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Guest myphim

DDuk said: New to this thread!
Just finished watching episode 3 OMGAH that tension!.... 
just wondering... does anyone know when they are going to release the song Carry On my Ali? It's such a beautiful song.... I want it.. LOL

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Hello everyone ,~~
The eps are getting awesome .! I can't wait more for tonight ,! I love the relationship between the King and The Preciseness as well the relationshipbetween Choi Young and EunSo and it's develop moree .~ I'm excited to see them more together .! I'm also so happy that the rating is getting higher by each ep .! it will reach the 1st <3Thanks everyone for sharing everything .~~ <3 
Some Gifs by Me .~ 
641244099.gif?key=440248 641234024.gif?key=440239
641241218.gif?key=440248 641239649.gif?key=440248
The full song of the OST Already OUT ! 

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Guest myphim

English translation for episode 4 is out.


Gi Chul: Announce to the people that I’m going to visit the King.
Gi Chul: But before I do…
Hwa Soo In: I have something to tell you.
Choi Young: There is nothing I need to hear from you.
Hwa Soo In: You’re mean~
Choi Young: Then die.
Gi Chul: I’ve only heard of his name. Why didn’t I think to have him?
Yoo Eun Soo: There’s a shrine for King Gongmin! There’s a picture in that shrine, and Choi Young is in that picture!
Jo Il Shin: It’s impossible. At a shrine in the heavens?
Yoo Eun Soo: Who did you say he was?!
Prinecss Noguk: You’re burning.
Choi Young:
Your highness…
Princess Noguk: I heard you were refusing treatment.
Princess Noguk: Don’t die. This is your an order from your Queen.

credit: soompi

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Guest pallycute

Yes CHOI MIN SOO join the Faith casts :). haha honestly he joined the faith cast since 2010. I think his character is a teacher? maybe teacher for Choi Young? He will reveal Choi Young's past.


'신의' 최민수, 카메오 등장…"이민호 과거 밝혀줄까?"

아시아투데이 이승진 기자 = 배우 최민수가 SBS 월화드라마 '신의'(극본 송지나, 연출 김종학 신용휘)에 카메오로 출연한다.

최민수는 21일 방송될 '신의'에서 최영(이민호)의 스승 문치후 역으로 이민호의 비밀을 밝혀줄 예정이다.

극 중 문치후는 최영이 공민왕(류덕환)의 호위무사 '우달치'로 임명되기 전 몸담았던 별동대인 '적월대' 선대장.

'적월대'는 왜구를 토벌하고 악질 토호들을 응징하던 의혈단으로 오로지 왕과 나라에 충성하고, 싸움터에 꽂힌 적월대의 빨간 깃발은 공포스러움의 상징으로 실제로 본 사람이 없을 정도로 신비스러운 조직이다.

최민수는 지금의 최영이 있기까지의 실마리를 제공할 것으로 보여 시청자들의 관심을 모으고 있다.

이번 최민수 출연은 '모래시계', '태왕사신기' 등을 통해 인연을 쌓은 김종학 PD, 송지나 작가와의 의리로 성사됐다.

'신의' 관계자는 "최민수가 출연하는 장면은 세상에 미련 없는 남자 최영의 숨겨진 과거와 정신적 트라우마를 이해할 수 있는 관전 포인트의 첫 걸음이라 볼 수 있다"고 전했다.

{ ⓒ '글로벌 종합일간지' 아시아투데이 }






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Nationwide: 10,3% (+/-0,0%)Seoul: 11,6% (+0,2%)

MBC Golden Time - 14,0% / 15,6%KBS2 Haeundae Lovers - 9,7% / 9,9%


Nationwide: 13,4% (+1,6%)Seoul: 15,8% (+2,7%)

MBC Golden Time - 14,5% / 17,3%KBS2 Haeundae Lovers - 10,0% / 10,7%

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@myphim2009 THANK UUU :D Yes that was the scene I wanted :P. And you made it more awesome ;)

After watching ep 3 again and the preview of ep 4 I think the princess loves her husband the king, but she feels concerned for CY. I think she sees CY as someone who is able to help the king, and who will change the king. She saw that the king is kinda afraid of CY, not afraid as in 'afraid' but more like he is amazed by his bravery and how he dares to do everything. The king also trusts him for this reason. I think the king is envious of him and wants to be like him, and the princess, clever as she is, saw this. However her feelings for CY are not love but more like genuinely caring.

I want to see ep 4 now :P. A jealous CY is what I want to see ;) Thats gonna be so funny awesome.

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