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Ocha - are the DC fans making a clay doll because of Hyuk's birthday?

The China and Taiwan fans have sent their birthday gift to Hyuk's China rep and they have promised to deliver it to Hyuk, making sure he received them. :)

Did anybody post this? Video of Cha Tae Hyun movie's premiere. Hyuk is in it.


It was courtesy of Kim Jong Kook's fans.Scroll down to post 6.

EDIT: So happy to declare that we have finished the Win Win program translation. Just sent the file to Ocha to put it into the video. Hopefully everythin will be ok! :)

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yup..got the file qwenli..I'm just fixing some of the timing and such right now. should be done by this week.

dairykhang: I might send the file over to you once I'm done..since I can't do any fancy encoding...hehehe

Yeah DC Hyuk is doing the clay doll for Hyuk's birthday.

So apparently Hyukie went on Kim Jae Dong's Talk Concert on the 13th. Is this a talk show? I'm not sure...anyone know more about this?

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Ocha - Thanks so much!

Hi, everyone! Just read that Soong Joon Ki and Lee Da Hae are confirmed as the Mcs at the KBS Drama Awards this year. Wouldnt it be great if Da Hae Tongseng is present when Hyuk get an award? :D

Also Chuno and Hyuk just won some other awards at another drama awards given out by the union of broadcasters (or something like that)... Hyuk is amassing alot of trophies this year!! :)

Some Chuno bts pix on baidu today (post 6 onwards)


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you are so right qwenli!

Hyukie just won another award..congratulations to Jang Hyuk!!


장혁-황정음 촬영감독 선정 ‘최우수연기상’ 수상

Jang Hyuk-Hwang Jung Eum Awarded the 'Best Acting Award' by the Director of Photography Association


[뉴스엔 이재환 기자]

[Newsen Lee Jae Hwan reporting]

'추노' 장혁과 '자이언트' 황정음이 한국방송촬영감독연합회가 선정한 최우수연기상을 수상한다.

'Chuno' Jang Hyuk and 'Giant' Hwang Jung Eum received the best acting award from Korean Broadcasting Director of Photography Association

장혁과 황정음은 12월17일 한국방송촬영감독연합회가 주최하는 '2010 그리메상 시상식'에서 최우수 남녀연기상을 각각 수상한다.

Jang Hyuk and Hwang Jung Eum will receive their best acting awards from the Korean Broadcasting Director of Photography Association at the '2010 Keurime(sp?) Award Ceremony' on December 17th.

장혁과 황정음이 수상하는 그리메상 최우수 남자연기상, 최우수 여자연기상은 지난 1년 동안 활동한 연기자 중 가장 뛰어난 연기력과 좋은 이미지를 가진 연기자를 상대로 촬영감독들의 이 투표에 의해 선정됐다.

Jang Hyuk and Hwang Jung Eum were selected by votes from the directors of photography for showing excellent acting skill and a good image as actors in the last year.

한편 그리메상은 각 방송사에서 제작한 다큐멘터리와 드라마 부문에서 뛰어난 영상미와 실험적인 영상을 추구한 촬영감독에서 수여하는 상이다. 1993년 제정됐다.

한편 그리메상 대상에는 '추노' 촬영감독인 김재환씨, 손형식씨가 수상한다.

Meanwhile the winner of the Keurimesang Daesang went to 'Chuno''s directors of photography Kim Jae Hwan and Son Hyung Shik.

이재환 star@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

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thanks qwenli! Hyuk looks really really good in that Arena clip.

btw I'm working on the clip..but at a snail pace I've finished subbing less than 4 minutes...hahaha..I just want it to look really nice so I'm probably spending too much time on it..but the good thing is I found a good subbing program..so hopefully it'll all be worth it at the end.

Since it's already mid December, there are so many articles and talks about year end awards....and of course Jang Hyuk is currently the frontrunner for KBS Daesang.

There's a really nice and flattering article that a reporter has written on the news blog stating why Jang Hyuk should be the Daesang winner. I'll try to translate soon.


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Anyone want to post hyukie's new pics? His hair is short!!!

I am at the office right now so posting on my iPad....can't post hyukie's pics...

He looks Very Very Handsome with the new hair!!

At least now we know his looks for The Client and also Midas...

Gaaaaah hyuk looks sooooooooooo good.

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I think Midas is filming soon!!

<3 Hyuk in short hair... but I'm starting to miss his ahjumma cut lol..

Hyuk shud win Dae Sang no matter what. Nobody else in KBS did even half of what Hyuk did in Chuno...

I'm going to eat a rock if Hyuk loses... grrrr....

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thanks jen! He looks so 'clean' now with his short hair :lol:. I will miss the long hair but I like the new hairstyle. It's a fresh change.

Now that we've seen the pics...it's time for the interview..part 1...OMG..Jang Hyuk talks sooooooo much :lol:. I might have to stop mid-way...and pick up translation tomorrow.


[O2/커버스토리] 장혁 인터뷰① “추노 최고 몸짱은 성동일, 왜냐하면…”

[O2/Cover Story] Jang Hyuk Interview① "Chuno Best Mom-jjang (Best Body) Suung Dong Il, Because..."

그는 뭐든 날렵했다. 약속 장소인 서울 강남의 한 커피숍 지하층으로 걸어 내려올 때 낸 경쾌한 발걸음 소리, 그 끝으로 과일을 찍어먹어도 될 만큼 뾰족한 턱선, 뭔가를 적극적으로 설명하려 할 때 세모를 만들기도 하고 네모를 만들기도 하는 분주한 두 손의 움직임까지….

He was sharp in everything. When he came down the steps of the meeting place at a coffee shop in Kangnam, the sound of his steps was light. When he ate the fruit in front of him, his jawline was sharp. Whenever he explained something, he would use both hands to describe it making squares adn triangle, never stop moving.

계단을 내려오면서부터 취재진은 물론 주변에 있던 카페 손님들에게까지 순식간에 허리까지 구부려 인사를 건네는 모습 또한 민첩하기 짝이 없었다. 10~15초 동안 자신을 원점으로 270도 각도 내에 위치한 사람들에게 열 번쯤은 고개를 수그리는 듯 했다.

From the moment he walked down the stairs whenever he met this reporter and other coffee shop guests, he would immediately greet with a bow. For a period of 10-15 seconds, he lowered/nodded his head about 10 times to the people surrounding him.

올 1~3월 KBS2 드라마 '추노'를 통해 수많은 시청자들에게 '대길앓이'를 하게 했던 장혁(34). 그에게 날렵하지 않은 것이라곤 느릿한 말투뿐인 듯 했다.

From Jan-March Jang Hyuk is to many of the viewers knows as 'Dae Gil' from the KBS drama 'Chuno'. The only thing that wasn't sharp about him is his way of talking.

장혁은 동아일보 대중문화 웹진 O₂가 선정한 '2010 최고의 드라마 연기자'의 영예를 안았다. 도망 노비를 통해 계급제라는 시대의 모순을 그린 '추노'에서 그는 멸족한 양반가 출신으로 조선 최고의 추노꾼이 되는 이대길을 연기했다.

Jang Hyuk was honored by Donga Ilbo web magazine O2 as '2010 Best Drama Actor'. He acted as Lee Dae Gil, a noble turned slave hunter, in the slave period drama 'Chuno'.


▶ 추노의 추억, 그 이후엔….

Memory of Chuno, Afterwards...

그가 이날 더욱 날렵하게 느껴졌던 것은 복싱 덕분인 듯 했다. 장혁은 새 영화와 드라마 촬영을 앞두고 복싱을 다시 배우게 됐다고 말했다. 그를 마주한 뒤 가장 먼저 눈에 들어온 주먹 뼈마디의 상처 역시 복싱 연습을 하다 생긴 것이었다. 뚫어지게 상처를 응시하는 기자의 시선이 부담스러웠는지 그는 슬쩍 두 손을 테이블 아래로 내려놓았다.

He revealed on that day that he credits boxing to his sharp senses. For his new movie and drama Jang Hyuk has taken up boxing lesssons again. Afraid of startling this reporter with his scars and wounds, he hid his hands under the table.

- 빨갛게 벗겨진 게 정말 아프게 생겼는데요.

They look red, I think they must be really painful

"원래 이렇게 굳은살이 박였다, 속살이 돋았다 그래요. 별로 아프진 않은데…. 복싱이 디테일한 리듬감, 템포, 타이밍을 익히게 하는데 최고거든요. 스파링을 하든 셰도우를 하든 몸이 리듬감에 익숙해지면 상대 배우랑 호흡 맞추는데도 큰 도움이 돼요."

"Originally I had callused hands (knuckles), they're coming back again. It doesn't hurt too much...boxing is the best for learning detailed rhythm sense, tempo and timing. When I spar, I feel the rhythm of the opposing person's shadow/movement. This helps me a lot in matching with other actors when I work with them."

- 장혁 씨에 대한 O₂ 평가단의 코멘트 가운데 '배우 본인의 개성과 가능성, 극중 캐릭터가 가장 탁월하게 일치됐다'는 내용이 많았습니다. 실제로 이대길을 연기하면서 본인의 실제 모습과 잘 맞는다고 생각하셨나요.

- The assessment of Jang Hyuk-ssi by many of the O2 commenters are "the actor who (knows) his character personality and possibility, the most consistent of the prominent characters". I think your real self and acting as Lee Dae Gil matches well.

"닮은 부분은 거의 없다고 해야 할 것 같아요. 추노 촬영 현장의 특징은 작가, 감독, 배우 간의 관계가 상당히 오픈돼 있었다는 점이었어요. 그래서 제 주장에 따라 원래의 대길이 캐릭터에 제 모습을 많이 녹일 수 있었고, 그래서 제가 대길이와 잘 어울린다고 하시는 것 같아요."

"I have to say there is almost no resemblance. The writer and director are quite open about this point while shooting Chuno. Because of that I was able to assert my opinion on Dae Gil's character and melt myself in him, therefore seemingly making myself and Dae Gl match well."

- 대길이 캐릭터에는 왜 매력을 느끼셨나요.

-Why does the character Dae Gil feel so attractive

"드라마 '여명의 눈동자'의 최대치 캐릭터와 비슷해서요. 역할이 유사하다는 뜻이 아니고요, 역사의 격동기에서 자기 의지와 상관없이 어떤 상황에 놓이게 되고 또 어떤 조직에서 포지션을 갖게 되고, 그러면서 실제로 자기가 가고 싶은 길과는 멀어지는 것이 비슷하다는 느낌이었어요. 끝내는 내가 사랑하는 사람의 마음을 확인한다는 점에서도요."

"He is similar to the character Choi Dae Chi of 'Eyes of Dawn'. It isn't that the role itself is similar, but that in a turbulent period he is thrust into a situation where only his self determination can determine what position he will be in . Therefore there is a similar feeling in what road he wishes to take and how far he has gone. Until the end I make it a point to show the heart of someone in love."

- 디씨인사이드 갤러리나 드라마 게시판에 가보면 팬들의 '대길앓이'가 아직까지 이어지는 것 같아요. 본인도 후유증을 겪지는 않나요? 남자들한테 언니라고 한다든지, 여자들더러 '이년', '저년' 한다든지….

- Whether at DC Gallery or the drama site forums fans called him 'Insuferrable Dae Gil" even until now. Do you personally have any after effects? Calling men 'Unni', women as 'this pinkberry', 'that pinkberry'.

"추노 쫑파티가 끝난 바로 다음날 아침 비행기로 중국 드라마 '이브의 모든 것'을 촬영하러 출국해야했어요. 바로 다음 작품으로 이어지게 되다보니 캐릭터 정리는 빠르게 되더라고요. 한 캐릭터가 남아있으면 그 다음 캐릭터에 유사한 느낌을 낼 수 있으니 빨리 정리하려고 애써요."

"The next morning after Chuno ending party I had to fly to China to do the Chinese drama 'All About Eve'. I had to quickly get out of character. After being in the same character for a while, there is a possibility that one would still give the same impression. That's why I had to make the effort to get out of it."

- 작년 이맘 때 쯤 한창 '추노' 촬영 중이었을 것 같은데….

- This time last year you were busy filming 'Chuno'

"방송은 1월부터였는데 촬영은 8월부터 했어요. 헐벗고 찍은 장면은 여름에 주로 촬영했는데 겨울에 여름 분량을 재촬영하느라 추위에 조금 시달려야했죠. 추노의 촬영지는 우리끼리 농담 삼아 '대한민국에서 찍는다'고 할 정도로 전국 방방곡곡이었어요. 사극 세트장에서 찍는 분량은 그리 많지 않았고 '우리나라에 이런 데가 있었나' 싶은 곳에서 많이 찍었죠. 너무 좋은 곳이 많아 나중에 가족들과 함께 호젓하게 놀러와야지 싶기도 했고요."

"The broadcast started in January but we started filming in August. Most of the shirtless scenes were shot in Summer, but we had to do some retakes in Winter when it was cold so that was a bit annoying. Among ourselves we joke about Chuno's shooting location that we are 'shooting/taking pictures of Korea' because we went all over the country. There aren't many places to shoot a sageuk set so we want to show 'So our country has this kind of place'. There are so many good things that later on I would like to go with my family members to visit and play."


-'추노' 이전에 방영된 KBS2 수목드라마는 '아이리스'였어요. 전작의 시청률이 높았다는 점이 방영 초기에는 부담이 많이 되지 않았나요.

- Before 'Chuno' KBS 2 aired 'Iris'. That drama has high viewership, did you feel burdened?

"아니요, 오히려 좋았죠. '아이리스' 방영 후반부에는 방송 뒷부분에 '추노' 예고편이 붙으니 홍보도 많이 됐고요. 시청률은 배우 맘대로만 되는 건 아닌 것 같아요. 예전엔 배우에 대한 기대치만으로도 관객 동원이 가능했다면 요즘은 드라마가 얼마나 탄탄한 구조를 갖고 있느냐는 전제가 필요하죠. 연기자가 그 무대 위에서 얼마나 잘 '놀았느냐'가 관건이고요."

"No, insted I felt rather good about it. 'Chuno' aired later than 'Iris' but it had good publicity. It seems like vewers aren't just focused on who the actor(s) are. In the past viewers would look forward to a certain actor but nowadays a drama needs a strong structure and premise. It is pivotal that actors perform well for that performance."

- 그럼 배우의 이름이 드라마 성공에 얼마나 기여한다고 보시나요.

- Do you see the contrbution of an actor's name to the success of a drama?

"배우의 브랜드 네임이 제작 투자를 받는 데는 유리하죠. 홍보에도 도움이 되고요. 하지만 시청률에 결정적인 역할을 하지는 못하는 것 같아요."

"An actor's brand name is advantageous for investment of the drama production. It helps to promote the drama. However it doesn't seem to be that crucial in getting audiences."

- 장혁 씨한테는 좋은 건가요, 나쁜 건가요.

- to you is that a good thing or a bad thing?

"개인적으로는 더 좋다고 생각해요. 모두가 더 퀄리티 있는 작품을 만들려고 노력하게 되잖아요. 그런 무대에서 활약할 수 있으니 더 좋죠."

"Personally, I think it is better. Everyone would try their best to make a quality work. It's good if I can participate in that kind of stage/performance."

▶ "추노를 통해 잘 놀아봤다"

"It seemed you've played 'Chuno' well"

장혁은 지금껏 그를 인터뷰한 기자들의 증언대로 생각이 깊고 진지해보였다. 데뷔 초기부터 '배우가 무식하면 안 된다'며 책을 손에 달고 다녔다는 일화도 있다. 그가 나이에 비해 더 성숙하고 진지해 보이는 것은 문어체의 말투 때문인 것 같기도 했다.

At this moment Jang Hyuk answered the reporters' questioning with deep thoughts and seriousness. From when he first debuted he thinks that 'actors shouldn't be ignorant' and there was an anecdote that books were hanging off his hands. He has aged and seemed more mature and serious; it could be because of the written words.

그는 '…임에도 불구하고' '결과론적으로…' '…하는 양상을 띠는데' 등 일반적으로 말로는 잘 옮기지 않는 어투를 자주 구사했다. 하지만 농담 섞인 질문에까지 친절하고, 충실하게 답변하는 모습에서 깊이와 됨됨이를 가늠할 수 있었다.

'Despite...' 'Consequentially...' '..is a phase' are words that don't sit well with him. But even joking questions he answers seriously, bringing deep insights and depths to his answers.

- '추노'는 연기자 장혁에게 어떤 작품이었나요. O₂ 평가단의 한줄 평 가운데 '장혁은 한 동안 추노에 머물러야 할 정도로 압도적인 연기를 보여줬다'는 코멘트도 있었어요.

- What kind of work is 'Chuno' for the actor Jang Hyuk. The critics at O2 commented 'With Chuno, Jang Hyuk is able to show his acting"

"심플하게 말씀드리면 배우에겐 자기가 하고 싶은 일과 해야 하는 일이 있어요. 아트적인건지 커머셜적인건지 하는 문제죠. '추노'는 이 두 가지가 잘 조화된 작품이예요. 개인적으로 '추노'는 그냥 제가 출연한 작품 중 하나라고 생각하고 있어요. 너무 한 작품에 묻히게 되면 한쪽으로 연기 성향이 치우치게 되니까요. 굳이 의미를 부여하자면 '30대 중반에 접어든 장혁이 재밌게 놀 수 있었던 작품' 정도? 저는 어려서부터 30대 중반에서 40대 중후반에 멋진 남자가 되는 것이 로망이었어요. 젊기도 하지만 연륜이 쌓인 이 시점이 저는 남자가 가장 멋진 시점이라고 생각해요. 이 작품은 그런 시발점이 됐죠."

"Simply put, for an actor there is work that he wants to do and work that he has to do. The problem is (balancing) artistic work and commercial work. 'Chuno' is a project that combines both well. Personally, Chuno is just a project/work that I was involved in. If a person buries himself too deeply in one project, he would tend to show only one side of his acting. I want to put a meaning to it as 'A Work that Jang Hyuk in his mid 30s enjoyed playing' that much. Ever since I was young I had the romantic notion that a man is the best in his mid 30s to mid 40s. He isn't young anymore but he has accumulated experience and that's why this man is the best in my mind. I want this work (Chuno) to be the starting point to that."

- 인간 장혁에서 이 작품은 어떤 의미였는지요. 지방 촬영이 많아 가족에게 소홀했다든지, 작품이 대박을 치면서 식탁에 오른 반찬이 달라졌다든지….

- What is the meaning of this work (Chuno) for Jang Hyuk as a person. You must have had to leave your family while shooting in the countryside. With this drama being a hit, are there any changes in the family dynamics

"이리저리 다니느라 바빴지만 오랜만에 돌아와도 와이프가 그런 티(불만 섞인 표정)를 안내고 (가정을) 탄탄하게 받쳐주니까…(괜찮았어요). 와이프는 나가서 맘껏 활동하라고 해요."

"I was busy going here and there and came home after a long time. My wife had a dissatisfied expression but everything is still tightly knit at home (it was all fine). My wife is the type to go out and keep herself active."

- 드라마적으로 '추노'는 어떻게 평가할 수 있을까요.

- How do you assess 'Chuno' as a drama

"장르 면에서 평가받을 만 하죠. 기존의 사극들은 궁중사극 아니면 위인사극이었어요. 이렇게 추격자의 관점에서 사극을 찍은 경우는 없었던 것 같아요. 그래서 마치 시대극 같은 느낌이들죠. 사실 사극이 시대극 안에 들어가긴 하지만 우리가 흔히 말하는 시대극은 조선시대 이후부터 현대사 이전을 가리키잖아요."

"I'm assessing it only in terms of genre. It is unlike any previous palace court sageuk or sageuk about a great person. There has never been a sageuk done from the point of view of the pursuers. That's why it has a feel of a period drama. Actually sageuk has elements of period drama but what we think of as period drama actually points to from the Joseon period to current period."

- 대길의 대사 중 가장 인상에 남는 것은?

- Dae Gil's way of speech is most memorable

"(주저하지 않고) 제가 가장 느낌이 좋았던 대사는 이거예요. 대길이가 최후의 순간에 설화를 만나 하는 말이죠. '앞이 하나도 안 보일 정도로 세상이 캄캄하다보니 네 마음 한 자락 못 알아주네….' 한 번도 설화란 이름을 부르지 않다가 이런 말을 건네게 된 것은 설화에게대길이 자신을 투영했기 때문이에요. 자기가 언년이에게 품고 있는 연정을 자신에게 똑같이 느끼는 게 설화잖아요."

"(without hesitation)This is my favorite speech. The words that Dae Gil said the last time he saw Seolhwa. 'I can't see anything in front of me and the world is dark. I can't see you wearing the clothes that you like...'. He never mentioned Seolhwa's name even once, but to Seolhwa, the words carry over as it is a reflection of Dae Gil. For Seol Hwa this feels the same as Dae Gil's love for Unnyun."

촬영이 끝난 지 수개월이 지난 작품의 대사를 더듬거리지도 않고 담담하게 되뇌는 모습이 인상적이었다. 비결을 물었다.

Months after the end of shooting, he is astonished that he finds himself repeating these words. There is a secret behind it.

"원래 없던 대사를 제가 감독, 작가님께 건의해 직접 써넣은 것이거든요."

"This conversation wasn't originally in. I proposed to the director and writer to put it in."

- 원래 대본을 직접 쓰시기도 하나보죠?

- Are you naturally able to write script?

"대학에서 영화과를 다녔는데 전공은 연기였지만 부전공은 시나리오였어요. 그래서 조금 관여했죠."

"At university my major was acting but my minor was scriptwriting. That's why I was involved a little bit."

- 어떤 작가는 자신이 쓴 대사를 배우가 손대는 걸 거의 금시기하던데….

- Most writers wouldn't let an actor change his/her words

"제 단점이요, 어떤 환경을 규격화시키면 잘 못 놀아요. 캐릭터의 밸런스를 깨뜨리지 않는 범위 내에서 감독님, 작가님과 얘기하는 분위기가 좋아요."

"That's my weak point. I don't do well in a standard environment. I like the environment where I can talk with the direcot and writer about the character's balance to the extent that it doesn't break out of character."

그는 '논다'를 종종 '연기하다'는 뜻으로 썼다. 신선하기도 하고, 뭔가 장인정신 같은 게 느껴지는 표현이었다.

For him 'play' is 'to act'. It is refreshing. It feels like it is an expression of his spirit as a craftsman.

"아, 이게 현장 용어예요. '캐릭터 묘사가 잘됐다' '접지력(캐릭터와 배우의 결합)이 좋다'는 뜻인데 전 '논다'는 말이 정감 있어 좋더라고요. 습관이 되다보니 자꾸 쓰게 되네요."

"Ah, this is the term used on set. ' The chatacter is developed well' 'Ground connection power (character and actor's combination) is good'. For me I like the sentiment of the word 'play'. It's become a habit for me as I often write it.


▶ 배우의 몸은 무대 의상

Actor's Body as Clothing for the Stage

-사실 이 드라마의 진정한 주인공은 신분제에 반기를 든 노비 업복이라는 얘기도 있어요.

There are talks that the real hero in this drama is the slave Eop Bok who revolted against the stratified system

"맞아요. 실제로 뭔가를 이룬 사람은 업복이 뿐이죠. 사실 추노의 이야기 구조에서 가장 선명한 캐릭터는 업복이와 황태웅이예요. 하나는 노비로서 평등을 외쳤고 한 사람은 세습제에 적응해야 했죠. 대길이를 빼 놓고는 황태웅 역할을 맡아보고 싶다는 생각을 했어요."

"That is right. Actually the only one who accomplished anything is Eop Bok. Actually in the story of Chuno the character who is the most vivid/fleshed out is Eop Bok. For one, he is a slave who speaks about equality for slaves and how a person must adapt to the system.

- 예전 한 인터뷰에서 '추노 속 복근이 영화 '300'에서처럼 혼과 정신이 담긴 것으로 비춰지길 바랐는데 자극적이고 외형적인 모습으로만 담긴 것 같다'고 아쉬워한 적이 있어요.

- In a past interview you mentioned that in 'Chuno' the abs are meant to be like the movie '300' and you wished that the (drama) will shed the light on the soul and spirit just like the movie. But it is only succesful in showing the outer appearance. Do you have any regrets about this?

"추노는 이야기 구조가 더 중요한 작품인데 너무 '스타일'적인 측면에서 초점이 맞춰지는 것 같아서요. 스타일이 지배하면 스토리가 침해받거든요. 인터뷰에서 가장 많이 받은 질문도 '누구 몸이 가장 좋은가'는 것이었어요. (자신의 몸을 가리키며) 이건, 그러니까 배우의 몸은 그냥 몸이 아니라 무대 의상 같은 것이거든요. 탁구 선수의 몸이랑 배구 선수의 몸 중에 '누구 몸이 더 좋냐'고 평가할 수 있겠어요? 배우의 몸은 그 배역이 겪은 삶의 모습이 가장 잘 드러나는 것이 중요하겠죠. 이런 의미에서 보면 천지호 역할을 맡은 성동일 선배의 몸이 제일 잘 만들어진 몸이에요. 역할과 잘 어울리니까요."

"Chuno is a drama that focuses more on the story structure. Too much focus on 'style' can be detrimental. You do style as long as it doesn't interfere with the story. In interviews, the question that gets asked the most is 'Who has the best body?'. This, I think an actor's body is only clothing for the stage. Do you think table tennis athlete or volleyball athlete can be evaluated 'in 'whose body is better'? An actor's body is one thing that will betray/turn on him the most in his life. In this sense Sung Dong Il (Cheon Ji Ho) sunbae's body is the best. He matches his role very well.

- '추노'의 출연자들의 관계가 유독 돈독한 것 같아요. 곽정환 감독, 천성일 작가가 다시 뭉친 '도망자 PLAN B'에서도 오지호, 이다해, 한정수 씨 등이 우정 출연했는데 장혁 씨 얼굴은 안보이더라고요.

- The relationship of everyone in 'Chuno' seems to be very good. Oh Ji Ho, Lee Da Hae, Han Jung Soo made an appearance in Director Kwak Jung Hwan and writer Chun Sung Il's next project 'Runaway:Plan B but we couldn't see you there

그가 갑자기 고개를 45도 각도로 위로 들어 보이더니 갸우뚱한 표정을 지어보였다.

Suddenly his head moved to a 45 degree angle and he had a puzzled expression.

"그러게요. 저한테는 연락이 안 왔어요. 왜 그랬을까…."

"Yeah. They didn't contact me. Why was that..."

그는 올해 KBS연기대상의 강력한 대상 수상자로 점쳐지고 있다. SBS 연기대상 남자신인상, MBC 황금연기상 등을 수상했던 그는 아직 지상파 방송국 연기대상과는 인연이 없었다.

There's strong speculations that he will win the end of the year KBS acting award Daesang. He's won SBS newcomer acting award, MBC Golden acting award, but still haven't won the acting daesang from the major stations.

- 대상 수상, 기대하시나요?

- Are you looking forward to winning a Daesang?

"솔직히 말씀드리면… 상이란 건 참 좋은 거죠. 안 좋아하는 사람 있나요? 주시면 정말 감사하고 아니라고 해도 작품을 통해서 배우로서 많이 배웠으니 괜찮고요."

"Honestly speaking...it'll be nice if I can win an award. Is there anyone who wouldn't want to? But if not, I'd be fine because I've learned a lot through this drama.

- 그럼 안줘도 상관없다는?

-So you wouldn't care if they don't hand it to you?

"주시면 좋다니까요."

"It'll be good if I can have it."

그 순간 '말도 못 알아듣나' 하는 듯 원망 섞인 눈빛과 장난스런 눈빛이 함께 교차했다.

At this time his eyes expressed joking resentment even without words.

▶ 2편에서 계속

장혁 “시크릿 가든 캐스팅불발 아쉬움 없어”

Part 2 continues

Jang Hyuk "I don't have any regrets over Secret Garden casting misfire"

김현진기자 bright@donga.com

Kim Hyun Jin reporting

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you're welcome hahatk!

Taking a break from translating the interview...but this is what the interview was referring to Jang Hyuk as the '2010 Best Drama Actor' according to O2 donga magazine.


[O2/집중분석]‘2010 최고의 드라마 연기자’ 어떻게 선정했나


동아일보 대중문화 전문웹진 O₂가 '2010 최고의 드라마 연기자'를 선정한 결과 KBS2 '추노'의 장혁이 93.7점을 얻어 방송 3사를 망라한 '드라마계의 지존'으로 선정됐다.

DongA Ilbo O2 pop culture magazine awarded KBS2 Chuno's Jang Hyuk as '2010 Best Drama Actor' with 93.7 points.

▶1위 장혁

#1 Jang Hyuk


"조선시대 무정부주의자를 호출하는 감성의 표출."(윤석진)

"Able to invoke emotions of an anarchist in Joseon dynasty" (Yoon Seok Jin)

"배우 본인이 지닌 개성과 잠재된 가능성, 그리고 극중 캐릭터의 특성이 가장 탁월하게 일치된 케이스. 먼 훗날 까지도 장혁을 대변하는 작품이 될 것이다."(이문원)

"As an actor showing his personality and potential. Also the case where he matches the the character matches perfectly. In the future I hope Jang Hyuk will present this kind of work as well.: (Lee Moon Won)

"'추노'는 2010년 최고의 드라마. 대길 역을 장혁 만큼 해낼 사람은 없었을 것이다."(이진영)

" Chuno is the best drama of 2010. Nobody else can carry the role of Dae Gil like Jang Hyuk." (Lee Ji Young)

Anyway from the chart first category is Specialist Evaluation (50%), Reporter (30%), Internet Portal (20%), then Total Point.

Subdivision under Specialist Evaluation are: Best Score, Median, Worst Score, Mean Score

as we can see Hyuk scored very well with the specialist..high score 100, worst score 97.


Hyuk will be on KBS 여유만만 on the 17th at 9.50 AM

This is the screencap from an article


Edit 2:

ripgal : so you're going to eat the rock CHOCO? :lol: Naaah..if all goes well Jang Hyuk should win Daesang. Chuno is a drama that KBS can be proud about with its fresh storyline and great acting all over.

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장혁-황정음 촬영감독 선정 ‘최우수연기상’ 수상

Jang Hyuk-Hwang Jung Eum Awarded the 'Best Acting Award' by the Director of Photography Association

Pictures of Jang Hyuk (& Hwang Jung Eum) from the '2010 Keurime(sp?) Award Ceremony' (2010.12.17)









Credit: as tagged, newsen

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Thanks so much lilcrash for posting the pictures.

oh mine oh mine, I want to cry!!

I am so happy he cut his hair!

Hyuk looks like he is 25!!! And omo, so handsome with the new hairstyle!!


I think the word Keurisme is the Korean English word for Charisma. It sounds like it. :P

I need to stay away from this thread, Hyukie is distracting me from my work!

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Thanks lilcrash for posting the pics.

I like Hyuk in any hair length or styles but he looks surprisingly refreshing in his new short hair. Mr. Lee, his hairstylist, does a really good job on him lately. Mrs. Jang should be very happy to see his clean and sharp look finally :D

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thanks lilcrash!

Yes girls I totally agree..this hairstyle @ Keurime awards make him look 25! I was so shocked to see how youthful he looks. Reminds me a tiny teensy bit of his Into The Sunlight days


In any case big congrats to Hyukie for the award..he looks so happy.

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ocha: Are you done translating the interview by Donga? Did you forget to put in the translation of the last part? Anyway, I appreciate your hard work very much. It's a long interview.

From the moment he walked down the stairs whenever he met this reporter and other coffee shop guests, he would immediately greet with a bow. For a period of 10-15 seconds, he lowered/nodded his head about 10 times to the people surrounding him.

Hyuk is such a gentleman with good manner :rolleyes:

For his new movie and drama Jang Hyuk has taken up boxing lesssons again.

Does Hyuk mean that he's taking boxing lessons to have better tempo/rhythm with other actors in his new work? Not because he has to do any boxing scenes in his new drama or movie?

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Guest eatnsnooze

Finally Hyukie with a clean cut look--oh, how I've missed clean Hyuk! Though I wouldn't be surprised if he went back to the ahjumma look after his new series :P. Oh well, I wonder if Hyukie shed tears for his hair :rolleyes:

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