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Guest creaturedreams

I hope to see the following:

my bookmarked threads restored.

online/anonymity to be back?

search outcomes seem inefficient.

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@inxomnia thanks for the feedback, can you let us know more about what you find difficult about the navigation?

There is no drop down at the bottom which I found useful, then I realised there was the side-bar .. which resembles a blog/site more than a forum but that's more an interface thing I guess. Also, I don't really like the interface. I preferred the old one, to be honest. This seems very .. well.. noob? Like the "basic version"/mobile of a forum as opposed to the full version. Oh and the mobile version is impossible for me - cannot log in, and the navigation is horrible because whenever I click soompi interests, rather than loading all the subforums its just a mass of threads.

Also, I think it looks rather tacky and lame that the numbers under views/replies are so big and eye-catching, and the whole "xxK" I'd rather it smaller and the full number like before. And the avatars are so small. Actually, I liked it better when the member name/info are to the left panel as opposed to on top because its easier to recognise who posted.

I liked the reputation system back then better than all these "insightful" etc now, because it's just ... superfluous in my opinion.

Oh and I preferred the quote/edit tabs before not just the word now.. Also, because it's so light/white .. it's hard to differentiate from the quote and the actual reply.

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The forum looks great! And the badges are really cool! (I'm a sucker for badges; I love getting them on Foursquare, the Kobo app, etc.)

I haven't been visiting forums for the past few years, but soompi 3.0 may just bring me back. :D Kudos to the soompi crew!

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Guest noonewhocareaboutme

I can't login to my account, so I had to make a new one. Could you please address these issues?

1. I wish our avatars were bigger and back to 100x100 pixels.

2. The fonts look weird on a PC, but OK on a Mac. Please optimize the fonts so that they look good on PCs as well.

3. It looks like Soompi wanted a minimalist sleek design, but honestly, the entire site looks bland and confusing because of the lack of color, contrast, and DESIGN.

4. The forum should have more contrast and things/colors that separate replies, threads, and member info better.

5. I don't like the red "Edited by" messages on posts.

6. It would be convenient if we could PM users by clicking on their profiles or names on their posts again.

7. There should be a "Who's viewing this thread" feature, not just "Who's viewing this category."

8. The news that is automatically being posted in the K-entertainment forum should be separated from the other topics. Now that section is full of news posted by the staff, which is discouraging members from posting their own topics.

9. I do not like how the subforums' contents are posted in the main parent forum as well. This is very cluttering and chaotic.

10. I don't like how Friends of Soompi are marked pink. The member info bar on posts should be a different color than white.

To be completely honest, I feel that the move from IPB to Vanilla Forums was a bit unnecessary. I think Soompi needs better, more experienced graphic designers as well.

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Guest sherman

@inxomnia thanks for your comments. we're compiling a list of bugs, feedback and comments from soompiers, and it's nice to have a detailed opinion like yours. cheers!

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What's the difference between the "points" that are listed on my profiled and the "insightful, awesome, LOL, points"? They seem to be different since they don't add up to each other :/

Is there any way that it tells us whether we have posted in the thread before like it did on the old site? I can't remember the threads I've already posted in... especially when old threads get bumped up.

Also, did the "followers" and "following" feature get taken off? :(

On the other hand, I like how we can just click awesome, insightful on our profiles to see which of our posts had gained points! :D

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Wow... this site is so different with some things I remember from the first Soompi forum... Soompi has definitely changed from what it was before the crash (which was a loooooong time ago)... Good job coders and everyone on the Soompi team!

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Guest johananv.

How do I make a new thread? I've already made enough posts to fill the 5 post quota ... and I still can't make a new thread.

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Guest luna1430278013

but one thing.... when someone quotes u it doesn't notify you unless they write @ username ....

wish they change that ...and notify when someone quotes you !!!!!!!!

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Guest luna1430278013

@50julieng emos are at the upper right of the posting box !! and there are a lot of them !! editing is coming soon! soompi said in the yellow box at top of the page

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Guest luna1430278013

i just uploaded a photo and won 10 points

these points remind of harry potter and the points system at hogwarts

10 points to grifindor lol

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Guest akp124

I have a Chromebook and I keep getting an error when I try to access the forums from there. I also have a laptop and I do not get the error and I can use the forums.

I don't know if it's something you can do to fix or if it's just my chromebook. haha Tried clearing cookies and everything like that and still get the error.

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I have a Chromebook and I keep getting an error when I try to access the forums from there. I also have a laptop and I do not get the error and I can use the forums.

I don't know if it's something you can do to fix or if it's just my chromebook. haha Tried clearing cookies and everything like that and still get the error.

chrome seems to not work very well with the forum as of right now. this was noted during the beta testing and hopefully will be fixed soon.

i don't experience too much buggyness with firefox if you could bare with using that at the moment (but then chromebooks aren't exactly computers...sorry ><)

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Guest akp124

chrome seems to not work very well with the forum as of right now. this was noted during the beta testing and hopefully will be fixed soon.

i don't experience too much buggyness with firefox if you could bare with using that at the moment (but then chromebooks aren't exactly computers...sorry ><)

I'm using Chrome the browser on my laptop and it works fine. I'll just be using the laptop then haha

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