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Guest Jill4675

Oh boy, am just learning that updating the first page is really no joke and hard work. Plus being in Shanghai doesnt help, I have to go thru VPN to access sites like Facebook and Youtube. Otherwise these sites are blocked. It is call the Great Firewall of China. I am sure you have heard that China has a big fell out with Google.

To hahatk and all who have been on this thread far longer than me, pls take alook at the first page and pm me any thing to add, there is such a big infor gap from 2005 till now! I just updated some stuff but am bad at the downloads stuff like sendspace/megaupload etc.

Lets give our dashing hero JH a page fabulous Soompi page!

qwenli! No worries as we know how hard things are in China regarding the Internet! :angry: Yes, a first post is a lot of work, so just take your time. You cannot expect to make everything perfect and up-to-date immediately when it's been out of date for so long! Whatever you are doing is fabulous and thanks so much for your hard work!! thankyou.gif

I will take a look when I have time and let you know of anything you could add or correct! Like I said, just relax! Any updating is great! clap2.gif

EDIT: Caught this from a DramaFever tweet: Jang Hyuk regrets...on WinWin. If you watched the show, you'll remember that segment... :huh: Well, they all try it—nothing new really. I remember he said his wife (then girlfriend) was a huge support during that time.


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Guest o-cha

qwenli : thanks for taking over the first post! Now we can finally get an updated profile of Hyuk

hahatk : sorry I'm in a hurry..can't reply your PM in the pm..basically about DC Gallery, if we want to sign up we need a Korean security number (ID) so I don't think we overseas fans can sign up.

Hyuk and Da Hae's friendship is admirable...both clearly care about each other. I'm glad they did Robbers together since because od that drama the two can have a great friendship.

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Thanks qwenli for taking the time and effort to update the 1st page of our beloved Hyukie. It just never occurred to me that it needed update. :wacko:

o-cha: thanks for the info. I knew it's quite complicated to register on DC. I was asked about this to you guys to see if there was any miracle.

Don't know if LDH and Hyuk will ever work together again. Robbers is even dearer to me after Chuno is over.

Jill: thanks for the link to DramaFever. It must have been the darkest period to Hyuk. I'm so glad his hard work in military and his acting career got paid off. :rolleyes:

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This morning (sunday morning), JH was filming at a well known university in Shanghai - Tongji. I received an sms last night to go and be the drama extra, but it was way too early for me (got to reach there at 7am) to go there and the location is a distance from where I stay so I didnt make it.

Anyway, this is an excerpt/summary from another fan who did went to the location, am translating from her chinese writeup:

We were anxiously waiting when a blue van came up, unfortunately Hyuk's China assistant said something to JH and he stayed in the van. I master my courage to chat up with his korean manager and this red shirt guy immediately understand my broken English that I want JH's autograph. So he opened the car door and let me handover JH's TJ album and a self printed copy of JH's photo. I heard JH and another korean guy said in surprised "woo!TJ". He probably didnt know someone in China will have this album because it was before his army duty.

I was already infront of JH and wanted to take photos but some people behind me especially the managers blocked my camera and keep shaking their heads. So I had to keep my camera but I am desperate so I started talking to JH and he looked like he doesnt know what to do. He called his translator and finally we started talking! And it was concurrent translation!

I introduced to JH our China fanclub and told him I am a member and even show him my membership card. I told him we send membership no. 1 card to him........After he heard all this, he was very happy but he said after his military service, he change his manager so he didnt receive the presents we sent to the company. Maybe he saw that we were very sincere and even step out of the van and took pictures with us...... Everybody was very happy. ....I told him I have a 7 year old son and he told me he has a child too. haha. I felt so close to him. I heard that he may stay in China for half a year because there is a China management company that have signed a contract with him.

From XiaoXiang.

End of translation.

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Guest Jill4675

This morning (sunday morning), JH was filming at a well known university in Shanghai - Tongji. I received an sms last night to go and be the drama extra, but it was way too early for me (got to reach there at 7am) to go there and the location is a distance from where I stay so I didnt make it.

Anyway, this is an excerpt/summary from another fan who did went to the location, am translating from her chinese writeup:


Photo of JH on 11 April about 8.30-10am


OMG, qwenli, thanks for the translation! Lucky (and determined :)) fan! :o The link took me to a Baidu page, but I didn't see any morning photo...can you find it again for us??? :huh:

sFun_doh2.gif Good heavens! The man might stay in China for six months??? That means his family may come to visit or he'll go home a lot...that's too long for them to be apart!

You missed your chance to be in the drama!!! Hope you will have another opportunity!! :lol:

Thanks again for sharing this with us!


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Guest pepo1989

OMG i dont know what i have to say other than thankk you so muchhh qwenlii for the translation...thank youu so muchhh >.<

how lucky she is to be able to chat with jang hyukk..>.< anw he is soo nice to his fansss ... wondering when will i meet himm directly >.<

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Guest roddy_1

First: qwenli - hugsssss you for your hard work on the front page! And your constant updates.

I'm glad his chinese friends get to see him in person now. I'm not so thrilled that he had a chinese drama but now I think it's a smart move because I didn't think he's so popular outside of Korea. They're awesome for making him feel so welcome & loved :) !

I still hate his new drama hair (it's silly, I know, but I just get past it :P so I won't be watching this unless somebody tells me this drama is a work of art (I wasn't even interested in the original Korean All About Eve...). But have to admit he looks yummy:


Case in point - compare with these behind the scenes pics where they are script reading: he looks like a 20 year old student - so kyuuuuuuuuuuuute :lol: :




I want to tell the producers: don't bother with the drama, just show me the "making of the drama" hehe!

But still: I wish this drama all the best.

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Jen - I dun read Japanese, can you translate what he said? So far there is no subs for the Win Win show yet :(

I really need to pick up Korean!

Roddy - Yeah JH look so good as a student! By the way, just read that the guy at the back in red and yellow t-shirt is one of his translator. So funny, got to be roped in as an extra!

Just to add on that the female lead Zhu Dan said that she find JH so suave that she was initially nervous about acting with him, but now they are familiar enough that they very often laugh when they are acting together.

By the way in this new drama, all 3 leads are fire signs horoscope: JH is Sagittarius, Zhudan is Leo and Cheryl Yang is Sagittarius too. They should have a fun time together! The Chuno cast were similar fire signs too, LDH and OJH are both Aries which explain all the chemistry!

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Guest alloo

Hi Guys

I just finished watching Thank You ... what can I say ... Jang Hyuk Oppa is amazing ..

he is jongmal jongmal handsome :D

I fell in love with him even more with this drama ...

I'm planning to watch Robber right now ... ^^


till now I didnt get it .. his new Chinese drama ... Is he supposed to talk with Chinese language or what ??

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Guest jen2010

Let me try, my Japanese aren't that great either (do correct me if my translation is off) :P

- Chuno's director revealed that the first choice for Dae Gil's character is Jang Dong Gun, instead of Jang Hyuk. But now, he cannot imagine a Chuno without Jang Hyuk in it. The director also said that during filming, the staff also applauded JH for his wonderful acting.

- Lee Da Hae first met JH in Burandan. She was worried at the beginning but after filming starts, she realised that JH is actually a caring person (?I think, not sure what does Zasanguhamu mean, Korean perhaps?). JH gathered medicine for LDH when she was not feeling well. LDH said that she was touched by his thoughtfulness.

But, even as they get closer, JH will still greet her a very formal way. She felt that it is quite inconvenient for her. She said that even if she waved as a friendly gesture, JH will always respond back in a formal manner.

She said that one day, she saw JH using casual language to Kim Ha-un who played Sora in Chuno. She felt lonely seeing JH treating Kim in such a friendly manner.

JH replied that it is Kim who keep pestering him to use casual language with her. So he thought he had to do it. That is why it has become like this.

LDH than said please do not greet me so formally next time.

- When JH was asked why did he chose to come to Winwin among the numerous invitations that he had received from various variety shows. JH replied that because it is fated. JH confessed that he did something bad to the host, Kim Seung-U's car. He went drinking with Kim and vomitted in his new car. He jokingly said that, since then Kim had not contacted him. When asked whether he was angry then, he said that rather than feeling angry, what he cannot stand it the stinky smell that was left behind. He said he sold to Kon Hyonjin at scrap price. JH then jokingly said that is why Kon aimed his gun at me (in Chuno).

- When asked about his height, JH said that he is about 174-175cm tall. He said he even saw some site wrote that he is only 168cm. He said that during filming, they have no choice but to made him (i think he meant let him stand on sth, not too sure about this) taller for camera angle because both Han Jon Su and Oh Ji Ho are 185cm tall.

- On why JH chose rap during his TJ days, he said that rap is like lines in scripts, this is also an actor's path.

Roughly translated from


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Guest roddy_1

Hehe, we are all hardworking students today. I wonder why...

Here is my attempt from Jen2010's link (thank you!) and some other online articles:

1. the military service evasion scandal was the biggest crisis of his life. He said it was the biggest mistake he has ever made. He was in such despair and although he has always been a positive personality, he really could find no hope at that point, just could not see a good future. The worst moment came when he picked up a pen to write to his parents and only tears fell...(he came very close to tears again describing this moment. :( .). But he persevered. It was very hard at first because he encountered a lot of coolness in the beginning at the military camp because (naturally) people looked down on him due to the scandal, but he worked really hard at the entrance training camp eventually coming second in his class and getting an award (why am I not surprised?). This changed their perception towards him and he ended up earning their warmth and respect. He focussed on his Ji Kune do and reading a lot during his time in the army.

2. He deeply thanks the people who cast him for the drama Thank You. With Chuno, the dramas have been the best experience of his career. I think he feels really blessed.

3. The person who has stood by him the most is his wife, and for that he will always treasure and love her. She is older by 2 years, and they had planned to marry all along, but then the military scandal happened. But she never abandoned him, and although unfair to expect her to wait for him due to his late entry into the military service (he hoped she would, but thought that she deserved to have a choice and told her: if it's too long, then don't wait for him), but she did. I can't figure out what he said about visiting him in his army days. Maybe she came to see him even though no visits were allowed? Or something about letting his friends come on one of her visits because he missed them?

4. She is a trained professional dancer, and he met her when he signed up at a dance school where she taught pilates. Was it love at first sight?! He was only one of 2 guys in a class of 43 people (clever boy :P ) , and ended up being the only guy when the other man dropped out ! I think he joked that it took him 3 months before he could shake his hips, :lol: . They asked him to say something to his wife - I think he was a little shy at first so he covered up with a joke that maybe he should sit properly? The he turned serious and said: "Honey...(ah, blush blush blush)..." He talked about lying in bed with his son and how warm and happy that felt. And then the regret that his latest job will take him away from her. But that he's working hard for them and that he loves her "chongmal chongmal" (yup, he said it twice) saranghamnida..... His face and eyes when he was saying all this.... you just have to see it....He was just extraordinarily sweet in a simple and sincere way that the girl / lady MCs were blushing and tearful by the end (me too, sniffs).

5. He says he is actually 174-5 cm tall. His sidus site incorrectly says 168cm. He also says that Han Jung Soo and Oh Ji Ho are very tall around 185cm, but they worked around the height difference using camera angles.

6. The Chuno set quickly resembled a gym with all the guys half-naked and pumping iron LOL. He has explained repeatedly in other interviews (and again here) that for him the bodybuilding is not about showing off / just to increase ratings, but because it was important for the characters (playing men who hunt and fight in the wild for a living). But he teased Han Jung Soo for always showing his best muscles to the camera! He was very shy at first about lifting his shirt showing his abs, though there was nothing wrong with them at all. Haha. And looked really cool when giving a short demo of his Ji Kune Do skills. I liked how gentle he was with Woo Hyun.

7. LDH said sooooooo many good things: that he is a warm caring & gentle person, always checking if she's eating well or sleeping well, or if she is down with a cold etc. He can also be mischevious, in one instant when she was about to go home early (since her scenes finnished early), he pulled her backed saying playfully : "Kajima!" (Don't go!). She explains that although they are friends, he tends to be more formal (calls her DaHaeshi) while she is less formal (Oppa). (Jen: thanks for explaining more about this part). Nevertheless, they remain close. She then describes how he helped her during the hard times she went through during the filming of Chuno - when she called him and he gave the advice to calm down and breathe with him 3x, and then told her: if you are strong and patient through this, in the end everything will be alright, you'll see. He was right.

8. PD Kwak is cute. He frankly said that JH was not the first choice for DG. The producers wanted Jang Dong Gun at first. Finally after considering some other actors, they settled on JH. He says: it was a good thing, because now when you think of DG, no one can imagine anyone else playing him besides JH! (Awww, awesome thing to say!) Whenever they were filming his scenes, the sound you would here most often is the sound of the staff / crew constantly applauding his performance. PD is always saying: "Amazing! That was great!" etc. Also he comments that JH is a really really hardworking actor, to the point that he will do more research than the PD! The MCs asked him if he would like to cast Woo Hyun in chuno 2, PD answered playfully: "Ah, Who is he?" !

8. He rarely comes on variety shows like this, but looked forward to this one because of host Kim Seung Woo(?). Apparently they went drinking one night and he threw up in KSW's car?! So the car was sold to GHJ? His joke about getting shot was so funny LOL!

9. I loved watching him with Danny Ahn. From the body language, can see they are really really close and comfortable with each other. I think they insult and make fun of each other a lot too. And they make fun of their other close buddies too. They brought up his "rap" past? I can't really follow the conversation here, there was a lot of laughing LOL.

Probably my favourite variety show he's been on so far (tho he looked amazing in the Inside People TVN programme, hee). I have so many thoughts, but mostly that he comes across as a really kind, simple, sincere, honest, unaffected, hardworking, takes responsibility for his mistakes (respect!!), has a great sense of humour, very sporting guy who doesn't mind doing silly things or laughing at himself, loves his parents and children and friends, adores his wife, respectful to women, likes music and dancing, and books.....and and and....LOL

I just realised - he's not the idol-type of guy - this is not the kind of guy you want to put a poster on your bedroom wall - he's the kind of guy every woman wants to bring home and marry :lol: . No wonder his wife will wait however long it takes, she's a smart woman LOL.

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Alloo - his voice in the new drama will be dubbed that is voiced by someone else. It is very common in China dramas when they employ foreign actors. So dun expect to hear his voice...

Jen and Roddy - Oh thank u guys for the excellent translation! Maybe I can print out yr translations and watch winwin then try to match which part he said what. hahaha

Yes, I think he is a really GOOD man. So many actors/handsome man flirt around without settling or just simply deny they have girlfriends. I think he and his wife is good match, she being a dancer and he is so athletic too.

When I met him, I thought I am meeting Dae gil, but no after seeing him later I realise that is not JH.I really have alot of respect for him because he seems to morph into whatever role that he acts in. And from all the pple that have met him, he really come across as someone with no airs at all. Zero.

Now I think I got to amend the height on his first page....

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jen and roddy: Big thanks to the 2 of you translating the Win Win show for us. I've been hoping someone would do this and finally..........Thank you so much. :D

I have so many thoughts, but mostly that he comes across as a really kind, simple, sincere, honest, unaffected, hardworking, takes responsibility for his mistakes (respect!!), has a great sense of humour, very sporting guy who doesn't mind doing silly things or laughing at himself, loves his parents and children and friends, adores his wife, respectful to women, likes music and dancing, and books.....and and and....LOL

I just realised - he's not the idol-type of guy - this is not the kind of guy you want to put a poster on your bedroom wall - he's the kind of guy every woman wants to bring home and marry :lol: . No wonder his wife will wait however long it takes, she's a smart woman LOL.

roddy: You're absolutely right about that he's such an extraordinary man that every woman wants to bring him home ! :rolleyes:

qwenli: Thanks for taking over the hard job to update our beloved Jang Hyuk ssi. It's very wonderful of you !

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Guest Jill4675

Hehe, we are all hardworking students today. I wonder why...

Here is my attempt from Jen2010's link (thank you!) and some other online articles: ...

roddy and jen! Thanks so much for the translations! I really enjoyed that show and it helps to have all this additional information...I agree with you, roddy, that he was great on Win Win and indeed looked fabulous wub-1.gif on Inside People (a show with much higher production values ;)).

Thanks, also, for the pics, roddy! Still wish I could have seen the one taken by the Chinese fan... :huh:!

I had to laugh at the informal/formal speech issues regarding JH, LDH, and KHE! That's pretty funny! :D

As to his height, I had always read that he was about 5'9" and that is equivalent to 174-175 cm. You can see how they used camera angles in Chuno to "equalize" everyone...that's the usual practice when dealing with actors/actresses who are different heights...it was very well done in Chuno! :)

Edit: *waves* to hahatk! I see you reading... :lol:


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Guest roddy_1

Jill: I thot it was cute that LDH got a lil upset when he treated KHE less formally too, hehe. I think she really sees him as a Oppa-Dongseng relationship. And I think it's pretty cute that he had to explain that KHE was the one pestering him about it, so he had to give way :lol: . All these women see how kind he is, and they all want to get close to him LOL.

hahatk: I'm glad there's something I can contribute here, once in a while.

and qwenli: thank you (for the 10000000th time) for this:

"When I met him, I thought I am meeting Dae gil, but no after seeing him later I realise that is not JH.I really have alot of respect for him because he seems to morph into whatever role that he acts in. And from all the pple that have met him, he really come across as someone with no airs at all. Zero."

I think JH is the first actor that I liked not just because of watching his dramas/movies, but because of articles and interviews. Most other actors / actresses that I like, I'll just watch their work etc but not really follow them because their interviews are the usual celebrity content. But not JH. I really like the way his mind works :P. For his work, he's willing to travel anywhere, go in any direction, try anything or everything. But his private life is very straightforward and simple. He has great balance. If he keeps it like this, he will always be a very happy man.

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Poor LDH! From what she sound like, you would have think she would have love him if he is not married! hahah

EDIT: Jill - I found the photo.


Ok, I just have to do it, because I found the pix that JH was signing on the wall. The fan who brought it thought there will be some embarrassment becos of all the flesh that is shown, but no, both JH and his manager didnt bat any eyelid and just sign it!

You have seen this:


He was actually signing on this:


Roddy, just to add one more pix. Note JH's hands. He never put on the ladys' waists! So prim and proper!!


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Guest Jill4675

Awwwww ~ Thank you for finding the photo, qwenli! Love it!!! And, wow, I'd like to have that signed picture! :lol:

roddy, I agree with you ~ qwenli's comment was right on target! ;)


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Guest alloo

qwenli thx for replaying my dear

every one thx for the news , the translation and the photos ^^

u r really amazing

Love u All

Fighting ^^

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