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Guest farstrep

@Tinkiebell: Hwata's tools look slightly bigger than Eun Soo's, so I had the same thought as most that they're outdated.

My heart is filled with angst when Eun Soo finally gets her hands on the letter she has written to herself. Imagine Eun Soo going through all these time travels back and forth, just so she can save Choi Young, a man she loves. It's like she's destined to spend much of her lifetime going back and forth in time for Choi Young and to keep him alive. If that's not love, I don't know what is. Time travel sounds exciting but when one actually has to get down to it, it's scary and dangerous. Moreover, she can't accurately pinpoint the time period she lands in and the dangers she might encounter there. Given how violent the ancient times are, she may not survive them either. Besides, she's not young anymore, so there's a limited number of time travels which she can commit herself to before turning up as an old lady and eventually meeting Choi Young.

Some chibi fanart:





source: blog.daum.net

Love this scene. A guy is always at his most attractive when he's all serious and working. I'm glad Eun Soo has a chance to witness him hard at work.
source: blog.daum.net

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Guest honeykizzi

Guys, don't forget that we still have the third item that GC couldn't explain what it's like. Maybe the last item is a KEY! That's why the writer still kept it until now!

Let's hope it's a happy ending ;(

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If i dun see it wrongly, i think the third item is white handkerchief. My only thinking was eun soo should bring that diary with her, thats y the diary appeared in that period of time. But she said continously she never saw that book before. So weirddd...i confused! Unless this is her past life, but what is hwata? Her past life as guy? Haha it seemed the note was written to tell her to save choi young before it is too late. But without that, she will not ignore it because she knows from aunty choi that he is committing suicide. So naturally she will go back. Only this time wah like prediction, that child broke the medicine bar... Then she should stop choi young. One more thing, choi young dying in the dream, i think it is just one of normal dream. I think she just worried or instinct.

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Guest Tinkiebell

@farstrep, if the tools were indeed outdated ones, then another possible explanation is that when she time jumped to the future, the future had not been the same future with the one she's originally from, which was 2012. Maybe she time jumped to the 19th century. But then this theory contradicts the pen she was using in the dreams, because the pen looked pretty much like a 20th century pen to me. :)

If they were adamant about Hwata being a male, then Eunsoo can't be him. So, maybe the boy she was saving in her dream is Hwata. He then learned the medical and surgical skills from Eunsoo and when he grew up he became the legendary Hwata. He probably learned about the existence of the portal from Eunsoo as well, including its opening times. So when he ran away from Jojo he knew exactly where to run to and to disappear into. After going into the portal, he then probably ends up in another time period, most likely 300 years later, and acted like he was his own disciple. And that was how the story about the legendary Hwata and his disciples came about. What do you guys think? A bit too far stretched? 

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I'm a few pages behind, but I'll catch up.  Your posts make my day, all of you.  So many goodies in store here, not to mention the wonderful people.  It's a good feeling here, so thank you.
Just finished watching the epi 16.  I watch on Viki and was wondering why this week was slow compared to last week, but someone here explained about the main subber being out of town, Makes sense.  I try not to be grumpy or pushy about subs not coming as fast as I'd like (I would like them instantaneously.. Yeah right!) because a lot of hard work is put into it.  I don't envy them.  The pressure is on to crank 'em out pronto.  I am indebted!
A few thoughts...
@cikamoi - Happy belated birthday!  Hope it was a great one.  It was that very scene that @icesiren so kindly inserted in her(?) post (thank you! love that one) of CY that made me notice his Adam's apple the most.  I am not one for admiring them particularly but if they come with someone like LMH, I will notice and appreciate much more so!  Oh, and in this last episode, I did notice your man's Adam's apple.  I rate it a ... 7.5.  Nah!  And I feel disloyal saying this, but I do like the shape of your man's hands better than LMH's.  That is, if you could say their hands "acted" (positions, angles, poses, emotions emoted, etc.), your guy's hands "acted" a bit better than LMH, I thought. Sorry if that sounds stupid to anyone.  Other than that, I am an LMH fan all the way!
Re: CY's closed fist on ES's shoulder, I was thinking the same thing, but felt along the lines of others who expressed that this is probably in keeping with his personality of being reserved.  I don't think I would have thought it unnatural or out of character (and I would have welcomed it), however, if he did show more signs of warmth through his body language, such as opening his hands, sitting closer to her, or leaning his cheek closer to hers as she leaned against him, especially at this point in their relationship.  I think back to the epi where he reached over to put her hair back over her ear, despite her first attempt to pull away from him.  That seemed like a leap forward for him, but an action he couldn't help doing because of the culmination of recent events with ES including her gently holding his hand in hers and blowing it to keep it warm.  Plus, it seems he sensed she was crying.
Re: DH...he deserves to die a million deaths.  And then some.  I gladly join all who wish to smack that smirk off his pretty little face.  Oh, but he experienced real fear at the hands of our CY, didn't he? Yes, incensed CY was a sight to behold.  You don't mess with his woman.  No way, no how.  It'll be interesting to see how his conniving plans pan out, 'cause right now they seem to be moving at lightning speed, this guy who claims to have no thoughts.  Quite the opposite.
Re: time-space travel.  Oh goodness, this is hurting my brain, but wow, great theories that I just might be able to wrap my brain around.  That thing about it having to be a straight line...is that really a "rule" of this type of travel?  Or are there no rules when it comes to this kind of thing?  Only the shadow knows...  That is, we'll see, and not soon enough.  

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Guest xopo17

okay, after watching ep.16 for third time, i conclude and very sure that : Eun Soo is future Hwata.. and she is come back to goreyo to finish one mission : to save CY from dead in next ep.17 . because there is one until three clue ( begin with the broken pot ) and it reminds me to Harry Porter story ( i think the writer-nim is a fans of harry porter :))  ) . if all of you still remember about harry porter story then maybe you know in harry porter book number 3 which Harry send his clue from future to his past to save himself, off course with Dumbledore help and clue , its called Harry send his patronus to save himself. (in book no 3 , if i don't mistake it).

the different from Harry porter is on  ES story ,  ES doesn't have Dumbledore like Harry and she have to fight to explore the diary content by herself only ( i wish jang bin could be her dumbledore, but not ) and also they include three item to ES to guess on what gonna happen to CY, but the problem is will she able to decode that all clue in fast action since in last minute on ep.16 , CY is realizing  that someone following him in behind at forest, i think it is a assasin who is sent to kill CY. and i hope for ES to hurry up to save CY life.

this evil plot which created by GC and DH is to eliminate CY, since CY is the only one obstacle to get and hold  ES. those 2 evil, made me arrghhh, b-(   just hope in ep.17 ES will able to save CY . Now its time for ES to take care of uri CY.  and its a cliffhanger for ES mission to save Young. usually CY always save ES. i like this cliffhanger....

and also i have a input for pd-nim about Jang bin role, maybe because i was expected too much from his role at begining , but i don't know, i feel sorry for Jang-Bin, he’s character is not much of an intrigue, it’s just like a come along in story......  8-|

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Oh my gosh!! The field through which ES is running in the dream sequence (heading towards the room where she'll find CY's lifeless body) looks AWFULLY SIMILAR to the landscape in which CY is walking at the end of episode 16.

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--OFF TOPIC--saw this on tumblr and i can't help but to share this 269073_529769290382636_227099076_n.jpgOur Beloved KING knows how to play VIOLIN @-)i was like OMG! he plays violin just like Henry Lau (SJ-M)
Ryu Deok Hwan i'm falling more unto you, and your song from Queen InHyun's Man keeps playing in my head.=P~:x

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@xopo17 I swear myself not going to watch The Great Seer. But after I watched the trailer, damn I am so attracted to it. I just waiting for Panda and Hedgehog finish and I can feel free. 8 dramas back :))
Faith is still on my 1st list to watch. I even watched a lot already GM ang NG scene until I can memorize their sentences :))And my momentum on watching others drama are keep losing each time after finish with Faith. Now I am trying to get back on track. arrrghhhhh

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Time Travelling
I think my brain is fried from the mind boggling time travelling Faith has just thrown at us. I've read some of the theories and discussion in here, and I am not understanding how she can "forget" and/or possess this forgotten memory. That said, the mind does work in a way we don't fully understand, did her mind subconciously forget this memory due to some trauma?!

Someone from another site said Writer Song has left a message online that quote:

1) story has nothing to do with parallel universe, there is only one Eun-soo.
2) this Eun-soo that is brought back by Choi Young is the first time Eun-soo time travels and after that all goes chronologically.
3) But in ep15, Eun-soo's dream contradicts the chronological order of what happened, is it a premonition or deja vu?
(Quantum mechanics stated time does not happen chronologically therefore past, present and future exists simultaneosly. I (writer) adapted this theory so is that why she can dream of her future memory or remember her feelings? If I travel back in time to the past, from then on that has become the past.)

Also that poster from the other site also mentioned the last page fell back into the box is speculated to read:
"There is only one reason I live, I now know, it is to let that person lives."
Note: The true content of that last page will be reviewed as voice over by ES. Fans speculated it might be this quote that was supposed to be shown in Ep16 but was not.

I've decided not to think too much about the time travelling matter, only because, well, it is a fantasy written by writer Song and that means she can write it whatever she wanted it to be therefore trying to decipher what she has on her mind will be fruitless and only causes more damage to my brain cells when I can use it more on thinking about ES/CY :P

About Dr. Jin
Dr. Jin (korea) has not explained anything about his time travelling but Dr. Jin (Japan) has at the end of season 2. Well, more of speculated his time travelling with a colleague of his. Dr. Jin's theory is he has travelled to another parallel universe i.e. Jin A has travelled to Jin B's parallel universe. Jin B goes to C, C to D...etc. With this in mind, I'm not too sure what is Writer Song's version of time travelling and seems like parallel universe is not the one.

Choi Young vs Deok Heung
It is absolutely an enjoyment to watch CY handles him every time they appeared together on screen. CY never once speaks to him in a nice tone and whenever he gets a chance, he beats him up and throws him around. Loving it! :x

Choi Young & Eun Soo

The only moment I really enjoy between the two was the scene before they go to KC. It was another aegyo moment from Eun-Soo and I loved how it is so true of what she said about CY, that he used to ignore half of her questions and now he answers everything she says. That change - we all have noticed too :x

What I do not like is afterwards she tries to deny that CY is not the man, cannot be the man when she herself knows she is in love with him. I don't get her dilemma...or she is just so thick-headed with the idea that she is from the future and he's from the past hence they do not belong together? If that is the case, then stop the aegyo! By doing that Eun soo, you are hurting our Choi Young *angry* Sighs, I desperately want you two to work it out!!! I must say I much prefer the #12 - 14 interactions than this episode's of uncertainty between the OTPs. They acted like a couple in love yet they are NOT officially a couple because I see slight distance put between them. CY is refraining himself, acting all proper and seems uncomfortable with intimacy even though he caves in to ES when she asks for it. ES on the other hand, is acting seemingly what modern world would call it as "playing hard to get"...?

As for the scenes @icesiren and others have been discussing - the part where CY supposed to overhear ES (not shown) and that he says she has no heart. My version of translation is different. The translation meant it like he's just worried about her choice of staying back and using his Mata-Hari strategy when he recalls his conversation with her. Sighs, guess we won't know until the later episodes what CY really meant.

Ministers of the King
I'm glad advisor Jo is gone although I didn't think he'd be dead so quickly. Like others joked, he's in a hurry to go back to The Nice Guy set. LOL! I'm annoyed with those newly appointed ministers on behalf of CY. What a joke...no wonder CY rolled his eyes and hand-palm his face coz I'd do the same. Poor CY, did he even get some sleep? Maybe ES's dream is wrong, CY was just sooooo tired from all these and fell into deep sleep and could not wake up! Hahahaha!

Fighting scenes
This episode's fighting scenes preceded the previous. It is the first time I see General Choi Young THIS strong, to the point of I think he was just faking that he lost the fight vs KC even though I do not think he will lie to ES that he will lose when he knows he can win. Great fighting sequence, LMH.

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