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Guest lililovelilica

sia3 said: THE MEN OF GORYEO :))

'신의' 이민호·유오성·박윤재, 男 캐릭터 전방위 활약

SBS 월화드라마 ‘신의’(극본 송지나, 연출 김종학 신용휘)가 남성 캐릭터들의 전방위 활약으로 눈길을 모으고 있다.

순애보를 펼치고 있는 순정마초 최영(이민호)을 비롯해, 검은 야욕의 광기를 드러내고 있는 기철(유오성)과, ‘신의 한수’ 악역으로 등장하고 있는 덕흥군(박윤재)이 그 주인공.

특히 지난 18회 방송에서는 도적떼로 위장한 기철의 금군들로 인해 아끼는 부하들을 잃고 만 최영이 충석의 보고에도 덤덤하게 “수고했다”는 한 마디로 자리를 벗어나고는 홀로 방안에 멍하니 앉아있는 상심어린 얼굴로 시청자들의 가슴을 먹먹케 했다.

또한 그에게 미안한 마음에 죄책감으로 울음을 삼키는 공민왕의 모습으로 이들의 애정 어린 군신관계는 물론 듬직한 전우애는 그간 역사극에서 그려져 왔던 딱딱한 상하관계를 벗어난 모습으로 ‘신의’를 이끄는 감성의 한 축을 형성하는 중이다.

절대 악으로 그려지며 패망해 가는 나라 사정에도 불구하고 원나라에 기대 권력을 차지하려는 기철의 카리스마와, 기묘한 모습으로 등장해 독을 쓰는 술수로 쉽사리 정체를 드러내지 않는 덕흥군의 역시 ‘신의’를 지탱하는 매력적이되 강력한 안티 캐릭터 군단.

뿐만 아니라 은수(김희선)의 곁을 보살피며 남다른 존재감을 발산하고 있는 자상한 장빈(이필립)과, 늑대소년을 연상케하는 우달치 대원 대만(김종문), 충직한 충석(백광두), 그리고 궁밖 정보통 수리방 사내들과 수줍은 듯 귀여운 내관 도치 등 개성강한 캐릭터들의 활약이 곳곳에서 발견된다.

‘신의’의 한 관계자는 “송지나 작가께서도 자신의 작품들 중 ‘신의’ 캐릭터들에 가장 큰 애착을 갖고 있다고 말 할 정도로 공들이지 않은 인물이 없다”며 “짧은 등장으로도 강렬한 인상을 남기는 배우들의 열연에도 많은 관심 부탁드린다”고 당부했다.

<사진> 신의문전사 제공

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=)) So much hatred?!! You know the opposite of hate is love, right? =))
What's a monket? I assumed you're trying to say monkey :))

Well coward, birdshit or bastard, he's one good looking birdshit!!! =)) =))
AND, let's not forget he is the catalyst in CY and ES's relationships.
Without him, there will be no plenty of skinship in EP15-16, and there is NO KISS in EP17-18 for our OTP!!!

My previous posts mentioned we should thank him, but we don't have to like him...
I, too, enjoyed watching CY beat the crap out of him...this time I hope he'll break his bones (Eun-soo just have to be away when it happens since Young wouldn't hurt a fly now with her around, let along flash his sword).

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cikamoi said: @myphim That's what I mean :))
JIS too stingy to up the amount of it. Did he think CY's life is only worth 500nyangs?  :-w :))
Oho, Don't forget to spread about Faith to all your relatives ;))

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Now that I have nearly a week to let episode 18 sink in, I am sad and also extra richard simmons with CY. WHY? coz this is what he had hoped and wanted frm the beginning, ES saying that she wants to stay with him in Goryeo. The woman has finally decided that CY is more important to her than 21st century and flushing toilet. So what did CY do? PUSH HER AWAY...you were attacked by POISON how can you say that...WHAT? SERIOUSLY, WHAT? The whole of woldalchi brood, Dr. Jang Bin, Court Lady Choi and of course our hero will lay down their life to protect ES....what is he saying? REALLY? 
I know he is just thinking of her safety, I know he is saying this out of his love for her, I know he is trying to be considerate by giving her a choice, I know he does not want her to go and out of his life...THEREFORE, CHAEBAL, just like what future/past ES said to present ES, catch hold of him and do not let him go...
CY is thinking way to much....In this situation thinking is soooo OVER RATED...
To quote Horace : Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero  – "Seize the Day, putting as little trust as possible in the future"
CY should be jumping up and down by now and making plans to safeguard her life. Now is the best time for him to go ahead with his plan to be a fisherman and ES being a healer...living a quiet life together.....
I really hope this is not an indication of a SE...coz I am unable and unwilling to accept it! For me as long as they are together, be it in Goryeo, 21st Century, Alive or even DEAD...as long as they are together...for me its a HAPPY ENDING.
Does this post sound angry? YOU BET I AM...angry at the writer...how could she? it should have been a happy occasion. CY got all his answers in one swoop of a back hug...how ES loves him enough to stay there with him. How highly she regard CY's principal. How she would do anything for CY.  COME ON give our IMJA couple a break, please!!!
CHAEBAL, CHAEBAL PD-nim, for once in your career, GIVE this drama a HAPPY ENDING!
( I have to keep repeating this mantra to keep myself sane...IT'S JUST A DRAMA, JUST A DRAMA, JUST A DRAMA, JUST A DRAMA)
My apologies if this post offends anybody. Just an Ahjumma venting out her thoughts. PEACE  ;)

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I know most of us have already assume Hwata is Eun Soo. And some great theory on Hwata. But just accept this story as a lulz for your weekend before tomorrow okay :D
Title : Hwata is teasing Gi Cheol endlessly :))
Which explain why Gi Cheol are so angry :))
Title : Hwata is playful on Facebook B-)
So, I hope you guys enjoy my Facebook story. I hold this idea for so long. 

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BC i not fluent in English. I read repeat after that @Tinkiebell posted about 3-4 times. and feel surprising what's it made many LOL so much.

Now big thank to "  . I just understand 55555555555555555 :))

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Guest Tinkiebell

briseis said:

 (And they call Romeo and Juliet star-crossed  8-|  , they were losers, total losers :-q  )

OMG. My brain also made a reference to R&J after that scene. You too? What in the world? High five, girl! And yeah, my sentiment exactly. Feuds between families? And you both died afterwards? Pfft. L-) Try different space time continuum and see how trivial your so-called tragedy really is  :-j
Episode 18 was really a heart-wrenching one indeed. Beautiful post @briseis. I almost wept at "The worst thing about heartbreak is that no matter how many of them you suffer, your heart is still beating", but then came your Davy Jones reference. =)) I gotta give it to you, who would've thought that our Captain of Wudalchi bears similarities with the Captain of the Flying Dutchman? =D> Let's hope ES will not be his Calypso, shall we?
Bless you girl, for making my sunday morning richer with different kinds of mood already :)
theseasasleep said: OMG, OMG, I totally didn't mean it that way... but thank you for taking it there, @Tinkiebell,  =)) >:D< !!!  This wouldn't be the pervy thread if we didn't see it everywhere, =))  My post hasn't been degraded but now has a badge of honor because its following in the footsteps of all the other pervy Faith posts that have come before.  LOL  We are so far gone; there's no coming back.  I love how you even had a stutter!!!  =)) 

Oooh, thank you for liking my posts!  I love yours, too!  I feel so shy now.  :)We surely do live up to our name, don't we? :)) So far gone? Hun, we're BEYOND salvation!! Are you sure you wanna follow in our footsteps? =)) 
@jaka lol, sorry! Most people here have been warned. My posts tend to have double meanings. If you don't understand, pm me, I'll explain :)
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Guest favoree

I' ve missed Faith so much, that on Sunday morning I just got up early to rewatch the last two episodes:together with episodes 1-8 and these two (17,18), they are just amazing . I have rewatched several times the imja couple scenes: they make me cry, so beautiful they are, especially : - I 've missed you scene;- the kiss;-the first hug: This hopeless person- what am  to do with you?.And the ep. 7 -begiining of ep. 8, The flower scene ;- "Move your dirty hands from me ";- when CY had to kneel down and had been locked.
These are very strongly directed and above all  brilliantly acted scenes. The two actors just just effortlessly make you believe they love each other. And the way they portray the process of FALLING in love is just awesome. Especially LMH is good at it. He is so good at it, that probably this is the reason why he is always paired with older actresses- a younger girl just won't reflect this feeling well enough. While KSH makes him shine. Though In City Hunter LMH was equally brilliant. Probably it's him who makes the actresses make him shine...On the other note, predictions: I feel that CY is now being torn between his love and duty. ES is in the same situation. So many people just die because of the two of them. So many people depend on CY, ES just can't afford to keep him by himself. It seems now that keeping love and duty together is not possible. That's why CY comes to ES after speaking with the king about the death of his woodalchis: "I will escort you now to the heavens door." After seeing her poison wound he confirms that sending her away would be best for her  as well. The prospectives of them two being together are not very good at the moment.Probably, in the next 6 episodes we will see some development of their feelings.
I am now quoting the girlfriday's recap from Dramabeans:Eun-soo’s outburst in this episode was a nice reciprocal gesture to Young’s kiss, because so far, she hadn’t shown him that she felt the same way. They always talk with this pretext of saving each other or protecting each other, but rarely do they actually speak of romantic feelings. So it was great to have Young push a little, by asking why she’s always so out of reach. And though she says it in a roundabout way, I thought the sentiment was really lovely—that she’s afraid of loving him freely because then leaving him might make him revert to the way he was when she met him, and he’s too important to history to be left that way. The problem is that the feelings are already there, so there’s really no undoing that. There’s just preparing for the other thing, and bracing for impact.

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Guest Tinkiebell

theseasasleep said: OMG, after reading the post by @Briseis, I figured it out!  Why her messed up hair bothers our daejang so!  It's because it's boom-chika-bow-wow hair!  He gets thoughts and keeps trying to autocorrect them but she standing there so pretty with her boom-chika-bow-wow hair...  It's the only logical (read:  pervy) conclusion.  ES, keep messing up your hair especially while you guys are on the run... start chasing waterfalls!  =)) 

Also, @Briseis, looking at the scene where he removes the bandage I just kept staring at his hands... Guh!  So manly!  LMH, gorgeous eyes... desirable manly hands... how am I ever supposed to quit you?  Cutting your post but:  " (And they call Romeo and Juliet star-crossed    , they were losers, total losers :-q  )=))  @Briseis, you are no good, simply terrible.  =))  If I haven't mentioned it before, let me mention now how much I love these inner monologue posts you give us!  They are such emotional and comedic gold! 
My brain is currently producing the mental image of ES doing the boom chicka wah wah dance with her boom chicka wah wah hair to CY. :)

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Guest Tinkiebell

I don't know if this has been shared before. But please read joonni's latest post over at her blog. It's a very moving and beautiful post about CY's true heart, for his love and for his country. So, READ it! 
Read and weep fellow Faitholics!! Make sure to play the background music as well, it doubles the intensity of experiencing the emotional journey you're about to go through while reading that post.

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Most Liked/Memorable scenes for
(UPDATED 14/10/2012):

Best Abused Scene: CY whacking & kicking Deok-man for fantasizing carrying ES
Cutest IMJA Moment:
Bickering @ EP12
Sweetest IMJA Moment:
Hand warming @ EP12
Awkward yet Sweet Hug:  CY & ES @ EP16
Cutest scene: Food-stealing/sharing
Saddest Hug: ES & CY @ EP15
Best Fighting Sequence: Rescuing Noguk
Best Punching Bag: Whenever CY beats up DH
Most Embarrassed Moment: Caught red-handed with the aspirin bottle
DH: "Your woman will die. She is your woman, is it not?" CY: "...."
Goosebump Induced Scene: Noodle feeding CY and flirting with him
Gossiper: Woodalchi
Heart-wrenching: CY's master killed by previous king in Ep4.
Best Angry Scene: CY flipping the table & beating up DH
Best Smile from CY: When ES tells him she is starting her cosmetic business (an incredulous yet loving smile)
Pervy Scene 1: ES exposes her legs entering Wooldachi quarter.
Pervy Scene 2: Gongmin producing lotsa testosterone gazing at flowered Noguk!
Aegyo: Dae-man's "Daejanggggggg" at CY
Character with the Highest Level of Zen (monk level): Jang-bin
Most Exasperated CY: ES: "You liked me? Don't worry I won't tell....but how? I've already heard!"
Most Intensifying Gaze: CY vs ES (wet hair scene)
Bromance: CY not wanting to lose to GM in any conversation
Sis-mance: ES hugging NG
OST Song: Carry On
OST Instrumental: Faith Main theme (string version), I loved how it started with cello, then viola, then flute & then violin
Best Hug: CY ran to see ES @ EP18
Best Kissing Scene: There is only one =.="
Cutest Expression Scene: CY suddenly looked confused & blur after realising he has no more purpose/things to do @ EP17
Funniest Facial Expression: Lady Choi
Best Villian: Deuk Heong
Most Angst Scene: ES back-hugging & Confession
Most Spoilt Brat Moment: Ki Chul smashing vases because he can't go to heaven *Boo Hoooo*

Thought I update it...(coz I'm bored) :(

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Tinkiebell said: I don't know if this has been shared before. But please read joonni's latest post over at her blog. It's a very moving and beautiful post about CY's true heart, for his love and for his country. So, READ it! 
Read and weep fellow Faitholics!! Make sure to play the background music as well, it doubles the intensity of experiencing the emotional journey you're about to go through while reading that post.

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