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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest susAmerica

'natali' date='Aug 14 2009, 07:38 AM

Natali, thanks for getting the fan accounts and Webby, thank you for your information about JJY. Woah I never knew about any other scandals with GHS besides the one with Kim Ji Hoon. THANKS!


비루하지만 사진 몇 장 투척

It is contemptible, but I am taking few pix.

레드 카펫에서의 쿠

of Koo on the red carpet.

옷이 좀 더워보이긴 했지만 참석한 연예인 중에서

Her clothes look a bit hot for the weather but among all the actors and performers today

환호를 가장 많이 받았던 쿠

she is getting the most cheers.

정말 저 옷을 입고도 자체발광

Really even with that outfit, she shines (I guess the fan is not too enthusiastic about GHS' outfit!!)

(사실 실제로 보면 쿠가 너무 예뻐서 옷이 눈에 안들어옴)

(Actually, Koo is so pretty that you don't even notice her outfit)

다들 너무 이쁘다고 손 뻗어 만져보려고 하고...

Everybody is exclaiming how pretty she is that they are stretching out their hands to touch her...

난 사진만 찍다가 앞에서 "**에서 왔어요" 하고 아이컨택하고

While taking her pictures, I tell her where I am from and make sure to make eye contact with her.


약간 긴장했던 쿠

Koo was slightly nervous

워낙 앞에 쟁쟁한 분들이 앉아 계서서 그런가 촘 떨었음...

Maybe all that loud audience in the front made her a bit shaky...

한채영씨도 인사하러 무대에 올라와서 쫌 떨고...

Even Han Chae Young ssi also was nervous when she came up to the stage to greet the audience

마지막 사진은 쿠 매니져 차 트렁크에 간식 넣어준 인증 사진

last picture is that of Koo's manager's car trunk where somebody is giving her some snack.

(문제되면 자삭하겠음)

(If it becomes a problem, I will 자삭?= take it off?)

영화제 개막식 끝날 때 쯤

When the program was about to end,

차 옆에서 기다렸다가 쿠 갈 때 눈 앞에서 인사하고...

I waited by her car so that I can greet her in font of her....

멀리까지 와줬다고 울 쿠 놀라워하고...

She was so surprised that I came from so far away to see her...

차 출발 전에 창문 살짝 두드리니까 창문 내려주고 인사해주고

Just before her car started, I knocked on her car window and she opened the window to say good bye

친절한 혜선양^^

kind Hye Sun

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Guest Miki67

OMG, Sue, Webby, i didnt realize u guys are talking about JJY - Who lots of HS' fan assume him as HS' first love ..a couples months ago Vietnamese fans also discussed about him after we saw the completed pic of the guy in Tango...Yes, it matches JJY's face 99%...i remember i read in his FC's forum that he used to suffer the pressure from fans when the rumor him dating a celebrity ( we guess it's HS) come out.....HS said that her ex bf gave up first and in the Vogue's interview she mentioned how hurt she was and she never understand why they had to break up, right? ( i remember she even said he had an affair with another girl:( ) ....i still keep the pic of JJY which matches pic in Tango, i dunt mean to dig up this old sad story but if u guys want to see i can share ....Btw, i personally like Black Beat, i heard their song in utube and it's really good...just disappointed about JJY...i hope our girl will meet a better guy :)

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ps: nina 67 thanks hehe..though i personally saw the pic myself, he was a singer ryt? i saw one m/v..well upon hearing how they broke up, i kinda developed grudge lol well not grudge resentment? maybe for hurting our GHS,,peace! ! :lol:

anyways SUE onother ENTRY from DC can you please translate? its quite long///


매일 눈팅만 하다가 처음으로 글 올려요~ 후기도 처음 올려 보는거라...ㅠㅠ

허접하더라도 넓은 마음!!! 으로 이해해 주시길바래요^^

그리고 길더라도...양해를...ㅠㅠ

쿠언니가 제천에 온다는 소식을 듣고 제천시민임에도 불구하고(제천시민은 표가 공짜임!!)

한 번도 가보지 않았던 제천국제음악영화제에 어제...처음 갔습니다...

그 전날 부터 너무 설레여서 잠도 제대로 못자고... 그 전날까지 비가많이 와서 당일날 비가 오면 어쩌나 하고 걱정도 많이 했지만...

다행히도 하늘이 너무 맑았어요!!

셔틀을 타고 도착 후 표를 받고서 줄을 서서 입장을 기다리다가 6시 20분쯤에 입장을 했습니다!

한참을 내려가서 드디어 도착!!!

이미 많은 분들이 오셔서 앞에는 앉을 수가 없었지만, 최대한 mc석과 가까운 곳에 정면으로 앉았어요^^

더 좋은 자리가 없는지 이리저리 두리번 거리고 있을 때... 갑자기 함성 소리가 들리더라구요...

바로바로!!! 국민배우 안성기님이 상냥하게 웃어주시면서 레드카펫을 밟으시며 등장하셨습니다...

그 이후 여러 배우분들이 입장을 하셨고...그 모습을 보며 'mc들도 입장을 하겠지??? 음... 그러면 레드카펫 쪽에 가서 기다릴까???'

라고 생각하고 있는 찰나 갑자기 "오우!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". 지금까지와는 달리 엄청 큰 환호소리가 들리더군요.

전광판을 보니 쿠언니와 알렉스씨가 들어오시고 계셨어요!!

쿠언니의 모습을 보기위해 디카를 들고 잽싸게 뛰어갔으나 사람들이 너무 많이 몰려있어서

카메라들이 모여있는 쪽으로 미리 달려갔답니다.

어떤 카메라 옆에서서 사진을 찍으려고 했으나 쿠언니 쪽에는 사람들이 너무 많아서 안타깝게도 쿠언니의 모습은 제대로 볼 수도, 찍을 수도 없었답니다ㅠㅠ

그래서 또!!! 쿠언니와 알렉스씨가 인터뷰에 답하고 계시는 사이 포토라인으로 뛰어갔어요!!

또...어떤 카메라 뒤에 붙어서 쿠언니를 찍으려고 하는데...

ㄷㄷㄷ... 제가 서 있는 쪽에는 알렉스...씨가...

포토라인으로 막 올라오신 쿠언니를 보니...

하.....그동안 수없이 많이 읽었던 후기들에 동감했습니다.....ㅠㅠ

쿠언니의 첫 인상은.... 정말 하얗고..... 눈이 너무 크셔서 눈밖에 안 보인다는 거였어요!!!!

그리고 너무 몸을 꽁꽁 싸메고 계셔서 안타깝긴 했지만... 쿠언니는 리얼로 봐야 진리라는 걸 느꼈습니다!!!!!!!!

진짜 너무 예뻐서...입을 벌린지도 모른채 바라보고 있었는데.....쿠언니가 기자들의 요청에 따라 포즈를 취하시다가 그만...;;

제가 그러고 있는 모습을 보신 것 같더라구요...눈이 마주친 순간...너무 민망해서 바로 사진을 찍는 척을 했답니다;;

쿠언니가 무대 뒤쪽으로 향하시고 저는 다시 제자리에 돌아와 개막식이 시작하기만을 기다렸습니다.

7시 14분쯤 개막식이 시작하고 쿠언니와 알렉스씨의 진행이 시작되었어요.

긴장을 하셨는지 말을 조금 더듬거리긴 하셨지만...그래도 끝까지 최선을 다하셔서 진행하시더라구요.

말을 더듬거리신게 민망하셨는지 계속 웃으시고, 그런 쿠언니를 옆에서 알렉스씨가 괜찮다고 계속 얘기하시는 거 같더라구요...

그리고 두 분다 긴옷을 입으셔서 알렉스씨가 또!!! 부채를 부치시면서 쿠언니쪽으로도 부쳐주시더라구요...(역시 센스쟁이^^ 우후훗;)

프로그램이 진행될 동안 서로 귓속말도 하시면서 의논하시고... 쿠언니가 알렉스씨의 말에 많이 웃으셔서 쫌....;;

그런데 제가 앉은 자리에서는 카메라 때문에 자꾸 쿠언니 얼굴이 가려서 잘 안보이더라구요...

그래서 앞으로 ...앞으로... 이동을 하여....3~4m정도 되는 거리에서 쿠언니를 봤는데...조명이 안비춰도 예쁘시더라구요...

그런 쿠언니를 가까이서 바라보고 있는데... 소개 멘트를 날리신 후에도 계속 힐끔 힐끔 쳐다보고 있었는데...

쿠언니가....저의 눈빛을 느끼셨는지....제 쪽을 자주 바라보시더라구요... 근데 저를 바라보시는 눈빛이 왠지... 부담스러워 하시는 것 같아서...

덜 힐끔힐끔 쳐다보았습니다...ㅡㅡ;

1시간 정도 진행된 개막식이 무사히 끝나고 쿠언니와 알렉스씨가 무대에서 내려오셔서 무대 뒤로 가셨는데...

너무 빨리 끝난 것 같아 아쉬워 하고 있을 무렵!! 다시 쿠언니가 매니저분과 함께 나오시더라구요!!!

나오셔서 앞에 앉아계신 선배님들에게 찾아가 일일히 인사도 하셨답니다^^ 그렇게 인사를 하시고 맞은편으로 가셨어요..

그래서 휴~ 정말 가신 줄 알았는데..

다시 제쪽으로 오시는 거에요... 그래서 '어어어!!! 사인받아야 되는데... 어떡하지....?' 라고 생각하고 있는데...

쿠언니는 점점 가까이 오시고 사인을 받기위해 챙겨갔던 종이와 펜을 가방에서 꺼내려고 하고 있는~데...

앞에 계시던 아주머니가 쿠언니에게 먼저 사인을 요청하셔서 쿠언니가 사인을 해주시고 계시는데...

가방에서 종이랑 펜을 꺼냈는데... 한 발자국만 더 가면 받을 수 있는데...

너무 긴장해서 그런지 마지막에 그 한 발자국을 못 떼서... 결국 사인을 받지 못했답니다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

그렇게 쿠언니는 다시 무대 뒤로 가시고... 혹시라도 쿠언니가 다시 나오실까봐 계속 기다리고 있다가...

쿠언니가 가셨던 길로 저도 무대 뒤로 용기를 내어 갔는데...아무리 둘러봐도...차가 안 보이더군요ㅠㅠ

그래서 이리저리 찾아보다가 쿠언니와 알렉스씨와 진행 중간중간 얘기하신 스텝분을 발견하고

'구혜선 언니...갔어요?'라고 물었는데... 이미 갔다고 하시더라구요...

페이크였는지는 모르겠지만...왜 그러시냐고 묻는 질문에 꾸벅 인사를 하고 돌아갔답니다.ㅡㅡ

잠시후 개막작이 상영되고 잠시 보다가 비가 한 두방울씩 떨어지길래... 그만 집으로 돌아왔답니다...

공연도 뒤로한 채...;

집에 도착하자마자 바로 쓰러져서 그만... 바로 후기를 안 올려서 죄송해요!!! 제가... 후기를 기다릴 때의 그 마음을 알면서도...빨리 올리지 않아 죄송합니다ㅠㅠ

대신!!! 그리 썩 화질이 좋진 않지만... 그리고 많지 않지만 쿠언니의 사진을 쏴드릴게요!!!!!!!!!!!!!

저의 길고 허접했던 후기를 끝까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다^^

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A lot of fans are curious who the face to the broken glass pieces belong to, so they put the pieces of the pictures together and showed the face. They then compared it to men who have previously been involved in rumors with HS, and they think it most likely matches that of Black Beat member Jang Jin Young. He was involved in a rumor with HS in 2007. HS was gaining popularity becoz of her drama "pure 19" while JJY who debuted not long was written by media as using the popularity of HS. The company of both parties denied the rumor. Some people think JJY's face matches that of the drawing 90%. Some are disappointed becoz he is only 173cm tall, has a tattoo and they don't wish HS with the good girl image to be involved with someone with a bad boy image. However, HS who loves music has mentioned before that she's close with all members of Black Beat, and JJY wrote in his biodata that he likes girls who are pure, pretty and a little 'dumb' (i think he means 'slow' but not really slow as in stupid, if u get what i mean). But fans can still beathe a sigh of relief, becoz all this is the past, they hope HS's next boyfriend will be better.

Note: all the pictures of the guy on that page should be JJY. whether the actual picture is JJY or so, no one knows. this is just what the fan thinks.

I read about this from earlier this year but from my understanding, he completely denied any involvement with her and she also reiterated that they have known each since they were young and have a very close oppa/dongseng relationship.

Now that is interesting! Thanks Webby!

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ps: nina 67 thanks hehe..though i personally saw the pic myself, he was a singer ryt? i saw one m/v..well upon hearing how they broke up, i kinda developed grudge lol well not grudge resentment? maybe for hurting our GHS,,peace! ! :lol:

anyways SUE onother ENTRY from DC can you please translate? its quite long///

Sue- Im going to summarize this because the accounts are so similar in content

basically this fan was talking about how she heard that GHS was coming to the festival and she went down there. Basically 95% of the account is of her waiting, her impression of the event, trying to get an autograph but couldnt because she left already, etc etc.

basically what pertains to GHS is this fan's first impression is how she is so very white, her eyes are huge and you couldnt see anything but her eyes. She is very pretty and how she basically had too many clothes on but she was still gorgeous.

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Since I'm not very familiar with Korean music, I don't know who this JJY person is, so if anybody can share a pic that would be great! It definitely is interesting if the picture HS drew of the man looks like JJY. It just makes you wonder...

I'm glad that HS healed through writing Tango and hope she will meet someone deserving of her and treats her well.

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hello girls, i'm back! I went to the korean celeb photos thread to promote GHS, as requested by a fellow HS fan.. hehe..

anyway, i'm hoping to see hyesun in another photoshoot.. pls appear in one. I hope they try a different make-up style on her, something different for a change. HS always has this friendly wide smile that the stylists seem to end up styling her mostly the same way, with minimal makeup, or a more natural look. I know it suits her esp since she has really good skin. But I also wish to see her all glammed up and in a different way then the Soup photoshoot. I remember seeing a photoshoot of Han Gain a few years ago (she also usually has the natural make-up look) where they styled her up real sophisticated (don't remember which clothing brand), I almost couldn't recognize her, but she looked really stylish and pretty. I think Hyesun would have an equally stunning outcome ^_^. Sometimes I also wonder how hyesun would look if they styled her up like yoon eunhye... with the stronger brown/golden eyeshadows and a different hairstyle. if only i could photoshop her face on to see the outcome.. haha.. seems like no HS news for today. Sue, bella and all can take a break for once :)

^dramalovers26, u can see JJY's pic here: http://blog.xuite.net/yym216/drama/23686563 (wasfiyya posted on the previous page).

all the pics are of the same guy.

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Guest ching22194

holy crap! it really looks like him. i have to admit they looked good together.

the guy is really good looking.. :) if the rumor is true me too would feel

devastated if i broke up with a guy like that.. :lol:

since he gives so much misery to my dear hyesun, i'll swear him to death..! <_<:lol:

thanks again webby for the link.

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im really not familiar with kpop boybands,so sorry i have no idea what JJY looks like

but big thanks to webby for the links.. ;)

gawd, there really is a similarity...

the guy is quite good looking too...

no wonder she was devastated when they broke up..

well of course, if the rumor is true... :P

btw, if i remember it right this is my first post in this thread, i was like stalking since last month.. :rolleyes::D

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Guest susAmerica

Dear Soompies.

I personally feel very very uncomfortable talking badly of someone who is/was our HS' friend. What if HS read the posts?

Also, there is a possibility that we are assuming too much and talking about it as if it is the truth.

Let us be respectful and kind to our HS and her friends.

I know we love our HS and that is why we are doing it but I just do not feel comfortable reading posts that may make HS embarrassed. Do you know what I mean? I hope you agree,

Thanks a lot.

sus :mellow:

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Guest Miki67

First, i wanna apologize since i'm the one initiated the story about JJY....i couldn't control my feeling as i heard about the guy who hurting our girl but then i realized i made a big mistake...i'm truly sorry i should PM u guys instead when talking about such a sensitive issue like that ...I agree with Sue, please dunt talk badly of him anymore, there is also a thread of BB in soompi and his fans all are around here....

The worst thing i'm afraid is what we said would accidentally spread out the rumor and what if it reach HS?....how can she face it? ( I've learned some experience due to what happened in my country) ....Even if it's true as webby said before this is in the past so Sunnies please just skip it.............HS is a great girl, I believe a good guy is waiting her somewhere out there :)...

Hope u guys agree

Thanks so much


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Guest susAmerica

I know there isn't much new news about our HS. Hope she is getting a nice break time. There is a possibility that we may see her on MNET's popularity award show on August 28th, right? Although we could not vote for her, I hope at least we can see her with two of her F4 friends at the award show.

I found THREE ARTICLES below through naver.com and it is from SportsDonga. All the article are written by Lee Jun Young reporter ALL on the same date of February 11, 2009

구혜선이 말하는 ‘나의 연애관’… 김지훈과 열애? “생뚱 맞아요”

Headline: GHS's love....Kim Ji Hoon? Not True (above Korean word in red??)입력 : 2009-02-11 00:00:00

“결혼할 남자를 만날 거예요.”

구혜선은 최근 대중의 관심을 끄는 인기 스타라면 누구나 거치게 되는 일종의 통과의례라 할 수 있는 열애설에 휩싸였다. 그녀는 동료 연기자 김지훈과 열애설이 보도된 후 처음으로 심경을 밝혔다.

GHS says: "I will meet a man that I would want to marry."

She says that rumors that connect me to other male stars will naturally happen as I am in the public's eye. She became concerned for the first time about the rumored love connection with her colleague Kim Ji Hoon.

구혜선은 자신의 열애설에 대해 “너무 쌩뚱 맞아요”라며 웃었다. 대개 스타의 ‘열애설’은 그런 이야기가 나올만한 상황이 있기 마련이다. 그런 사실을 그녀도 잘 알고 있었다.

GHS laughs about the rumored love connection stories about her, saying that it is just a false rumor. She knows that those things could happen to any people in the public light.

“제가 계기를 제공했으니 그렇게 보였겠죠. 제 잘못도 있어요. 한 달 전 소문이 돌았을 때 알아서 행동을 조심했어야 했는데… 그때는 ‘왜 그런 소리가 나올까’하고 무심결에 흘려들었는데 막상 소문이 퍼지고 나니 속상하더라고요.”

"Perhaps because I let it happen, it is partly my fault too. This rumor occurred one month ago and I should have been more careful.....At that time, I just wondered why such a rumor would appear and did not think about it. As the rumor thickened, I became more upset."

그녀는 알려진 것처럼 김지훈과 막역한 사이가 아니라고 한다.

“함께 연습생 시절을 거친 것도 아니고, 어렸을 때 음악하던 사람들과 자주 만나는 모임에서 만났어요. 소개를 받고 다른 사람과 함께 몇 차례 자리를 했을 뿐인데 우리만 유독 연기자다 보니 그런 오해가 생긴 것 같아요.”

GHS says that she and Kim Ji Hoon do not have the kind of vague relationship that the rumor describes.

"We were not trainees together. We met frequently in a group that learned music together since young age. I was introduced to him and, with another person, we got together few times. However, since only the two of us are public entertainers in the group, the misunderstanding may have occurred."

구혜선은 열애설이 나온 후 김지훈에게 미안해서 전화한통을 못해줬다고 했다. 그녀는 “ 저 때문에 곤란하지 않았을까 미안했어요. 모임 친구들에게 ‘지훈 오빠는 괜찮은지 물어봐달라’고 했어요”라고 말했다.

After the rumor occurred, she felt so sorry to Kim Ji Hoon that she could not even make a phone call to him. "I felt like I may have put him in a bad situation. I asked one of my friends from our music group to ask if he is doing well."

구혜선은 열애설을 해명하면서 자신의 연애관에 대해 확실히 밝혔다.

Then GHS spoke truthfully about her own situation with love and men.

“일찍 안정된 생활을 하고 싶어 결혼도 빨리 하고 싶어요. 한 남자를 만나면 ‘올인’하는 스타일이라 결혼 적령기에 만나 결혼할 거예요. 한 번 만나면 쉽게 헤어지지 못하고 눈에 콩깍지가 씌여 아무 것도 안보여요. 지금까지 2명의 남자와 사귀었는데 모두 먼저 차였어요.”

"I want to marry as soon as possible so that I can have a more stable life. I am a ALL IN, one woman for one man type of a person. I am a type of person who cannot easily break up when I meet someone I really care about and I cannot see anybody else except for that one person. So far, I have been in two relationships and, both times, the men broke up with me first."

너무 순종적으로 대해 “넌 너무 매력이 없다”라는 공통된 말을 남기고 떠났다고 한다.

“나와 결혼은 몰라도 연애는 안 되겠다고 말하고 떠났죠. 그런 상처가 있어 그런지 남자를 만나보려고 시도를 해봤지만 쉽지 않았어요. 연애는 정말 어려운 것 같아요.”

They both left me by saying that I am too agreeable to the point of being pure and obedient that I am not charming enough."They left me by saying that they might want to marrry me but that they do not want to date me. Because of such personal scars, I find it very difficult to meet men for myself. Dating is really a difficult thing." (I remember translating the Somang interview where GHS was told about what Lee Seung Gi said: that he would marry GHS type of person but that his ideal is Nam Sang Mi. I remember her expression was blank, meaning that she did not look happy at all but did not show it. Now I know that such comments by men would remind her of her deep scars about her love experience. Well, I for one, pray that GHS stays true to herself and never compromise to please anybody!!!)

연애에 관한 지침서 등을 읽으며 연애공부를 하고 있다는 그녀는 “결혼할 남자를 만나게 되면 숨기지 않고 떳떳하게 밝히고 당당하게 연애를 할 것”이라고 말했다.

GHS says that she reads and studies about dating and relationships. When she meets the right person, she does not want to hide the truth but to date in a dignified manner out in the open. (I think she is willing to date in public without hiding it. I hope the special man that she meets also feel the same way since, most likely, she will date somebody who is also in the same business, right???)

이정연 기자 annjoy@donga.com Reporter Lee Jung Yun


The Reporter Lee Jung Yun made a commentary on SportsDonga on Feb. 11, 2009 after speaking with GHS in the above interview. Below is Lee's commentary:

‘꽃남’ 구혜선의 드라마와 연기 그리고 사랑… 이정연 기자가 본 구혜선 (My reflection about GHS)  입력 : 2009-02-11 00:00:00 그녀와 이야기를 하면서 두 번 깜짝 놀랐다. After speaking with GHS, I was surprised twice.

연예인, 그것도 지금 한창 인기 절정인 스타답지않은 순진한 성격에 먼저 놀랐다.

Even though she has been an actress/performer and is currently extremely popular, she is basically unaffected and I am surprised by her innocence and sincerity.

그리고 한차례 열애설에 시달렸는데도 불구하고 거침없이 자신의 속마음을 말하는 모습에 또 한 번 놀랐다.

Even though she had been caught in the difficulty of false rumor about her love life, she is yet willling to be open about her real self. Again, this surprised me about GHS.

거침없이 솔직한 구혜선의 성격은 드라마 ‘꽃보다 남자’에서 그녀가 연기하는 금잔디 모습과 전혀 달랐다.

GHS' unhindered honesty and sincerity are so different from her Geum Jandi character that she plays in BOF.

이야기를 조근조근 맛깔 나게 풀어내는 빼어난 화술도 있고, 순진한 미소로 상대를 끌어당기는 묘한 매력도 지녔다.

She speaks so deliciously, with her genuine smile, that you cannot help but be pulled in by her charm.

조금은 독특한 그녀의 이런 모습을 두고 주위에서는 ‘4차원 엉뚱녀’이라고 하지만, 그보다는 극중 상대역인 이민호가 부르는 ‘구초딩’이라는 별명이 더 어울린다.

Some people have called her uniqueness as "4-D strange girl", however, I think the way Lee Min Ho calls her seems more appropriate. He nicknamed her "Goo Cho-Ding"=Goo, the elementary school kid=(funny, real,genuine, innocent like a child. You know, the way Goo and Lee often interacted together BTS in BOF--like couple of innocent kids having fun and fooling around.)

이정연 기자 annjoy@donga.com=Reporter Lee Jung Yun


Another article by the same reporter as above on GHS on the same day:

구혜선의 드라마와 연기 그리고 사랑…이민호 김현중이 남자로 보이기 시작했다

GHS' drama, acting and love--------------Lee Min Ho and Kim Hyun Joong are starting to look like men입력 : 2009-02-11 05:56:48

꽃보다 남자들의 여자’ 구혜선의 인기는 지금 상종가이다. 그리고 현재진행형이다.

BOF's girl, GHS's popularity is increasing and is currently continuing.

그녀는 ‘꽃보다 남자’에서 ‘구혜선 원맨쇼’라고 할 정도로 늘 거침없이 망가졌다. 그렇게 두 달 동안 살아왔더니 그녀의 인기 역시 ‘F4’ 못지않게 올라갔다.

At times, BOF is referred to as "GHS one-man show" because she gets into the action scenes without hesitation and gets hurt. After acting in such a way for the past two months, GHS is getting as much popularity as the F4.

드라마에서 ‘F4’의 사랑을 독차지 하는 그녀는 한동안 여성 시청자들에게 ‘공공의 적’이었다. 그러나 소녀, 누나들의 집단 원성은 점차 응원의 목소리로 이어지고 있다.

While she monopolized the love of F4, GHS has been the enemy of many female viewers of BOF. However, these female audience's reproachful remarks are fast turning into cheers for GHS.

요즘 매일 계속되는 촬영 때문에 경기 파주-화성-대구 등 전국을 오가는 숨 가쁜 촬영일정을 소화하는 구혜선을 정말 어렵게 시간을 내서 만났다.

Because BOF shoots in various locations, setting up interview with busy GHS has been very difficult.

- 워낙 큰 인기를 끌고 있어서 그런지 피곤한 기색이 없다.

-Yet, maybe due to the popularity of the drama, GHS did not look tired at all.

“하루에 1시간 정도 차안에서 쪽잠을 자며 촬영하고 있다. 이 생활을 한 지 벌써 2개월째다. 이제는 익숙해졌는지 괜찮다. 가끔 잠이 부족해 횡설수설할 때도 있지만 다들 고생하고 있고, 결과도 좋게 나와 힘을 내고 있다.”

"I sleep in the van for about an hour and then return to filming, This has been my life for the past two months that I think I have become accustomed. Of course, at times, I may talk gibberish due to lack of sleep. However, it is not just me. Everybody is in the same boat. Besides, the result is so good that I feel more energizied."

- 신드롬이라고 할 정도로 인기다. 인기 요인이 무엇일까.

-Popularity is soaring. What do you think is the reason?

“이민호, 김현중 등 ‘F4’의 힘이다. 그들의 가진 매력이 갈수록 더 인기를 끌고 있는 것 같다. 그들과 함께 연기하는 것은 나의 행운이다.”

"It is the power of Lee Min Ho, Kim Hyun Joong, the F4. Their attractive charms are increasing the popularity by the day. To act with them is my luck."

- 전작인 사극에 비해 연기가 편안해졌다는 평이 많다.

-People are saying your acting seems much more comfortable than when you were playing the roles in the dry historical dramas.

“내 이름 뒤에 꼬리표처럼 붙은 ‘미스 캐스팅’, ‘불명예’, ‘논란’이라는 단어 때문에 방황의 시기를 보냈다. ‘왕과 나’를 촬영할 때도 공격의 대상이었다. 사회적으로 물의를 일으킨 것도 아닌데 무차별 공격을 받았다. 덕분에 마음의 여유가 없어지고, 연예계 활동에 대해 복잡한 생각을 많이 했다. 그러나 시간이 지나면서 마음을 비우고 내 자신만 생각했다. 모든 것을 내려놓으니 편해지고, 쉽게 연기할 수 있었다.”

"Behind my name followed the labels of "miscasting", "disgrace", "criticism" and,so, I did experience some really dark hours for a while. When I was in <King and I>, I also received great attacks of criticism. I felt that I received indiscriminate amount of criticism even though I did not bring on any societal harm. Because of that I could not really rest easy and seriously thought hard about my acting career. As time passed, I was able to empty my mind clean and to focus only on myself. After I let go of everytthing, I felt more comfortable and lighter. Only then, I was able to do my acting job more easily."

- 장안의 화제인 ‘F4’의 사랑을 한꺼번에 받으니 부럽다.

-You are the envy of everyone as you get the love of the famous F4.

“촬영장에만 있다보니 인터넷을 검색할 시간이 없다. 밖의 반응을 모르니 그들의 인기를 실감을 못했다. 어쩌다 휴대전화로 인터넷을 볼 때마다 깜짝 놀란다. 직접 얼굴을 보며 연기할 때는 몰랐는데, 화면으로 보니 정말 멋있다. 옆에 있으면 부담스러울 정도다.”

"I don't even have the time to use the internet as I am so busy filming. I did not fully realize their popularity as I usually did not have the time to find out what is going on outside of filming. By chance, I did look at the internet through the cell phone and was surprised by their enormous popularity. I really did not know it while filming, but when I would see them on the screen, I then realize how very attractive and charming the F4 are. At times I feel the burden when I am next to them."

- 이민호나 김현중이 프러포즈가 현실이라면?

-What if the proposals from Lee Min Ho and Kim Hyun Joong are for real?

“정말 나는 연하의 남자에게 매력을 못 느꼈다. 그런데 모니터를 하면서 느낀 건데, 이런 나에게도 남자로 보일정도로 매력적이다. 나도 이제 나이를 먹었나 보다. 상대가 나를 여자로 보고 프러포즈를 한다면 더 이상 연기자로 보기 어려울 것 같다.(웃음)”

"To be very honest, I have never felt attracted to men younger than I am. But, as I monitor them, even I am feeling their attractiveness as men. I guess I am getting old. If they also see me as a woman and propose, I guess it would be hard for me to act like a professional actress in that situation. (laughter)"

- 김현중과 이민호의 키스신이 화제다. 특히 이민호와의 진한 키스신은 뒷말이 무성하다.

-Kiss scene with Kim Hyun Joong and Lee Min Ho created big news. There are lot of talks especially about the deep kiss scene with LMH.

“(김)현중이와는 드라마 초반에 촬영한 키스신이었다. 그런데 (이)민호와의 키스신은 조금 뒤에 찍어 상황이 달랐다. NG없이 한 번에 찍자는 감독님의 주문도 있고, 서로의 사랑을 확인하게 되는 장면이라 완전히 몰입했다. 데뷔 후 드라마에서 그렇게 진한 키스는 처음이다. 현중과 찍은 입술만 맞대는 뽀뽀 수준이 아닌…아주 진.한.키.스(하하하). 1시간에 걸쳐 키스신을 찍은 이후 3일 동안 민호와 서로 얼굴을 못 쳐다봤다. 그런데 편집에서 수위가 너무 높다고 판단해 역광으로 촬영된 장면을 내보냈다. 방송을 보면서 저렇게 편집될 걸 너무 리얼하게 연기(?)했다고 후회했다.(웃음)”

"The kiss scene with KHJ occurred in the beginning of BOF. But the kiss scene with LMH occurred later and the situation is different. The PD asked us to make the scene in one shot without any NG's. It was a scene that is suppose to show the confirmation of the love between GJP and GJD and so we had to really focus. Since my debut, I have never kissed so deeply in my career. It was so different from the light peck with KHJ...it was a real deep kiss (hahaha). One hour after the kiss scene with LMH, I could not even look at LMH in the face for 3 days. However, the kiss scene was considered inappropriate for our audience that the PD had to edit it with much backlighting. While looking at that edited kiss scene on TV screen, I regretted that we both worked so hard to make it real. (laughter)"

- 극중 두 남자를 사이에 두고 갈팡질팡한 것 아닌가

-Would you have difficult time making decision between two drama male characters.

“누구나 그 상황이라면 흔들렸을 것 같다. 다른 사람도 아니고 구준표와 윤지후다. 한 명은 절정의 순정파인데 거칠다. 또 한 명은 다른 사람을 사랑한 적이 있지만 나에게 너무 다정다감하다. 쉽게 ‘이 사람이다’라고 선택할 수 없을 것 같다. 아마 그 상황이라면 갈등하지 않는 사람은 없을 것이다.”

"Anybody in that situation would be shaken in such situation. Especially since the two characters are Goo Joon Pyo and Yoon Ji Hoo. One character is, although rough on the outside, the peak of pure sincerity. The other one loved another before but is very sensitive and emotional to me. It is not an easy decision to make. I think anybody would sympathize with such difficult situation."

- ‘하이틴 막장드라마’라는 비판이 있다.

-There is some criticism of BOF as an inappropriate teen drama.

“그런 비판은 당연하다. 만화를 원작으로 해 어쩔 수 없는 부분이다. 그래도 최대한 한국적인 정서로 담아내려고 노력하고 있다. 만화에 비해 훨씬 정화시키려 최선을 다하고 있다. 드라마는 드라마일 뿐, 오해하지 말았으면 좋겠다. 고등학생 신분에 대해 비판적인 의견은 있을 수 있다. 단순한 사건, 사고보다는 이들이 만드는 메시지에 주목해줬으면 좋겠다.”

"Of course such criticism is normal given that the original comes from a manga. However, we are trying our best to make it as much appropriate for the Korean audience as possible. Drama is just a drama. I sincerely hope that the public do not misunderstand. It is normal to criticize it as inappropriate for the high school students. However, I hope that the public focus on the essence of the message told by these drama characters."

- 금잔디 캐릭터도 너무 오버스럽다는 지적도 있다.

-Geum Jan Di character has also been criticized for overacting.

“한국인들은 가난하지만 억척스런 캐릭터보다는 가난한데 발랄한 캐릭터를 좋아한다. 금잔디가 이런 경우다. 가난하지만 그것을 고민하지 않고 당당하게 이겨낸다. 그런 금잔디를 연기하다보니 그렇게 표현되는 것 같다.”

"Koreans prefer characters that are poor but lively instead of character that are poor but tough and unyielding. Geum Jan Di is such a character. She may be poor, but she does not ever worry about that and live her life in a dignified way. As I played such Jandi, that is how it comes out for me."

- 이 드라마가 이처럼 큰 인기를 누릴 것이라 예상했나

-Did you ever imagine the drama will become this popular.

“아시아에서 인기를 얻어서 어느 정도 이슈는 될 것이라 여겼지만 이처럼 폭발적인 반응을 보일 줄은 몰랐다. 비현실적인 면, 즉 환타지가 많이 어필한 것 같다. 현실에서는 일어날 수 없는 일들이 벌어지니깐 일종의 대리만족을 느끼면서 재미있게 봐주는 것 같다.”

"Because other versions became so famous in other parts of Asia, I did think that our version will create some news, but I never thought it will cause such an explosive reaction. I am sure that the unreal and fantasy-like aspects appealed to the audience. So much of the drama would not normally occur in real life and we all, at times, get so much more satisfaction from fantasy."

이정연 기자 annjoy@donga.com = Lee Jung Yun Reporter


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Just lets it go...All rumors or private things about our beloved GHS...just let's them go..

I feel so bad hearing that her guys left her and said such a hurtful words

Forget about the past..think about future and fight for today.

This is our GHS.

Kindly lets her "bad love" go away..


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SUE thanks for the article and the translation sue..

shes so considerate of other people's feelings hehe, asking a friend to call if KJH is doing ok is such a sweet undertaking..

I love reading GHS's interviews because theres a lot of witty and humor answering such sensitive and serious topics..

more power GHS!

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Thank you Sue for the translations!

I really did not know it while filming, but when I would see them on the screen, I then realize how very attractive and charming the F4 are. At times I feel the burden when I am next to them."

lol.. hyesun is so funny. seems like the guys are more charming on screen than in person. I think it's becoz they are on such a tight and tiring filming schedule and everyone is professionally playing their part, it's only when you relax and sit back to view the drama on the screen that you appreciate the visual aspects.

“정말 나는 연하의 남자에게 매력을 못 느꼈다. 그런데 모니터를 하면서 느낀 건데, 이런 나에게도 남자로 보일정도로 매력적이다. 나도 이제 나이를 먹었나 보다. 상대가 나를 여자로 보고 프러포즈를 한다면 더 이상 연기자로 보기 어려울 것 같다.(웃음)”

"To be very honest, I have never felt attracted to men younger than I am. But, as I monitor them, even I am feeling their attractiveness as men. I guess I am getting old. If they also see me as a woman and propose, I guess it would be hard for me to act like a professional actress in that situation. (laughter)"

I've read this article before but couldn't really understand what she meant here then. so i was eager to read your translation. I think hyesun is one smart girl the way she answers the reporters questions without really avoiding the subject and yet, she actually doesn't really give a concrete answer. What does she mean by it's hard to act like a professional actress? does she mean she could be embarrassed, feel awkward, or happily accept the proposal unlike what a prof actress would do.. lol... she's very bubbly and laugh often during the interview.

I esp liked how the reporter wrote the article as 친.한.키.스 with the dots in between the words to stress the deep kiss.

조금은 독특한 그녀의 이런 모습을 두고 주위에서는 ‘4차원 엉뚱녀’이라고 하지만, 그보다는 극중 상대역인 이민호가 부르는 ‘구초딩’이라는 별명이 더 어울린다.

Some people have called her uniqueness as "4-D strange girl", however, I think the way Lee Min Ho calls her seems more appropriate. He nicknamed her "Goo Cho-Ding"=Goo, the elementary school kid=(funny, real,genuine, innocent like a child. You know, the way Goo and Lee often interacted together BTS in BOF--like couple of innocent kids having fun and fooling around.)

After reading this, i now understand the term goo cho-ding better, and appreciate it especially when you associate it with feelings of endearment and the innocence and sincerity of a child. I hope she will forever be Goo Cho-Ding and not let that shining element in her die. Hyesun Fighting!

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Guest xiaomaii

Woah...thank you guys for the updates. ;)

Anyway...about Goo Hye Sun and Jang Jin-young rumored to be dating has been quiet a history already...

It's a rumor that was out last Summer 2007...

It's the reason why it was known GHS has been an SM Trainee before

I guess some guys are really curious about it...

So here's a picture I've been keeping for long now...


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