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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest LitoYammy

I don't totally mind people who aren't Asian who appreciate Asian culture or stuff like that. But I don't really like people who renounce their own heritage and pretend to something else in general. You should be proud of what you are. It's fine to admire other cultures, but you shouldn't forget where you really come from. (: They can get pretty annoying. There's a fine line between admiration and full on trying to assimilate. And at that MRian girl on Youtube, what is she doing?? I guess her Japanese accent is pretty good but I wonder if she understands what she's saying.





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I have friends that really don't like them because they're sometimes really annoying, no offense.

But then isn't it sad that they don't have pride in their own culture either? <_<

EDIT, again.:

To get things straight.

Just because someone likes anime, eats pocky, wants to learn Japanese or whatever asian language there is, or has an interest in the asian culture doesn't mean they're Wasian.

Wasians are non-asians who WISH and THINK that they are asian. And think so themself-- but probably would deny it when you ask them to their faces and continue their "oh-so-asian" lifestyle.

Anything asian = they wannabe there!

Anyone asian = they want to be their friends.

Chopsticks! = must eat with chopsticks because asians do.

Omg, must say "kawaii!", "sugoi!", "---desu yo!", "baka!", etc. instead of just "cute!" or "stupid!"

And all of the other annoying things they do to annoy ANYBODY. But see, most of what I just explained ^ were mostly about OTAKU.

Yes, the idea that there aren't only asians on Soompi is clear, and just for joining Soompi doesn't mean they're "wasian".

No offense.

I've never heard wasian. But I have heard in the US the more derogatory----YELLOW FEVER!!!

I think some of your connotations are a bit off the wall. The first two sure, the third maybe, the last crap. I say Japanese terms, Chinese terms, Farsi terms, African terms, and French/German/Russian terms. I wonder what that would make me.

I'm totally into vast amounts of culture but I'm an Anthropologist in training. I have seen idiots who think like the above but again never heard wasians...but it's just as stupid and racist as wiggers, that goes for the "yellow fever" crap. ~sigh~ So those interested to that extent are wannabes and there's something about being "real" versus "fake". ~sigh~

I think coincidentally there are people who fall into those groups as well, but who aren't stupid. People who were raised in predominantly East Asian communities or East Asian nations. I have a friend who's Black and he's a military brat born in Japan. He speaks Japnaese and considers himself a Black Japanese and uses the terms and has a Filipino wife. Of course from outside perspective and people who would not know his life and history he would be a "wasian" wouldn't he?

I think some stuff needs to be clarified before anyone can make that judgement.

Now I'm uber proud of being Black and I'm surprised by the magnitude of the Black US Culture on a world wide aspect, but then not that surprised...

So I have a question. What do you call East Asians who fit the criteria you mentioned when in relation to Black Urban culture?! I've heard Bi (Rain) falls into that category, Japanese Youth culture, and various others?! Where rap, Black ebonics, and "attire" have played a major role?! Is there a name for it?! I'm sure a few of us know what it means when "anglos" do it in the US, I mentioned it above. I wonder what it's like the other way round.

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Actually, isn't the term Wasian used to refer to people who are from both Asian and Caucasian decent? Kind of like Blasian.

Since I disagree with that on so many levels. God, it just doesn't make sense when I think on the technical terminology.

I think you mean what I've seen more popular called Eurasian----even that's all wrong. But I've heard Eurasian to describe those of "white" ("Anglos") European descent and East Asian. But it's also used to describe Russians and those people who come from some Middle Eastern countries of Asia.

Blasian?! So that's Black/East Asian, like Wasian then would be White/East Asian?! I got to love that.... :lol::unsure:

That changes it from being a "wannabe" thing to a racial thing. Makes sense since I've seen "bi" racial US Americans use that terminology.

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Guest Vivskies

its annoying when people ask for profanity in another language. "Hey, how do you say **** in korean?"

Oh god. I agree. It's so annoying when people ask me how to say a cuss word in chinese.

They should go look it up in a dictionary if they really want to know.

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Guest leongfun
its annoying when people ask for profanity in another language. "Hey, how do you say **** in korean?"
People ask how I cuss in my language too - seriously, what's the point? It's fun to know that day but in the next minute or so they'll forget.
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to the people that do not understand why many asians think asian wannabes are annoying please watch this video

and holy hell

the caption doesn't even make sense

she's just using a free translator

oh gawd. I'm bash the shizz outta her now :rolleyes:

Srsly she's just frackn saying random japanese words omg she is just trying too hard -_- so annoying

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I don't have a problem with them. just the otakus because they're weird and nerdy :o

I don't like anime -_-

to the people that do not understand why many asians think asian wannabes are annoying please watch this video

and holy hell

the caption doesn't even make sense

she's just using a free translator

I don't speak Japanese so I didn't notice that she was just saying random words. but her cutesy voice kinda bothered me >_<

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Guest Jang_Yoon_Jung ^ ^


I hate otakus. Most of them are obsessed with Japanese things, in a BAD way. They keep saying " Onee-chan! Konnichiwa! Sugoi! Kawaii! " And whatever Japanese there is. They say they love Japan, but they just love the manga. - . -;;

I mean, if they're actually interested in the history behind Japan I really wouldn't mind. - . -;;;

And then there's some people who tell me they wish they were Asian. - . x;;

One person actually told me she wishes she was Japanese or Korean, and she's actually Asian herself!

Someone told her, " At least you're Asian. " : /;

So...yeah...overall, I'm saying that some of them are annoying. - . -

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Guest MangoStar

Everything in this world's not original, of course. Like someone ^ there said.

Westerners had a huge influence on the Eastern countries when they took over.

It is sort of true that Europe has the most influence; America came from the British, then America went to go take over some countries in the East. So did the Britains in India.

Most of the fashion I see in Asia are just the same as... "white people" clothing. They're just more "exaggerated" in a sense.

I sorta agree with a friend of mine that the style that is most popular in asia is just a copy of white people clothing, but that's what sorta makes them different. Like telling the style of a fob from a non-fob.

Anyway, not ALL wannabe asians are that bad-- I had a close friend that was Wapanese- just the extreme ones who try so hard and try to make their life more... yellow. D:

I actually have respect for non-asians that can speak an asian language well. <_<


So what if non-Asians have an immense appreciation for Asian entertainment.

If you really think about it, EVERY race is trying to copy another race. Just let

them do what they do and stop complaining about it.

Stop complaining about it, I've met some people who have an "Asian soul"

and they're pretty cool people, so don't knock 'em till you meet 'em.

My question is, why do you all care so much? Can we knock down racial barriers please?

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Guest Richard

Am I the only one who find this thread rather hypocritical? Alright, lets start things off with an anecdote. I remember asking several of my ABC friends whether if they consider themselves to be Chinese or American and each and everyone of them answered that they believed they are the latter.

And now lets go back to the topic. After perusing through half of the thread, is it wrong for me to assume that many people here consider those of non-Asian heritage who express excessive interest in Asian culture are to be perceived as 'Wasians'? If so, then perhaps we may consider the following.

How many people here have listened to rap, watched Family Guy or even played basketball? Aren't such considered to be that of the Western Culture? How can we justify our indulgence in these 'foreign' experiences when it is not deemed appropriate for a Hispanic to wear Circle Lens, collect Gundam figures and speak Japanese? Is it because we are born in the US and thus should have such priviledges while the Hispanic shouldn't engage in Asian culture because he doesn't possess an Asian passport?

Now lets get back to the anecdote. Although I disagree with the view but my friends do make valid arguments when they say that they consider themselves to be American because they are born in this land and is raised under such cultural influences. Fine, fair enough, but where does that leave their parents and those who have just arrived in the United States? Should we call them 'Wannabe American'? Also, this reminds me of another term, 'FOB'. If we detest people of non-Asian heritage to adopt 'our' culture so much, then why are people of Asian descent ridiculed for their dedication in their own culture? Why should such people be coined as 'FOB'? Is it because they are unfamiliar with the American culture? But then again, why should they appreciate the American culture? Aren't they Asian? Wouldn't they be considered as 'Wannabe American' if they try to adopt a tradition that is not theirs?

I will leave you to answer these questions.

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Guest ling_ling


i find wannabe asians dead annoying

like seriously? i dont mind u like being interested but ot to the extent that you HAVE to have EVERYTHING asian!



its sickening like hell ill date you - usually alot of the guy ones are MINGS anyway!

but the girl ones are annoying - i knew one who was a japanese wannabe and she was from like belgium or somewhere like that and she was so annoying cos all her myspace comments were always like "^_^ OMG KAWAIII DES??? SUPER CUUUTE I AM SO JAPANESE ME SO CUTE" and she like died her hair and look like a japanese person....well a white person trying to be asian and it was like OMG STICK WITH UR OWN RACE OR SOMETHING!!!!

i mean you do get those "white-washed" asians too but they still have a bit of culture in them cos they still speak the language and stuff......or like the completely whitified asians who are mixed white....but i understand them cos usually they're brought up as "white"....usually the case with most of the ones i know =P but anyway - i think having a fascination in the culture is fine, just be happy with ur OWN culture aswell otherwise its just like ¬_¬

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Guest SUperLong

i don't know if i have ever seen someone try to be asian lol

i mean my friends try and use the chopsticks, try my moms cooking but thats all normal to me

but one really does like asian girls lol, yellow fever

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Guest loveogurishun

damn all those wannabe asians at my school are so weird. there's one girl who even memorizes japanese lyrics and wears a kimono. i mean, its cool to love another culture, but this girl is WEIRD.

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Guest passionfruittwst

I have this girl in my school...

she's half white and half japanese.. but whenever me and my friend (another asian) are talking she butts in our convo and is like "omg, being asian is soo cool!"

it really annoys me >:/

i guess its just her whole personality that just annoys me :/

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Guest xflyhigher

I have this girl in my school...

she's half white and half japanese.. but whenever me and my friend (another asian) are talking she butts in our convo and is like "omg, being asian is soo cool!"

it really annoys me >:/

i guess its just her whole personality that just annoys me :/

I think she's just playing. I have a lot of half Asian friends and they sometimes joke like that, but they don't really think like that.

I hate real wasians. Not the people who want to be Asian (sometimes I want to be white just because white is the majority and I get sick of Asian stereotypes) or like the culture. The people who think they APPEAR Asian and try to act what they think Asians act like. Like that richard simmons girl on youtube. Creepy weird wasian.

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