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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest xTwilight




If a child copies things you do and like the things you like, you think that's flattering.

People like the Korean culture.

Let them be. They have identity issues.

So be it.


- They aren't intentionally doing it to make us look like fools

- They aren't making fun of us.


Wow, do we have THAT much time to spend to criticize people like that?

I agree.

Satire is the best, especially when people don't understand the negativity behind it.

There are many Asians out there who wished that they are Americans, and to be frank, I am one of them.

Anyone that bothers to put forth some effort into getting a citizenship can be american.

Unless by american, you mean white, where in that case you should've just came out and said "Many people wish they were white" straight-up.

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I've never met one... All the asians though, wanna be white. o.o Bananas! >O

ALL? it's bad to use absolute word


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Guest adrenaline__x

i think they're cool. up to a degree. once on the train i saw this african american guy. and he just took ou a japanese book. me and my friend was like. thats friggen awesome! :w00t:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest eugene

I don't think its annoying. I kinda think its cute. It's like you're a God to them because you are Asian HAHA.

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Well, I don't really think much of weebos unless they're really like those out there ones? But I get annoyed when people keep trying to integrate Japanese words etc. into their speech. I mod at this cute graphics forum and I don't like it when they use "kawaii" to replace nouns. But I don't say anything because I don't want to sound mean >.<;;;

....so how come asian people can blurt out "awesome" "good morning" and "so cool" anytime they please?

I don't think it's a bad thing to do that, I do it alot with japanese, spanish, and german.

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Guest Kimimaro

I don't think its annoying. I kinda think its cute. It's like you're a God to them because you are Asian HAHA.


yeah, i must say it isn't really annoying..

DX theyre definitely interesting to be around.

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Guest eternal_bliss

Sometimes it's a bit annoying.

Whenever I say I am part Asian and European, and know a lot of different languages

they always make me say something in that language.

It's a heck of an annoyance.

And what really annoys me, are those people

who think they understand Japanese because they saw a certain anime or manga.

Then they start telling everyone the wrong information and tell me I'm wrong.

How can I not know something simple in a language I'm fluent in?!

Truly, I really don't care if they try to be Asian. It makes me feel special!


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Guest understanding_fiction

And what really annoys me, are those people

who think they understand Japanese because they saw a certain anime or manga.

Then they start telling everyone the wrong information and tell me I'm wrong.

How can I not know something simple in a language I'm fluent in?!


oh T_T the worst.. when people think that they know everything about your culture just because they watched dramas/movies/etc....

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Guest eledoremassis02

My sister showed me a "be a [Anime] reporter in tokyo" think on digital cable and some guy said "I wish I was Japanese"

With that said, I think it comes down to 2 types of people.

1) Those interested in the culture:

Like to listen to the music, watch the TV, even learn some history

2) Identity issues:

I think these people have alot of problems with who they are and find ways (sometimes over the top) try to be somthing that they feel is completely separated from who they really are.

Also, I think it annoys some people because in a sense, it becomes almost, if not stereotypical.

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Guest ;deuce

Hahaha, I wouldn't know what to think of them. o o

I used to be like that, my friends are like that, but they're not totally hardcore...

I know people who are like that and most of the people I'm familiar with are stuck up.

But overall, in general, I don't know.

I don't think I'd be bothered by them.

They do no harm to me.

@Alice: Hahah be like, GTFO AH NO WHUT AH AMZ.


@eledoremassis02: Identity crisis is a good topic...

We could assume that people only act this way because they didn't fit into their previous environment?

Hahaha, I don't know. Very debatable. > <

Although I don't want to strike a debate; I'm bad at those. xD

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Guest understanding_fiction

Also, I think it annoys some people because in a sense, it becomes almost, if not stereotypical.


wannabe koreans can make it seem like all korean do is: have cosmetic surgery, go around constantly taking pictures of themselves and photoshopping it, breaking out into tell me dances in the street, speaking random korean phrases, all while munching on kimchi and dduk

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Guest c0lap1nada

^ Just a comment, but I've never seen a korean wannabe before. o__O

Well, I don't really think much of weebos unless they're really like those out there ones? But I get annoyed when people keep trying to integrate Japanese words etc. into their speech. I mod at this cute graphics forum and I don't like it when they use "kawaii" to replace nouns. But I don't say anything because I don't want to sound mean >.<;;;

Argh, I even hate it when Chinese people (from what I see, they're usually CBC or ABC) say "kawaii". I'm okay with Chinese or any other culture speaking Japanese when they actually can, but if all they know how to say is 'kawaii', then they should seriously stop watching all the anime.

And I hate when caucasians try to correct me when I'm explaining my culture or something. Then they'd try to prove that they're right.. while I'm thinking, "Yeah, who's the Asian one here?"

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Guest eledoremassis02

^ Just a comment, but I've never seen a korean wannabe before. o__O

Argh, I even hate it when Chinese people (from what I see, they're usually CBC or ABC) say "kawaii". I'm okay with Chinese or any other culture speaking Japanese when they actually can, but if all they know how to say is 'kawaii', then they should seriously stop watching all the anime.

I have never seen this.. On the news?! Is it people they are interviewing, or the anchors themselves?!

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Guest HeyPhill

I have never seen this.. On the news?! Is it people they are interviewing, or the anchors themselves?!

LOL... ABC means American Born Chinese, CBC means Canadian Born Chinese x]

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