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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest susAmerica

Thanks for the pix mariposa28 of GHS for Elle amgazine: (on soompie thread p 263)

In the second pic of GHS that reminds me of the French doll that suppose to look like Monet's daughter when she was llittle,,,, the GHS with the straw hat and short pants looking so much like a little girl?? I also noticed that she is prominently showing off her black nail polish on two pinkys and the ring finger. I would have thought that the Elle magazine photographers might have wanted her to remove it as it may not fit in with the general atmosphere. Maybe she insisted on keeping the polish but why let her show it on the magazine photo? Do you think GHS wanted it that way? Just very interesing. Or maybe it was the photographer who insisted that she wears the pollish? Then why? I hope at least the interviewer of Elle asks her about her nail polish when the August issue comes out. She had that same polish on the first day of the gallery opening, right? I wonder when this Elle pic was taken???

I just thought it interesting since it did grab our attention when she was seen with it on the opning gallery day. She did not have the polish on on the day of BuchonPIFAN. Maybe it would have been too much black since she was wearing her sleek black suit? ;)

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Guest wasfiyya

Sue & Bellaangel1012 Thanks so much for the trans and infor146.gif

misa_yen thankes so muche for the pic shes so cute wethe the Children like an engel146.gif

minjee thankes for the link 146.gif

pic for GHS and se7en cf



new pic for GHSleaf15.gif


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Guest webby

http://news.joins.com/article/aid/2009/07/...article|default: "Goo Hyesun is thinking of writing the music herself for her next project"

http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/...9072100214.html: "Goo Hyesun wants to work with Jeon Jihyun"

sue, when u have time, can u translate this news? she talks abt her plans abt the movie she intends to direct. thanks very much!

I remember reading in another interview earlier that goo hyesun mentioned that the korean female star she admires the most is Jeon Jihyun. And also wasn't there projected dramas for this year that Jeon Jihyun was originally planned to be filming a drama with Bi? I don't know whether the plan is still following through, but if it were, I hope hyesun gets a role in it too then they can work together :)

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maybe sue, i see YG on her shirt...

Hyesun looks so sweet and "natural" with the children, just as she did in the BOF zoo scene with the little boy and carrying the crying baby on her back in Jihoo's grandfather's office. Her beautiful skin matches the little kids too - so soft and fair and smooth!! She looked really cute with Ilwu too in the Q10 CF - with their milky white complexions - one of my favorite CF of last year!! Looking forward to her new CF and her future appearance with Alex. From WGM he seems like such a gentleman and treated Shinae with such care, is a great chef, and is a talented singer and entertainer in his own right. I think they'll be great as MC's together! I know I'm biased, but as far as I'm concerned, Inkigayo has never been the same since Hyesun and Andy - and I wasn't an avid fan of her YET back then, since that was before I began watching pure 19. She was so bubbly and cute and did a great job as MC, you'd never know she was shy back then!! Thanks to all who have been bringing back old clips and keeping us posted on all of Hyesun's new projects. Like most of you, I really miss her, and selfishly, can't wait for her to come back on the screen.

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Guest susAmerica

http://news.joins.com/article/aid/2009/07/...article|default: "Goo Hyesun is thinking of writing the music herself for her next project"

http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/...9072100214.html: "Goo Hyesun wants to work with Jeon Jihyun"

sue, when u have time, can u translate this news? she talks abt her plans abt the movie she intends to direct. thanks very much!

I remember reading in another interview earlier that goo hyesun mentioned that the korean female star she admires the most is Jeon Jihyun. And also wasn't there projected dramas for this year that Jeon Jihyun was originally planned to be filming a drama with Bi? I don't know whether the plan is still following through, but if it were, I hope hyesun gets a role in it too then they can work together :)

Thank you Webby for finding the articles above. I translated the first one which is a really good article. The second one is a summary and repetition of the first one.

BE HAPPY: GHS is directing her Full-Length MUSICAL MOVIE starting this November!!! I know many of us hoped that she will return to acting for now. Well, you will read the rest in the acticle below. Bless her!!!

양성희 기자[중앙일보] July 17, 2009

Yang Sung Hee Reporter of (Central Daily News) Interview date: July 17 2009

구혜선 “다음 작품 음악은 직접 만들 생각이에요”

Goo Hye Sun: For my next project, I am thinking about composing all the music.

연기•소설•그림 이어 이번엔 영화감독 … 부천영화제서 단편 ‘유쾌한 도우미’ 상영하는 구혜선

Acting, novel, drawing, now movie director…”Cheerful Caretaker” is being shown at the Buchon Film Festival.

탤런트 구혜선(26)씨가 영화감독으로 변신했다. 26일까지 열리는 제13회 부천영화제에서 그녀의 첫 단편 ‘유쾌한 도우미’가 상영되고 있는 것. 최근 소설 『탱고』를 발표하고 같은 제목의 미술전시회까지 열면서 다재다능함을 과시하고 있는 그녀다.

Talent Goo Hye Sun (26) has transformed into a movie director. Her short film, Cheerful Caretaker is shown at the !3th PIFAN which will open until July 26th. She has been showing off her multi-talents also through her novel and her art exhibit.

‘유쾌한 도우미’는 안락사를 돕는 신부라는 예민한 소재를 가벼운 터치로 그린 작품. 시나리오와 미술, 음악 등에서 안정적인 짜임새를 보인다. 올 6월 ‘부산아시아나단편영화제’에서 관객상을 받고, ‘미장센단편영화제’에서도 호평받았다.

Cheerful Caretaker is about a priest who helps with mercy killing. It is film of a sensitive issue with a light touch. Her ability in script writing, illustrating and composing all seem to indicate good stability. This past June, Busan Film Festival gave her the audience award and MiJang Sen Short Film Festival also gave much positive feedback on her short film.

‘유쾌한 도우미’는 최근 별세한 제작자 정승혜(영화사 아침 전 대표)가 공동 기획자로 이름을 올려, 사실상 정대표의 유작이기도 하다. 구씨는 11월 첫 장편영화 ‘요술’(가제) 촬영에 들어가면서 본격적인 감독활동에 나선다. ‘오로라공주’로 상업감독으로 변신한 방은진씨에 이어 여배우 출신 감독 2호가 되는 것이다. 17일 부천의 한 카페에서 그녀를 만났다.

Cheerful Caretaker is presented to the festival as co-produced by Goo Hye Sun and the recently deceased Producer Jung Seung Hae (former President of the production company, Morning). In a way, Cheerful Caretaker is also Producer Jung’s posthumous project. In November, 2009, PD Goo will be starting her first full fledged directing of a long movie, “Magic” (a tentative title). Goo is the second female actor to turn into a director following Bang Eun Jin who used to be “Aurora Princess” who later transformed into a commercial director. I (Reporter Yang Sung Hee of Central Daily) met with Goo at a nearby café in Buchon on the 17th of July.

-안락사와 신부라, 과감한 설정이다.

-Q: Euthanasia and priest, it’s a bold and daring creation…

“죽음이나 종교 자체를 다루기 보다는 인간의 선택에 대한 얘기를 하고 싶었다. 선택의 의미랄까. 결국은 남 핑계를 대지만 모든 선택은 스스로 하는 것이라는 얘기다. 신부란 설정은 워낙 종교가 금기가 많은 영역이라 흥미로웠다. 단편영화니까 마음껏 했다. 기교도 과할 정도로 부리고.” (제작사는 구혜선필름, 제작비 5000만원은 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트의 양현석대표가 전액 투자했다.)

Goo: Instead of dealing with the issues of death and religion, I wanted to tell a story about choices humans make. The significance of making choice, so to speak. We may make excuses or blame others but we ultimately make our own choices. That is the real story behind my short film. 신부란 설정은 워낙 종교가 금기가 많은 영역이라 흥미로웠다 (this sentence is somewhat difficult to translate for me without being insensitive. I think Goo is saying that her backdrop of a priest in a religious setting gave more edge or interest to the film’s purpose due to the heavy prohibitions of the church. Please post if you see differently.) Because it is a short film, I threw my whole self into it and did my best. I used way too much artistic tricks. It is GHS film and the entire investment fee of 5000만원 (I am not good at counting Korean money. I think the amount is 50,000,000won was given by YG President Yang Hyun Suk.

-감독에 도전하게 된 계기는.

Q: What made you think about challenging yourself to become a cirector?

“어려서부터 감독을 꿈꿨던 것은 아니고 음악•미술•문학 이것저것 관심이 많은데 모든 게 종합적으로 모이는 것이 영화연출이었다. 2년 전 정승혜 대표님을 알게돼 장편 시나리오 12~13편을 썼는데, 모두 퇴짜맞고 단편부터 해보라 하셔서 지난해 6월 드라마 ‘최강칠우’를 촬영하면서 3일간 찍었다.”

I never had dreams as a child of becoming a director. However, I loved music, art, and literature growing up. To be able to apply everything I love came down to making and directing movies. Two years ago, I met and got to know President Jung Seung Hae. I brought her my script with 12 ~13 episodes. She rejected them all and encouraged me to write a short-film script to start. Last year in June while acting in Strongest Chilwoo, I took 3 days to shoot my short film. (She is a prolific writer. She is definitely a muti-tasking, extremely focused and very fast worker!!)

-고 정승혜 대표와의 인연이 깊다.

Q: You had a very close relationship with the deceased President Jung Seung Hae….

“‘꽃보다 남자’ 이후 지금은 어디든 가면 환영받지만 2년 전 내 처지는 그렇지 못했다. 무작정 정대표님께 시나리오를 들고 찾아갔는데, 편견없이 받아주셨다. 중간에 포기할까도 했는데 ‘된다’며 용기를 주셨다. 소설도 정대표님 덕에 낸 것이다. 장편 데뷔도 함께 하기로 했었는데…. ‘유쾌한 도우미’가 부산아시아나단편영화제에서 관객상을 받아 전화를 드리려는 순간 돌아가셨다는 연락을 받았다. 대표님은 내게 인생 매니저, 진정한 스승이셨다.”(정대표와의 이런 인연으로 구씨는 3일 내내 정씨 상가를 지키며 심부름을 하기도 했다.)

After BOF, I am welcomed everywhere. However, 2 years ago, my situation was different. I took my script to President Jung and she accepted it without any bias. Sometimes I felt like giving up in the middle and she always encouraged me by saying that it will work out. Thanks to President Jung, I was able to write my novel as well. We were also going to make the long movie together….When Cheerful Caretaker won the audience award at Busan Film Festival, I was about to call her to let her know the good news. Instead I got a call that she just passed away at that moment. President is my life manager and a genuine mentor/teacher. (Goo Hye Sun kept vigil for 3 days straight, even running errands, at the President Jung’s funeral.)

-직접 연출을 해보니 어떤가.

Q: Now that you have experienced directing, how do you feel?

“의외로 감독 체질이다. 내가 남 밑에서 잘 못하는 스타일 같다. 음악•미술, 전부 혼자하는 작업이고. 감독 일은 모든 게 내 말 한마디에 달려있고 그만큼 책임감이 큰데, 그 책임감이 두렵기보다 즐거우니 말이다.”

Surprisingly, I find that I am made to do directing. I think I am kind of a person who does not work well under people. Music, art, all these things that interest me are work that one can do alone. Director’s work depends on the one word from the director. So, the responsibility is even greater. Instead of feeling fearful of such huge responsibility, I actually really enjoy it.

-앞으로의 계획은.

Q: What is your next plan?

“첼리스트가 나오는 겨울 배경의 음악영화 ‘요술’ 시나리오를 완성했고 캐스팅중이다. 4~5억원 내외의 저예산 영화가 될 것이다. ‘유쾌한 도우미’에서는 부분적으로 작곡을 했지만 이번 음악은 직접 내가 할 계획이다.(알려진대로 구혜선씨는 가수 지망이었으나 양현석 대표의 권유로 탤런트로 진로를 수정했다.) 요즘은 첼로에 대한 공부를 하고 있다. 아직도 배우의 영화연출에 대해서는 편견이 있는 것이 사실이다. 나도 드라마가 뜬 덕에, 유명한 덕에 빨리 데뷔할 수 있었지만, 작품은 작품대로 봐주었으면 한다. 디지털 시대이지만 아날로그 감성을 갖춘, 그래서 세월이 흘러도 변함없는 영화를 만들고 싶다. 배우 구혜선은 내가 쓰는 시나리오에는 잘 안 맞는다. 언젠가 꼭 한번 배우 전지현씨와 작업하고 싶다.”  

It is a musical movie, “Magic”, of a cellist during the winter time. I have completed the script and am in the middle of casting. The cost of the movie is estimated to be about 4~5억원 or 4~5 hundred million won. In Cheerful Caretaker, I composed music for certain parts of the movie, however, for this movie, I plan to compose all the music. (Goo aspired to be a singer when she first entered the entertainment industry. President Yang of YG suggested that she try for acting.) These days, she is studying everything about cello and its music. She knows that there is much prejudice against actors who movie directors. However, because of the success of BOF and because she became more famous, she is making her directorial debut earlier. She sincerely hopes that the people will judge her work based only on the completed work, without the bias. She wants to make a movie that can stay timeless. Although it is a digital era, she also wants the movie to be equipped with ‘analogue sensitivity’. She says that her script does not fit the actress Goo Hye Sun. She sincerely hopes to one day work with actress Jun Ji Hyun ssi. Goo Hye Sun says that although she enjoys watching romantic comedy, she would rather make a different kind of movies that will not be swept away by what is popular at that time. (Wow, she is amazing. When did she write a whole script for a long movie? I am speechless!!!! All the best and more to our Director Goo Hye Sun!!!) :D

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Guest susAmerica

^Thank you for translating the updated info. Wondering if the long musical...like Broadway style? Wasn't Hye Sun in a movie or drama that also sing? I saw a few clips on Youtube and thought it was very cute.

In my memory, HS came out in a musical cf for soju and she also came out in Grease with NN5 staff and did one song for a award ceremony. I don't think she ever made other long musical movie. I have no idea what her movie is about---maybe it is broadway show type? I am so excited for her and can't wait. She really got the work so fast, didn't she?? She wrote the whole script ! That is amazing to me! She has many mentors but I really think her mentor is Leonardo Da Vinci who was bascically good at everything.


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Guest ching22194

Wow! such a great talent..

i have a question though, how old is she really?

it always says 26. shouldn't it be 24? she's born on 1984 right?

Hope she'll make something like Moulin Rouge

Can't get over this movie..

Great casting.. feel good music...

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Guest susAmerica

Wow! such a great talent..

i have a question though, how old is she really?

it always says 26. shouldn't it be 24? she's born on 1984 right?

Hope she'll make something like Moulin Rouge

Can't get over this movie..

Great casting.. feel good music...

In the way we count the age in America, she is only 24, but the way they count in Korean, she is considered 26. I guess we just have to wait and see her movie. I really wonder who she is casting and November really is not that far away---about 4 months when she will start fimling if all goes well....I wonder if she will start the filming around her birthday in November. What a nice present to start a director career before your 25th birthday!!Let's all pray for her and wish her best.

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Guest pianist

webby thanks for the article...

i really admire her.. so much... i wish that she more drama to come.. i will pray to her best...


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hyesun today FIPAN picture :)



sue pls translate this fans account,thanks ;)

아침일직일어나서 세수를하고 부천행버스를 타고

부천에 도착한뒤

CGV에 도착했듬

우왕ㅋ굿ㅋ내가 부천에 가다닝ㅋ

CGV에서 피판코너(?) 거기에서 팜플렛 보이는데로 걍 집어듬

피판데일리 인가? 거기 오늘자에 표지가 혜선님이더군요. 우왕~~

그리고 영화관에 입장

단편영화들이 나오기시작했음

내기억으론 한 10개 나온거같고

유쾌한도우미는 아마 8번째쯤.

그닥 내가 아직 정신연령이 어려서 이해하기 힘든영화들이 많았음

그리고 유쾌한도우미가 나오는데

영상이 앞에작품들보다 좀더 깨끗하다고 해야되나, 음악도 좋았고 .

하지원님 동생분 나오신다고 들었었는데 동생분이라고 생각하고 보니까 진짜 닮으신거같음

마지막에 엔딩크레딧 올라갈때 구혜선필름 나오더군여 신기했음

그리고 나머지 2작품이 나오고난뒤에 혜선님이 등장하셨음 . 내 생각엔 기자분들도 몇분 오신거같았음

우왓 ..... @#$% ꋖ@#$@ꋕꉱ ꉲ !!!!!!

말로 표현할수 없는 아름다움임..

얼굴 진짜 작으시더군여 우와~~~!~!~!~!~!~!~!

그리고 관객분들께 질문 받으시면서 이해잘안가는부분들 설명해주셨는데

내가 똥카메라 가지고 사진찍는다고 잘 듣지 못했음 ㅠ.ㅠ

그리고 간간히 혜선냥의 목소리가 들리긴 했는데 기억이 가물가물

어떤분께서 차기작 질문하셔서 차기작 이야기도 하셨음 . 인터넷기사로 뜬거 같음

앜 피곤해 대충 여기까지

아 @! 그리고 영화보고 나올때 출구에서 스노줄리 분들이 수첩이랑 볼펜 나눠주시던데 정말 감사했음~~

스노줄리분들이 쿠 를 얼마나 아끼시는지 알꺼같음.

짤은 그나마 제일 잘찍힌 사진ㅠ.ㅠ

아까 내가 들은 내용이 집에와서 인터넷키니까 기사로 보이네용 신기하넹 ㅋ

헉 나따위가 후기를 쓰다닝 ㅋ 우왕ㅋ 굿ㅋ

혼자 다녀와서 좀 뻘쭘하기 했는데...

오랫만에 단편영화를 그리 많이 봐서리 좋기도 하고...울 구혜선 감독의 "유쾌한 도우미"를 직접 보고

감독한 혜선이를 직접 봐서 그런지 아직도 흥분이 가시질 않네요 ㅎㅎ

관객들과 대화할때...나 본 흉들도 있을듯 싶고...

젤 먼저 뛰쳐나가서 꽃다발 전해주고 악수도 하고 포옹도 했거든 ㅎㅎ 나도 뭔 용기가 나서 그런지 모르겠고 ㅋㅋ

쿠는 오늘 블랙으로 통일...블랙 반팔 블라우스에 반바지, 레깅스 신고 힐 신고 등장하셨음...

내가 첨으로 쿠를 동접해서 그런지...꽃다발 주고 포옹까지 하고 온게 기적인듯 싶고 ㅎㅎ

정말이지 혜선이는 실물을 봐야 미친 미모에 여신강림에 천사에 우윳빛깔 미모에 백인이 울고갈 백지장 피부라는걸 알게됨 ㅎㄷㄷㄷㄷ

너무 너무 말라서 안쓰러운데도.. 자기 영화에 대한 자신감과 확신이 있었고, 장편영화 준비하는데 음악관련해서

반전있는 영화가 될거라고...시나리오는 다 썼고 배우들 캐스팅 예정인데...상황을 봐야 할 거 같다고...

11월 예정이긴 한데 확정적이진 않다고...

혜선이 쳐다보고 사진 찍느라 관객과의 대화내용 기억도 안나고, 사진기 고장나서 빌려서 찍어서 사진은 안습이니

이해하시고 보시길 바래요 ㅎㅎ

혜선이가 얼마나 착하나면 관객과의 대화 끝나고 나가면서 내가 선물 주면서 싸인 한장 해달라고 하는데 매니저들이 안된다고 델꼬

나가는데도 혜선이가 다시 나한테 와서 꽃다발 주셨죠...감사해요 하면서 싸인해줬어요 ~~~ 기쁨의 눈물이 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

매니저 3명에 코디랑 와서 선물이며 꽃다발 챙겨가시고, 극장 밖에서는 줄리회원분들이 수첩과 볼펜 나눠주셨구요...

혜선이에 대한 사랑과 정성이 대단해서 저까지도 감동 받았네요 ㅎㅎㅎ

저 오늘 너무 감동받고 흥분되서 잠 자기 다 글렀어요...

쿠갤흉들!!! 우리 지치고 힘들어도 항상 혜선이 응원해주고, 말도 안되는 투표지만 혜선이 생각해서 열심히 하자구요^^

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Guest minjee


remember this hair colour CF? finally its back on YT :D


YT link



I made a new hyesun wallpaper~~enjoy :) I guess I still can't get over her news pics from elle mag~hehehe

oh..and thanks for posting pink fairy,misa_yen hye sun eoni's charity and new PiFAn pics~~ she's just a great person! she's just multitasking here and there~~whoa!multitalented lady indeed! :D:):)


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Guest xuexi

In my memory, HS came out in a musical cf for soju and she also came out in Grease with NN5 staff and did one song for a award ceremony. I don't think she ever made other long musical movie. I have no idea what her movie is about---maybe it is broadway show type? I am so excited for her and can't wait. She really got the work so fast, didn't she?? She wrote the whole script ! That is amazing to me! She has many mentors but I really think her mentor is Leonardo Da Vinci who was bascically good at everything.


Thanks so much to sue for all the translations, and really appreciate everyone here for all the continual updates, news, pics, wallies and clips on GHS, the multi talented actress! I can't help but echoing all of your praises for her .... I too am amazed how did she manage to write the whole script at such a short span of time when she was so busy filming BOF drama and then preparing for her short novel publication, art exhibition and the recent short film presentation :o:o

Here's 3 cheers to Goo Hye Sun, the sweet and beautiful, multi talent and multi-tasks actress who's now a movie director at such a young age :D She's really an inspiration to all of us as well as to all aspiring young people :D:D

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In my memory, HS came out in a musical cf for soju and she also came out in Grease with NN5 staff and did one song for a award ceremony. I don't think she ever made other long musical movie. I have no idea what her movie is about---maybe it is broadway show type? I am so excited for her and can't wait. She really got the work so fast, didn't she?? She wrote the whole script ! That is amazing to me! She has many mentors but I really think her mentor is Leonardo Da Vinci who was bascically good at everything.


Sus, this is the clip I was talking about. someone post on YT that it could be from the Drama City.

HS drama singing

Love her hair here. This was made in 2005...so our girl knew from the beginning what she wanted to do...she was biding and paving way :D

minjee LOVE your wallpaper. Hope it's okay, I save it^_^

Edit: Here's another clip. OMO! I just saw Jandi's dad in the audience! LOL, it seems they met before BOF.

HS drama singing

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Guest aytrang

Thank you for the updated news and pictures of beautiful goo hye sun. I'm so happy that ghs is finally being recognized for her talents and got more famous after BOF. I hope there will more news and pictures of her in the future. I wish her great success with her long musical movie. I'll always love and support her like everyone in this thread.

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