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Hurtful Things People Said To You

Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

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Guest PorcelainHeart

I would of punched him!, and be like "WHAT THE HECK!, keep your thoughts in your head!."

i went to my doctor to get acne medication then he looked at my forehead (beneath mu bangs) and he goes "EW SO UGLY. UR SKIN SO UGLY." .. i was thinking, "what the, i never asked for his opinion.."
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Guest yoko102308

People in grade 6 made fun of my because of my scars and call me ugly. Dx I was so sad back then

It was always "why can't you do anything right? No one likes you anyway. You're ugly and you have all those ugly scars too!"

Now I'm at a different school and guys flirt all the time <3

The thing is, I've never been ugly. I just was different.

But yeah~whatever. I rock now.

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Guest carrilina

oh god... all these are so awful...

well. i guess it's like a catharsis to list all these things so here goes:

i was told that my 'face is flat.'

and my dad looked at me, up and down and said, "you need to go running."

my mom asked, "... are you sure you want to eat that? i sure don't think you need to eat that."

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Guest x.3christine

i'm called "the fat girl" in my family.....and when i was young, appently my nickname was "monkey" because i was dark and skinny....got over it a little

oh yea...i'm not that fat

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Guest XangelXtranX

I get this from many people, It wasn't hurtful instead I took it as something I should be working toward. And they only say it cuz they care but blah

" you so skinny and short.. =[ eat mroe meat and drink milk.

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in elementary school, there was this girl with the same name as me, and she was REALLY REALLY pretty from a young age. i remember before in like grade 5 or 6, they'd call me the ugly one and her the pretty one. up until i finished my tomboy phase....which was like until grade 8?... it happened. didn't happen at all since i finished that phase of my life tho...LOL.

but then when i started wearing form-fitting clothes, first comment was "omfg, did you just lose like 50 lbs or what?" and i was like OMFGYAY! and a couple weeks ago someone from like a year ago saw me and went like "you look like you got skinnier o_o"

...other than that...i went back to my OLD church from like a couple years ago with my parents, and they were all like "omg she looks so different! if we passed by her on the streets we would SO not be able to recognize her!" ...and they didnt, cuz once i saw these people from my OLD church out of the corner of my eyes, but i didn't say hi since i was a bit awkward with that group of people....LOL.

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my dad's friend came over and it was awhile from the last time he saw me..

(i was sick.and felt horrible..and he made me feel worse)

he was "you got bigger!" he said it Korean. so if people knew korean parents think its okay to say that...

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Guest ephemeral.

I don't think they meant much by this, or it was unintentional, but.. ;x

"Don't eat too much or you'll be fat."

"Woah, your shouldersare so wide. Your butt is so big now. Are you sure you can fit into those?"

"WOAH. What happened to your legs?! You were so skinny before, and now.. not so much."

"Ewwww, fat nose."

"Oh my god, you look so short."

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Guest pikasaki
Well, excluding the fact that it's what people don't say and how they act that hurts more...

I always get "you're so skinny!" & "do you ever eat?" or "hey, you got a bit fatter now! that's good."

In grade five, I got called emo richard simmons and flat (ironed) nose.

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Guest bbyxwinnie

"you have a greasy face"

"your face has acne"

"you're fat"

"you need some sun on those legs" -- im extremly pale to the point people think im part white. t___t;;

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I was bullied throughout 1st - 8th grade because I was fat. T_T

I would come home crying everyday because they said such hurtful things.

"Damn, you're f*cking fat."

"Drop 50 pounds then talk to me."

Or about my looks.

"Stop looking at me, ugly!"

"You're so ugly!"

Even my family said that!

But now I've changed.



But, no.


Story of my life.

Up until 8th grade I was overweight and then throughout highschool to now I am proud size 24.

:P To me, that was all motivation.

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Guest My Sweet September

I've never been directly made fun of for my moles, but I constantly read comments about people's feelings towards moles, even seen skits of people putting on fake moles to make their faces "ugly" and...

it makes me wonder, how often are people staring at my moles, and not me? Are they really that distracting and ugly? Cause I quite like most of my moles...lol.

Otherwise, I've had my mom and grandma make a lot of comments about my weight, in the past. And my mom flipping out and pulling up my shirt cause she noticed stretchmarks on my hips and tummy >.>

And comments about my shoulders...and how big they are, and how I look like a linebacker. Argh. Makes me feel not like a woman!

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Guest labelmefragile

my bf's little sister (9 years old) finally saw my face up close like real close and told me...

"no offense, but your face looks a bit different. (i was breaking out, not major though) ....i want the old jocelyn back."

yeh it hurt me inside, because little kids tell the truth! and the fact she thinks i'm another person! lol

well i didn't take it to the heart that much.. its a bit funny actually when you think about it. lol

okies things that i actually took to the heart are...

"you have a round nose"

"you look so different....without makeup." :(

"you're so short"

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Guest TotoroBabyx3

My one classmate said randomly, " You look like a monkey, since your nose is flat and cause of your overbite too." -___-

I was like wtf? I can get braces and I have an adorable button nose, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. xD

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Guest shevyshakes

Fat, ugly, really pair shaped

Rat teeth, Rat face, basically anything rat related

Turtle chin

Pizza face ect


Jokes on them, I'm pretty now.

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A girl who is like the little sister figure since she used to be in my anime club saw me for like the first time since school started.

"Hey, Big Sis, how come you've got pimples everywhere on your face? It is allergies? Aren't you too old to still be in puberty?"

Ouch, comment on my acne, and say that I'm old? =_=

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