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Actually, even before discussing the bromance between GM and CY, we really have to understand the GM character.

As you have all pointed out, it starts with him being taken/sent to Ming, as a hostage/collateral, to ensure the obedience of Goryeo to Yuan.  Being a 12 yr old boy, at that time, he was a child approaching his puberty and his evolution into adulthood. 

Yet, he must have been also quite aware of the politics, bickering, plotting and back-stabbing schemes that permeated the court.  So, while he was still emotionally and physically a child,  his outlook on life and the real world must have been quite mature and rather, negative and pessimistic.

And, once he was in Yuan, it is highly unlikely that Yuan would have cared enough about him to educate and groom him to be king.  If anything, I suspect that Yuan would rather have him be an ignorant wastrel or a fool.  Yuan would not have wanted him to be intelligent or educated because they were only raising him to be their puppet.    GM wasn't even seen as human.  He was merely an ace card that Yuan could use, when needed, to force Goryeo's submission. 

So, this was the type of environment in which GM grew up.  Without the warmth and comfort of a family.  Without the benefit of receiving the wise teachings and council from a father figure.  Without the bonds of friendship and camaraderie.  Without the acceptance of anyone for whom he might have emotionally liked because he didn't dare like anyone since he couldn't trust anyone in Yuan. 

And, the only person he could trust, to a certain degree, was JIS.  And, we all know how lacking is JIS, as a person.   So, it's not likely he was of much help to GM's development into an adult.  So, GM really grew up on his own; having to walk on egg shells with the Yuan Court and yet, trying to learn and keep abreast of all the things happening in his environment and homeland.

And, this would account for his insecure persona that we saw in episode 1, when CY asks him if he could not run away.  I thought that particular scene was rather shocking for CY, a guard, to ask the king if he could not run away.   If CY had asked me that question, I would have felt highly insulted.  For CY to ask that question of a king might have resulted in him being beheaded.   Yet, GM did not react as if he had been insulted.  He was visibly scared enough to mutely obey CY.   GM was totally a lost soul at the start of the drama.

A lost soul, GM may have been.  But, that doesn't mean that he wasn't aware or couldn't discern which person he should trust.   After living his life in two royal courts, GM would have been quite adept at sizing up a person and figuring out whether the person had a personal agenda and wanted to potentially use or harm GM.

And, the bromance started because CY had no personal agenda, other than to fulfill his duty to his position as Captain of the King's Guards.  Therefore, CY was somebody that GM could trust.  And, trust is the foundation of building friendship, which leads to bromance.  :)

(edited to correct 'Ming' to 'Yuan'-Thank you to jerboa83 for noticing my error.)

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I just came back from another forum, with news regarding FAITH NOVEL!!!
My heart is pounding so fast now because I'm excited...for no reason, I can't read Korean, so what the... but still ...

The poster said some Korean fans have already gotten a peek into the content of the novel, a pre-sale copy of some sort that they must have gotten when SJN had a meeting with them on the 24/11. SJN tends to have a meeting with
드다 (I don't know what this means) once a year. Other Faith casts present at the meeting on 24/11 include Lady Choi, Hwasuin, Choong Suk, Deok-Man and Deol Bae! Eeeek!!!!

The poster said the content of the novel covers a lot, e.g. story that is not included in the TV broadcast, more thorough description of the action scene, what the characters think (YES!). The novel is much more detailed with description such as how CY feels when he first met ES and regarding his master (the poster forgot the details... :( )

There will be a Faith novel signing event on the 15th December at 5-7pm.
Half of the time will be used for Q&A!
Venue: Here
Wikipedia about the venue: Here

Therefore......... Faith Novel should be OUT before 15th December!!!!!! \m/

Calling @icesiren, can you please help us Faithlings confirm this from SJN's website or somewhere?? *excited*
Don't want to spread the wrong info so please help us!!! BIG BIG BIG Thanks in advance!!!


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sia3 said: /delurk

I just came back from another forum, with news regarding FAITH NOVEL!!!
My heart is pounding so fast now because I'm excited...for no reason, I can't read Korean, so what the... but still ...

The poster said some Korean fans have already gotten a peek into the content of the novel, a pre-sale copy of some sort that they must have gotten when SJN has a meeting with them on the 24/11. SJN tends to have a meeting with
드다 (I don't know what this means) once a year. Other Faith casts present at the meeting include Lady Choi, Hwasuin, Choong Suk, Deok-Man and Deol Bae! Eeeek!!!!

She said the content of the novel covers a lot, e.g. story that is not included in the TV broadcast, more thorough description of the  what the characters think (YES!). The novel is much more detailed with description such as how CY feels when he first met ES and regarding his master (the poster forgot the details... :( )

There will be a Faith novel signing event on the 15th December at 5-7pm.
Half of the time will be used for Q&A!
Venue: Here
Wikipedia about the venue: Here

Therefore......... Faith Novel should be OUT before 15th December!!!!!! \m/

Calling @icesiren, can you please help us Faithlings confirm this on SJN's website?? *excited*
BIG BIG BIG Thanks in advance


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@sia3   That's the best news yet! I'm so excited too! Faith novel will be an early Christmas present this year for me. :x  I cannot wait to peek into Daejang's mind. I want to know what he really thinks of Imja. :))  He probably wants to duct tape her mouth too at the beginning. :))

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awesomeduck said: sia3 said: /delurk

I just came back from another forum, with news regarding FAITH NOVEL!!!
My heart is pounding so fast now because I'm excited...for no reason, I can't read Korean, so what the... but still ...

The poster said some Korean fans have already gotten a peek into the content of the novel, a pre-sale copy of some sort that they must have gotten when SJN has a meeting with them on the 24/11. SJN tends to have a meeting with
드다 (I don't know what this means) once a year. Other Faith casts present at the meeting include Lady Choi, Hwasuin, Choong Suk, Deok-Man and Deol Bae! Eeeek!!!!

She said the content of the novel covers a lot, e.g. story that is not included in the TV broadcast, more thorough description of the  what the characters think (YES!). The novel is much more detailed with description such as how CY feels when he first met ES and regarding his master (the poster forgot the details... :( )

There will be a Faith novel signing event on the 15th December at 5-7pm.
Half of the time will be used for Q&A!
Venue: Here
Wikipedia about the venue: Here

Therefore......... Faith Novel should be OUT before 15th December!!!!!! \m/

Calling @icesiren, can you please help us Faithlings confirm this on SJN's website?? *excited*
BIG BIG BIG Thanks in advance


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@sia3  Actually, I am surprised Lady Choi was there. Isn't she busy with her new cleaning job on I Miss You? :D

So many of our puppies were there too, but where was my Daeman? =((

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azzurri said: OMG OMG OMG!!!! I want to buy it.... even though I can't read it.  :)) The puppies were there! And Choong Suk! I'm so excited. I hope Dr Jang Bin will make an appearance at the signing. He must be all better by now. And Imja! And Daejang!! I think my heart almost stopped just imagining if our favorite couple will make an appearance!!  :x :x [-O< [-O<

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@sia3, if Imja couple and the Royal couple appear at the book launch, I swear this thread would spontaneously combust with all the excitement. It would be like Christmas, Chinese new year, Eid and all other holidays all rolled into one. I don't know if my heart will be able to bear it. LOL
Calling @icesiren, please come save us from ourselves... we're falling over ourselves in excitement. And we can't even read the novel!

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sia3 said: azzurri said: OMG OMG OMG!!!! I want to buy it.... even though I can't read it.  :)) The puppies were there! And Choong Suk! I'm so excited. I hope Dr Jang Bin will make an appearance at the signing. He must be all better by now. And Imja! And Daejang!! I think my heart almost stopped just imagining if our favorite couple will make an appearance!!  :x :x [-O< [-O<

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@awesomeduck, I most certainly will NOT protect him. I will be right behind @sia3, ready to clap him one over the head - deprived us all of an awesome Imja moment and kiss!! I still feel shortchanged. He would have redeemed himself if they kissed at the end, but no, PD-nim was too stingy to allow that so we only got the teary-eyed-loving-stare-at-each-other moment at the end. Waahhhh! (I've gotten over it.... I've gotten over it... I've gotten over it....)
Me knives are sharpened, mateys - Daejang ducky... we can launch the Stabbing Brigade any time!  :ar! :ar!

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azzurri said: @awesomeduck, I most certainly will NOT protect him. I will be right behind @sia3, ready to clap him one over the head - deprived us all of an awesome Imja moment and kiss!! I still feel shortchanged. He would have redeemed himself if they kissed at the end, but no, PD-nim was too stingy to allow that so we only got the teary-eyed-loving-stare-at-each-other moment at the end. Waahhhh! (I've gotten over it.... I've gotten over it... I've gotten over it....)
Me knives are sharpened, mateys - Daejang ducky... we can launch the Stabbing Brigade any time!  :ar! :ar!

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Guest _Misty_

I'm just crossing my fingers that the book will be sold online as well and they will do international shipping all the way to Italy. Somehow I will learn Korean so I can read that book. But first I must have it! :D

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