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I went out and left my phone at home. Didn't do it for a while, felt like doing it today for a change.

@azzurri I think I read/heard somewhere about prophet Mohammad having the four types of something...maybe it's those things. There are waay so many divisions. Is there a certain test to take or can I just guess what type my thinking id haphazardly?

My friends tell my I'm a visual-auditory person.



Here are some articles:


This article says you're like Obama. Whether you think of it as a compliment or not is up to you ;))


This one says you're like Michael Moore ❤ I like this guy. He's one of those ppl I think I'll easily befriend if we ever met in RL.



The one about the box is soo funny ;)) Is it true?



Thanks for congratulating me :)


I love being an INFJ. Harry Potter's Albus Dumbledore is supposedly an INFJ :D

It's confusing really; seeing all the possibilities makes me over think every single thing. What ifs are a big whole world :x I assume you've developed certain techniques to be more decisive since you're doing a scientific major. ;)

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Guest guadi


said: Hi @guadi. :-h  How are you? Haven't seen you around much lately.

Anyway, I actually recognize the lady in the picture.


That's the ex-fiance aka the person most Faithlings like to forget.


)  I remember the time when most of us were debating whether she was Daejang's first love or not.


As for this one, I have no word.


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yeah being a science major since there's alot right and wrong and you think more logic and reason you tend to stick to one side than with philosophy you stick to interpretation which is ever changing depending on your stage on life and what your experiencing ... being INFJ you can be many things ... personally people can't pin point how I am ... I am very ambiguous cuz of the fact that I do relate to people or try to ... my empathy makes me identify with those the appear to be my polar opposite . So no one can really say I am like this or like that ...

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dr25 said:
Here are some articles:

This article says you're like Obama. Whether you think of it as a compliment or not is up to you ;))

This one says you're like Michael Moore ❤ I like this guy. He's one of those ppl I think I'll easily befriend if we ever met in RL.

The one about the box is soo funny ;)) Is it true?

Sorry to cut your post***
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Hi all - 
I'm glad you're liking the pics.  And since the moon doesn't seem like it's in the 7th house and Jupiter is not aligning with Mars, I opt not to attempt implementation of the spoiler tags.  Here are more pics...

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Guest guadi

Some tidbits from Lee Min-ho Japan concert:

Lolz I'm not surprised about the sleeping part. Further confirmation that Lee Min-ho is Choi Young reincarnated :)) :)) :))
Oh, based on these answers, I'm his perfect match 8-> 8-} (jk)
(credit as tagged)
Edit: @kappy - his head looks so big in that picture of him holding the puppy :P

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@guadi - Thanks for the info!  And as for #18, 2 outta 3 ain't bad, is it?  Haha.  Congrats on your being his perfect match!  Yes, sleeping does one good.  Look what's it's done for him?  Must be what they call "beauty rest."  Dang, I really should follow their (LMH and CY's) advice.
Last of the pics...

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Guest guadi

@kappy - For #18, what do you mean 2 out of 3? Are you soft and petite, but not cute? Or Soft and cute but not petite? Or petite and cute, but not soft?  :-/ :-/ :-/
And what does he mean by soft? Soft skin, soft heart, soft personality, soft melodious voice? :))
So cryptic. 
I like #13 the most :\"> :\"> :\">

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Guest tigereyespeppy

Wow, that was interesting.
I heard that potatoes came from Ireland or somewhere in Europe. But I don't know if that's true or not. I've heard that a lot of plants travel to different countries and islands because of travelers that bring them, or because of animals like birds that migrate and bring the seeds of the plants with them. :)
Love the pictures you posted. :D

Wouldn't it be awesome if the original Naoki was a doctor in that hospital and he was married to the original Kotoko?!?!?! ;))
I would love to see that! :))

ISFJ! \m/  :))
I wonder if you can be a 'scattered' thinker combined with 'chapter'? :))  I can be a little scattered with my thinking, (especially if I'm having to sit still and listen to something for a long time)  but I can also be organized in my thinking. It depends on the situation. So I'm guessing I'm a combination of both. :D
I'm glad that this version of Mischievous Kiss is following pretty close to the manga. I did like the cast from the original version, but they went so far from the story and I didn't like that. :(
I'm gonna try to watch more of LC tonight, but I'm pretty sure I know who's going to end up with who already. :))

Hey Ian! :-h
I'm glad that he can sing and dance, and he does them very good, but I'd rather watch him kiss and act! :))

I LOVED Kimi ni Todoke! :x
I think it was the first show with him in it that I really liked. :)
I agree that Playful Kiss got better after they got married. :)) The YouTube versions were so cute. I wish they could've been like that for the rest of the show.
I guess it was the same for the TW version too. I LOVE all of it, but I was glued to my screen when it came to the parts after they got married.
8->  I fact I think I liked season 2 more than season 1. :D
But this new version seem to be doing pretty good. They've already had two kisses. And that's more than the first Japanese version had. They didn't give you a kiss until the very end! I know that the anime took the story farther than the manga did. I wonder if they're going to do that with this one as well???

#2 He only spend 2 minutes in the shower??? I guess we know what he's NOT doing. :))
#3 I'm like that too. ;)
#4 Wait..... so that means that LMH picks out his OWN outfits for his shows?????? :-O  I have no words. :|
#5 & 6 Of COURSE he does. Why can't men like it when a woman wears "comfortable" clothes?????  8-| 
#8 Is he talking about 'SLEEP' sleep? Or 'laying in bed but still awake' sleep? ;))
#11 YES! <:-P
#12 Does this mean because he has to practice that he listens to it daily? Or that he likes to hear himself talk? :-/
#13 Oh yeah! :>
#14 Awwww! 8->
#15 What???? :-??
#16 hehehe You're up Bunny! ;)
#18 Of course. :(  I can be 1 and 3, but I'll never be 2. :-<
#19 I agree. :-bd
#20 OMG YES! I-)
#21 OH MAN, I love when I can get this. :x

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@tigereyespeppy You read #2 wrong, he spends 20 minutes in the shower :))
Also, I'm loving the fact that he likes to sleep....? I don't know I find it hilarious. I guess when he's filming or on tour, he doesn't have much chance to rest, that's why he tries to get the most of it every time :))But he's right, sleep is awesome, and naps are life man.

No idea why you guys are talking about potatoes but @kappy @tigereyespeppy Not sure if it does indeed originates from Ireland, but what I know is that potato in Ireland is like what rice is to Asian countries. Back in like a million years ago (like... in the 18th century or something), Ireland had a pretty bad potato drought and it led to a famine and killed tons of Irish people. It was THAT crucial to their daily diet!They also have tons of dishes based on potato.
(You might look at me weird because I know random facts about potato, but I'd like to point out that I learned that when I did a homestay thing in Ireland back when I was 14 :)) I'm not some weird potato lover hahaha. Although potato are awesome. They're yummy. And it's easy to cook. Potato potato.)

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response to LMH Qs

1) my phone is white too ;))

2) tigger its 20 minutes

3)I prefer to txt than call too

4) mix and match clothes reason why we have seen disasters lately lol... there's been alot more mixing than matching

5 and 6 of course he is a man

miniskirts I like .. bikinis sorry dont have the body quite toned for that

7) that's good he's not picky

8)hahaha I LOVE sleep too

that and eating

9) I had too many fave quotes

10) true it's hard for me to cry in films but ever since kdramas came into my life I get a lol ready eyed

11)winter is Korea no no no.. I love Fall

12)haha listen to his voice ..finally found something not so modest about him ..

13) =P~ =P~ =P~ enough said

14) cute .. like sunny days but like sunrise

15)that's so random but cute

16) aww yeah baby!! in you look great in it


this has got to be his greatest outfit from his concerts by far

17)who doesn't like 7

18) if its soft skinned ..nope

soft character yes

petite the real meaning in French is short so I fit that but petite figure no

cute - yes ;))

19)I love breakfast !!! well he will have to take me to breakfast then :))

20)CY reincarnated for sure

21) that's lots of sleep

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Guest tigereyespeppy

It was so small I couldn't read some of the words and I guessed. :))
That sounds more reasonable. ;;)

I love to sleep, If I can get a good 9 to 11 hours sleep....... 8->
And naps are my friend. =))  only I don't take 10 or twenty minute naps. [-X  mine are more like 2 hours at a time. :D

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Guest tigereyespeppy

hahahaha we were talking about them because of this:

I knew that about potatoes in Ireland too. I had seen it in a documentary I think. :)
I love potatoes, but unfortunately I have to stay away from them. I'm diabetic. :((


I can wear miniskirts, but I feel exposed if I do. :\">
And there is NO WAY I'm wearing a BIKINI in PUBLIC!  [-(
I have soft skin, except for my hands cause they're in water a lot. And my personality could be considered soft (ish) =))
There is no way that I'd be considered petite in any fashion. :P
I'm the same height as Suzy in Gu, and I have a (ahem) rather large bust with shoulders that would fit on a football player. :))  (The American kind)
I could do the cute part though. ;)

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@tigereyespeppy I finally get to talk to you live! Phew! Everytime you're here, I'm not and vice versa. Anyway, how have you been? Do you have more free time now that tax season is over? :D
@kappy YOURE HAWAIAN??? Excuse my enthusiasm, but waaah, it's always been my dream of visiting Hawaii. I heard the islands were beautiful there.  :x
And since you guys were talking about potatoes... I like yams. XD (which is again, different from Taro and potatoes...)
It's really interesting to see all the food that were available (or not available) to them in Goryeo era. I can't recall if Eun Soo said it sometimes in the show or I'm just assuming it, but Kimchi didn't exist either back then right?
Kimchi is so inherent to the Korean culture that I find difficult to conceive that there was a time where it simply did not exist :))

EDIT: @adlyn13 @tigereyespeppy LMH's answer about bikinis and miniskirts, I thought they were typical answers of a man. I've never seen/met a guy who didn't like scantily clad women  /:)

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@violetts @tigereyespeppy

I am glad when men are honest on what they like on a woman. If he likes her to show skin cuz he wants to see it .. it's normal men are visual and sexual animals . A guy that says he doesn't like bikinis or miniskirts is like saying he doesn't like sex /:) lol

idk why we women get mad at it when it's a natural thing . I guess cuz some men go overboard and are sick pervs. What I really hate is when act all "gentlemen" sayings they prefer their woman covered just to get laid or for sexist reasons

to me a guy that says what LMH said did is normal but I bet he likes his girl dress normal showing some skin no too much it's tasteless

and omg all this talk of potatoes is making crave it hahaha ... hmm should I make baked potato , mash potato or French fries :D

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Guest tigereyespeppy

hahahaha I'm here but my answers might be a bit delayed. ;)
I've been good. It's funny, but although I'm not as busy at work, I'm still busy. :((
So not really having a ton of free time, but I'm a little bit free-er than I was, :))

How about you? How're things going on your end? :D

About bikinis and miniskirts, yep, that's a typical male for ya. :P

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@adlyn13 From the way you say it you make it look like all men are beasts lol. I wouldn't be so blunt and diminishing, I mean, let's give the opposite sex more credit than that.As long as they're respectful, it's all that matters :)
@tigereyespeppy Busy here too. This week is finals week, so I've been doing a bunch of school work, and I'm moving back home right after my finals are done, so yep yep I cannot catch a break :))Stay here a bit more! Puhleaaaase :D
And I just looked it up, Kimchi as we know it today originates from the 16th century when Korea got introduced to red chili peppers (main ingredient of Kimchi) after the discovery of the "new world" by Europeans. So since Goryeo only last until the 14th century, King GM and Choi Young never tasted this wonderful dish.
I bet Kimchi is what Eun Soo missed the most from her world; poor her :)

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lol as I bio major I see it as that nothing beastly just normal ... we are animals though ahaha

some more than others no matter what sex hahaha

hahaha ES face... she did mention to GM if they had Kimichi or she wanted Kimchi idk what exactly I think it was ep 3 or 4

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