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[Drama 2012] BIG 빅

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I just loved GY's cuteness, that I missed his acting! I think they are related maybe half brother?...at first I hate DR for being stupid and naivety. How come she became a teacher like that...
and oh! DR's father I love his character now, the Principal of the school she is always paired up with DR"s father in Delightful choonyang and My girl drama! they always been a couple in a few drama... 

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i haven't started to watch this.. to be honest, i've been waiting for him to comeback with a drama. he's my 1st Kr crush & he'll be the only one XD

good thing, i know a very reliable subbing team that will sub this.. btw, will watch eps 1&2 later ^^

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I think Chaser is having higher ratings cuz it started earlier. 1 week to be exact, imagine if they started together, then BIG will sure have had higher ratings. Also its kinda due to Love Rain.

But Lights and shadows will end after 3 weeks, so that means, BIG has 3 weeks to gain high ratings, if by then it hasnt gained high ratings. But I think the ratings will increase from next week onwards. Something tells me thats gonna happen ;)

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Guest vDrak

Just watched the latest episode of BIG! Very nicely done and great acting as usual. They can really bring emotions into the character, mad props.

So I'm seeing some comments relating YJ and KJ, some are reasonable as to they might be lost brothers, but I don't think they are dad and son lol. Giving the wide range of their age, YJ's dad probably had an affair with KJ's mom and have him, then KJ's mom moved away/be separated from YJ's dad because YJ's dad already have a family. Maybe YJ found out about the affair, so he would knew when KJ is born.

A lot of people doesn't approved KJ who is in YJ body to in a love relationship with DR. Am I the only one who doesn't mind if KJ who is in YJ body falls in love with DR or vice versa? lol. I mean the guy is already 18, he might act as a brat sometimes, but he knows feelings. They might be teacher/student, but that isn't the case now. He is in a grown man's body. You can say that teacher and student relationship are prohibited in the real world, but your soul wouldn't be change like this in the real world anyways! Lol.

If they developed genuine feelings for each other, I don't see why not?

It's a long way until the end, but my prediction is that; first, he suddenly got into some sort of accident, and they switched back. KJ won't be able to remember anything, forgetting all the time he spend with DR. On the other hand, YJ got his body back but he remembers every detail that happened between the interaction of the 18-YJ and DR, like he was actually living that moment with her.

2nd prediction is that there would also be an accident of some sort, but this time, KJ who is living in YJ's body, forgetting that he was ever KJ and then live his life as if he was the actually YJ. KJ woke up from the coma, and he still have his personalty and everything, as if there wasn't any accident to begin with.

The Hong Sisters need to have some good explanation or events that can connect the two.Because if the fans grow to love the 18-YJ and the 24-DR, and they toke that away from them, then that's be really really sad ;[.

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Guest gloria

yeah, they are definitely not father-son. they could either be uncle-son or brothers. perhaps it all links to the date and the book of miracle because one has a book and one has a picture in his wallet.

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Guest webby

i dun think the dad-son hidden relationship is true for the 2 main guys. may be half-brothers, brothers or uncle-nephew might be possible. Have enjoyed the show so far. every episode has its own climax and part that made my heart wrench. now gotta wait til next week. think Lee min jung and gong yoo have great chemistry together.

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Guest Queen_Of_Baekje

Am I the only one shipping Mari with Kyung Joon (Real) T-T
Am I the only one who don't want KJ and YJ be brothers/related?
I just don't like that kind of plot...I hope Hong Sisters can persuade me . Bring it on!
I actually don't like Mari ending with CS..
I don't want another Samdong like ending...(I'm a loyalist SamMi fan) for a change
I kinda sense that YJ will come into the picture..I hope so..He's my 2nd favorite character now after Mari.
Kyung jae you're third because u're not sensitive enough to Mari's feelings and I like yoonjae more now..T-T have a comeback, k?
Daran you're forth..sorry to her fans but her character just don't have an appeal to me..naivety is not really my type...I hope she can show another side in the coming episodes.
I'll search for the ep.4 eng sub now...why oh why ionair don't have eng sub for big? grrrr

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Guest pb1212

I have gone through so many relationship possibilities in my mind and at this time yours is the one that makes the most sense.
I am sure we will go through many twists and  turns and surprises in the upcoming episodes.

I am still remembering the first episode when KJ is envious, longing for,  the sister brother relationship of DR and her brother. Maybe this is what he needs.

Also I think that in the same way DR was too shy to reveal her true self to YJ, YJ hasn't truly opened up to DR. If he does he might be as incredibly charming as KJ.

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Guest soompigalz

Anyone know when they gonna released the full OST?
I want to have the song they played at ep 2 when KyungJae heard his uncle n aunt plan to sent him to LA
Also the song at ep 4 when he try to keep his bed at the rain.

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Aw, I love this drama already. And I'm pretty confused on who I like, I mean I know I love Kyung Joon but I like him in his original body and I really like him in Yoon Jae's body, and I think original Yoon Jae wasn't that bad. In the flashbacks he seems like a really cute, caring and lovely boyfriend. What happened to him? :(
If you say is that horrible doctor woman I'll hate her even more, just say it, say it!
But so far I like all the characters, even though sometimes I want to hit Da Ran for being so naive or idiot.

But, omg! Kyung Joon's crush on his teacher is soooo cute. I know he has feelings for her. I know! Woa, I want to be a teacher xD

And one of my favorites: Choong Sik, how cute this kid can be? He's a lovely stupid. I want Mari to love him :D btw Mari-the-creepy-stalker is really creepy, but adorable :D

I love this drama! Come on monday!

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Guest sunshine4ever

Hi everyone, so does that mean that Yoon Jae actually cheated on Da Ran? I am so confused, but gosh, episode 5 seems to be more dramatic. I wonder how this whole thing is going to work out for both Guyung Joon and Da Ran. I just like Guyung Joon's goofiness so much. I wish he wasn't Da Ran's student and he's not 18, that would make things so much better for the plot. Why can't they just be two people getting swapped and that Guyung Joon has no relationship with Da Ran. Gong Yoo is just so awesome. At first I didn't really like Yoon Jae, but as they were talking about the flashback. Oh my gosh, how cute and shy he can be. Anyway, I'm confused right now lol.

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Guest livye

Well I have to be honest and I don't like the drama it is so slow the plot is............... not dont like it at all. Daran looks like a baby siter more than a helper for yoon jae she just go back and forth.


It is a shame because Gong yoo is one of my favotites actors over there in the Kentertaiment.

Lee Ming Jung poor-woman- face all the time is really annoyed so I wanted to see this two new chapters if I could change my mind but I'm fed up I'll stop watching it.

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Guest anjoloveskirby

oh my god...

GY's kiss..it's GY Guys..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..i can't over it.. i kept repeating that scene like a crazy girl XDDDDDD

okay let's talk about this episode :

KJ and YJ are definitely brothers..or related..and they have the same mother and father..KJ's mother is not her real mother (just saying maybe) but anyway these two..they are brothers..oh my god..when they make us see YJ's mother and knows that YJ's cellphone password is KJ's birthday..i knew that they definitely have some kind of connection..and oh my god i'm so excited to know that..because if they are brothers what will happen to DR?!!!

seeing KJ in pain was so much painful to see..oh my god when he saw his bed thrown away..>__<

but thanks god that he bought the house as YJ..and the house seems so alive now with DR and her family..the story now is all about KJ (in YJ's body)/DR/and SY...i don't understand why we are having suzy (mari) as a lead if her part doesn't seems to be BIG..maybe when she knew that it's KJ in YJ's body we will see her in action..but i think that she will fall again for KJ in YJ's body..she can't help but falling in love with him without knowing that it's KJ..that poor girl

and no matter what..i can't see them as brother/sister..why you think they look like that ..because they look alike and love to tease each other..?!!

i totally love them when they appear on the screen and GY is doing a great job as KJ <3

about DR..

hong sisters..why did you make this drama a lot like a real DRAMA..when we see DR cry in every episode?!! even YAB was so much funny than this..but i like Big anyway..

okay finally DR saw the truth which i hope it's not the truth..that evil B***h knows something maybe she even know about his lost brother..DR didn't know so much about YJ's life..they just met and have some couple of dates and then they will get married..SY knows so much about YJ and his family so she is using it to hurt DR..i don't believe that YJ is a cheater..and i hope that he is going to wake up soon because he is starting to make some reactions in KJ's body..

what makes me laugh at this episode :

1-CS is calling mari (noona) without knowing that they are at the same age and when DR told him that she is KJ's chingu he got so mad because he was calling her noona all the time XDDDDDDDDD

2-when DR was trying to teach KJ to solve some math questions but she end up trying to solve it herself while he is laughing at her hahahahahaha XDDD

3-when mari send a picture of her and KJ's body to KJ in YJ's body hahahahaha did you saw his face.oh gosh ..XDDDDD

4-when mari was telling KJ's uncle that she is going to take KJ's body with her to America but after knowing that KJ likes DR she decided to stay saying to KJ's uncle that she is not going

anymore hahahahahaha..goo goo my girl XDDD
5- when KJ was telling DR in the hospital about who is MaRi..hahahaha i was laughing so hard at her imagining mari clinging on KJ (YJ's body)
6-when mari was telling KJ's body " you are just sleeping here like that..i wish it was like the sleeping princess who wake up when the prince give her a kiss"
then pingo ..here is the idea that come to her mind..i'm going to kiss KJ hahahahahah she stand up and get closer to him trying to kiss him but the KJ stopped her butting YJ's hand on her lips hahahahahaha..ya kang Kyung joon..why didn't you let her kiss you..who know maybe you would wake up. XD
7-oh my god..KJ and mari are so lovely i can't stop repeating their scene when they argue..
she told him "i'm going to take KJ with me to America because he doesn't have anyone he likes in here"
then he said " KJ want to stay here because the person that KJ's like is in here"
mari:" the person he like?!! KJ doesn't have someone like that"
KJ:"yes he have, here" then he pointed to DR who was totally shocked..
" the teacher..KJ likes Gil DaRan teacher "
Mari pointed to her then say:" KJ likes that teacher ?!!"
(oh my god poor DR XDDDD)
8- when mari knows KJ shirt that YJ's wearing hahahahah i almost die from laughing at that part XDDDDDDDD

but damn, he keeps telling mari that KJ doesn't need her but need DR..he is breaking her heart..what is he doing..?!! ya kyung joon i don't want to hate you so stop hurting my mari >__<

what makes me sad in this episode:
1-when KJ told mari that he likes DR without feeling guilty >__<
2- the raining scene with DR and KJ..awww that was a very sad scene
3- when DR found out about the key and KJ was running to her..ahhhhhh what a sad scene when she was trying to open the door but she was afraid of what she will see..poor her..totally love it when KJ came at the right time and stopped her..i'm crying that scene was so touching >__<

i hope the rating will be good..today's episode was kinda epic to me since DR knows everything now..
i want to see more of my KJ/mari..and trust me i don't care if they don't end up together i love the chemistry between mari and both KJ/YJ <3

and for you guys who is shipping DR with KJ in YJ's body..what are you going to do if YJ and KJ are really brothers..and what will you do if they not brothers but KJ get back to his body and so did YJ..are you really going to ship DR with the real KJ instead of her and YJ?!!! tell me what you are thinking ..<3

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In episode 4 around 30:20, Kyung-Yoon-Jae notices the Vice Principal's book while opening her car door and the music changes to opera ("Eugene Onegin" by Tchaikovsky).  Kyung-Yoon-Jae begins reciting something that sounds strange.  It turns out that its a quote from the book she is holding,

First Love

by Ivan Turgenev.  He recites (in nearly incomprehensible Russian, apparently, but huge props to Gong Yoo for going there): "My son, beware a woman's love, beware that happiness, that poison."  The rest of the Russian portion of the conversation is just the usual stuff that comes out of conversation books.

So here's how this might tie into the "Big" plot:

First Love

is apparently a story about a sixteen-year-old boy who falls in love with an older woman.  She has lots of suitors, and mocks the sixteen-year-old for being a child while she is a grown-up of 21.  According to


, the woman turns out to actually be in love with the youth's father, who is an emotionless jerk.  Everything ends tragically, with the woman moving away to presumably have an illegitimate child, money envelopes flying, and a stresssssss-induced stroke.  Well, the ending is less troubling because that's pretty standard kdrama territory, and I think we can trust the Hong sisters to stay away from the really obvious stuff.

This could be a signal that Yoon Jae is Kyung Joon's father (yikes!) who will steal away Daran in the end, but I wonder if the guys' relationship is a little more complicated than that.  I wonder if young Yoon Jae's first (totally 100% pure!) love was Kyung Joon's mother, who was, in turn, in love with Yoon Jae's father, and together the two adults produced Kyung Joon.  That could help explain Yoon Jae's behavior before the accident: he would have had a lifetime of daddy issues, an orphaned half-brother to think about, and also his first love would have died.  If that's the case, Yoon Jae is potentially a (very) good guy who made the mistake of talking through his issues with his ex-girlfriend rather than a therapist, but not necessarily a cheating mega-jerk.

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