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[Drama 2012] May Queen 메이퀸

Guest Eja

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I have one last thing to say before i stop commenting on this drama for now. I like that IH loves KS because it leaves tension that KS might end up with IH before HJ falls for KS. I'm not sure if i agree woth the argument that IH is more deserving than HJ. I like both characters and I think they are equally deserving. If CH told KS about HJ in the letters that KS and CH were keeping then HJ might have ended up with KS instead of CH. I dont think them being deserving or undeserving should have CH at fault. What constitutes someone as deserving? If HJ falls in love with KS i think she is just as deserving of KS as IH is. But right now since HJ does not loe KS I do not think she should be compared to IH in that way. I also think that if HJ and IH were equally feisty the drama would get really annoying really fast, that is why im starting to like the idea of HJ gaining back her spunk. I also think that a relationship between CH and IH would be extremely interesting.

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@totes, it was CH who got burned along with HJ. Ep 1.  It was never shown how KS got  burned He just mentions it in one of the early eps when HJ was teaching him how to weld and he said he was afraid of the fire because he got burned before.

I don't see IH ever coming close to ending up with KS. He's always saw her as this pesky littler sister aways following him around. Yes she has stuck to her guns and loved and chased him for years, but KS has never wanted a relationship with her. He does not see her as a woman and only sees her more as a little sister. Even if he never had a chance with HJ he would never give in to the pressure. He stands his ground and no one and nothing can change his mind. As far as IH being deserving of getting KS. I don't agree with that. Because you love someone (one sided) does not mean you deserve to have that person. 

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@totes CH is usually a layed back kinda person who just wants to live his life doing is his job and loving his woman.  He's never had the will to fight and standup for himself or for those he loves. He gave up and caved in. He's his fathers son.  IH has aways been feisty and strong willed. Refusing to give up on what she wants. I think a new CH will emerge (cold, lifeless and bitter) and these two will clash and battle. Neither of them wants to be together but end up together because of that one thing they have in common. Revenge!!!!!!  

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Guest ngthuhien149

There is one thing that keeps bugging me. Everyone here seem to say that CH and IH have the same urge to revenge. It is said in the character profile that IH married to CH to take a revenge on HJ whom KS loves. But really? Does IH really have that huge motivation to come to the extents of taking revenge? On whom? HJ? Revenge just seems something that needs more push than that. And through almost half of the drama, there is not really an event that causes IH to have a grudge on HJ to take a revenge. Sure in the last episode she seems mad at HJ, but just only that can't push her anger to its peak. Emotion has to be built up it can't just get intense so suddenly.  So if the writer is really going that way, I really need to see more conflicts happen between IH and HJ, or IH and KS that push IH to the edge so that it is more persuasive. I dunno if the writer can do that though. Now she has so much to do with only half of the series left,HJ-CH relationship misery, HJ-KS relationship development, HJ's dream, CH's revenge, HJ and KS's revenge, HJ's birth secret, KS's parents' death mystery,  KS-IH marriage, DH getting revealed, DH being punished, CH's realization, CH's dad being punished, CH-Dad relationship. And those are just the main things, we still have the uncle-aunt relationship, IM-Sister relationship and so on. It seems hard to add the conflict between IH and HJ in. Therefore, I would rather to have a childish IH who agrees to get married to CH just because she wants KS to regret it and HJ to be depressed, then later on she realizes how wrong the decision is but she can't back out. I would rather to see a single minded and strong willed IH with a CH who is holding a grudge on everyone and on the wrong track of his misery life. I would like IH to save CH because HJ already has KS, hr family, her dream and her revenge to be busy with and imagine how sweet it is for 2 people who don't like each other ending up needing each other the most!

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ngthuhien149 said: There is one thing that keeps bugging me. Everyone here seem to say that CH and IH have the same urge to revenge. It is said in the character profile that IH married to CH to take a revenge on HJ whom KS loves. But really? Does IH really have that huge motivation to come to the extents of taking revenge? On whom? HJ? Revenge just seems something that needs more push than that. And through almost half of the drama, there is not really an event that causes IH to have a grudge on HJ to take a revenge. Sure in the last episode she seems mad at HJ, but just only that can't push her anger to its peak. Emotion has to be built up it can't just get intense so suddenly.  So if the writer is really going that way, I really need to see more conflicts happen between IH and HJ, or IH and KS that push IH to the edge so that it is more persuasive. I dunno if the writer can do that though. Now she has so much to do with only half of the series left,HJ-CH relationship misery, HJ-KS relationship development, HJ's dream, CH's revenge, HJ and KS's revenge, HJ's birth secret, KS's parents' death mystery,  KS-IH marriage, DH getting revealed, DH being punished, CH's realization, CH's dad being punished, CH-Dad relationship. And those are just the main things, we still have the uncle-aunt relationship, IM-Sister relationship and so on. It seems hard to add the conflict between IH and HJ in. Therefore, I would rather to have a childish IH who agrees to get married to CH just because she wants KS to regret it and HJ to be depressed, then later on she realizes how wrong the decision is but she can't back out. I would rather to see a single minded and strong willed IH with a CH who is holding a grudge on everyone and on the wrong track of his misery life. I would like IH to save CH because HJ already has KS, hr family, her dream and her revenge to be busy with and imagine how sweet it is for 2 people who don't like each other ending up needing each other the most!

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I actually agree with ngthuhien149 the writer has too many stories to cover and I don't know how she can do it all with the amount of episodes left. I guess she will have to cut some stories short, but I think the best choice would be a time skip. I usually don't like time skips especially the ones that end with a scene and the next scene is years later. I want a time skip that show us scenes of whats going on during that time skip. Maybe scenes of KS and HJ getting closer and CH planning his revenge. As of now I don't see how HJ can fall in love with KS in just a few episodes, but if time passes I would believe it more.

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I saw the preview and I don't know how HJ could move on from CH.  She is still gonna see him at work (possibly) and base on the preview, looks like CH's jealous and would drag her (and she would let him, of course!  :-/  )   and still invade her space.  It's hard enough to overcome that 15 years that they had together, what more if the guy your supposed moved on from, is still basically part of your life or on the periphery?
Do you think they would extend the series?  I haven't heard any news or info about the drama replacing May Queen, but drama after Five Fingers is already announcing the casting.  Or maybe it's because Moon Geun Young, that's why a lot of news about it.  

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Guest ngthuhien149

I have just watched the preview. GOSH is CH's dad is going to die? It looks like DH is beating him to dead in the last scene of the preview. This is so miserable for CH, but actually very good for the drama development. If CH's dad dies, everything will go straight to its peak, the drama will definitely be sped up, no need building up tension any more don't you think? CH will sure hold huge grudge on everyone, and on himself for not listening to his father when he is alive, thus, comes right to the darkest side after just 1 episode. Now he will probably lose his human side and do everything to destroy DH. Also, I like it when it gets dark :PWriter, can you let KS and HJ have time for each other to develop their feeling? It is hard enough for HJ to move on and love KS already, why do you keep disturbing them? CH, in a relationship, be a man. When you decide to break up, let her go. You can't say good bye to her today and drag her around tomorrow.

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I just finished ep15 and 16. I actually like how IM and YJ being together... YJ's so freaking cute playing with IM... :) was sorta hoping if ever YJ can actually change IM. the man seriously lack of loves... he really need one tho... 
CH's dad seriously make me so annoying from 1st episode.  not just he's coward, but he's also a liar, a killer... it's so easy to hate on DH because he's evil from the beginning and even with his appearance but CH's dad is like sneaky people-played-victim-card-monster. being treated badly by DH is bad enough but him being evil also... seriously... X(it's sad for CH to have a father like him... but then no matter what, he's still his father... no matter how evil he is. it's indeed sad that he also cant stand up with what he think is true... when he said to his dad when he can live but live as a demon really make me pity him so much... great guy but his own father ruined his life... poor guy... 
I'm curious how things will turn out with a lot of things still yet to revealed... really make me curious on how IM will use that DNA result... ;;)
oh yeah, my fave scene when KS having his phobia :))he's so cute hugging that thing lol XDV8KTi.jpg:D

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Before talking about the preview i just wanted to let you know that the ost part 2 is out!!

here are two links i find..i hope it will work for you this time. if not let me know :)



the second song is great as well..there is another song but it's an instrumental.


About the preview-it really looks like GC is going to die..not that i care about him he was such a cruel man but if that really happens i will pity CH..he is his father after all..and maybe it will be the motive for him to turn to the dark side. i hope not but it will probably be that way.

I wonder what IM told GH that made BH beat him haha..that woman has the guts..i like her!

It seems like KS and HJ family are getting close..it's good! maybe step mom will advise HJ to be with KS and i hope she'll listen to her haha

And lastly..gosh CH can't you leave the girl alone? he is already broke up with her, let her bond with KS!! let her adjust all this situation it's sure hard for her. bothering her wouldn't help her at all..and it seems like HJ  doesn't have a will to resist him..i hope her character will change and she will learn to appreciate KS and his help..


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@mararu I agree on a time jump. There has to be some time that goes by in order for a relationship to develope between HJ and KS. I think this writer is telling this story in sequences of 8's The first 8 eps introduced the parents and their children and how they would all be connected. Bonds and relationships were formed. Starting at ep 9 A 15 year time jump puts all the childred back together as adults. The connection and misdeeds of the parents starts to affect the lives of the adult childred from EP 9 through 16. ( Another 8 eps.) Starting with Ep 17 relationships will change and bonds will be broken.  I think a time jump has to happen sometime in ep 18 or with 19 to push this story forward where new relationships will be formed.

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awsparkle said: @mararu I agree on a time jump. There has to be some time that goes by in order for a relationship to develope between HJ and KS. I think this writer is telling this story in sequences of 8's The first 8 eps introduced the parents and their children and how they would all be connected. Bonds and relationships were formed. Starting at ep 9 A 15 year time jump puts all the childred back together as adults. The connection and misdeeds of the parents starts to affect the lives of the adult childred from EP 9 through 16. ( Another 8 eps.) Starting with Ep 17 relationships will change and bonds will be broken.  I think a time jump has to happen sometime in ep 18 or with 19 to push this story forward where new relationships will be formed.

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Guest meemzglo

akikisetsu said:I saw the preview and I don't know how HJ could move on from CH.  She is still gonna see him at work (possibly) and base on the preview, looks like CH's jealous and would drag her (and she would let him, of course!  :-/  ) 
@ akikisetsu I agree with you. How in the world is that going to happen @ this point of the story???? The time jump seems the most reasonable solution.
They've had a very sweet love for 15yrs. I would like to think that there were sneak visits here & there. There bond is pretty firm on both sides. And it is my opinion that it's been intimate. She's gotta know that there's a hidden reason why he is doing this besides his Dad's opposition. He's been asking HJ to just up & marry Him, he's proven to her that she is more important to Him than family.

Perl88 said: CH is usually a layed back kinda person who just wants to live his life doing is his job and loving his woman. 
@ totes: I think that's what has attracted HJ to CH... doesn't that kinda remind you of her Dad? He was a gentle loving soul, that wanted just that. HJ adored her Dad. Yet, I think there is more to CH than meets the eye. He's pretty tough skinned when he's a Prosecutor. Remember the scene where he threw the thing against the glass & shattered it? Afterwards as He walked away He had that sneaky little grin like, "Yeah, I thought you would come around." Same when He went to arrest Jang Do Hyeon, He wasn't intimidated until he was thrown a curve ball. He's only soft when it comes to HJ, he's stood up strong against his Father never wavering for her cause. She is his weakness. I think the reason He never did more for his Dad, is because He didn't respect or understand his Dad's weak character.

I read the same thing as Arishia that she becomes an Oceanographer & I thought the same thing as You, I thought she wanted to build boats? We are talking to very different fields here even though they are both connected to the sea. I just thought that it was a sorta typo in the translation.
But I'm beginning to wonder because of what I've read tonight ( by Everyone's input) & this is like a Big Time Wild Card OK? trust Me, I know it is...but what if HJ does give IH a reason to really hate her!!! Like maybe, threatening her power at home by being the "long lost prodigal  daughter?" or maybe ending up with KS in a situation that looks somewhat compromising?
I don't know but IH is a freak when it comes to KS. I could so see her being unreasonable about something like that & deliberately setting out to hurt HJ. I mean think about it, what grown Woman persists in pursing a Man that has made it quite clear that it will never be her? Even her Mother in that bedside scene told her it was time to quit. The girl latches on like a bulldog & refuses to quit. LOL :D


I'm sorry I'm quoting so many people but you Guys have made some really good points & you deserve credit for it. I couldn't quote Everybody but I've really enjoyed the "read". Thanks to all who've worked so hard to give us the Preview, Pics, Soundtrack links, etc.
My head hurts with all the maybe's & my heart wants to know the how's & why's
 ;D I can't believe it's Friday nite, why did it take so looooonnng!!!!

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I am extremely worried that this show is going to end up being rushed so i hope they extend it. I guess that HJ will still not make any new friends because the writer has enough to deal with.

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