movie, people seem to get it already. I realized after the movie screenings that a movie is not a movie just because you include everything that you desire into it. I also realized the childishness of arguing with the staff over whether to fill the glass full or only half full. (laughter)"

이사오 사사키와의 작업도 난해한 곡을 좀 더 쉽게 정리하는 작업이었다. "제가 일본어를 못해서 무척 걱정했는데, 단 둘이만 남아 음을 고칠 때도 의사 소통이 되는 것 있죠. 콩나물 음표 몇 개 서로 그려 보이면서 "오케이?"라고 물어보면 해결이 되더라고요. 하하."

Isao Sasaki helped arrange my very abstract and difficult to understand pieces into more simple and easier arrangements. Since my ability to speak Japanese is very poor, I was very worried whether we can communicate easily. But through muscial notes and symbols, we had no problem understanding each other. haha

구혜선에게 그렇다면 연기는 어떤 의미일까. '종합예술인'으로 가기 위한 발판에 불과한 걸까. 그녀는 "45도 각도로 사진이나 찍어 올리던 인터넷 '얼짱' 출신인 제가 이렇게 활동할 수 있었던 건 다 연기 덕인데, 얼토당토 않은 생각"이라고 말했다.

So, then, what meaning does acting have for her now? Is acting now an obstacle on her road to becoming a general artist?

"I started out as just an ulzzang who used to upload her 45degree angle pictures. Acting led me to what I am able to do today. It would be absurd to say that acting is a hindrance for me."

"'꽃보다 남자' 금잔디가 아니었으면 제가 이렇게 영화를 또 찍을 수 있었겠어요? 연기를 제쳐두고 앞으로 영화만 찍겠다고 한다면 그것만큼 오만한 행동도 없을 거예요. 제가 만든 온전한 이야기 하나에 목숨 한번 걸어보려고 하는, 그렇게 제 인생을 건 짝사랑을 시작하는 것뿐이에요."

"If it was not for the Geum Jandi of BOF, do you think I could make a movie like this? If I were to say that I am getting rid of acting and just directing movies from now on, you would not have heard anything so arrogant in your life, I have merely put up my entire life on a whole story that I created. Basically you can say I have decided to start an unrequited love affair (never knowing if the love will be returned when the movie comes out) by betting my life on it. (WOW, kudos to GHS for taking a giant risk and moving forward so wisely with her dream. A true Realistic Dreamer! I hopw you got many great investors for your movie!!!!!) :)

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Guest susAmerica


i found this and at 9:04 they mention about GHS... i want to know why they mention GHS...

Except for Kim Koo Ra (a notoriously blunt MC), I do not know anybody else in that show. However, two young men named Sung Min and Jung Mo want to form a band and they have a fantasy about who they would like to include in their band. Yoon Sang Hyun (GHS's new partner in Somang CF) as vocal and GHS on the base, Kim Koo Ra is scolding Jung Mo who wants GHS because Kim says GHS does not play base. :D

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Guest minjee


i found this and at 9:04 they mention about GHS... i want to know why they mention GHS...


hi mj0784 thanks for sharing the link :) ~~in this oppa band episode~~SungMin (Super junior) & JungMo (Traxx) showed the stars they want for their imaginary band and they included Goo Hye Sun (bassist), Lee Seung Gi (keyboards), Yoon Sang Hyun (vocals) and HeeChul (drums) I think that would be cool band but maybe HS for keyboards since she plays the piano hehehe~~ funny when Kim Gu Ra reacts at JungMo because he knows HS doesn't the play bass. JungMo answers that it is just an image of her playing but who knows?! maybe JungMo is a fan of HS hehehe~



I remember Kim Gu Ra mentioned on another show that he also hosts for "Radio Star" where K-will and epik high were the guests that Goo Hye Sun is one of his Incheon hoobaes. (Both of their hometown is Incheon and she is his junior) I found the link of the vid with subs too if anyone wants to watch ^^ fastforward @ 5:08

[090603] Radio Star - Epik High & K Will PT 1 (2/3)


Oh, I've just finished reading the "제 인생 건 짝사랑을 시작했어요" & "I bet my life and started a one-sided love affair" article, I love her answers she's just so articulate! I'm so happy she's achieving her dreams even though some people misunderstand it.thanks susamerica & pink fairy for translating and sharing HS articles'! I want to thank sushien for sending me Hyesun's happy bday song! ^^

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Guest ching22194

"To be very honest, I have never felt attracted to men younger than I am. But, as I monitor them, even I am feeling their attractiveness as men. I guess I am getting old. If they also see me as a woman and propose, I guess it would be hard for me to act like a professional actress in that situation.

reading this makes me sooo sad.. :( coz im rooting for Min Ho..

Maybe she'll changed her mind, i hope so.. :)

it would be hard for me to act like a professional actress in that situation.

for me, i think what she meant was, it would be hard for her to be composed if such

proposal happen. she might laugh or scream in horror and disbelief.. :D:lol:

"The kiss scene with KHJ occurred in the beginning of BOF. But the kiss scene with LMH occurred later and the situation is different. The PD asked us to make the scene in one shot without any NG's. It was a scene that is suppose to show the confirmation of the love between GJP and GJD and so we had to really focus. Since my debut, I have never kissed so deeply in my career. It was so different from the light peck with KHJ...it was a real deep kiss (hahaha). One hour after the kiss scene with LMH, I could not even look at LMH in the face for 3 days. However, the kiss scene was considered inappropriate for our audience that the PD had to edit it with much backlighting. While looking at that edited kiss scene on TV screen, I regretted that we both worked so hard to make it real. (laughter)"

is this the first kiss?

can we see the unedited scene? :lol:

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Guest mj0784

hi mj0784 thanks for sharing the link :) ~~in this oppa band episode~~SungMin (Super junior) & JungMo (Traxx) showed the stars they want for their imaginary band and they included Goo Hye Sun (bassist), Lee Seung Gi (keyboards), Yoon Sang Hyun (vocals) and HeeChul (drums) I think that would be cool band but maybe HS for keyboards since she plays the piano hehehe~~ funny when Kim Gu Ra reacts at JungMo because he knows HS doesn't the play bass. JungMo answers that it is just an image of her playing but who knows?! maybe JungMo is a fan of HS hehehe~ I remember Kim Gu Ra mentioned on another show that he also hosts for "Radio Star" where K-will and epik high were the guests that Goo Hye Sun is one of his Incheon hoobaes. (Both of their hometown is Incheon and she is his junior) I found the link of the vid with subs too if anyone wants to watch ^^ fastforward @ 5:08

[090603] Radio Star - Epik High & K Will PT 1 (2/3)


Oh, I've just finished reading the "제 인생 건 짝사랑을 시작했어요" & "I bet my life and started a one-sided love affair" article, I love her answers she's just so articulate! I'm so happy she's achieving her dreams even though some people misunderstand it.thanks susamerica & pink fairy for translating and sharing HS articles'!

hi minjee your welcome and thanks for translating :)

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Guest pinkdaisies

reading this makes me sooo sad.. :( coz im rooting for Min Ho..

Maybe she'll changed her mind, i hope so.. :)

it would be hard for me to act like a professional actress in that situation.

for me, i think what she meant was, it would be hard for her to be composed if such

proposal happen. she might laugh or scream in horror and disbelief.. :D:lol:

is this the first kiss?

can we see the unedited scene? :lol:

i hope she changes her mind too :P

regarding the kiss, i think it was the one where they kissed on the highway, cos i read somewhere that said that even though the kiss in ep 9 (at the playground) was aired first, they actually filmed the ep 10 one first. haha, although no footages have been released, there are pictures of the deep kiss! ;)

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Basically you can say I have decided to start an unrequited love affair (never knowing if the love will be returned when the movie comes out) by betting my life on it.

Thanks for the translation susAmerica.

My goodness, this bb is amazing! That one line made me love her even more! She is so thoughtful in answering the questions, and you can tell how intelligent she is, based on her answers in the interviews she's done. Reading this article made it clearer just what direction she's taking with the exhibition, music concert and the book release. They're all done towards one goal, creating a movie. She's amazing, I never really had a preference for any female celebrities, Hollywood or wherever, but she's fast becoming my number one. :)

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Guest pianist

i hope she changes her mind too :P

reading this makes me sooo sad.. sad.gif coz im rooting for Min Ho..

Maybe she'll changed her mind, i hope so.. smile.gif

it would be hard for me to act like a professional actress in that situation.

for me, i think what she meant was, it would be hard for her to be composed if such

proposal happen. she might laugh or scream in horror and disbelief.. biggrin.gif laugh.gif

is this the first kiss?

can we see the unedited scene! ;)

yea me too.. but i thnk age doesn't matter.. if love is the reason..

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"I bet my life and started a one-sided love affair"

by Song Hae Jin Reporter

on August 17, 2009

그녀는 "사실 이렇게 뭔가를 계속 발표하는 활동 자체가 사람들에게 오해를 불러일으킬 수 있다는 걸 잘 안다"고 말했다. "'쟨 뭐야…. 왜 가만히 못 있는 거야'라고 생각할 수도 있겠죠. 하지만 초보인 제가 장편영화에 도전하기 위해선 이런 과정을 거쳐야 한다고 생각해요. 제가 생각해낸 가장 현실적이고도 확실한 투자 유치법인 거죠."

"I know that some part of the public is criticizing me and misunderstanding me as I do these various activities, shows and exhibits. However, as a green novice desiring to make a full-length movie, my only most realistic and sure method to attract the investors for my movie was to promote all my work in the most visible ways possible."

I love this interview. they ask the most probing questions that cynists probably have about HS's recent ventures and she answered them honestly and brilliantly. Now that i understand the motivation is to attract investors it completely makes sense. She has done her best to promote her work indeed!

이사오 사사키와의 작업도 난해한 곡을 좀 더 쉽게 정리하는 작업이었다. "제가 일본어를 못해서 무척 걱정했는데, 단 둘이만 남아 음을 고칠 때도 의사 소통이 되는 것 있죠. 콩나물 음표 몇 개 서로 그려 보이면서 "오케이?"라고 물어보면 해결이 되더라고요. 하하."

Isao Sasaki helped arrange my very abstract and difficult to understand pieces into more simple and easier arrangements. Since my ability to speak Japanese is very poor, I was very worried whether we can communicate easily. But through muscial notes and symbols, we had no problem understanding each other. haha

Initially I was also a little wary how compositions from high school days can lead to a concert and OST. This clears things up. I believe if Isao Sasaki helps to arrange the pieces it would turn out well. Then again, HS's original melodies must have its charm, else Sasaki prob would not have agreed to help her and be her mentor. Can't wait to listen to the pieces.

The oppa band! LOL... is it pure coincidence or that all the selected members for the band have worked with hyesun, namely seunggi (nonstop), sanghyun (somang CF) and heechul (MC-ing). I wouldn't mind seeing hyesun as a bassist, though i'd love to see her as a drummer. I think that band would be very dynamic, with the various personalities and all of them are music lovers. I wished they had invited them all to really form such a band for fun!

Concerning HS's statement on not finding younger men attractive, don't lose heart. During BOF presscon in Jan, she plainly made that remark. This article that sue translated was a later article, and she already added another sentence to say she can see the attractiveness.

Whenever i read musical mystery movie, i immediately remember Jay Chou's movie "Untold Secrets" since it has the same elements. I wonder whether HS watched it and whether it was shown in seoul. Having seen clips of HS's Cheerful Caretaker, I liked how the shots were done. Since she mentioned in the interview that lighting, drawing is just as important as the characters, Right now, I'm more interested in the asthetic aspect of the film even more than the storyline.


Sue, there's another new article when u have time: http://choen.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir...9081701360.html

i'm posting the words in case you can't access the link.

'꽃남' 구혜선 "남자에게 차여만 봤다"

송혜진 기자 enavel@chosun.com

탤런트 구혜선(26)은 영화 이야기를 할 때와 연애 이야기를 할 때가 영 딴판이었다.

최근까지 영화감독에 소설가, 화가까지 변신에 변신을 거듭해온 그녀다. 오는 9월엔 그동안 그녀가 작곡했던 노래를 일본 뉴에이지 피아니스트 이사오 사사키가 편곡해 음반으로도 낸다. 9월 5일엔 '오버 더 레인보우'란 제목으로 연주회도 열 예정. 구혜선은 정식으로 작곡이나 그림을 배운 적은 없다고 했다. 재능이 대체 몇 가지인 걸까.

“아니에요, 제가 관심 있는 몇 가지엔 정말 공을 들여서 열심히 하는데 다른 건 전혀 못해요. 완전 바보에요.” 지난 13일 강남 청담동 한 카페. 영화 이야기할 때만 해도 또박또박 눈을 빛내며 조리 있게 말을 이어가던 구혜선이 갑자기 귀여운 푸념을 늘어놓기 시작했다.

“연예인이면 좀 제대로 꾸밀 줄도 알고, 쿨한 척도 좀 할 줄 알고 그래야 하잖아요. 근데 전 네일이나 페디큐어 받는 것조차 제대로 못해요. 손톱 항상 물어뜯고, 제대로 씻지도 않고 있고. 남자들이 절 멀리서 볼 땐 ‘와 쟤 되게 열정적이고 귀엽다’라고 생각하고 접근했다가 막상 사귀면 ‘얘 뭐야 엄청 깬다’ 그러고 도망가요.”

구혜선은 스스로 “연애엔 정말 젬병인 사람”이라고 고백하기도 했다. “연애하면서 대체 어떻게 밀고 당기기를 해야 하는 건지 모르겠어요. 전 그냥 좋아하는 사람 생기면 그야말로 도시락 싸 들고 쫓아다니는 성격이거든요. 문자 보내놓고 계속 전화기 손에서 쥐고 있다가 답 안 오면 냉큼 또 보내고 그래요. 그래서 결국 남자들이 절 재미없다고 생각하고 떠나간다니까요.”

가장 최근에 했던 연애는 1년 반 전. 친구들이 하나 같이 ‘대체 저런 애가 왜 좋아?’라고 물었던 스타일의 남자에게 한 눈에 반해 사귀게 됐었다고 했다. 사람을 만날 땐 언제나 결혼을 전제로 만난다고. 그래서 남자친구를 사귀는 게 쉽지 않다고 했다.

“최근까지 만난 친구도 처음엔 그 쪽에서 먼저 다가왔는데, 막상 연애과정에서 제가 하염없이 혼자 기다리고 쫓아다니다가 차였어요. 다음 연애는 정말 잘하고 싶은데, 잘 될까요? 결혼하면 이런 고민 안 하게 되겠죠?” (웃음)

Updated : 2009.08.17 17:27

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Guest ace4va111

her answers to her interviews never fails to amaze me at how much thought she puts into her words and actions, she is indeed a force to reckon with amongst her contemporaries and YG sure knows how to take care of his artists well...i believe all those years of training and hardwork are fully reaching its point of realization at the time monotonous trends come along, i expect more from her and her company artists as they all seem to emerge once again at full blast this year and to come...after all the years of being mum, i believe it's high time to see the results behind those unspoken efforts and hardships they have all went through..truly, GHS is a part of YGFamily, a beauty inside and out, and a smile unwavering and constantly beaming towards fans and critics alike inspiring and more...^_^

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