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[Drama 2012] May Queen 메이퀸

Guest Eja

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jaewon fan said: @IBELIS, yeah you're right. HJ was so feminine and mature when she's with CH. While she is more like a teenage girl when she is with KS. I think i should blame KS too. He always have this cheeky personality everytime he was with her. Some times i find it like he was just trying to hide his true emotion specially at that times when he knows that HJ haven't get over on her past relationship. I prefer it when KS gets mad and all his real feelings come out. ;-)

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I am getting dissapointed once again as these dramas progress the direction of the storyline and direction of the director and scripts are just completely anti-climatic. The main characters have as much of an iceberg between them as we are close to the moon. I just think they look cute! Then the newly married couple scene was just horrible, the bride has more sex appeal in her daily wardrobe than her pj(could not believe that senior citizen white gown no wonder CH is more interested in doing paper work). I just shock that these scene of hoodlum happen at the airport. Let just say I am no longer interested in visiting S.Korea if you can get kidnap at airport and police or airport security shows up like a night later. How many cuts did it take them to do that scene? Consider with terrorist issue nowaday I find that security like that as a joke.

The side plot with the Butler is just such saddistic behavior, how intelligent can he be to put a genius son to end his carreer and future, then again how can you be so dump to be in controlled like that. Just so blaseeeee.

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@IBELIS, I noticed too that the younger cast mirrors the older cast.  I think it was the writers intent to make them this way. With the older generation there is so much darkness, deceit and greed. CH, IH, KS, HJ, and IM are the mirrors of the older generation that need to be broken. The younger generation have to break the cycle of hurt, pain and darkness for a brighter, happy and better furture. 

@jaewon, CH and HJ's love relationship was more mature, but based on the hurt, pain and the darkness of their childhood put into place by their elders. They brought a lot of baggage to their relationship. KS and HJ's love relationship is a new beginning. Happy, light, cheerful, and childish. Freedom to love without the baggage. One that will grow into maturity enabling them to leave the hurt, pain, and darkness in the past.

There has been references to the light and the darkness all thoughout this drama. This is the way I see this drama and maybe what the writer is trying to bring forth.  One mans darkness has held everyone elses lives captive in the darkness. The future is looking just as dark because the darkness is being repeated. The cycle of darkness needs to be broken. The darkness of the past has been brought to the present to be stamped out by the light to over shadow the darkness to a brighter furture.




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I agree with @awsparkle HJ and CH started from a dark place, they both had harsh homes and matured earlieR  than other kids and because of that their relationship was mature and intimate. Ks and HJ started off on a lighter note and because of that as a couple they are lighter hearted. Although I wish their relationship was more serious because it feels like puppy love right now.

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@totes, CH, KS, and JH didn't have a childhood free to be just teenagers. They carried around the burdens of their elders and went straight into adulthood still carrying those burdens. Even though they are adults KS and HJ are now living those teenage years. Maturity in their relationship will come into place when they are free of their past burdens.

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I just wonder if we will be able to see their relationship evolve that far. Maybe after they take their revenge their relationship will become more serious feeling.

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Guest jaewon fan

@totes and @awsparkle , although i find HJ and KS relationship more like a teenage rs, i can see that they deals with their problem more maturely than HJ and CH relationship. In the past they tend to be self seeking and selfish, HJ want to priority her family and achieve her dream while CH keep asking her to be her first priority and just leave everything if needed.He also keep secrets to HJ that is supposed to be known by her. On the other hand KS deal with things differently, he always consider HJ well being before himself and HJ always want to do things with him instead of wanting to do things by herself just like the way she did before, even if she's afraid to get hurt again she slowy open her heart and unconsciously falling for him.

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KS and HJ's revenge consists of honorably succeeding whereas GC and CH's revenge has been immoral and unethical, so far. Now that CH has almost all of the historical pieces, what will he do? Turn his life around honorably and risk paying the price for his and his father's complicity? Or stay on the path to destruction? GC's confession to HJ is the tease. They haven't told HJ everything yet, nor have they gone to the DA. Funny thing to me is that even though IH is a rich brat, I think she will side with her husband's turning onto the right path, at the expense of her father. Il Moon will probably end up in a slacker bromance with TS... They will be working for KS and HJ in some lowly position, working their way up from the bottom.  IM will  reunite with YJ (probably preggers) who will dominate him for the rest of his life.  Ha! He'll be sucking up to DS, who will smack him around regularly for his uselessness, but he will finally feel loved and a sense of belonging within a family. The end. Oh, and the DP thrusters, drillship and drilling tech? God help us with the technology in this series. If you can't do it right, don't even go there. One of us just made up subs for the technology segments so their head wouldn't explode... but shhh.

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What I like about HJ and KSs relationship is that you see it from start to finish. Thw begining being when he helped her sell the mudfish to him leaving and taking he hairband to him coming back and helping her get a job to now with the mutual love and the future aswell. Its sweet how we can see their entire relationship developing. What I dont like is that they have never said they are dating and HJ hasnt confessed. Although there is a mutual understanding I like there to be a definative line.

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Guest jaewon fan

@totes, yeah… you're right.. they both have mutual feelings right now and their relationship was build from friendship with pure love and full of trust, the only lacking is , HJ haven't really confess her true feelings for him.. although she is showing it to him by the way she behave but i still prefer if she tell him directly that she love him. From the things you mention , i actually realize that their relationship has a deeper foundation. I also remember when HJ was in danger and she still have to go back just to take the miniture ship that KS gave her and she's been keeping it until now just like how KS keep her headband with him.

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@jaewon, @totes, HJ sorta told him when she said in the last ep. Now that your being liked you have lost your senses. Sometimes feelings don't have to be expressed in words but through action.  HJ's actions are speaking to KS louder then words. HJ has become more attentive and caring with KS. 

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Guest jaewon fan

@jaewon' date=' @totes, HJ sorta told him when she said in the last ep. Now that your being liked you have lost your senses. Sometimes feelings don't have to be expressed in words but through action.  HJ's actions are speaking to KS louder then words. HJ has become more attentive and caring with KS. [/quote']

@awsparkle, did HJ really said that? i think i miss that part. I have to rewatch it hehehe... But you're right, action speaks louder than words. HJ is not saying it directly but she is obviously showing what she feel for KS through actions. ;-) but still i want her to tell him that she love him.:-D

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Written preview found on dcinsider


기출은 해주를 찾아가 홍철과 학수 두 사람의 죽음의 진실을 말한다. 최비서는 정우에게 자신의 잘못을 시인하지만 도현과는 아무런 관련이 없다 말한다.

인화는 싸늘해진 창희에게서 외로움을 느낀다. 일문은 인화에게 금희는 친엄마가 아니며 해주가 금희의 딸이라 말하는데...

The following is what I could make out.  I'm only taking a guess here.

GH confesses to HJ that he killed HC and about the death of HC.

Secretary Choi admitts to what he did, but DH had nothing to do with it.

IH feels lonely because CH is so cold towards her.

IM tells IH that GH is not her biological mother and that HJ is GH's real daughter.


금희는 학수의 죽음의 진실을 알아내기 위해 집으로 다시 들어간다. 그리고 도현에게 해주 앞으로 천지조선의 지분을 달라 말한다.

정우는 기출을 설득하며 도현에게 복수할 수 있게 기자회견에 나오라 한다. 강운과 윤학수의 죽움의 진실을 밝히는 기자회견을 시작하는데..

GH goes back home to find out the truth about the death of HS.

The next part I couldn't really make out. Something about HJ and shares in the company.

JW persuades GC as revenge on DH to come out to a press conference. At the press conference the death of HS and KW is revealed.




















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Guest jaewon fan

@awsparkle, i just hope Gi Chul won't die before he could come out on the press conference. JDH will surely do something before Gi Chul gets him into trouble.

Choi is very loyal to his devil master i don't think JW can use him against JDH.

I'm just wondering what would IH feel if she found out that GH is not her real mom and HJ is the real daughter.

About the company share, since GH is legally married to JDH that means half of it is her share . If she give all her share to HJ that could land her on the same position CH had and since HJ doesn't have enough knowledge on running a business that only means KS will be her backing... hehehe that's quite exciting. KS, HJ, and CH on the same company. Are they going to be friends or foe??? I think they can be friends if against JDH but if it regards to the company it"s hard to tell because we all know that CH wanted it and become his main goal since he was young. It's his dream to own Chenji, will he give it to the rightful owners? It's going to be hard to give up his dream because he had nothing left. :-D

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@jaewon, That demon Choi is very loyal. He has even killed somone for DH.  He won't turn on DH.

I think from the written preview it's GH who wants DH to give HJ shares in the company. It depends on the laws in Korea if a wife is entitled to half of a company that was formed while married. If DH gives HJ equal shares of what IM and IH has. Then if GH is entitled to half and she gives her shares to HJ then HJ would have the majority of the shares and would automatically become president. That pushes out DH, IM, and IH of holding the position. I don't think CH has any shares. He was only acting president until DH could take the position back. That company was formed from KS's grandfather's company that DH took. It rightfully belongs to KS.  CH will probably end up with nothing, because he tried to take something that didn't belong to him.

I'm sure JW would make sure GC is protected from DH so that he can testify to the truth of DH's crimes. DH is not going to get his hands dirty. That's why he had his righthand demon who has already been arrested.  What will happen after the press conference between DH and GC is the question.


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Guest jaewon fan

@awsparkle, CH already married IH, if JDH give his shares to her and cast away II Moon that means CH could still have the position of President using IH share. KS lost what is rightfully for him when JDH took it from his grandpa. He can't take it back even in legal way. The only way he had , is to build new one and buy back the shipyard from Cheonji.

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@jaewon, Your right. I didn't think about that. There's always a way around a roadblock. That company will probably be just about ruined after the press conference. DH has controling interest in the company.. Since he can't be prosecuted, for his crimes, KS, and HJ can bring a lawsuit against him and take the shares as compensation for the lost of their parents. Along with GH's shares they would have more shares then IM and IH and take control of he company.

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Guest jaewon fan

@awsparkle, :D but the writer seems like didn't take much research about business , i don't think he will write a complicated way to deal with that aspect. And beside , the company was a corporate that means when the major share holder divide his share the value become smaller. And the company itself is already in its downfall, if i where KS, i better build a new one with good reputation than continue to run a company which is already ruin.

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