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Hurtful Things People Said To You

Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

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i have a buddy that constantly tells me "hey get a boob job.don't worry i'll sponsor you when we grow up"(cause i'm money minded.) and when passing through vendors selling bras he goes like "hey i think those sizes are just nice for you!" "i think we can wear bra of the same size" and everytime he goes on i don't know what to reply.i was like "yea i told you before i'm troubled cause my boobs doesn't seem to be growing much but i don't really want a boob job ==

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i am very self concious about my hair. it is thick and puffy.

so one day, i decide to make a change since i've been using the same hairstyle everydayyyy. i wanted a change !

this one girl goes up to me, and says "you're hair is puffy" and i was like, "i know" trying to play it off cool, and joke like. and she was dead serious and repeated "no, its like realllllllly puffty"

..that girls a biachh

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Guest yuri9do0

i gues its mainly when my mom criticized me for being "fat"

now that ive lost the weight she complains that im too "skinny"

i hate asian parents

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Guest opposite_match

So I was at this retreat and most of them are white and I'm one of the only two asians there, and the other asian was pretty white washed too(lot of makeup, flirty). and at night they were playing this game called "who's the prettiest out of all the girls" or something like that. and I was not in that bunk so I was sleeping. and the other asian came into the bunk and laid down on her bed and accidentally woke me up. I asked her what was going on cuz they were so loud, she was all smiling and told me what they were playing. and I jokingly said "lol did they talk crap about me?" and she was like "no you werent mentioned" and I said "oh yay thats good" and then she was like "no it's not, they were saying who was pretty and no one mentioned your name so no one had anything nice to say about you" and she smiled. I didn't take it as offensive until she said it like that. it really pissed me off.

other than that,.

I have been told

-wow, how come your skin is so pale compared to the other asians in the school? go get some sun.

-why are you so skinny? are you anorexic?

-your style is so asian and girly. I dont think people understand your fashion.

-do you speak engrish?

but at the same time I get compliments like

-your skin is so flawless and very elegant and pale.

-your legs are so long and skinny, I would kill to have your body

-you're so pretty. I wish I had your perfect little asian face

-You look like korean ulzzangs. (comes from asians (moslty koreans)

-you look very pretty without makeup, but with makeup you look hot

-you have such good sense of fashion

-you are so smart, the smartest person I have ever met who is so pretty at the same time.

once these guys were like "is it possible for a girl to be pretty and smart at the same time?" and 2 of the guys pointed at me. and I didnt know what they were saying at the time but I was very flattered.

so I guess I get more compliments than hurtful comments. I am very grateful for that.

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a guy i used to talk to as a distant friend when i was around 14, he is 18 now and married and said to my ex (who told me this) that i've changed over the years & became a 'wanna be' (copy my friend's style: hair, clothes etc)...another dude who isn't a close friend but friends with my ex (again my ex told me this) said that i've gone ugly...if you're wondering why my ex is telling me this, we still talk and are friends...

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Guest margaretgoesrawr

some girl asked me if i was full asiann, and im likee i guess kind of ( im a lil frenchh ) but i told her i was full and then i asked why. then she was like becus of your but. apparently "all asian girls have small buttts" ( sarcasm)

one timee my firend and i were makingg wii me's, i made my person and then she was like, let me fix ittt. nd she made my eyes alll super asiannniee, and im like woww i didnt know i haddd SUPER slanty eyes like that. shoot i think i havee big round eyes, obviously not liek white ppl but you gett me. lol

some idiot ask me " do you wear a lot of makeup " amnd im like wtfckkk im wearing makeup right noww, what do you think? i guess he asked that becus he thinks i wear too much.

my guy friend told me im big for an asian ( big boned ) okayyyy i dont need to know that ! ughh

there are more butt yeee

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Guest kishycathiee

"you look ok... but you're just too damn short! no guy would go out with you! *laugh"

it hurt for maybe 2 seconds, and i got over it. a few years ago, i would've cried if anyone said that to me.. but now i can take criticism and insults more! those insecure people ):

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I've posted like a billion times but..

growing up, I was FAT.

I got bullied by guys and girls everyday. Even my teacher called me an amoeba!

My brother made fun of me too, and my parents just pretended like they didn't notice.

I really wanted to die back then.

People also liked calling me ugly. My friends would list of girls in the group that they thought were pretty and they'd say things like "Christine, pretty? haha uhh.. No.."

Just a couple of years later and the same guys that thought I wasn't good enough are all over me

Girls that used to feel superior over me can't say anything anymore.

Appearances are a really powerful thing. I don't think anyone can say that they aren't

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Kids don't lie, so this one little girl was like "She's scary", I have no idea if that was directed to me or my friend, but yeap, that's what she said (I think the little girl said that to me). I also get "Your so skinny and short, it's like your body never grows".

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Guest karebearr

freshmen year of high school, my friend's friend said "she looks like she had too much botox"

o.o; i was pretty speechless although it was pretty funny...

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I jokingly asked my 8 year old niece if I was fat.. but I didn't expect her to be so blunt with her words!

"You are fat! My mum is big but she's not fat. You're FATTER!"

and when her brother said I wasn't fat, she said "SHE'S FAT! Didn't you see when she was trying to get up, her bellybutton was jiggling and jiggling!"

I regretted asking her.

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Guest polka_dotts

"Your lips are too big/Why are they so big/blahblah."

I used to want to punch my dad in the face when he advised me to stop wearing lipgloss cus it made me look like I was half black cus my lips were big. Stfu & stfd. Kthx.

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On the bus, a group of boys were like "throw that bag at the girl who nobody likes"

...I didn't know if it was me or not. But I was the closest, so I felt pretty hurt. :(

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Guest supertori

well, i said i wanted to audition for beauty and the beast several years ago...

and my 'friend' said i was too ugly to be belle.

that really made me cry ;___;

but the girl put other people down to make her feel higher of herself... everyone's noticed that, and she clearly had no friends...

and they say that i'm prettier than her, too. ^____^

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