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Guest Pucca.sg

Just wondering whether Jang Hyuk is still in Singapore?

I just came back from Taiwan so sorry that have not been here for few weeks....

Hope to see more updates of him in Singapore before he goes back to Korea :)

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Guest hawthorn

华娱9月7日首播《谢谢》 张赫回归荧幕再放催泪弹

新快报讯 (记者 贺雅佳) 韩国人气偶像张赫阔别四年华丽回归,推出全新力作《谢谢》一举夺得韩国收视首位。电视剧《谢谢》讲述失意的医生、苦难的未婚妈妈与患上艾滋病的女儿之间的一段感人故事,三位主角大放“催泪弹”,以一颗感恩的心面对世事的不如意。华娱卫视将从9月7日晚正式推出,喜欢韩剧的电视观众又要准备好纸巾擦眼泪了。






刚服完兵役的张赫,身材瘦了一圈,下巴也尖了下来,成熟阳刚的气息为他增添了吸引力。过往有点痞子味道的张赫在剧中向观众们展示了他越发成熟的形象。退役后低调复出,却把戏中那位医术高超、心高气傲、脾气暴躁但颇具人性美的外科医生演活了。在戏外,就算是在拍摄过程中遇到车祸,他也坚持拍摄。《谢谢》在韩国结束了最后一集的播放后,张赫表示:“这可能是我人生记忆中最值得感谢的一部作品。”该剧的成功,无疑为张赫继续在演艺圈发展打了支强心针。他日前更在韩国、美国、新加坡携手开拍的电影《与龙共舞(Dance of the Dragon)》中担当主角,宣布正式进军好莱坞。


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Haven't been here for awhile, feels so detached. :(

Dear Hyuk's Fans in Singapore:

Have you read an article about Ms. Fann Wong in recent URBAN of The Strait Times?

It is about the film, I guess...

Do you know which date of 'Urban'? Could it be the last segment, "Things in his bag"? Love to know what he keeps in his bag. :D

ps: hawthorn, I love your banner!

Thanks 9race for the pics.

So, guys are needed as martial art members standing around to watch their match.

Looking at the lower pic, can't helped but worried as JH looks so small and frail compared to JSL. He can throw JH away anytime... :sweatingbullets: (skill counts!)

Just wondering whether Jang Hyuk is still in Singapore?

I just came back from Taiwan so sorry that have not been here for few weeks....

Hope to see more updates of him in Singapore before he goes back to Korea :)

Wen, I think he is still around.

Amaryllis, hawthorn (san zha in mandarin? I love that), thanks for the updated info.

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Guest hawthorn

Do you know which date of 'Urban'?

Hello and thanks, ixora.

Which date I am not sure but Urban is published on Tuesday, is that right?

If so, the issue of August 29 is likely.

It probably is some bad news about Fann Wong, not Hyuk.

The fans of Ms.Wong were really mad by that.

Anyway, it is about the Dance of the Dragon, so I just would like to know...

ps: hawthorn, I love your banner!

Thank you~~~10 years made him more beautiful!

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Love to know what he keeps in his bag. :D

Don't we all? :P

The first pix of JH dancing with the leading lady looks more like a painting to me. Looks great!!

Can someone help to translate the Chinese article on the "perfect family of 3", please. Thank you :)

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Guest hawthorn




By the way, from a Fann Wong BBS...

Fann Wong is currently filming the "Dance Of The Dragon" however the place was under serect place and she has infrom me and promise her (fANN Wong) not to tell everyone when she was filming location.

So Hyuk is in the secret place, too?

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Guest dionne_wu

Regarding the Urban issue of Fann Wong, if I'm not wrong it was under the Fash Bash (or is it Hag?) section on the first page. It was about her lack of dancing abilities and the HEFTY pricetags on her elaborate costumes designed by Francis Cheong. ^_^

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Guest hawthorn

Regarding the Urban issue of Fann Wong, if I'm not wrong it was under the Fash Bash (or is it Hag?) section on the first page. It was about her lack of dancing abilities and the HEFTY pricetags on her elaborate costumes designed by Francis Cheong. ^_^

Thanks a lot!

It sounds like a mere slander or nonsense. Nothing serious, isn't it?

her lack of dancing abilities

But today's Chinese articles say her dancing ability is higher than Hyuk's...


Fann Wong is currently filming the "Dance Of The Dragon" however the place was under serect place and she has infrom me and promise her (fANN Wong) not to tell everyone when she was filming location.

This post has been deleted, so whether it is true or not is unknown.

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hawthorn : thanks for the latest pic. I want to get flowers from Hyuk ! hahaha... He looks so cool....

dionne_wu : awww...poor Fann...if people were bashing her on her dancing abilities. I'm sure all 3 main casts weren't great dancers so it's not fair for them to get criticism because of their dancing. After all they are all actors and not dancers. In any case I hope everything goes well in the movie shoot.

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tiffany : thanks for sharing the story. He is such a down-to-earth guy. I never would have expected him to be eating in a food court. what a cool guy.

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tifanny : thanks for updating us on Jang Hyuk. Sounds like JH is indeed one dedicated actor..which is why I like him a lot. I am dying to see clips of him dancing....

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Guest hawthorn


《龙之舞》拍摄 警方封路近全天

14 September 2007


其实,《龙之舞》来头不小,它除了获得新加坡旅游局赞助一半的制作费用之外,更是一部跨国大制作,参与演出《龙之舞》的演员包括本地阿姐范文芳,韩国当红小生张赫,好莱坞猛男Jason Scott Lee等。电影以舞蹈为主轴,整部片子在本地取景。导演将把狮城的旧景观和现代高度城市化的面貌呈现在观众眼前。






Will this be aired?

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