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Hi Jill, cholo, o-cha, and all~~ *hugs*

Let me hug you o-cha first! It's good to see you back!!!! We missed you so much as you may know!

It's hard not to see the news about KJK these days..he must be the businest guy in the et world. Thanks for shairng the news JH will appear on the Family outing. I am kinda nervous about how he will perform at the entertainment show cause it's been a while since he did it last time. Hope his sense of humor naturally comes out. ;)

Thanks cholo for sharing the caps and fanarts. So lovely!!!

I may add more caps from ep 20 and 21 to fill in my emptiness after the drama is over..hehe.. ;)

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Hi chinggus~

haha...here are some caps from ep 20 of Tazza. Since I did make these screencaps last week and did not find time to post them here, I just want to finish 'my project.' ;):sweatingbullets:



































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Guest Jill4675

Hi chinggus~

haha...here are some caps from ep 20 of Tazza. Since I did make these screencaps last week and did not find time to post them here, I just want to finish 'my project.' ;):sweatingbullets:

wils!! Thanks so much for these lovely caps and for taking the time to make them! computer-11.gif I'm still missing Tazza and specifically two members of that cast!! ;):rolleyes:

:huh: I wonder when we could expect to see JH in another drama...he's so busy now! :o I will just have to keep my fingers crossed... meantime I have a bunch of dramas to watch to take my mind off missing him!!! :lol: [maybe you can guess what I might be watching...] :blush:


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:huh: I wonder when we could expect to see JH in another drama...he's so busy now! :o I will just have to keep my fingers crossed... meantime I have a bunch of dramas to watch to take my mind off missing him!!! :lol:[maybe you can guess what I might be watching...] :blush:


You're welcome, Jill. Yeah...I just hope to see him soon...The filming of his film 'penthouse elephant' was done last week...so he may spend time with his family.. :)Haha...let me guess what you would be watching....maybe one of the dramas KMJ is on?

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wils : thanks for the caps!! He looks gorgeous as always....How can a man be so good looking?

oohhh I see Jill reading the thread...hehehehe....

Posting news about Hyuk...as always please correct my translation if there are any mistakes...


장혁, '타짜' 日 첫 방송에 맞춰 홍보

Jang Hyuk doing promotions for ‘Tazza’ First Broadcast in Japan


(도쿄=연합뉴스) 이태문 통신원 = 배우 장혁이 내년 일본에서 방송되는 SBS 드라마 '타짜'를 홍보하기 위해 일본을 방문한다.

(Tokyo=Yonhap News) Actor Jang Hyuk will visit Japan next year to do promotions for SBS drama ‘Tazza’.

주인공 고니 역을 맡아 따뜻하면서도 카리스마 넘치는 모습을 보여준 장혁은 화제작 '타짜'가 내년 1월 24일부터 한류전문 위성채널인 엠넷(Mnet)을 통해 첫 방송되는 것에 맞춰 24일 일본 BS방송주식회사 본사 건물에서 공식 기자회견을 열고 드라마를 홍보한다.

Jang Hyuk who exuded warm charisma playing as the hero Goni in ‘Tazza’ starting on January 24 next year will do promotion with the Hallyu channel on Mnet. Prior to the first broadcast they will hold an official press conference at BS Broadcast Head Office building for the drama promotion.

장혁은 이와는 별도로 20일 지바의 호텔 뉴오타니 마쿠하리와 22일 호텔 뉴오타니 오사카에서 크리스마스 겸 생일 파티인 '장혁과 보내는 행복의 순간'을 연다.

Separately, Jang Hyuk will be at Chiba Hotel New Otani Makuhari (??) on the 20th and at Osaka Hotel New Otani for Christmas cum birthday party named ‘Sending Happy Moments with Jang Hyuk’.


There's also news about Penthouse Elephant...I haven't had time to translate but maybe someone else can? (nudge nudge..wils...hehehe)


장혁-조동혁-이상우 주연 '펜트하우스 코끼리' 촬영종료

[아시아경제신문 고경석 기자] 장혁•조동혁•이상우 주연의 '펜트하우스 코끼리'(제작 엘리비젼, 감독 정승구)가 촬영일정을 끝마쳤다.

제작사 측은 '펜트하우스 코끼리'가 일요일인 7일 서울 영등포구 여의도에서 마지막 촬영을 마치고 본격적인 후반작업에 돌입했다고 밝혔다.

'펜트하우스 코끼리'는 누구나 꿈꾸는 인생을 사는 세 남자의 은밀한 비밀을 감각적인 스타일로 그린 작품.

프리랜서 사진작가 현우(장혁 분)와 성형외과 전문의로 화려한 인생을 살고 있는 민석(조동혁 분) 앞에 12년 전 갑자기 사라져 버린 친구 진혁(이상우 분)이 성공한 외국계 금융 전문가가 되어 나타나면서 벌어지는 세 친구의 매혹적인 사랑에 얽힌 비밀을 파헤친다.

'펜트하우스 코끼리'는 애인을 잃고, 아내를 잃고, 첫사랑을 잃은 세 남자의 강도 높은 멜로를 선보일 예정이다.

장혁은 촬영을 마치며 "그동안 현장에 와서 감독님과 스태프들의 도움을 받아 편안한 마음으로 촬영에 임할 수 있었다"며 "촬영을 끝내니 가장 먼저 허전한 마음이 든다. 다음에 감독님과 스탭들이 함께 뭉쳐서 또 작품을 만든다면 그때는 더욱 재미있게 작업할 것 같다"며 아쉬운 소감을 밝혔다.

조동혁은 마지막 촬영 이후 스태프들과 포옹을 나누며 "막상 좋은 분들과 헤어질 생각을 하니 마음이 안 좋고 서글프다"며 "그래도 좋은 영화로 완성되면 지금의 섭섭한 마음은 싹 잊어 버릴 것 같다"라고 말했다.

정승구 감독은 "아쉬움과 허전함이 느껴진다"며 "다사다난하고 우여곡절 많았던 촬영 기간 동안 고생해준 배우와 스탭들에게 감사한다. 고생한 만큼 나쁘지 않은 작품이 나오리라 생각한다"고 크랭크업 소감을 밝혔다.

'펜트하우스 코끼리'는 2009년 개봉 예정이다.

고경석 기자 kave@asiae.co.kr

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Guest Jill4675

You're welcome, Jill. Yeah...I just hope to see him soon...The filming of his film 'penthouse elephant' was done last week...so he may spend time with his family.. Haha...let me guess what you would be watching....maybe one of the dramas KMJ is on?

wils : thanks for the caps!! He looks gorgeous as always....How can a man be so good looking?

oohhh I see Jill reading the thread...hehehehe....

Posting news about Hyuk...as always please correct my translation if there are any mistakes...


LOL, wils! That would be correct!! love-063.gif:rolleyes:

Yes, I hope JH can spend some time with his wife and son! :)

o-cha! Thanks for the articles! You are right...JH continues to be as gorgeous (and adorable) as ever!! love-smiley-007.gif

It's raining here (a lot) and we might even get some snow! :blink:


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Guest Jill4675

o-cha! I forgot to mention: I sent the first article to my friend in Japan...thanks to me, she knows who Jang Hyuk is (and agrees he's good-looking), but she has never seen him in action! <_< I am hoping she will try to watch Tazza! I'm going to try to make her do it! (She refuses to be mainstream, doesn't want to be like all the Japanese ajummas! :lol: That's why she won't watch Kdramas... :angry:)


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thank you as always wils for the caps, o-cha for the translated article.

it is raining also here jill in our place, but we dont experienced snow. :)

pic to share


and a happy holidays artworks to share :D







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Guest Jill4675

thank you as always wils for the caps, o-cha for the translated article.

it is raining also here jill in our place, but we dont experienced snow. :)

cholo! Great pics! love-smiley-007.gif

wils will love the first one especially! :lol:;)

I love the Christmas cards! :)

Well, it didn't snow yet...but we should get a bit tomorrow. Right now it is just RAIN RAIN RAIN!



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o-cha! I forgot to mention: I sent the first article to my friend in Japan...thanks to me, she knows who Jang Hyuk is (and agrees he's good-looking), but she has never seen him in action! <_< I am hoping she will try to watch Tazza! I'm going to try to make her do it! (She refuses to be mainstream, doesn't want to be like all the Japanese ajummas! :lol: That's why she won't watch Kdramas... :angry:)

no..Jill...tell your friend to watch Thank You first...That's what I always use to hook people to like Jang Hyuk...seriously who would not fall in love with Hyuk after watching that drama? Min Gi Seo is every girl's dream:

1. Appearance --- check. Jang Hyuk as Min Gi Seo is ridiculously good looking....gorgeous to the extreme.

2. Education --- check. He's a doctor.

3. Profession --- check. Brilliant surgeon.

4. Personality --- check. A kind hearted person (though can be cocky)

5. Attitude --- check. Arrogant but he's arrogant cuz he is gooooood...haahahhaha

6. Money --- check. He has loads of them hehehe...

7. Body --- check. Totally droolicious.

And of course who can forget the way he looks at Young Shin?? That would totally melt every girl's heart......aahhh...just talking about it makes me want to watch Thank You again for like the zillionth time....

After you get her hooked on Thank You..then tell her to watch Tazza and Robbers to appreciate Jang Hyuk's acting even more.

I want snow...we don't get snow here :( ...

cholo : oooh those are some really nice artworks...thanks for posting them here.

It's Hyuk's birthday soon...wonder what he's gonna do (except for the Japanese fan meeting)....

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Guest Jill4675

no..Jill...tell your friend to watch Thank You first...That's what I always use to hook people to like Jang Hyuk...seriously who would not fall in love with Hyuk after watching that drama? Min Gi Seo is every girl's dream:

1. Appearance --- check. Jang Hyuk as Min Gi Seo is ridiculously good looking....gorgeous to the extreme.

2. Education --- check. He's a doctor.

3. Profession --- check. Brilliant surgeon.

4. Personality --- check. A kind hearted person (though can be cocky)

5. Attitude --- check. Arrogant but he's arrogant cuz he is gooooood...haahahhaha

6. Money --- check. He has loads of them hehehe...

7. Body --- check. Totally droolicious.

And of course who can forget the way he looks at Young Shin?? That would totally melt every girl's heart......aahhh...just talking about it makes me want to watch Thank You again for like the zillionth time....

o-cha! lol-049.gif You are so funny...you are cracking me up and you just took me on a trip down Memory Lane...Oh, how I treasure my DVDs of Thank You... heartbeat.gif There might even be Japanese subtitles on them... I only suggested she watch Tazza because it seems it would be on TV. I know she won't be able to see Thank You unless I provide her with DVDs... :( And you know that saying: You can lead a horse to water...

There are so many great scenes in Thank You...one that really got me the first time I watched it (since I love JH's voice; you forgot to mention his voice! <_< ) was when he makes the phone call to Young Shin checking if Grandpa and Bom are asleep and asks her to meet him down at the bandstand or whatever that place was and have a drink... gave me chills!!! thunk.gif

No snow yet; just lots of wind...and it's cold, too... :huh:


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Guest ashleesimpson

hi guys

Family outing with Jang hyuk as the guest will be aired next week, Sunday December 21

here is the preview

jang hyuk fits the family so well

next week looks so funny

wonder if he will be a match maker for his best friend kim jong kook and hyori, cause cha tae hyun did when he was on the show,hehe love their friendship.

jong kook and hyori are so cute at the game, they were going somewhere by bike,too

Family outing preview guest Jang Hyuk

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Guest Jill4675

hi guys

Family outing with Jang hyuk as the guest will be aired next week, Sunday December 21

here is the preview

jang hyuk fits the family so well

next week looks so funny

23_30_126.gif The preview is really cute! JH looks adorable ~ he has such a great smile ! :blush:

The tree-cutting scene reminds me of the wood-splitting scene in "Thank You"! :lol:

Can't wait to see it! laughing.gif


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I can't wait for next week...Like I said before it's a dream come true for me seeing Hyuk and his good friend Kim Jong Kook together in one show...Hyuk looks so manly cutting the tree...

and yes Jill that part reminds me of his scenes in Thank You....

aahh yes where Gi seo called Young Shin....aaaaah...I melt.....

Don't forget FO is on this Sunday at 5:20PM Korea time...

Jill..forget sleeping..just pull an all nighter :lol:. Hyuk doesn't go on shows much...do it for Hyuk..hehehe

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Hi all...

Jang Hyuk and Han Ye Seul are nominated for the favorite couple: http://tv.sbs.co.kr/2008talent/sub/couple.html

Let's vote for them....

instructions to register... (are available in Korean & English there)

1) Go to http://login.sbs.co.kr/Login/login.jsp

2) Click Sign Up

3) Click I Agree of the Terms Of Services under both sections (English & Korean). Then click on "Foreigner in Overseas (bottom of page) to proceed.

4) Fill out the Sign Up page.

Confirmation Process

In order to enroll you, we must verify your personal information.

[select one you would like to use]

* Upload an image (gif, jpg file) of your ID card. [browse]

* Send a copy of ID card through FAX.

Fax : 82-2-2640-3002

Hopefully they can win.... :)

Source: SBS awards thread

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Hi all~

I hope you guys are doing well. I can't wait to see him in Family outing this weekend!

Today in korean time is Hyuk's birthday!

Happy birthday to you, hyuk!!!!!

Wish all blessings with you and your family!!!!!


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