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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest susAmerica

SUE heres the article..i just enlarged the texts...

Thank you pink fairy! What would I do without you!

Translation of GHS at the PIFAN (most likely on July 16th, the commencement of PIFAN)

It is scary how many people are coming to the 13th PIFAN commencement. Since NAFF, the Asia Fantastic Production Network, started 2 years ago, and through rumors, the number of Asian customers and enthusiasts has significantly increased. Even the discussion sessions with the audience have increased by double. I met few of the most interesting movie makers. Among them is GHS who is receiving comparatively good feedback for her short film, <Cheerful Caretaker>. People all over the world are giving their support for PIFAN and every year, more and more friends are made here.

Written by Daily: Choi Jae Rim, Hong Soo Kyung, Jung Ji Won, Park Min, Kim Jong Hoon (honorary reporter), Kim Tae Sun (Photograph)

People I met in 13th PIFAN:

Cheerful Caretaker

Goo Hye Sun

It seem like only yesterday that I saw her as the long-legged, lively, unrelenting, commoner girl ‘Geum Jan Di’ and now she came to PIFAN as a director. There seems to be nothing she cannot do: an actor, a writer, an artist! How did she fall into the world of directing?

I: <Cheerful Caretaker> received the audience award at the Busan Asia Short Film Festival and has been receiving nice feedback. How did you ever think of a paradoxical story of a priest aiding in mercy killing?

G: Not that I think of such thing everyday, (laughs) (She made a slight joke here, because she is laughing after she said she does not think about the topic normally. However, in a video interview, she told the interviewer that she does think often about life and death.) but I wanted to make a short film of a story that cannot be made into a full-length film.

I: When did you start to have a dream of becoming a director?

G: To be honest, I really was more interested in the movie setting/image design. (I have done a similar translation before. However, this article seems more complete than the previous one I translated. When Goo says ‘movie design’, I think she is talking more about the role of art directors in movies. I think they are responsible for the music, setting, anything to enhance the mood and theme of the movie??? Am I correct??) I enjoy composing and drawing and somehow my interests led that way. When I was thinking about studying it further, (the late) Representative Jung Seung Hae of the Morning Production Company encouraged me to direct movies instead. She told me that I have the potential to make movies since I have already experienced writing a book and because I enjoy creating stories. So, I took a big risk and challenged myself.

I: These days, I feel as if there is a sense of “explosion”. Your appetite for creation or writing seems to be exploding endlessly.

G: Representative Jung had an enormous influence on me. Because of her, I “EXPLODED”. Other people may think that I am SUDDENLY doing all these projects for the sake of fame. Actually I was more scared and discouraged by such possible talks. I could not challenge myself because I was afraid that I would even ruin whatever positive image I may have. But I could not help but explode. I decided to explode first so that other people can also explode also! (laughs) (I like her statement here! She could not hold her creativity inside.)

I: Even when you were young, did you have so many artistic passions?

G: I think it is more fitting to say curiosity. I was curious about so many things that I was even labeled as <farfetched, reckless, unreasonable, extraordinary, crazy, weird…>. I had more curiosity about people as a child, not necessarily artistic passions. I just loved observing people. As I grew up, I wanted to create culturally and emotionally stimulating things so that people may enjoy them.

I: Who came up with the idea of <Cheerful Caretaker>?

G: The idea just came to me out of the blue. (In another video interview, Goo also said that the idea for <Cheerful Caretaker> just came to her in a dream when she had been thinking hard consciously for her short film ideas. I also heard of one great mathematician—can’t remember the name—who came up with the idea of measuring volume when he fell asleep in a bath tub after many days of consciously thinking about the problem!) Initially I was thinking of a story of an undertaker who takes care of corpses. Then, I thought it would be more interesting to have the most unlikely type of a person to deal with the corpses. That is when the idea of a religious setting came to me.

I: Perhaps it is the paradoxical taboo themes in your story, but I kind of get the influence of the Director Park Chan Wook.

G: Because this is a short film, I experimented with it a great deal. Movies are supposed to be about outrageous imagination and I was determined to send out as many themes of taboos and contradictions as possible. I do enjoy Director Park Chan Wook’s movies very much. Another producer also commented to me after he saw my movie that it reminded him of Director Park’s earlier short works. I am honored to be thought of in that way. I ran into Director Park at the Mi Jang Sen Short Film Festival and asked him to look at my movie. Next time, I hope to make a visit to Director Park with better preparation.

I: Was it your idea to finish up the wrapped corpses with ribbons?

G: In a drama called <Kind GeumJa ssi>, GeumJa says she likes anything pretty. That is how I feel too. Movies can present life as it is. However, <Cheerful Caretaker> is a fantasy and I did not want it to resemble anything ordinary or common. So I wanted it to be perfectly pretty and did not allow one iota of dirt anywhere. (Her idea of making the movie background as pretty and perfectly clean is in itself a contradiction or a paradox to the complex and messy theme of suicide, mercy killing and salvation, isn’t it!!?? Woah!!)

I: You gave tons of credit to your staff for the movie. Even the movie set was created from scratch.

G: It is all due the fact that Representative Jung is blessed with such friendly people. I had nothing to offer. I first had a meeting at her movie production office. Whenever someone walked into her office asking what she is doing, Rep. Jung would invite the person to participate. Or, if someone would come in to say hello to me, GHS, Rep. Jung would invite the person to come in and sit down for a while. Then (a laughter), many people gathered inside as if in a gallery. They all had their doubts and yet they all helped. I made a miniature model of the Catholic Church for the movie set and gave it to the Art Director. He took out few unnecessary and messy parts and created an exact replica of the model. After I saw the set, I felt a complete sense of responsibility for the movie. (Wow, she made the miniature of her movie setting!)

I: How did you do the casting?

G: Kim Myung Joon sunbae nim and I worked together in the drama <King and I> and I have always considered him a wonderful actor and a wonderful sunbae. (You all are familiar with the term sunbae from BOF. Remember JIHOO sunbae?) Suh Hyun Jin who plays the role of the nun used to be a lead vocal for the group called MILK and now she works as an actress. She is not only a wonderful actress but she is also a very good friend of mine. Jun Tae Soo ssi is Ha Ji Won sunbae’s younger brother and he also worked with me in <King and I>. I gave all of them my script to review and asked them to get back to me. They all consented to work with me even without reading the script.

I: You do so many things and so well, how do you find the time to do it all?

G: I do not set aside any special time. I do not set a specific goal to drive myself into the work. However, I do set a time to try to understand myself better. The more I learn about myself, I try to control myself more. If get into a slump, I cannot do anything. I do not want to ruin my life because of me. (Wow, that is so true. Often we are our biggest obstacle,) I know that it is not enough to just have the desire to do something, so I listen to the adults’ advices and warnings. I do the work whenever I can spare the time. (She disciplines herself by being more understanding of herself. I remember translating her top 5 choices for music that she listens in order to hear and to go deeper inside of herself more.)

I: How far along are you with your full-length movie work?

G: I am in the middle of casting for actors. It is a musical movie of a cellist. For now, I tell people that I have to get it done by November. I have a personality that tends to keep promise if I tell other people about it. I may also do a drama. I am in trouble for the second half of the year. (laughter) (OMG, I hope she will not overburden herself!! I want to see a great movie directed by GHS! I also hope <Cheerful Caretaker> will be available for the public as well.) :D

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Guest susAmerica

Thank you mintcar for the posting of TLJ cf with GHS. It looks like they are using her old pic. Perhaps there is a new negotiation under way???? The ad says that if you buy one of those delicious looking cakes between August 3~15, you will get that cute flower pot fan to deal with the hot summer weather!

FYI: GHS went to Japan on August 4th to meet with the Isao Sasaki to work out the details of the <Over The Rainbow concert> to be held in Seoul on September 5th. The article does not say when she will return to Korea.


The article is written by Kim Hyung Hoo of Newsen on August 5th, 2009.\

구혜선은 4일 현재 일본에 머물며 이사오 사사키를 만나 음반과 음악회에 대해 논의를 하고 있다. 한 관계자는 이날 "구혜선이 이사오 사사키를 만나러 일본으로 떠났다"며 "음반 준비를 위해 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있다"고 전했다. :)

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SUE :P thank you again!

...so GHS went to Japan..shes rather working hard for her projects,I am so proud of her.I think she and alex would be the MC for the opening of Jecheon International Music Fest?on Aug.13 cant wait to see her host again :D

*she said she " may do a drama " yikes! cant wait for her movie and a drama.. :)



BELLA hehe, thanks so much for that brief summary.. ;)

SUE yeah it was her BOF bro,i thought at first it was GHS's foot.. :lol:

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SUE :P thank you again!

...so GHS went to Japan..shes rather working hard for her projects,I am so proud of her.I think she and alex would be the MC for the opening of Jecheon International Music Fest?on Aug.13 cant wait to see her host again :D

*she said she " may do a drama " yikes! cant wait for her movie and a drama.. :)


Thanks Pinky for posting the article. I'll actually summarize this article.

Basically, on the taping of the recent episode of Star Golden Bell, the actor Suh Ji Suk clarified some rumors stating that him and GHS were dating. He said that basically they strictly have an "oppa/dongseng" relationship and have a close friendship after filming Pure 19 for about a year (wow that is some LONG filming!) and that people have mistaken their friendship as something more.

Interestingly enough, this sort of thing does not surprise me!

Also- huge favor to ask of someone in here: can someone pm me the fan accounts that jellybing posted, I can't read the Korean font for some reason!

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Guest susAmerica

sorry Bell. I did not see your translaton.

Pink Fairy, thank you for telling me who was being tickled in Hanadan.

It happened so quickly that I could not tell. I have never seen that BTS before.


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Thanks Pinky for posting the article. I'll actually summarize this article.

Basically, on the taping of the recent episode of Star Golden Bell, the actor Suh Ji Suk clarified some rumors stating that him and GHS were dating. He said that basically they strictly have an "oppa/dongseng" relationship and have a close friendship after filming Pure 19 for about a year (wow that is some LONG filming!) and that people have mistaken their friendship as something more.

Interestingly enough, this sort of thing does not surprise me!

Also- huge favor to ask of someone in here: can someone pm me the fan accounts that jellybing posted, I can't read the Korean font for some reason!

Hi , you are looking for me ?? It is the korean words..

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Guest minjee



love the both them ever since NN5 days! Now it's good to see they're both getting more recognised and obviously hottest female korean stars of today! :D:P Nowadays seems like they're put as rivals but I think both of them are talented in their own way! Although,I love Hye Sun eoni more hehehe!

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Guest breeana15


Singer-turned-actor “Romantic Guy” Alex and talented actress Gu Hye Sun have both been chosen to be the host for the opening ceremony of the 5th Jecheon International Music & Film Festival (read more about it here)

Last month, JMFF secretariat held a press conference on July 14 at the Cultural Hall, Shinsegae dept. store, Seoul to announce that Alex & Gu Hye Sun will be this year’s hosts for the opening ceremony.

On the opening day, Aug 13, a list of classical musicians as well as other top orchestra musicians will be performing for the opening ceremony. “Price & Prejudice” will be screened as the opening film.

The 5th Jecheon International Music & Film Festival will be held for 6 days, from August 13 to August 18.

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Guest breeana15



goo hye sun forever!!

this is a repost if ever someone post it already.. :D


the one who edit this pic is cool...but he edit a wrong one...i hate it...but hye sun is soo sexy...lol ;)


i think this is the real one...

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Guest mintcar

Hi breeana15 welcome to GHS thread :) The pictures above are not showing since asianfanatics does not allow hotlinking of their images. You could re-upload those at photobucket.com, imageshack.us etc.

Thank you sue for the translation of her interview and the update that she went to Japan recently. Korean fans might not have known she was going there or else, there would have been pictures of her at the airport?

Wow Park Chan Wook. I do hope that him and GHS will get to talk again about movies and directing.

bellaangel, here's a screenshot of the fan account: Screenshot

The fan account is from this page at dc: Link

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Thanks Pinky for posting the article. I'll actually summarize this article.

Basically, on the taping of the recent episode of Star Golden Bell, the actor Suh Ji Suk clarified some rumors stating that him and GHS were dating. He said that basically they strictly have an "oppa/dongseng" relationship and have a close friendship after filming Pure 19 for about a year (wow that is some LONG filming!) and that people have mistaken their friendship as something more.

Interestingly enough, this sort of thing does not surprise me!

Also- huge favor to ask of someone in here: can someone pm me the fan accounts that jellybing posted, I can't read the Korean font for some reason!

Thank you for the summary. I felt a little sad when I read that SJS clarified he and HS have strictly "oppa/donseng" relationship! I hope they still keep in contact. I love their chemistry in Pure 19 just as much as I love HS's chemistry with LMH. I think HS when pair with the right actor can create beautiful sizzling chemistry!

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Guest breeana15

Hi breeana15 welcome to GHS thread :) The pictures above are not showing since asianfanatics does not allow hotlinking of their images. You could re-upload those at photobucket.com, imageshack.us etc.

thanks for welcoming me and thanks also for the tips.....i'm princess... :D

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(jellybing2009 @ Aug 6 2009, 04:29 AM)

someone from baidu also posted this , need anybody help for the translation .. it was taken from Hye Sun DC

Thank you!

ss501 concert fan account ( lee min ho and goo hye sun )

This is the translation that i got from chinese forum baidu therefore i do some eng translation

In the performing stage , this fan met up with her sister and while they're waiting

At the seating area, F4 turns up! reporters gather together.

kim bum, lee min ho, goo hye sun were seated accordingly wow artiste face must be that small? it is so small that it scares people. kim bum ! goo hye sun !

lee min ho has a ordinary appearance. Compare to the two of them, his face looks slightly bigger . hehe.

lee min ho , kim bum , goo hye arrived.

They came in through the middle of the Seat A . Who knew that they came in from there?

They walk past in front of the Seat A which was before my eyes. They were seated in front of seat R.

while going to the washroom with her friends , this fan saw goo hye sun.

Her face is very small, fair/white, thin and looks simple and elegant.

She has a lollipop in her mouth while she was walking .hehe

Before the concert starts, security guards shouted to the fans and asked them to sit at their own place.

Due to the shouting, she thought something happen. Reason is before the concert starts kim bum change his seat. haha. needless to say, the surrounding must be in a mess. they said he was handsome and snap pics

In any case, when flower boy Mr lee min ho and Miss goo hye sun is together. That made the seats to shine and let us see arguementation and wonder why is my mood getting better. haha

chinese translation: 冰水恋

ps: sorry if there is any incorrect translation. feel free to correct me.

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Guest minjee

i love reading fan accounts! thanks snowy22!!! :D here's some old pics of her I don't think it's been posted here before~~



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Guest susAmerica

FYI: :)


edaily SPN article by Reporter Park Mi Ae on August 1, 2009 states that GHS, KB and LMH came to the concert about an hour before to meet with KHJ to chat before the concert. GHS told the reporter that KHJ was appreciative of F2 and her coming to cheer him and SS501.


Daily Economy's Star Today article as reported by Jo Eun Young on August 6, 2009 states that GHS and Alex are MC's only for the opening ceremony of the JaeChon Music and Movie Festival that starts on August 13th. GHS is so very happy to be a part of an event that bring two of her favorite things, movies and music, together. Director Lee Moo Young (Humanist, Father and Maria and Me) and actress Yoo In Young (Lovable or Not, Father and Maria and Me) will MC the closing ceremony.

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