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There is a notice at Hyuk's official website. It's a short notice. Not sure what it says using the online translater. Something like winners will get autograph from Hyuk ?!


안녕하세요. iHQ 관리자 입니다.

장혁씨의 홈페이지에서 <별들에게 물어봐~!> 이벤트를 진행합니다.

올 가을 개봉되는 영화 <토끼와 리저드>를 시작으로 영화 <펜트하우스 코끼리>,

그리고 KBS 특별기획드라마 <추노>까지! 무려 세편의 작품으로 돌아오는 배우 장혁씨.

카리스마 넘치고 진지한 남자의 매력은 물론 감수성 어리고 따듯한 인간미까지,

다양한 영역을 탁월하게 넘나드는 멋진 배우 장혁씨에게 궁금한 점을 질문해주세요.

질문을 추첨해 장혁씨가 직접, 정성스럽게 답변을 해드립니다!

이벤트 안내

기간 : 2009년 10월 10일(토) ~ 2009년 10월 20일(화)

당첨자 발표 : 매거진 <i> 11월호

상품 : 장혁씨의 친필사인


1. 장혁씨 공식 홈페이지 Board 게시판에 올려주세요!

2. 말머리는 [이벤트] "질문내용" 으로 해 주세요!

3. 성함 또는 닉네임을 꼭 남겨주세요!

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^ His official website is throwing out an event called <ask questions to stars>. B)

Send your questions to Jang Hyuk, who is busy with two upcoming movies to be release, <Rabbit and Lizard> and <Penthouse Elephant> and a drama in production <Chuno>.

By a drawing, some questions will be selected and Jang Hyuk will answer those questions sincerely.

If you are successful, you will get his autograph as a prize.

*how to participate in the event

1. post your questions at Board of his website.

2. put [event] ahead of "your questions"

3. please leave your name or nickname.

I will post a translation of the article above later tonight or tomorrow. ;)

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Thanks so much wils. You're my savior cuz it's my friend @ Baidu wanted to know what this notice was about. Can I post a question to Hyuk ? Will I get his autograph as well if my questions are drawn ? Sounds fun!

Don't drive yourself too hard, wils ! I can waaiiiiiiit.

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hahahahhaha..wils...what can we say? we depend on you for article translations :lol:

Clean shaven Hyuk reminds me of Dae Mang time Hyuk.....he looks so young without the beard and moustache! looks 20-something.

hahatk : you definitely should post questions. I think he'll appreciate getting questions in English too...and we all know Hyuk-ie's been learning English so this will be good practice for him.

Speaking about Hyuk's wife..she is gorgeous...got to see her in a few wedding pictures and she is really pretty.

I want to see his son though....I bet he's one cute baby...

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found on DC Jang Hyuk....interview scripts from Gong Hyung Jin's radio interview

will try to translate later..unless wils beats me first (preferably wils beats me to it :lol:)

Interview part 1


Q- 배우한테 인정받는 배우 장혁인데.....겸손이 지나치면 오만인데......그 나이대에 그렇게 깊은 연기를 할수있는 배우가 드문데......

많은 분들이 그렇다고 인정하는데......어떻게 그런 연기를 할수있는지.....

A- 아니.....아니......

Q-그럼 자기가 연기를 못한다고 생각해요?

A-..........중간 정도?........우하하하하~~~~

선배들의 얘기를 통해....그리고 나이듦에 따라 자연스럽게 녹아가는듯.....

Q-캐릭터는 자기가 생각하는 걸 고집하는 편인가?

A-생각을...준비를 많이 한다.그리고는 감독님과 얘기를 많이 나누고

딱히 감독님이 고집하는 캐릭터라면 따라야하지만 오픈되어 있으면 사견을 많이 드리는 편임.

Q-불한당이나 고맙 등....사회부적응이나 암울하고 어두운 역할을 많이 한 편인데 개인의 삶도 그런 쪽으로 가지 않을까요?

A-ㅎㅎㅎ 그래서 저도 밝은 쪽으로 가고 싶습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

대학 다니고 그럴때는 캐릭터를 어떻게 잡아야하나....고민을 많이 했는데.....캐릭터에 맞추나 내게 캐릭터를 맞추나....이런거.....

근데 이제는 그 상황에 맞게끔 현장에서 재미있게 하다보면 맞춰지는 것 같음.


Q-장동건씨 정우성씨 장혁씨.....이런 분들은 좀 얄미운 스타일.....연기되지 외모되지 겸손하지 예의바르지.....다 잘하려고 하니까.....

부럽지만 가식적으로 보일때도 있고.....이렇게 완벽하게 하는 것에 부담감은 없나요?

A-아이아이.....그 선배님들이야 정말 완벽하시죠....전 아닙니다.....전 어쩡쩡합니다....그래서 부담감이 없어요.....ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

Q-그분들이 롤모델 아닙니까?

A-물론 그렇죠.....여러 선배님들....외국배우들....롤모델이 많아요.어떤 배우의 캐릭터....연기에 대한 태도....어떤 분에게는 그분의 가치관....

다양하게 배워나가는 과정에 있습니다.

Q-그래도 전 롤모델이 아닐 것 아녜요?

A-(펄쩍...) 형진횽에게서 좋은 롤모델을 보고 있습니다.


Q-왜 노개런티를 하셨는지.....


저예산으로 시작한 작품인데 딴 작품 보러 갔다가 우연히 보고는 작품 자체에 끌려 하게 되었음.


아이 이름은 `재헌`.......

피프 개막식 무대에 섰을 때 아이가 아빠를 알아보더라는.....

아이가 커가는 걸 보며 드는 생각은 " 착한 사람이 되어야지 " 임.


형진횽은 혁횽을 `장소룡`이라고 부른다고 함(절권도 세계랭킹2위라면서.....ㅋㅋ)

Q-절권도는 어떻게 시작했는가?

A-사무실에서 진정한 남자액션배우로 만들어보자 해서 소림사로 보내려고 함(여기서 깜놀했음ㅋㅋㅋ)

근데 그건 좀 곤란했고....해서 주위에 있는 절권도장으로 감.

Q-절권도의 매력이라면

A-처음엔 자기가 인간관계가 좁은데 절권도는 혼자 익힐 수 있어서 좋았다고 함.

수련을 쌓아가면서 점점 신체 발란스를 잡으며 자기 몸에 대한 공부+연기 공부가 자절로 되어감.

목각인형과 마주하며 고정관념을 깨는 연습이랄까....도 하게됨.

부드러움 속의 강인함을 익힐 수 있었음.

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interview part 2


Q-쉬지않고 계속 하는데 다작을 하는 이유는?

A-그건 아니고 한 작품이 끝나고 다음 것을 하는 편인데 개봉이 밀리다보니까 그렇게 되었음.

Q-어떤 기자가(이건 아마 우리가 아는 기자인 듯 함ㅎㅎ) `징글징글하게 성실한 배우`라고 했던데 자신을 볶는 스타일인가?

A-그건 아니고......배우가....아무리 캐릭터를 표현하려고 해도 안될 때가 있음.

나는 작품을 사진액자같은 느낌으로 바라봄.

작품 속에서 활동하면서 긍적적으로 바라보고....

시간이 지난 뒤에 다시 들춰보면 `아,그때 나는 이런 모습이었구나....이런 생각을 하고 살았구나...' 뭐 이런.....

"활기차게 살자" "재미있게 살자" 이런 생각으로 작품에 임함.


Q-갠적으로 가장 애착이 가는 작품은?

A-뭐 지금은....영화는 토끼와 리저드?ㅋㅋㅋ(공-네, 장혁씨는 매우 상업적인 배웁니다....)

드라마로는....추노?ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ (공-네,장혁씨는 사회생활을 잘하는 배웁니다.....)

역시...불한당이 가장 남습니다. 난생 처음 10% 이하 드라마를 찍으면서 오히려 코드화되어있지않은 연기를 맘껏 할 수 있어서 그랬는지....

현장에 있던 우리 모두 그랬어요......지금도 보면 좋아요....

Q-난 `고맙습니다` 란 드라마가 인상적이었어요.장혁씨를 가장 잘 표현해준 작품이었던 것 같은데......

A-네....고맙습니다도 그랬죠.....이게.... 드라마를 겨울,여름에 하느냐에 따라 제작진의 팀웍이 중요해져요.

사실 여름엔 서로 가까이 있는 것도 좀 싫을 때가 있고 그런데....겨울에는 식구처럼 촬영하게되죠.

그런 현장의 분위기가 브라운관을 통해 시청자들에게 잘 전해진 것 같습니다.



A-형진이형처럼만 되자!!

Q-아주 능욕을 하는구만........ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


지금처럼 원을 그려서 그 안에다.....이미지메이킹이 아니고.....

`저 배우가 어떻게 나올까?`를 궁금하게 하는 그런 연기를 쌓아가고 싶다.



이제 곧 장혁씨의 `동물영화` 2편을 개봉합니다. 그리고 저랑 함께 새드라마 `추노`를 시작합니다.

건강하고 정의롭고 에너지 넘치는 배우 장혁~~~~


혁횽의 인사말 중-

이곳 부산에서 파도에서 후각에서 오는 냄새가 아니라 마음에서 오는 냄새를 맡으시길 바랍니다~~~

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cr: http://jang-hyuk.tumblr.com/day/2009/10/09/

source: http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shel...;newssetid=1352

Will someone(you know who I really meant :rolleyes:;) )summarize this piece, please ?

Here is a translation. There are some expressions I wasn't sure if I am doing right. ;)


(how beautiful he is; :wub: )

'Rabbit and Lizard' Jang Hyuk


Rabbit and Lizard, officially invited to the 'Korean Cinema Today - Panorama' section of the PIFF, will make its release at the theater on Oct. 22. This movie enables his forth visit in Busan. When he came into the interview place, he looked a bit hollow and haggard.

Part 1

'Rabbit and Lizard' is a low budget movie made by the director Joo Ji Hong who made films in France for a while. It is a story about May, an adoptee who comes to Korea to find her birth mother, and Eunsol a tax driver who prepares for his last day in the world, suffering a rare heart disease.

"I had a chance to read the scenario by chance, and fell in love with it right away. I was touched by the feelings of the man who sees today as the last day in the world, but not as a patient facing a death to come soon."

The female main character was also interesting. He found it quite distinctive that she comes to Korea in order to find out the reason why she had a scar on her back, rather than to trace her origin. He was thrilled by the anticipation of the spark between them. In addition, its calm atmosphere as a whole also plays a role in his decision to join this film.

"I seek some advice on the disease from my doctor friend. With the heart pump rate decreasing little by little, patients will die when the heart stops beating. If I suffer this disease, I may live a very routine life. Because he has lived with the disease since his childhood, he may not feel his disease in his routine life. I wanted to portray this aspect of everyday life."

He suggested the director not to describe him from the patient's aspect. The director accepted his suggestion of putting a focus on his routine life, not on his struggle over the illness. Afterwards, rather than analyzing the characters May and EunSeol, he focued more on emotional sharing between them and more sophisticated portrayal of feelings.

"You won't see any beaming eyes in the movie. Pershaps half hollow eyes? They are a representation of his nonchalance or uninterestedness. He pays 's-nak-gum' (the money taxi drivers need to pay to the taxi company they belong to, out of their daily earnings), checks out the status of his grandma living at the senior care center, and sometimes drinks Soju with friends. This is all, to this man. Then, his eyes start to change after seeing May. I wanted to focus on this change."

In the midst of undergoing transformation in melo-movie's codes, he seemed confident this movie is going one step ahead.

"I won't say our movie is a great attempt, but still is a good one that enables emotions to flow seamlessly. You will feel the beauty of the space on film. It may fit well with the mood of lonesome autumn."

Part 2

Just around the corner of his mid-thirties, he is busy with projects lined up. The omnibus movie 'ogamdo' was released last July, followed by 'Rabbit and Lizard' this month, and by the sensational movie 'Penthouse Elephant' on Oct. 5. Next January, a grand sageuk 'Chuno' is scheduled to air.

'Penthouse elephant' invited to the competition section of Warsaw Film Festival, tells a story of three single men in their thirties. He took a role of Hyunwoo, who stylishly narrates their love, work, sex, and everyday life, along with co-stars Lee Sang Woo and Jo Dong Hyuk.

In 'Chuno' that tells the dramatic story of slaves and slave hunters in the Chosun dynasty, Jang Hyuk plays the main lead Dae Gil. He was a son of a noble family, but his family collapsed when a slave set the house to fire and ran away. Afterwards, he became a slave hunter. His love to Hyewon (Lee Da Hae) has been in trouble due to the difference in social status.

"I chose 'Penthouse Elephant' because I liked the scenario which smells like some sort of Murakami Haruki-sh story-telling. As for 'Chuno', it's been a while since I filmed the saguek 'Dae Mang.' I was attracted to this drama because it claims to be the first saguek to focus on the 'people.' I also liked the fact that the character represents the masculinity of slave hunters, requiring bloody fights and wild actions."

There are 'amazingly' many action scenes in the drama. As a gangster at downtown, he does use all kinds of tools like knives and swords, not to mention of his own hands and feet, for fight scenes. He's practiced Jeet Kun Do for 8 years, and he does admirable stunt scenes by himself.

"I've dreamed that I will be a genuine actor in the mid-thirties and will be in full bloom in the mid-forties. In a sense, I think all the efforts I have put into my performances are paving the way to 'one mega hit' of the full bloom period and I am happy that things are going well so far. According to the time frame, you may see a genuine actor from me next year."

During the interview, his pale face turned red, and hollow looking eyes turned in focus.

용원중(기자) goolis@metroseoul.co.kr

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found on DC Jang Hyuk....interview scripts from Gong Hyung Jin's radio interview

will try to translate later..unless wils beats me first (preferably wils beats me to it :lol:)

Haaaaaak..... Thank you for sharing this radio interview. So much fun!

I love the humors of Gong Hyung Jin and our Hyukie. :lol:

o-cha, no one will beat you up. It'a all yours. Hahaha! :lol:

Among the radio talk, the part about his son is so cute. His son recognizes his daddy on TV this time (PIFF). :P

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No wonder Hyuk-ie was all smiles during the interview..hahahaha.

Will try to translate soon..need to cook dinner now....

OOT...I just watched the first 2 episodes of You're Beautiful..and I love it! You guys should check it out if you have time..hehehe.

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Thanks wils so much. Love this piece!

"I've dreamed that I will be a genuine actor in the mid-thirties and will be in full bloom in the mid-forties. In a sense, I think all the efforts I have put into my performances are paving the way to 'one mega hit' of the full bloom period and I am happy that things are going well so far. According to the time frame, you may see a genuine actor from me next year."

This man is really intelligent. Everything is within his plan and he works on them step by step diligently. He has my respect and admiration.

I thank o-cha in advance for the radio interview. I'll be waiting PATIENTLYYYYYYYY! :P

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More photos from the PIFF events. Some of them you might see @ RAL thread.










This man is really intelligent. Everything is within his plan and he works on them step by step diligently. He has my respect and admiration.

I thank o-cha in advance for the radio interview. I'll be waiting PATIENTLYYYYYYYY! :P

Millions of dittos! :lol::lol:

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Guest singapore0950

It's good to see you again, singapore0950

Yah...Rabbit and Lizard is truely the first film after the release of Dance of the Dragon.

I can't wait to see it.

After the release of military service, Hyuk finished three dramas and is currently filming the fourth one, Chuno. But at the same period, his career in the film business has been relatively weak. He could have one film, DOTD, released, overseas only. So Rabbit and Lizard will be the first movie to be released to the korean viewers after his military service, except that omnibus film <Ogamdo>. I am exicted. I hope he can aquire the stronger position in the film business too.

hahatk and o-cha, I agree. I love his cute hairdo and don't like that weird turtle neck sweater. But despite some flaws in his conference outfits, Hyuk looks gorgeous and bright. Worthy worship. keke...

Thanks hahatk for sharing the penthouse elephant making film.

Among the videop clips released for promotion, i would say this is the best so far. hehe.

His character, Hyunwoo, seems described very attracitve here in this clip. Looks yummy. :lol:

Hello wils & 0-Cha

first have to Thank you for you all keep posting all nice foto in 14th Piff ...... informations

I am silent readers here in this thread.... Yeah!

~~~Yes. Movie named Dance of the Dragon ~~~

make me so exciting to see Jang Hyuk.

^^ last drama i watch named ^^Thank you^^ such of nice great drama ^^ After miltary serives. :P

^^ So exciting to see him in Singapore ^^ for just few miniutes :P

It is more than enough. ^^ Most of them chased to hotel & airport ^^....Yeah!


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Guest shinhdeplol

Thanks shinhdeplol for posting the links. What an exciting week it is! I had lots of fun this week with the PIFF stuff and now something to watch for aonther fun! I am excited. :lol:

BTW, I read somewhere Rabbit and Lizard will have its press screening tomorrow. (and prabably vip screening too?) Yeah...we will see tons of photos again. :lol:

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Thanks wils for the sharp and big pics of Hyukie. Love them.


Thanks shinhdeplol for the links to the new FO. So glad that I get to watch them after waking up in the morning. It's so wonderful to have so much Hyuk lately.

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Just finished watching Family Outing...

gosh love love love the 3 Dragon boys..they seriously need to have a show together.

Thanks for the pics wils and hahatk....why the hat? ahhh he should show off his nice hairstyle...hehehee

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Thanks wils for the sharp and big pics of Hyukie. Love them.

So glad that I get to watch them after waking up in the morning. It's so wonderful to have so much Hyuk lately.

U're welcome. Me too. It really is a happy sunday as FO is titled. :lol:

OOT...I just watched the first 2 episodes of You're Beautiful..and I love it! You guys should check it out if you have time..hehehe.

Is it good?? I will check that out :lol: alth I'm not a fan of the writers that much!

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^^ So exciting to see him in Singapore ^^ for just few miniutes :P

It is more than enough. ^^ Most of them chased to hotel & airport ^^....Yeah!

Surely. Not many people are that lucky to chase him to hotel & airport.^^

Just finished watching Family Outing...

gosh love love love the 3 Dragon boys..they seriously need to have a show together.

Ditto. I enjoyed it a lot. Sure, they should make their own show! keke..or at least FO PD should invite Cha Tae Hyu to the regular family membership. (Hyukie is too busy with filming Chuno to join the show, though :P )

Anyway...I love Hyukie's laughter. And how adorablly cute that sleeping guy is! :wub:

I found the vidio link to the part of the Cine Town radio talk:

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Rabbit and Lizard will have its press screening tomorrow. (and prabably vip screening too?) Yeah...we will see tons of photos again.

thanks wils for the tip of the press screening tomorrow and the link to the radio talk show. Finished watching FO today. The 3 dragon brothers are so comfortable with one another. Anxiously waiting for the subtitles. The Chinese subtitle came quite quickly for the last week's FO.

There is a new trailer for the Elephant and it's even more sensational ! Enjoy !


new poster


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