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@sia3 still cannot wait until volume 4 release later, i'll buy that all volumes unless i don't understand the words and it's take a loooootttttt time for me to translate that all wooossshhhh 8-}

and i want to ask, where's scene in faith that had younha one tears drop backsound? i love this ost but i thought i never heard that ost in faith :))

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Morning :x

Since uri dear @Tiger made her confession, here's mine too. :P

Nado don't feel like posting anything anywhere but at Faith. Same reason as tiger. Maybe when the drama is fully aired..attending season two (a recap?) would be more fun.


Sorry for not replying to your post at the Master's thread. I don't have much to say there about the drama (Dunno if it's laziness or because I love almost everything about it so no need to re-say it again. Waste people's time) and it's against the rules to reply merely with a hello back there (well- here too but I'm fine with it as long as the Faithlings are :P). I watched SJS's Always btw and I liked it :D

To everyone reporting at the Heirs, please

Make sure to swoon on behalf of all of us.

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said: Morning :x Since uri dear @Tiger made her confession, here's mine too.


Nado don't feel like posting anything anywhere but at Faith. Same reason as tiger. Maybe when the drama is fully aired..attending season two (a recap?) would be more fun. @Yoshikitty Sorry for not replying to your post at the Master's thread. I don't have much to say there about the drama (Dunno if it's laziness or because I love almost everything about it so no need to re-say it again. Waste people's time) and it's against the rules to reply merely with a hello back there (well- here too but I'm fine with it as long as the Faithlings are


). I watched SJS's Always btw and I liked it


To everyone reporting at the Heirs, please Make sure to swoon on behalf of all of us.

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Imja, I'm here!


Just read your post about the postponement of volume 3.
I'm quite sad about it, but I understand that SJN needs time to give us a wonderful story.
So far, her writing of Imja and Daejang has been quite good.
I am still swooning over our couple. :D

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Guest tigereyespeppy

Aw, those pretty pictures with the old time look to them makes that scene look even more sad! :(

I don't believe in love at first sight... but I definitely believe in attraction at first sight. :)
Which is what I think SJN was going for in the book. I think that CY & ES had a SERIOUS case of attraction at first sight (who would blame them :)) ) and that the times that they had together after that developed into a deep love for each other that helped to pull them back together after they were separated.
When you think about it, what most people call "love at first sight" is really just two people who were very attracted to each other and that attraction eventually developed into love. When you feel comfortable with someone and trust them, it creates a bond that is very strong. When you add attraction into that, it's almost a guarantee that love will develop. :)
The problem is that most people just take the attractions they feel and go crazy with it!  8-|
They'll find someone that they're attracted to, and instead of viewing it as a chance to create a life long, special relationship with someone... they'll just pass it off as something physical and either not go any deeper into it, or they'll sleep with the person and break up with them! ~X( 

I guess we'll have to wait until the book gets to the part in episode 12 to find out what he was thinking. :)

Thank you for posting all the videos and pictures! :x
Quick question though, was Daejang's headband just so that he'd look sexy? Or was it something that generals back then actually had to wear?
I know that they took a lot of liberties with the costumes in Faith because it was a fusion drama. So was his head band really something that they would use back then? Or was it just for props? And if they really did use them, was it just to tie back the hair? Or did it have a special meaning?  :-?

Yes! It would've been nice to see Daejang travel WITH Imja to the future and have her guide him around a bit. :D
I wonder how different it would've been for him to have her as his guide and introduce him to modern things. 8->

Sorry I disappeared for a while. I was sick, and RL took a crazy turn. So I couldn't come play for a while.  :!!

Good to be back Kitty. ;)
So Cain and Able had a happy ending? :D
Great! That's one more drama I can add to my list. :)>-

I'm glad you enjoyed watching Heirs. I agree that PSH's acting is pretty good. But I haven't seen any really good kisses from her yet. (But that may be because of the director or the script.) So hopefully, since she'll be doing it with LMH, we'll get to see some fire-hot kisses! ;;)

How are you liking Two Weeks so far? :)
I thought it was a very good drama. :D
And the little girl was ADORABLE! :x

I know what you mean. :))
I'm like Adlyn, every time I watch Heirs, I keep comparing it to Faith and wanting to see some Daejang action! :D

Oh! Faith HUGS!  I think I loved the hugs in Faith more than any other drama so far. :x
And that hand holding scene is still one of my all time favorite drama moments.  8->

I agree Zaen, things are a little too crazy in the Heirs thread right now for me to try and get involved... :|
Maybe once things have cooled down a bit, I'll try posting something later. :)

I'm so glad you like Always! :D
SJS's acting in that movie Rocked! \m/

What did you think of the movie? 8->

@laquetahodge  & @sia3
About LMH's English...
I don't know why they have so many people making a fuss about how he said his lines. 8-|
I find it laughable that most people in the US don't even speak proper English, and they expect someone who's only been learning it for a short while to be able to speak it fluently??? /:)
I say that the actors did their best and whoever doesn't like it should shut up and trying speaking a language they don't know and see how well they do. >:P
Honestly I thought LMH's accent was kind cute. :\">

I'm heading out the door, but before I go I wanted to say that I agree with you about SJN's writing.
I think she's doing an amazing job and she's taking the book to places that I would've LOVED to have seen in the drama. :D

Now I really have to go. :(
I'll talk to y'all later! :-h

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dr25 said: Hahah how true. I actually watched it after reading two of my fellow Faithlings discussion in its regard. ;)) How did you find it? @Myphin Oh my, welcome home :x :x >:D<

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:)) You still remember :))

We're doing fine ;))

A few weeks ago he told us: I hope to make a comeback on 2014. We'll see..

That aside, how are (you)?

Misssssssssssssed ya a lot T^T.

Why the sudden absence, if I may ask?

Been at our second home? How do you find the drama so far? *.*

@cassopeia You've answred already :P

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dr25 said:


) You still remember


) We're doing fine


) A few weeks ago he told us: I hope to make a comeback on 2014. We'll see.. That aside, how are (you)? Misssssssssssssed ya a lot T^T. Why the sudden absence, if I may ask? Been at our second home? How do you find the drama so far? *.*

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I think I am coming down with something :(
I woke up at 5 am today with serious backaches/muscle aches and could not go back to bed. So now I'm just checking into soompi and tired myself out and hope that I can go back to bed.

Ah I see. I have been away so I wasn't able to follow up with each and every BTS. It's also impossible to follow the thread; that thread reminds me of Faith thread back then :))

Yes, PSH is alright to me for now too. It's still early to judge everyone's performances... I usually give them extra times to get into their characters. I still remember I did not like Eun Soo at the beginning, she was so noisy. =)) I didn't like Noguk and Gongmin either, one was arrogant and the other is... a jerk. :))

SJS and GHJ are great actor/actress. Love them both too... they made TMS fun to watch.

Oh boy, I can't answer about that song :))
If you ask me which scene appears in which episode, I can do that but music? Errr... that's a challenge!
Anyone here can help her???

I'm a Korean idiot so it's a no for buying the novels and do any translations. I'll just put my hope in a Chinese version!

I'm no longer surprise of the delay ~ hahaha!
It's good for us too, that way the translator(s) can share more of volume 2 with us :D

OMO. I agree with you on the "attraction at first sight" theory. I also think their meeting is fated to be, which is why the special effects they added to it in the drama.

I believe the headband is the symbolism of Choi Young being the Wudalchi daejang... taking it off as we saw in ep19 means he shed his Wudalchi duty. Choi Young from The Great Seer also wore a headband too. :) If my memory still serve me right, it was mentioned in the script that his headband indicated his duty towards GM.

By the way, I don't think Empress Ki will be historically correct at all after knowing a little of the background story. They did not even get the costume of Yuan dynasty right! X( So just watch it as a fantasy sageuk instead, ok?
A shout out to @laquetahodge @dr25 @cassopeia and @rrmski too. :-h
I'm going to go off now.... not feeling well and lack of sleep! :((

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@sia3 that's makes me curious.. i almost never heard that music backsound.. must i rewatch faith again just to found that backsound? :))

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tigereyespeppy said: Sorry to cut your post

Good to be back Kitty. ;)
So Cain and Able had a happy ending? :D
Great! That's one more drama I can add to my list. :)>-

I'm glad you enjoyed watching Heirs. I agree that PSH's acting is pretty good. But I haven't seen any really good kisses from her yet. (But that may be because of the director or the script.) So hopefully, since she'll be doing it with LMH, we'll get to see some fire-hot kisses! ;;)

How are you liking Two Weeks so far? :)
I thought it was a very good drama. :D
And the little girl was ADORABLE! :x

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laquetahodge said: @tigeryeyespeppy You and me both. I loved how he was speaking especially his "It's okay baby" :x :x :x @myphim I agree. I love SJN's writing and I am behind the delay if that means we get another great story. Anything to make me love daejang even more is fine with me :D Though I didn't think that was possible ;;):)

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