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@twin-twin You have to watched his movie - My Son . I like it so much. He was 20 that time. So petite. Really small :))
I almost done with all his movie. He love doing movie than drama. Maybe he thinks doing movie is lot more easier than drama. hahahaha!
God's Quiz 3 - He scare the hell of me when he has double personality. Good acting there. After a few episodes I can differentiate just by looking on his eyes which one is real him and the evil him :)) Oho, he is trying to make the eye contact with the viewers :))
I even love him more in Faith. Not because of his cute face anymore. His acting skill on Faith. When he is upset and angry you can feel the tension from him. When he is happy you feel so sweet in your heart :)) His acting skill really good. The feeling bond between the viewers are successful established in Faith. I hope he win SBS drama award this year. I will definitely vote for him :P
Note : Try watch Vampire Prosecutor 2 trailer. He is in the trailer too :)
Ahahaha. Now I am dragging people to like RDH :))

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@cikamoi i haven't watch that film it is not cup of tea but i already watched The Quiz Show, Head, My Little Bride, still waiting for Link and tracking down OUR TOWN (i read that he is the psycho killer in this film)
and i already watched the trailer of VP2 it so funny... Vampire Prosecutor & God's Quiz are DAEBAK! (currently watching Vampire Prosecutor 2)

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Guest Tinkiebell

Adnana said: Oh my gosh!! The field through which ES is running in the dream sequence (heading towards the room where she'll find CY's lifeless body) looks AWFULLY SIMILAR to the landscape in which CY is walking at the end of episode 16. @Adnana, yeah they look the same because they're exactly the same scene. CY will walk himself into the trap and somehow die and ES is meant to save him. She kept having the clairvoyant dream in order to prevent this from happening.   :)
@sia3, your post brought me back to my question in the previous page. Say that current ES, which is ES from time slip 1, manages to save CY thanks to that clairvoyant dream she had back in episode 15, what will happen to the future ES? Will she just vanish? I doubt it will be resolved in the drama, but I'm curious. :)sia3 said:
Also that poster from the other site also mentioned the last page fell back into the box reads:
"There is only one reason I live, I now know, it is to let that person lives."

And thank you for sharing this.  Awesome!   :-bd

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Guest farstrep

Tinkiebell said: @farstrep, if the tools were indeed outdated ones, then another possible explanation is that when she time jumped to the future, the future had not been the same future with the one she's originally from, which was 2012. Maybe she time jumped to the 19th century. But then this theory contradicts the pen she was using in the dreams, because the pen looked pretty much like a 20th century pen to me. :)

If they were adamant about Hwata being a male, then Eunsoo can't be him. So, maybe the boy she was saving in her dream is Hwata. He then learned the medical and surgical skills from Eunsoo and when he grew up he became the legendary Hwata. He probably learned about the existence of the portal from Eunsoo as well, including its opening times. So when he ran away from Jojo he knew exactly where to run to and to disappear into. He then probably ended up in another time period, 300 years later, most likely, and acted like he was his own disciple. And that was how the story about the legendary Hwata and its disciples came about. What do you guys think? A bit too far stretched? 

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Tinkiebell said: @sia3, your post brought me back to my question in the previous page. Say that current ES, which is ES from time slip 1, manages to save CY thanks to that clairvoyant dream she had back in episode 15, what will happen to the future ES? Will she just vanish? I doubt it will be resolved in the drama, but I'm curious. :)sia3 said: Also that poster from the other site also mentioned the last page fell back into the box reads:
"There is only one reason I live, I now know, it is to let that person lives."

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Guest honeykizzi

laur0002 said: If i dun see it wrongly, i think the third item is white handkerchief. My only thinking was eun soo should bring that diary with her, thats y the diary appeared in that period of time. But she said continously she never saw that book before. So weirddd...i confused! Unless this is her past life, but what is hwata? Her past life as guy? Haha it seemed the note was written to tell her to save choi young before it is too late. But without that, she will not ignore it because she knows from aunty choi that he is committing suicide. So naturally she will go back. Only this time wah like prediction, that child broke the medicine bar... Then she should stop choi young. One more thing, choi young dying in the dream, i think it is just one of normal dream. I think she just worried or instinct.

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Oh noooo~~ that's not my intention at all. No detoxing in advance!!!
Why do you think it will be a sad ending? I still believe it will be happy ending, judging by the fact that she is given so many clues to save the man she truly loves (yes ES, you love CHOI YOUNG! Stop being in denial, I'm getting mad at you!). That said, I don't know this writer and his/her previous work...but I have faith it should be happy ending. *fingers crossed*

My brain is really really deep fried but I'm trying hard to think of your question. Which future ES are you referring to? The one that CY goes to abduct or the future ES that tries to time travel again to save CY? I think the clue lies in writer's hint: past, present and future exists simultaneosly. However, I can't get my head around it on this...I just have a feeling this relates to everything.

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Guest Tinkiebell

farstrep said:That's possible, the little boy being the legendary Hwata but I hope the writer doesn't go there because that would mean introducing a character of relatively little importance into the story arc, who doesn't do anything to help the existing love line between Eun Soo and Choi Young. 

A sudden thought occurred to me. Assuming the future Eun Soo is the time traveler and has been leaving clues eg. Hwata's three items for the past Eun Soo to save Choi Young, how is she to ensure that these items find their way to past Eun Soo? How can the future Eun Soo ensure that the items won't get destroyed or lost but taken care of and kept properly throughout the decades or centuries until the past Eun Soo can get her hands on them? They're actually useless to the people in Goryeo since they don't know what they are, can't read the words in the book or can't use the tools. Therefore, the future Eun Soo fabricates the existence of her being Hwata's disciple and that these items belong to her teacher, the legendary figure, Hwata, who has treated Jojo, so that the people with whom she entrusts them to would take very good care of the items until the past Eun Soo retrieves them. Since Hwata is such a famous doctor and purportedly associated with the time portal, the future Eun Soo might have thought it would be easier for the items to find their way to the past Eun Soo since the people might want to return the items to Hwata through his disciple (a doctor from the Heaven). 

@farstrep, sorry for cutting your post. Since the character Hwata was already introduced at the beginning of the drama, saying that the little boy is Hwata would not mean that the character would be introduced or re-introduced at all. In any case, the mystery of Hwata needs to be solved, loose ends need to be tied up. So whether Hwata is the little boy or Eunsoo or even someone else, the writer would still need to finish or explain this last few details in order to complete the drama. 
And even though I have no means of knowing where the writer will go with this Hwata character- whether or not he/she will  help the existing love line between CY and ES, the character is by no means of relatively little importance to the story arc. On the contrary, the character has played a prominent role in the story arc so far, considering Hwata was the reason why CY had to go to the future in the first place. His action resulted in him bringing back his soulmate to the past. 
I'm not sticking to the Hwata is the little boy theory, the theory was only thought of provided that they are adamant of Hwata being a male. But assuming the theory is true, maybe this is how future ES can  ensure that the items will find their way to past ES, which is through the little boy. It was roughly indicated at the end of episode 6 that GC's master met Hwata or Hwata's disciple (correct me if I'm wrong here, I'm just remembering roughly) and that's how the tools came to the master's possession and afterwards GC's. Love your take on future ES fabricated herself as Hwata's disciple and uses herself to preserve the items as well by the way.
Time travel theory is too confusing. I probably should stop thinking about it and just enjoy the romance.  ~X( 
@sia3 check this post by icesiren:  http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/25256379/#Comment_25256379 and also my post in page 470, this one:http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/25256959/#Comment_25256959   :)

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Dae-man VS Eum-ja
Aiyaya...I worry for this boy. It was all fun to see him annoy the heck out of EJ but are we forgetting Eum-ja and his flute? How is Dae-man going to escape if EJ decides to flute him to death :(

Deok-man VS Choi Young
I laughed at him getting head slap by CY for getting hit by an arrow. I find CY just likes to find any excuse to abuse Deok-man!!! =)) This can only mean our CY is holding a grudge towards DM for thinking dirty about his woman =))

Gongmin VS Noguk
My perverted mind came into action when NG told GM she will show him where they will be staying...*ahem*
Can't help it, who ask him to look at her with sooo much admiration/love before she said that? Almost implying she is showing him to their bed...to let him deflower her. =))

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Welll..... Everyone is talking about the 3 rd item...... I do not believe it is a key.... I think that a cellphone, of course I am guessing just because he said he couldn't explain, but at the same time I couldn't see anything strange in the chest.....ahhhh I am getting crazy!

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Tinkiebell said: @farstrep, sorry for cutting your post. Since the character Hwata was already introduced at the beginning of the drama, saying that the little boy is Hwata would not mean that the character would be introduced or re-introduced at all. In any case, the mystery of Hwata needs to be solved, loose ends need to be tied up. So whether Hwata is the little boy or Eunsoo or even someone else, the writer would still need to finish or explain this last few details in order to complete the drama. 
And even though I have no means of knowing where the writer will go with this Hwata character- whether or not he/she will  help the existing love line between CY and ES, the character is by no means of relatively little importance to the story arc. On the contrary, the character has played a prominent role in the story arc so far, considering Hwata was the reason why CY had to go to the future in the first place. His action resulted in him bringing back his soulmate to the past. 
I'm not sticking to the Hwata is the little boy theory, the theory was only thought of provided that they are adamant of Hwata being a male. But assuming the theory is true, maybe this is how future ES can  ensure that the items will find their way to past ES, which is through the little boy. It was roughly indicated at the end of episode 6 that GC's master met Hwata or Hwata's disciple (correct me if I'm wrong here, I'm just remembering roughly) and that's how the tools came to the master's possession and afterwards GC's. Love your take on future ES fabricated herself as Hwata's disciple and uses herself to preserve the items as well by the way.
Time travel theory is too confusing. I probably should stop thinking about it and just enjoy the romance.  ~X( 
@sia3 check this post by icesiren:  http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/25256379/#Comment_25256379 and also my post in page 470, this one:http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/25256959/#Comment_25256959   :)

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sia3 said:
Also that poster from the other site also mentioned the last page fell back into the box is speculated to read:
"There is only one reason I live, I now know, it is to let that person lives."
Note: The true content of that last page will be reviewed as voice over by ES. Fans speculated it might be this quote that was supposed to be shown in Ep16 but was not.

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Guest farstrep

@Tinkiebell: I'm with you on the complexity of the time travel issue. It has stalled a lot of us in our tracks and made us confused because the writer has struck off most of the possibilities of time travel theories we've come up with eg. parallel dimensions etc.

@sia3: I'm thinking of the same thing when Jo II Shin dies by Deok Heung's sword. At least, now he doesn't have to run all the way to the portal and back every day. But I pity his wives; they've to contend with less money now to spend and probably a life of poverty. =)) =)) =))

@cikamoi: The King's acting in a movie "Peach Tree" directed by Gu Hye Sun. But I bet that's old news to you by now, being a Ryu Deok Hwan fan and all. :P

In addition to the scene where the King spies the Queen in the hut, I love this scene. It's heartwarming to see the King and Queen getting along so well with the common folk. They have come a long way since the first we met them. I think it's great that the writer makes the King vocalize the question whether the palace or the person makes the King. While in prior episodes, we see the King fighting with his inner demons, trying to establish his authority and getting rid of Goryeo's vassal status while fighting the tribulations brought about by the politics and power play, we now see him seriously pondering over the meaning of a true King. He's definitely on his way to becoming a King in his own right. And this is what makes him different from Deok Heung and Ki Chul, who eye the throne for their own selfish ends and would ultimately not last long enough as a King.

We've seen lots of princes and Kings ousted from the palace in dramas, only to be ridiculed and bullied by the common folk, who do not believe in their royal status, when they roam the streets. Sometimes, I wonder if the audience gets this aspect of those scenes, so it's really great that this drama vocalizes this through the King's question and makes us think about it.
source: tvreport.co.kr

Choi Young is a mighty bad boy here!! :P It's funny actually. :P
source: blog.daum.net





source: blog.daum.net

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@sia3: You know if i were an optimist I would understand the sentence about ES's reason to live being to make sure that CY lives as her staying with him because as we have seen in almost every of the previous episodes the only reason that is sufficient enough for him to live is ES. Considering that every moment he gets the idea that ES no longer needs him or no longer cares for him, he always sets himself up on some suicidal mission ~X(  :-S But the truth is that I belong more to the realist-pesimist camp :-<

( I wrote this paragraph before I saw your post @sia3 and I like your explanation of the events in the prologue very much) The thing that bugs me the most about this whole "ES IS/ISN'T Hwata" matter is that while ES may be the doctor from the 100 years ago (such as we have seen her in her dreams and that she herself told DH that the diary must be at the most 100 years old) it still doesn't make any sense that she would be the Hwata from 1000 years ago. From the prologue in episode 1 we can be sure that there was indeed a Hwata 1000 years ago because JoJo'd indeed lived 1000 years ago and this Hwata was able to cure both with the modern instrument and acupuncture needles as well, ES still isn't able to read the pulse and until I see her using the needles I won't even consider her being the Hwata from 1000 years ago. 

As many have mentioned here before, I'm completely baffled about his whole time-space continuum thing :-t ~X( @-) . I mean when the portal opens in the 21th century, does it always open into a different moment in the past :-/  And we could see that the portal remains open in the Goryeo era for several hours, so considering that minutes there equal to hours in the 21th century, doesn't it mean that the portal on the other side would stay opened for several days :-/ If so, taking into consideration that it had been opened in the middle of the Seoul and that there were witnesses seeing the whole thing, wouldn't there be any action by the people on the other side :-/

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