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Guest tigereyespeppy


Yeah, it kinda felt like that to me too. :)

I'm glad you liked it. :D
Talk to you later. ;)

Edit: I'm going to bed too.
Goodnight All! >:D<

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said: @kappy

I heard that potatoes weren't available in that time period that GM lived in. So maybe they had taro instead and then the taro plant traveled and moved to Hawaii! :-? It would be interesting to learn how food has changed over the years in different places like Korea and Japan.


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@dr25 and @tigereyespeppy

you gals went to bed already ... interesting convo too bad I was sleeping

well I took the test

and well he are my results


Introvert(33%) iNtuitive(38%) Feeling(25%) Judging(22%)

You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (33%)

You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%)

You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (25%)

You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (22%)



this article wrote about me lol

yeah Ive always wanted to be an activist like working for the UN for Human Rights

yes I do defend others but then again go back to the victim and scold them for keeping there mouth shut . One thing I go against is bullying . You bully a person you best believe your dealing with my wrath but at the same time I try empathize cuz I believe those who opress were opressed once and at times they're the biggest victim than the culprit although not always


lol no wonder I love Batman so much same personality hahaha


thanks for the post card pics

they're awesome and LMH looks oh so yummy

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@kappy Love your LMH cards :) The best part is that you got them yourself.

I love the last one in the second line, with the cyan patterned jacket.

@adlyn13 0_o! You're one of the rarest! :-h High five amigo! Yesterday, I read this tweet written by one INFJ on Twitter:

I alternate daily between being a pretentious intellectual and giddy 5-year-old child. #infj #infjproblems

In my case it 100% applies :P You?

I think, reading your post for some time, it does.





PDF(haven't read it so idk):


BTW I didn't say I'll go to bed, I said I'll go :) I took a shower, and had lunch.


New avatar, who is he? :>


@laquetahodge Hi :)

Where are ya from?

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Hi beloved Faithlings! Did I miss everyone again? :(
Prof V @vangsweetie637, I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well, sweetie. You should really go get it checked. Maybe it's just exhaustion and stress though, and that would be cured with Vit C, plenty of rest and TLC. LOL
Let me give you a Daejang hug, and hope you get all better soonest.

@maja, @berliansiahaan, @sia3 LMH at his adorkable best is my MAJOR weakness. Grinning like I'm nuts at the my pc watching them. Thank you!
@tigereyespeppy, with all the positive comments, I shall attempt to resume Mischievous Kiss and turn down my Himura Miura Love. 
;;) ;;) ;;)
And yay! You love the original Naoki too! I really have to go watch now that the original Kotoko has cameo-ed. I found her screeching so annoying, but the end scene with Naoki at the railway line was really sweet!  :x
If the original Naoki also makes an appearance, I will definitely marathon! Hehehe.
And Last Cinderella... as you know, I'm on the edge of obsession now. LOL Oh, and sorry @laquetahodge, I didn't answer your question completely. I heard there will be 12 episodes in all for LC, and we're now coming to the 10th episode this Thursday.
@dr25, as salaam chingu! Congratulations on graduating. You are truly awesome! And I am taking your personality test, will post it once I do it. I just came off a seminar on communication and thinking and I'm apparently a visual person with 'chapter' type of thinking. LOL So many confusing terms!
@sia3. @gukja, come out and play!  ;)

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@dr25, I'm the same with Tigger. High five @tigereyespeppy!
SFJIntrovert(44%)  Sensing(12%)  Feeling(50%)  Judging(11%)

  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%)
  • You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%)
  • You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%)
  • You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (11%)
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dr25 said:


New avatar, who is he?

@dr25 It's him (SJS) dear :D

Get out of here! SJS! Wait...@-) My eys can't be this bad 0_0 Wait lemme check.


Wa! It's him! Love the pic. Is it caz of the glasses? He looks super cool chingu \m/

@azzurri Wa'alaikum as salam! >:D< I know about the visual division. I dun't recall what we call the other two in English though. What's a 'chapter' type of thinking :D?


The number of introverts here is remarkable :)) Read the article? Does it fit your RL personality?

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Hi everyone!
Sorry been fading in and out today. I have like 3-4 pages to bp. Apologies if I actually missed out replying. *dizzy*
I feel extremely sleepy at the moment too.

I love this fancam where the host asked him about what type of genre Faith is.
Uri Minho "Uhhhhhhhh...." for a long time before listing it out as fantasy, romance, action, melodrama, xxx (I couldn't make it out what the meaning is, a little help @violetts or @kappy), politics and xxx (another I can't make out). =)) I love the smiles and laughs :x

@azzurri >:D< Miss you too, babe!
Oh dear! Nooooooooo... no jumping ship. It's very clear now how the story will end, don't you think? I reckon it will go towards what we originally wanted. I like Hiroto too but I reckon, like Sakura said, he's still has his dream to fulfill and he should go after it when he's still got the chance. I know he earnestly wants to be a better person and believe/need Sakura beside him but I also think he can be that better person (and let go of his guilt) without Sakura. He needs to do it himself, and not rely on Sakura.

On the other hand, like everyone else have witnessed, Sakura and Rintaro are suited to each other - they just don't know it yet or at least now one of them knows! *Sigh* Finally!!

Haruma definitely has got a certain charm. He's not the strongest actor around but there is just something about him that I do like. He needs to pick a better drama though and at the moment, he's stucked as being a student! LOL! It suits him a lot too! I love him in the movie Kimi ni Todoke. You should check it out :)

LOL @ the bum video you shared. We need a magnifying glass for the bum. I'm so sad the Japanese minoz are less efficient with their camera/videos. I'm glad they are following the rules, I guess but I also feel sad that I've less LMH cuteness to see. :(

As for the Love Motion butt Lesson... ;)) Maja posted the butt shaking from the camera taking it at the right angle and now we have it from the left side and seeing the butt =)) My day has been made! He told MJ that the next FM that everyone is going to do the Love Motion together :)) Sureeee no problem!!!

Sorry sweet, I've been busy when you called. Please get well soon.

@tigereyespeppy @azzurri
Hmm... I think this new version of Irie Naoki is closer to the original manga version though. Takashi Kashiwabara was handsomely adorable then of course (hehe) but it was a bit on the too bad it was too short and they did not follow the manga. Hence the reason why I liked the TW version more. I didn't mind the Korean ver. Playful Kiss however it just wasn't as interesting, unfortunately. I think their chemistry only started to sizzle in the extended version on Youtube. I think bottom line is the storyline gets more interesting after those 2 got married! =)) Irie is more alive after that :P which is why at the moment, I'm just fast forwarding each episode and not really watching them. *sorry show*

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@dr25 I have just finished doing the test too,These are my results

ENFJ Extravert(1%)  iNtuitive(50%)  Feeling(12%)  Judging(22%)

  • You have
marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion (1%)You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%)You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (22%) Details
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@dr25, yeah the visual bit is from the Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic kind of person. So I'm mostly visual. Here we go, trying out them spoiler tags again.

'Chapter' according to the expert, is a type of thinking process. Basically there are four types and we can be 1 or more than one. The Prophet Muhammad apparently had all four.

;) Anyway they are 'scattered', 'linear', 'chapter' and 'system', so the names kind of describes it already. A 'chapter' kind of thinking, just like chapters of a book, is organised and has a certain structure. A 'scattered' thinker is a person who is thinking many things at once, so talking to them is a real adventure because they will be talking about so many things and changing topics frequently. A linear person thinks step by step, or what comes first and then next and then next. A system person, is the most complicated, because they think in big ways, see things the rest cannot see and can organise thought into 'systems' of ideas I guess. But it's ok to be any one of them, because they all have advantages, so don't think that to be excellent, you have to be a 'system' kind of person. Anyway that's what I understood from that seminar, and I could be wrong! LOL

I read the article, yes there is a lot in me in there, maybe 80% true. Amazing.
Hi @berliansiahaan! He is so adorkable, I can't stand it! LOL

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Guest xopo17

imja fans is still loyal until now. thanks to all minoz who made this thread alive until now. good job you all
imjaaaaaaaaaa , and then daejanggggggggggggg :P

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I forgot to congratulate you on your graduation ill make it more proper once I get on my laptop . Either way congrats <:-P

and yeah being INFJ personality is rare and it's true what is mentioned in the article I get mistaken for being outgoing when I am not really . It's just that connecting with people and putting myself in their shoes comes easy to me . I like intimate small group reunions than being in big crowds


lol yeah well with my eagle eyes and being pervy ill I saw was his bum ;)) I tried to find better quality but to no avail. There's alot more pics that I found online of the Japan concert ill post them if you and Maja haven't done so later today

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