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Guest WutHmone

myphim said: My favorite LOL moment for today's episode was when ES walked into the Woodalchi barrack with her short. :))  All the men expressions were priceless. Everyone took a peek at those legs, even our Daejang. ;))

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@myphim , @hayuinblue ,@mattie2012  and @Yuuni thanks for your wonderful recap. so sad i have to leave in the middle of it. now i have to backtrack again. 
My favorite scene for today will be when everyone realize that not even one of the minister are waiting for the King. Gongmin's expression is priceless. I also love how Choi Young's face suddenly softens when his aunt address him.And the last of course Choi Young and the Wudalchi leg shock therapy by ES :))
@wutHmone so sad we can't see LMH leg. But i'm not complaining, his i love his armor too much for that.

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Auntie Mame said: Actually, even before discussing the bromance between GM and CY, we really have to understand the GM character.

As you have all pointed out, it starts with him being taken/sent to Ming, as a hostage/collateral, to ensure the obedience of Goryeo to Yuan.  Being a 12 yr old boy, at that time, he was a child approaching his puberty and his evolution into adulthood. 

Yet, he must have been also quite aware of the politics, bickering, plotting and back-stabbing schemes that permeated the court.  So, while he was still emotionally and physically a child,  his outlook on life and the real world must have been quite mature and rather, negative and pessimistic.

And, once he was in Yuan, it is highly unlikely that Yuan would have cared enough about him to educate and groom him to be king.  If anything, I suspect that Yuan would rather have him be an ignorant wastrel or a fool.  Yuan would not have wanted him to be intelligent or educated because they were only raising him to be their puppet.    GM wasn't even seen as human.  He was merely an ace card that Yuan could use, when needed, to force Goryeo's submission. 

So, this was the type of environment in which GM grew up.  Without the warmth and comfort of a family.  Without the benefit of receiving the wise teachings and council from a father figure.  Without the bonds of friendship and camaraderie.  Without the acceptance of anyone for whom he might have emotionally liked because he didn't dare like anyone since he couldn't trust anyone in Yuan. 

And, the only person he could trust, to a certain degree, was JIS.  And, we all know how lacking is JIS, as a person.   So, it's not likely he was of much help to GM's development into an adult.  So, GM really grew up on his own; having to walk on egg shells with the Yuan Court and yet, trying to learn and keep abreast of all the things happening in his environment and homeland.

And, this would account for his insecure persona that we saw in episode 1, when CY asks him if he could not run away.  I thought that particular scene was rather shocking for CY, a guard, to ask the king if he could not run away.   If CY had asked me that question, I would have felt highly insulted.  For CY to ask that question of a king might have resulted in him being beheaded.   Yet, GM did not react as if he had been insulted.  He was visibly scared enough to mutely obey CY.   GM was totally a lost soul at the start of the drama.

A lost soul, GM may have been.  But, that doesn't mean that he wasn't aware or couldn't discern which person he should trust.   After living his life in two royal courts, GM would have been quite adept at sizing up a person and figuring out whether the person had a personal agenda and wanted to potentially use or harm GM.

And, the bromance started because CY had no personal agenda, other than to fulfill his duty to his position as Captain of the King's Guards.  Therefore, CY was somebody that GM could trust.  And, trust is the foundation of building friendship, which leads to bromance.  :)

(edited to correct 'Ming' to 'Yuan'-Thank you to jerboa83 for noticing my error.)

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Although this is trivia, but I thought this is interesting to share...
The palace that King Gongmin and company arrived at was called Manwoldae - a term coined by Joseon scholars. It was known simply as the Imperial palace at that time. Manwoldae no longer exists, it was destroyed by the Red Turban invasion and right now a joint North and South Korean archaeological team are excavating the site, but it is so huge that they have only excavated 1/5th of it, and will take another 30 years to complete! 
What interests me is that the palace was built without destroying the natural topography of the area, what is called 'environment-respecting' architecture. That's so awesome considering it was built 1000 years ago!

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cr as tagged

I searched the meanings of the words through the net, so :

 in the first pic, CY says "Imja"

2nd pic, ES says 억  in phonetic it's eok and the translation I found on the net is "one hundred million", but I don't know why she would say that out of the blue.. :-?

And in the last pic, CY says : "Peekaboo.." :))

Edi : I just found another definition of 억.

"Urg" is an onopatopoeiac representation of an aspirated sigh or gasp, used as an interjection to express repugnance, annoyance, aggravation, irritation, disgust, boredom or horror.

It makes more sense now LOL

Crédit : Webster's Online Dictionary

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Morning, afternoon @ evening Faithlings ^ ^
I sm awake to go to work again and coming in here to quickly say: THANK YOU!!!
Can't read the recaps (or save the screencaps), will certainly do it when I get home.
Keep discussing, I shall join in whenever! :) :x

p.s. how long did it take this time? :D

@Yuuni peekabo!! :)) how cute!
@mattie2012 I got it off ... Baidu I think :) and they got it off DC if not mistaken :)

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Not yet I don't think icesiren has checked in, I will check other forum everyday to find out more anyways and tell you guys.
I've left a message for that poster who share the news too. Hopefully she can answer my query as to why there's no an exact release date for the novel and only news about a signing event...

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Not yet I don't think icesiren has checked in, I will check other forum everyday to find out more anyways and tell you guys.

I've left a message for that poster who share the news too. Hopefully she can answer my query as to why there's no an exact release date for the novel and only news about a signing event...

Thank you !

In any case, the book should be release in December, so it's okay, but the sooner the better, right? :D

And where will we be able to buy the book ? I wonder..

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Okay, since we just rewatched ep 3, I had to repost that. It doesnt cease to crack me up =)) Credit to @myphim ;) (I took the initiative to repost it Myphim, I hope you don't have any inconvenience with it..)




Soldiers:  General! We thought you just got married. Shouldn't you be on your honeymoon?


ES:  Choi Young!!! How dare you leave me alone on our honeymoon? Get back in bed now!!!


CY:  Dae Man, prepare the horses. The King is in danger.


ES:  Is that puny King more important to you than your wife? You should put me above him in your heart!


ES:  After all, I am way taller than him!!!


ES:  Get back in bed right now! I am giving you one last chance before I'm giving you a divorce.


ES:  You should know that there is a long line of guys waiting for me to be single again.


CY:  Oh! I cannot take this anymore.


CY:  Dae Man, please report to the King that I've suddenly developed a major headache and need to stay in


like the doctor recommended. 


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Continuation:  The Making of A King :  The Bromance of King Gongmin and General Choi Young

Choi Young's Honest Opinion of King Gongmin

So Choi Young tells the king he knows nothing about politics.  But King Gongmin must discern something about the Wudalchi captain who has been around the previous kings that he turns to him and asks him point blank:  


The Wudlachi captain is surprised at this question.  I don't think any of the kings he has served so far has asked him his opinion on anything.  As far as he is concerned, politics is none of his business.  To his knowledge, his job description just calls for protecting the king  and kill anyone who becomes a threat to the king.  So the Wudalchi captain answers him in his best matter-of-fact demeanor. 

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But the king isn't fooled.  King Gongmin may be young but he is astute.  I think that being a hostage in Yuan has taught him to discern between people who are sincere or are sucking up to him.

I would also like to add @Auntie Mame's assessment of King Gongmin:

A lost soul, GM may have been.  But, that doesn't mean that he wasn't aware or couldn't discern which person he should trust.   After living his life in two royal courts, GM would have been quite adept at sizing up a person and figuring out whether the person had a personal agenda and wanted to potentially use or harm GM.

I don't think that Choi Young intended for his answer to come out as being insincere.  He must have been caught off-guard by the question and just wanted to come up with an answer that would be pleasing to the king's ears. 

So the King follows up his question.

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 Tell me the truth.  What do you think of me as the king of Goryeo?  So Choi Young tells him exactly how he sees it.

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Ouch.  But you asked for his honest opinion, King Gongmin.  

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Those words must have hit King Gongmin right in the heart.   He probably did not expect Choi Young to be very blunt with his opinion.   But at least his captain of the Wudalchi gave him an honest assessment.  If there is anything that he needs right now is someone who gives him an accurate picture of how he is viewed by the populace that he will rule over.  Otherwise, he would not have asked Choi Young's opinion of him.

I wanted to pause for a while here and think about why KG decided to ask a warrior his opinion of him as king.  I doubt that he knew what to expect from Choi Young's thoughts but he must have thought to himself:  here is a warrior, a regular citizen of my country.  He is not a politician or a statesman so he would not be in any position to give diplomatic answers.  I have no connection to him right now other than his duty to protect me.  I put my life in his hands today and he protected me with his life.  What does a regular citizen like him think of this new king in town?

Although taken aback by by his answer, the king graciously thanks Choi Young.  He was mustering the courage to put a smile on his face after a disparaging opinion of him. 


Choi Young is probably surprised by the King's reaction.  Any other crazy king would have struck him dead after the answer that he gave.  He calls the kings's attention as he walks away.   I particularly like this statement that he made.


This final statement of Choi Young is open to a lot of interpretation.  It's everyone's turn to explain why he said that.  I have to rest my brain:)>-

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@Yuuni   My goodness! You must have backtrack a lot to collect this. I have not seen these gifs myself in a long time. :))  Oh, the memories from back then. Imja was quite demanding in my mind back then. =)) =))

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@Yuuni   My goodness! You must have backtrack a lot to collect this. I have not seen these gifs myself in a long time. :))  Oh' date=' the memories from back then. Imja was quite demanding in my mind back then. =)) =))[/quote']

Fortunately I didn't have to back track.

I found a trick ;)

This line : "After all, I am way taller than him !" was still stuck in mind after all this time, so I googled it with the key words "faith", "soompi", "forum" and it was done :D

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@mattie2012  I love all your posts about Choi Young and Gongmin. I'm happy you are exploring their relationship in depth this time around.

As for Choi Young last statement, I think he said it so that Gongmin would not be deeply hurt by his words. Also, it's true. I don't think Choi Young particularly disliked Gongmin, he just disliked politics and politicians in general. What's happened with his teacher and fiance had disillusioned him to this whole world he's living in.

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