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Guest myphim

sia3 said: Dae-man VS Eum-ja
Aiyaya...I worry for this boy. It was all fun to see him annoy the heck out of EJ but are we forgetting Eum-ja and his flute? How is Dae-man going to escape if EJ decides to flute him to death :(

Deok-man VS Choi Young
I laughed at him getting head slap by CY for getting hit by an arrow. I find CY just likes to find any excuse to abuse Deok-man!!! =)) This can only mean our CY is holding a grudge towards DM for thinking dirty about his woman =))

Gongmin VS Noguk
My perverted mind came into action when NG told GM she will show him where they will be staying...*ahem*
Can't help it, who ask him to look at her with sooo much admiration/love before she said that? Almost implying she is showing him to their bed...to let him deflower her. =))

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Guest Tinkiebell

@myphim, I will start treating the time travel issue as a red herring, that's intentionally distracting us from the actual issue, which is romance. I will filter it out of my brain and focus more on the actual issue. :)
Don't get me wrong, it's intriguing, but I would prefer to keep my brain in tact, thank you :D

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@Auntie_Mame In defense of DF subs i guess Geisha is more widely understood than Gisaeng in the english speaking world.  Geisha is found in english dictionaries, but not Gisaeng.  In fact i only recently learnt what Gisaeng is as i've only watched a handful korean sageuks.  However i've always known what Geisha is even without having watched any japanese sageuks.  Strangely i cannot think up of an equivalent pure english word for Gisaeng, hence i'd deem Geisha an appropriate translation for newbies to the korean term Gisaeng. 

Btw i'm not affiliated with DF subs but would like to gratefully and heartfully thank all subbing teams for your great efforts.

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Adnana said:

flo_oni said:

@Adnana. Thanks for the link, but I actually get my soft subs from darksmurfsub.com.


@flo_oniThe fastest (and second best, quality-wise) subtitles are the VIKI subtitles. They are uploaded (usually) within at most 24h after the episode broadcast here: http://asiadramasub.blogspot.ca/2012/01/faith.html. So I always download the VIKI subs first.I know that Darksmurf subs are pretty good, once they've gone through all the quality checks (fans & elite team), but aren't they kind of slow? Compared to the VIKI releases, I mean. And they offer similar quality, if I'm not mistaken.Therefore, I use the VIKI subs for immediate gratification, but once the WITHs2 subs are released, I keep those for long-term use. Since WITHs2 subs are the absolute best, quality-wise. Better than VIKI and Darksmurf subs, overall.Oh, and speaking of subtitle quality: for "Faith", at least, the Dramafever subs are atrocious.

An example of DF subs:

Geisha?  Perhaps, the subber was confused on what country the drama is set in. 


Hahhahhhh my ears are really bad, but a can hear those words well, and why geishas???? Wtf!!!! That is mixing cultures....hhahahha, maybe the japanese invasion play a role there, and the travelling throught time make then travel to the XX century hahhahhahaha

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@myphim:  CY was soooooo pissed at not only Deok-man, but all the rest of the wounded Wuldalchi guys when they all move closer to ES.  It was just that there were too many of them to hit.  So, he was exasperated.

Speaking of jealousy, I thought that KC was going to bust a gut as he looked upon CY massaging ES' hand as the paralysis set in again.   He looked from him to her and back to him again.  Then, he stormed out.  Of course, in his warped mind, he blamed all the touchy-feely as DH's fault. 

KC's thinking:  If DH hadn't poisoned her, then, CY wouldn't be rubbing his hands all over her hand!   Yikes, what other parts of her body did he rubbed!!!   Wooo, I'm going to get you, DH!  
=)) =))

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@cikamoi, @farstrep, @wisteria7: I remember that after episode 4 some people commented on the chemistry between LMH and PSY as CY and NG. You know, I din't feel it at all during that time, even with her touching his cheek, however, in this scene their chemistry was just :-O :\"> . If you take the whole scene out of the context you will get a moment of forbidden romance and longing between a queen and her warrior :x I can totally picture them in a Frozen Flower-like scenario :\"> (without the homosexuality theme). If there were an alternative universe where the story would be about their romance they would be definitely my OTP \m/ I think it would be great if LMH would be paired with PSY in his next drama :-bd [-O<

Here is my short non-canon interpretation of their encounter :D :

1) The queen is in a mortal danger but finally her secret lover and protector arrives in the last second :x =P~ \m/ while she is shocked to see him since he's been convicted and is on the run


2) You can clearly see the little worried and caring look he gives her :x while she is praying he won't be hurt



3) He is prepared to protect her at any costs and in this moment allows himself to hold her hand out in the open in front of the people because he wouldn't survive if she was taken form him :x




4) The star-crossed lovers :x - What fate awaits them ?


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Guest toychoi

Hi everyone ! Since I don't have time to read all this pages tonight ,sorry if you have already mentioned it but wasn't it soooo funny when GM asked CY about High Doctor's health as if he was asking him about his wife?And CY's silly happy smile ! So cute!

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Guest myphim

Tinkiebell said: @myphim, I will start treating the time travel issue as a red herring, that's intentionally distracting us from the actual issue, which is romance. I will filter it out of my brain and focus more on the actual issue. :)
Don't get me wrong, it's intriguing, but I would prefer to keep my brain in tact, thank you :D

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Auntie Mame said: @myphim:  CY was soooooo pissed at not only Deok-man, but all the rest of the wounded Wuldalchi guys when they all move closer to ES.  It was just that there were too many of them to hit.  So, he was exasperated.

Speaking of jealousy, I thought that KC was going to bust a gut as he looked upon CY massaging ES' hand as the paralysis set in again.   He looked from him to her and back to him again.  Then, he stormed out.  Of course, in his warped mind, he blamed all the touchy-feely as DH's fault. 

KC's thinking:  If DH hadn't poisoned her, then, CY wouldn't be rubbing his hands all over her hand!   Yikes, what other parts of her body did he rubbed!!!   Wooo, I'm going to get you, DH!  
=)) =))

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@icesirenDo you think there was any deeper symbolic meaning behind CY's comment in episode 16 that he couldn't carry ES because he had to carry his sword?
Ooh, I'm so annoyed that, after all the progress we had seen in episode 15 in terms of CY getting handsy with ES all the time, in episode 16 he's back to being reluctant to come near her! :( I get that he's probably trying to protect himself, but shouldn't he rather take advantage of what little time he has left with her, instead of pulling away?

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I still haven't been able to come to a satisfying conclusion as to the meaning of CY's words: "She [ES] has no thoughts/isn't thinking. And she has no heart/feelings."
If that comment doesn't get explained in the next episode(s), I'll make a voodoo doll for writer Song and put that doll (and the affiliated rusty pins) to good use. >:)

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Guest toychoi

Adnana said: @icesirenDo you think there was any deeper symbolic meaning behind CY's comment in episode 16 that he couldn't carry ES because he had to carry his sword?
Ooh, I'm so annoyed that, after all the progress we had seen in episode 15 in terms of CY getting handsy with ES all the time, in episode 16 he's back to being reluctant to come near her! :( I get that he's probably trying to protect himself, but shouldn't he rather take advantage of what little time he has left with her, instead of pulling away?

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Guest Tinkiebell

myphim said: Not a bad idea @Tinkiebell. I am still backtracking through the pages, and it seems most of us are losing a lot of hairs and sleep over this time travel issue. :))
I am starting to feel most of us will not have any hair left by the end of the show. Anyone knows of a good place to buy a wig? ;))

All of the sudden, I have this urge to see all three time slip ES to be in the same place to compete for Choi Young's heart. Now that will be interesting to see. :D
Eun-soo vs Eun-soo vs Eun-soo

Also, Choi Young, Gi Cheol and Deok Heung will not need to fight anymore. There is now one Eun-soo for each of them. :-bd @wisteria7 solved it for us, when one ES rectifies the mistake, all three ES will be merged into one. would save the captain some headache too. Come on, 3 Eunsoo??? Don't you think the captain needs his well deserved break? :)toychoi said: Deeper symbolic meaning? Don' start again!
@toychoi, I think I can think of a few deeper symbolic meaning for that...  :\">

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