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Guest shinhdeplol

Uhm now we have to put each individual image url into the "Insert image" option instead of the usual %7Boption%7D code? :-( It may be a bit troublesome to post a lot of images that way.

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Guest valerieyubin

There are still some old posts (on fanfix) that are still not restored, I hope you can fully restore all of the cut off post

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Guest luna1430278013

Uhm now we have to put each individual image url into the "Insert image" option instead of the usual

blockquote>  i totally agree the [img]

was a better code please bring it back 

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@kanithax31224 - Hi there - not sure why your posts disappeared, but they've been restored.
@SunniRise I set the Fanfix invisible to people who are not logged in.
As for the rich-text editor, they're still working out a few things, like posting/editing in full-screen mode, allowing some bbcode, etc, but we should be using the buttons in the editor to add things like images, links, etc.
We still have a long list of things that are being worked on as well, so thanks again for your patience!

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Guest graceyoon

@elysium. > the very last button in the editor (a white square with < >) allows u to change the editor version to view the source so u can code manually

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Guest MaryFairy

This might sound like a really dumb question, but how can we go to a specific page of a sub-forum? There used to be a little triangle where you can click on it and a "jump to page ____" case appears. I'm sure that it would come handy when we want to look at old posts on a 700 pages thread ;)

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Question -Will you guys be bringing back the topic description? I find it extremely useful especially when browsing the kdrama/variety/other drama section because I like to look at the cast lists/genre/any misc info rather than having to waste my time and clicking on each and every topic to get a gist of it. It's very tiring in my opinion.

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Guest akp124

Hm... for some reason, if I want to type a really long reply, it won't let me. It just stays thinking when I click on 'post.'

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Guest iSimplicityy

@MaryFairy As of right now they don't have that function yet but... you can jump to a certain page by adding "/p#" after the thread title in the address bar.
So say I want to go to page 10 in this thread the link would be 
This way you don't have to keep clicking the numbers on the bottom/top of the thread. Hope this helps! (:

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Guest h2og

The font size is not working... I tried several times in different posts.  They remained as the regular font size no matter what size I picked.  The edit is working alright... The emoticon is not displaying in edit mode but they showed up after U post.

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Guest h2og

It would be nice to have the old features back - Post No. and the ability to jump to different pages since the threads are growing pretty quickly with lots of members participating in the threads.  The Post No. is also helpful during discussion.

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Guest h2og

Font size, Font Color, Font are not working properly... U can see in my signature... I have picked a different font, color & size. Yet, they didn't work at all.  After edit mode, the quote will not appear after saving the comment.  It will reappear only after I do a refresh.

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Guest h2og

The video links went back to the old format... it doesn't play within soompi.  here's an example...


The video above doesn't displayed like the one below  (the source code doesn't look different, i don't know why it's not working now...)
Below is from the initial release, the video appeared as a screen to play within the page... 
... A fan-made MV for Thorn Birds...

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Guest elysium.

@elysium. > the very last button in the editor (a white square with < >) allows u to change the editor version to view the source so u can code manually

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Guest jawe

When i'm using Chrome/Chromium, everything looks great. But when i'm using Firefox, the forum (wide) can't fit my laptop screen. Is it just me?

I use both browsers in Linux.

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Question -Will you guys be bringing back the topic description? I find it extremely useful especially when browsing the kdrama/variety/other drama section because I like to look at the cast lists/genre/any misc info rather than having to waste my time and clicking on each and every topic to get a gist of it. It's very tiring in my opinion.
It's not standard with Vanilla, but we've made a note that we would like it to reappear!

When i'm using Chrome/Chromium, everything looks great. But when i'm using Firefox, the forum (wide) can't fit my laptop screen. Is it just me?

I use both browsers in Linux.

There are a couple people who have said the same thing, but not a great number, which brings the priority down.

Basically just imagine that I compiled a list of every single issue reported by the members and I'm marking how important they are to your experience (like, if you're not even able to view, post, or login, that's probably a higher priority), and how many members are affected. As I know, three people have complained about the horizontal scrolling. So it's an issue that I'm noting, but the developers probably won't see it as high priority.

@jeeji Please view my post in the other thread where you posted this. You'll need to stop using img tags, and members were never allowed to delete posts in the first place. If you have a post that needs to be deleted, please PM a moderator, although here I've done it for you. And it's preferable for you to get the link from the link icon above the post, rather than just directing us to the thread, so that way we don't have to go through pages to figure out which post you mean. Thanks!
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