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[Drama 2012] BIG 빅

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Guest anaapenas

Lee Min Jung and Gong Yoo :x This ship sails itself. I was grinning like a fool at that yard scene. Now I don't even mind how this drama will end, I just want to Lee Min Jung and Gong Yoo to stay together.

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Anybody else feel like we missed out on seeing the Kyung Jae BIG & Da Ran wedding in episode 8 because there will be another wedding of some sort (either between Kyung Joon and Da Ran or Yoon Jae and Da Ran) in the future?
Also--what are the Hong Sisters up to with Da Ran nicknaming Kyung Jae "Big" and Gil Da Ran's name meaning "long"?  I was going to let that go, but it comes up often enough that I'm starting to wonder if there's some sort of larger significance.  Or perhaps the Hong Sisters are just putting that out there so they can giggle at fans trying to discuss the possible significance on message boards without getting flagged for being inappropriate.

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I agree with everyone that says that Gong Yoo and Lee Min Jung have a lot of chemistry! but then again, I think Gong yoo has good chemistry with all his leading ladies lol

This contains some spoilers for the most recent episode so read at your own risk lol

As for the drama, I think YJ's body will end up with DR mainly because GY is the lead actor. However, I don't believe YJ soul will be with DR. DR is more herself with KJ than DR. That garden scene wouldn't have happened with YJ, because they would have spent that time trying to fill the awkward moment with "YJ-sshhii" or 'DR-shhii". Furthermore, this is drama land and when a character says something is never going to happen- LOL it will. So, KJ saying twice "I will never ever fall in love with you" is actually going to be "I'm going to fall for you so hard that without you I won't be able to get back up" haha

I'm am very surprised that they actually got married though- I had totally thought that the last scene would be a repeat of the first scene with DR going to someone's wedding and meeting either KJ or YJ depending on who she ends up with. And, I'm somewhat disappointed that they went that route with the plot. If YJ and DR end up together than it's like "surprise! I know you were in a coma for the last year and a half-but we're married! squeeel!" and that somehow, for me, takes away the importance of marraige; especially knowing that she actually married KJ's soul with YJ's body as an "shield". And if KJ and DR end up together then it's even more confusing-because to the rest of the world, DR married YJ. So, if KJ goes back to his own body then it'll be really hard to explain to YJ and the world what happened in the last year between a sister in-law and brother-in law, who btw was in a coma (if they are brothers and not related in another twist of fate yet to be explained by YJ's dad). And if KJ ends up in YJ's body for good- then what does that mean for YJ- does he die? does he decide to live the life of a teenage?

Plus with the last scene- DR didn't seem all the happy to hear the switch was around the bend. Granted, it could be shock-but I'm guessing it's loovveee :D. DR is going to be sad to see KJ go- since she became so emotionally attached to him. She even began to call YJ's body KJ, so if the switch happens I bet she's going to mistakenly call YJ, KJ a few times.

For everyone familiar with 49 days, if they decide to go that route, I would be okay with it (since I LOVED the ending of 49 days) so long as it's done tastefully- and I would almost hope then that DR decides to not be with anyone and find happiness doing her own thing without a man by her side. I would HATE to see YJ and DR be all happy and cutsey with KJ sulking in the background. Plus, I don't want Mari to be with KJ for one reason (and I like mari). KJ, although he is the same age as Mari, is emotionally far more mature thanks to this experience. I don't think Mari is at that level yet- so to have her and KJ end up together would not do justice to either character.

This show is definitely a roller coaster ride! Every episode is, using KJ's fishing anology, a bait pulling me closer and closer until i'm completely caught; which considering how much I anticipate each episode, has already happened! :D

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Guest badmarkz

@term lol at the 'inappropriate' implication. true that, i wonder too if that means something else.and i totally agree that there'll be another wedding (again) in the upcoming episodes. this is getting interesting. the only thing that i'm not anticipating at the moment is the fact that yoon jae's soul is coming back. aaaah, i wanna see the honeymoon hijinks! will that be happened at all?i mean, sure this is important for the progress of the story. but why now? why not two episodes ago? or five episodes later? the teasings of all the possible happy-fake-wedding-days with kyungjoon is driving me crazy. aaaaaaagh, hong sisters are such a tease!!

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@riti89 love your comment

But if YJ soul goes back to YJ body.... I don't want KJ to die (looking for wood to touch).. :( ...


Anyway .... No important lead ever die in any of Hongs' stories.. So I should not be worried? Or should I .. cause there's always first time for everything  

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Guest sarangwo

Another possibility :
Maybe the two are really brothers ... not with the same dad but with the same mom ... that means Kyung Joon's mom  is also Yoon Jae's mom.

It's possible Yoon Jae was adopted by the doctor ... maybe his wife's barren and can never have kids so they want to adopt Yoon Jae.

Back then maybe the Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon's mom was then poor. One day Kyung Joon got really sick and they couldn't afford the fees.

Young Jae loves his little brother. In order to save the life of Kyung Joon,  he then accepted to be adopted by the doctor.

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Guest ejay1

The sisters should be carefull, if they decided YJ is the 'real' thing here (YJ soul in YJ body) I mean if they are thinking of YJ/DR ending, they should not let the viewers be too "comfortable" with KJ/DR pairing (in YJ body), He sort of perfect that way :D, a boy like character in a michelangelo-David- like body, funny sometime obnoxious, sometime innocent, caring, adorable and KJ is vulnerable, lonely (I bet everyone just wanna protect him -it's woman's motherly instinct). KJ is a tough match for YJ (provided KJ is in a fully grown man body).So to let KJ to be too long in YJ  body is definitely not a good move IF KJ not ever gonna end up with DR.

KJ is just too adorable in YJ body... =P~ . I hope it's not another case of 49 days (I cringe to that two number... the ending is a nightmare to me anyway not everyone hate the ending).

And if next week they really switch back for real ... YJ have a tough time to convince DR and us viewers... KJ was wonderful as YJ... I am already 95% in the ship (KJ/DR - of coz KJYJ version and not KJKJ version coz yeah it's kind of disturbing to watch an 18 year old boy kissing his teacher (BUT I LOVEEE it when Kang Ta kiss Kim Min Sun in loveholic also a teacher/student relationship and it didn't look eww at all.. it was deeeeeeelicious however Kang Ta look older than the age). Shin Won Ho look so young.


They have to switch now if they are bringing back YJYJ to the screen. There's still time for YJYJ to win us over from KJYJ ... and I still love KJKJ but to think that he may end up with Mari ... I say poor him .. kekekekke.. I hope the Hongs would make Mari less hostile (remain the cuteness but drop the hostiliy a bit)... Mari shall be suitable for KJ IF she's less hostile... less clingy  .. okokookokok.. just my lowly opinion.. don't kill me please.. don't flag me pleaseeee..  =))

I dont get why is Sweet 18 okay(18 year old highschool girl marrying and having babies with 30 year old prosecuter)

but 19 year old boy and 24 year old teacher, not okay??

but screw it Im shipping KJ-Mari

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I dont get why is Sweet 18 okay(18 year old highschool girl marrying and having babies with 30 year old prosecuter)

but 19 year old boy and 24 year old teacher, not okay??

but screw it Im shipping KJ-Mari

OTOKE YO? The world is unfair esp to female.... :D lets start picketing,


You are "lucky" I guess... I'm quite possitive it gonna be KJ-Mari now...

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Guest ejay1

OTOKE YO? The world is unfair esp to female.... :D lets start picketing,


You are "lucky" I guess... I'm quite possitive it gonna be KJ-Mari now...

and for the person saying KJ is too mature for Mari...so?? opposites attract

I think around the end KJ is going to star seeing Mari as a woman,,,and DR more as a older sister

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I think so too - KJ will start seeing DR as older sister, Mari shall have her chance.. :D ... but otoke yo?Unlike you I am not too keen Mari/KJ pairing :D...  I don't want to give up hope yet.. it spell TRAHBEL if I give up hoping... :sigh:

I am very much in the KJ/DR ship now (after 8 hours of super adorkable KJ in YJ body... how to swap my feeling? Hope YJ as YJ can do wonders) ...

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Guest utaminel

it's hard to decide who will ended up with Kang Kyung JoonMa Ri and Da Ran teacher, i want both of them 

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I love Koala's theory, but the thing that bothers me the most is that no one is looking out for YJ, I also can't wrap my head around why KJ would be so accepting of being trapped in someone else's body. If I woke up in a 30+ body at 18 and was smart enough to become a doctor in a year my focus would have been on how to return to my own body. Instead he spends all of his time crushing on his teacher and pursuing that interest. Even in the hollywood movie Big the boy was even younger but he still tried to figure out what to do to return to his own body.Some have linked this with 49days, yet again the lead was doing what she thought would get her back to her own body.
That aside this would be a good place for YJ to wake up, because more than the romance between KJ and DR I want to see the relationship between KJ and YJ. I think they need each other they both are very lonely people. I can see KJ helping YJ come out of his shell and teaching him how to open up more. I can see how YJ can be someone that KJ can lean on, trust and know that he matters to someone. To still have a chance at a family. I like DR more as SIL than a girlfriend for KJ.

http://koalas playground.com/2012/06/26/koala-drops-a-theory-on-the-big-soul-swap-mystery/

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@IBELIS About KJ not seriously finding way to return, could it be because he doesn't know how and the only person he can trust is Da Ran, so he is kinda attached to her. Could be that he was concern of DR relationship and real YJ? Unlike 49 days, she has an angel looking after her and giving hints also her family and frens still around. KJ does not have anyone at all except Da Ran (in Korea).

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For those who shipping KJ/MR, did I miss something? I think KJ LOVES DR and sees MR as his sister. This will never change ;). DR is also starting to develop feelings for KJ. Actually I thought I should give up on these two but because I remembered My GF is a Gumiho, I think the pace is right. Dae Woong also started to have feelings for MiHo in ep 8. So I am rest assured ;)

I really want to see ep 9 now :)

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Guest xiandi

can anyone please share a link for softsub other than darksmurf??  I'm dying to watched episode 8 with sub.. 

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Guest payel

can anyone please share a link for softsub other than darksmurf??  I'm dying to watched episode 8 with sub.. 



soft sub http://asiasub.blogspot.in/2012/06/big.html
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