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Ji Hyun Woo 지현우


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He felt a lot of responsibility as the lead actor in Trot Lovers.  Though they did not end up with double digits or rave reviews, there were parts that were well done.  I guess that were also a lot of good scenes that may have ended up on the editing floor due to time constraints.  (for me - the date, the meeting and the duet on stage)
He chose a musical rom-com because it was comfortable for him.  It is a genre he knows and he wanted to get back to work in something that he knew he could do.  
He spoke about his parents record store and their influence on him. Directing him towards music, instruments, singing.  Practice, practice, practice. (Thank you parents!!)
This is the first time he composed a song specifically for a drama OST.  He had to fit the writing into his busy shooting schedule. 
Turning 30.  He's not the baby on set anymore.  He's in the middle now.  He enjoyed playing the less-than-perfect JH and being able to develop the character into the hero while helping CH succeed.  

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lots of Q&Ahttp://m.nocutnews.co.kr/news/4080474

best scene:  duet on the hills.  I think that was said in one of the other articles.  It reminded him of the movie "Once"  That must be a favorite of his.  He performed "Falling Slowly" a lot.
towards the end, they were shooting as the scripts were coming out, so though the actors wanted to make some changes, there was just no time.
Asked if there is an actress he would like to work with again, he mentions YeJiwon, though she is in her 40s by now.

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Guest lhianji

hi Guyz!! im happy to see everyone whom truly loves our oppa.. its too late for me to know that he is "free agency "now.. I hope he'll find soon a great company that will give him a big success.. BTW.. let me ask?? is his public love declaration the main reason why he's now a FA?? please tell me.

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@ijianji - I doubt that's the reason.  Paramount was not that supportive of the things he wanted to do way before QIHM.  For Crescendo, he had to do much of the producing on his own: design his own album, take the pictures, make the music video.  They just didn't want to spend much money on music they did not consider commercial.  
When his contract expired during his enlistment, I guess he saw that as an opportunity to make a break.  I don't know that he feels any regret about that, but he does see that having an agency does have its benefits.  While in the army, he realized how much he loved acting, and an agency does look for work for you.  If an agency approaches him with good terms and gives him some latitude in his music, he would be open to sign.  For now he is enjoying the freedom.
Since he wants to release his album this year, that would surely be a negotiation item, if he starts talking to anyone before then.  

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JHW Taiwan facebook page just posted pictures from the "Special Edition" OST.  Looks like a little booklet is included with the CD.  YesAsia doesn't ship this item to the US, but I think there are other sources.booklet.jpg

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Guest lhianji

wow! I think its more good news having him a freedom.. I hope he will soon get better agency.. I really miss him on-screen.. but is it true that he had surgery in his wrist?? I saw the article bout that but I cant understand its content.. im really worried bout him.. thankfully his new handsome photos appeared..

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@Ihianji - he has a degenerative disease in the bones in his wrist due to an injury while in the army.  It can get serious and be very painful.  At some point he may have surgery if the disease progresses, but he says it will leave a big scar.  I think being able to play the guitar is more important than a scar on his arm.  After all he's lived with the scar under his eyebrow for a long time and I'll bet no one even notices or cares. And that's on his FACE!

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Guest lhianji

how really sad news.. his guitar skills might be affected.. omo!! I wish he will recover soon on his injury.. it is too painful for his fans to hear that he is suffering coz of that disease.. I hope oppa will recover soon.. :(

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That is a unfortunate news to hear.
I hope he is looking after himself and not rushing into doing more work, and as a result causing himself more pain.
I am sure there are heaps of perks and negatives to being a free agent. I can't imagine how stressful it must be to be constantly worrying about smaller details that was previously handled by others. But this new uncertainly may bring about new opportunities.I wish JHW all the best :)

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I just saw that the musical adaptation of the movie "Once" will be on stage in Seoul December to March.  I wonder if JHW will be auditioning?  There is no information on the venue, so I'm guessing they're still casting.

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There will be a "Welcome Back Party" held in Japan!  Details:party.jpg

It looks like a small venue and pre-sale tickets are available on 9/6 and 9/13.  General tickets go on sale 9/20.  Probably the Japan Fan Club will take most of the tickets early on.  They are so lucky!
The ticket site was down for maintenance, but it's up now.  Unfortunately you have to register before purchasing and it seems it only accepts Japan information for phone and address.  You even have to enter your name in katakana.  This is going to be even more difficult than I thought.

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Guest lhianji

I wish I can fly to Japan! I'm greatful that he is still working hard.. I wish that he will find his happiness and success! I'm always looking forward for his career!

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Found someone to get me a ticket!   :D
Now the wait begins as I don't fully understand the lottery system. I am selfishly hoping for less fan participation, So there will still be tickets left at the general sales offering in case I don't get a lottery number.  Wish me luck.

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@TheaN, Good luck!
How places is available for the FM?It is so sweet how he and his brother have such a good relationship. Watching his old clips, I can see how supportive they are of each others career.
By the way, I do so love him with black hair :)
cr: Ji Hyun Woo FB fanpage

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The venue says it has a capacity of 1,000 in auditorium seating, but it depends on how the promoters want to lay it out. The results of the first lottery come out on Friday, but even if I get a ticket, I won't know what seat I have until I arrive in japan and pick it up.
I also like him with darker hair, either black or dark brown with highlights.otr.jpg

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