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[Drama 2012] Ghost 유령


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I am also loving this show.  Episode 15 was so much fun and addictive, watched it both raw and with subs (thanks viki).  I have learned a lot especially about cyber security, technology and hacking, no hacking skills though don't even come close to those on the team.  This show has given me food for thought and a new respect for information (how it flows) and the role of privacy.  Can you imagine what would happen if there was a safetech vaccine like that out there in the real world (may be there is) but if there is it is extremely dangerous and useful weapon to have by the wielder.

I however, have to respectfully disagree with an extension as mentioned by my fellow watchers to this show for the following reasons:

  • 20 episodes is adequate to tell a story especially when its about 1 specific enemy who WH and cyber team unit 1 are trying to beat. Beyond that the story would drag unnecessarily
  • I think about this very nasty thing in Korea called live shooting which is prevalent in the entertainment industry- these people are extremely exhausted which is to the detriment of their health (see story about Chaser's writer), this we definitely do not need or want to happen and if so could adversely affect the show and its entertainment value to us the fans. I always want them to take at least a 2 week rest period before they start thinking about work again.  Their life and well-being is more important than us.
  • A season 2 can be done with this show as it has the potential for it - with a new enemy after they beat this one this new enemy can be introduced in the final episode with a teaser at the end making us anxiously wait for what's up for next year (however, this is dependent on the actors and crew who have worked so hard, would they be interested in doing so.

Looking forward to Thursday's episode.  I just hope its not 2 steps back for the team, though I do understand its 20 episodes and there is a need to drag some of the challenges, just wish the balance is slightly shifted to the good guys favor in ep. 16.  There is a tendency to show the bad guy seeming to win on the even numbered episodes.

Gone for now and take care.

Other - no offense soompi people but I do miss the old soompi posting setup it was a lot more user friendly and instinctive.  This one sad to say isn't.

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Hi dear antoniac :D

xopo17 , those eyes and lips will kill me someday!! LOL



Various Artists – 유령 (SBS 드라마스페셜) OST
Release Date: 2012.07.17
Genre: OST
Language: Korean
Bit Rate: MP3-320kbps

Track List:
01. 유령 (같이 사랑했잖아) [We Were Both In Love]- 엠블랙 (MBLAQ)
02. 그리워 운다 – 신보라
03. 그리워서 눈물나서 – 이수영
04٫ Burn Out – 블락비 (Block B)
05. 어떻게 – 이기찬
07. Save You
08. Goodbye, My Face
09. Mysterious Man
10. Steganography
11. New Life
12. Beautiful Agony
13. Stuxnet
14. Slow Walking
15. Black Out
16. 유령 (같이 사랑했잖아)(Inst.)
17. Burn Out(Inst.)



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Guest xopo17

Hi dear antoniac









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very welcome @xopo17   :D

class="post-title entry-title"[NEWS] So Ji Sub and Kwak DoWon are fans of Girls’ Generation

Actors So Ji Sub and Kwak DoWon displayed their affection for Girls’ Generation.

On the SBS “One Night TV Entertainment” aired on 18th, the staff visited the filming set of SBS TV drama “Ghost”. During the visit, So Ji Sub said, “I am actually close with Kwak DoWon and we have a good team work”.

Upon hearing this, Kwak DoWon replied, “I should be hating him upon seeing the expressions in his eyes, but instead, love was what I felt”.

So Ji Sub then revealed, “I laughed very hard when ‘Crazy Cow (Kwak DoWon’s nickname in the drama)’ sang along to Girls’ Generation’s song”. After that, Kwak DoWon confessed, “I love Girls’ Generation” and So Ji Sub added “I’m also a fan of Girls’ Generation”

In the drama “Ghost”, both So Ji Sub (Kim WooHyun/Park KiYoung) and Kwak DoWon (Kwon HyukJoo) are colleagues and rivals in the cyber investigation team.

For those who missed the part where Kwak DoWon sang ‘Twinkle’ in the drama ‘Ghost’, check it out below:

Source: star.moneytoday.co.kr
Translation: fanwonder.com
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Guest purplejellie

just a funny little review of yesterday's epi from pinkblossom over at carrotblossom patch for anyone who wants a little laugh :D

class="entry-title"Episodes 15: Ghost, Gaksital, I Do I Do July 19, 2012 · by pinkblossom · in Drama Review.

Just some thoughts about Episodes 15 for Ghost, Gaksital, and I Do I Do

I was feelin’ the procrastination breeze quite a bit today.  Hmm… perhaps I should call it the procrastination tempest, then?  Oh, I know: the Kdrama maelstrom!  So, in deference to the nature of the day, I decided to watch not just 1, not just 2, but ALL THREE mainstream Wed-Thurs dramas.  And that doesn’t include my daily fix.  More on that soon.  Anyhoo, as I mentioned before, I don’t keep up with this batch of Wed-Thursies, but I figured why not just jump into them today?  Commence much eyebrow frowning and lifting and all-around wiggling as I attempted to follow these quite complex storylines (well, at least for Ghost and Gaksital).  And don’t forget lots of sighing as the madre tried to explain, unsuccessfully, 15 episodes worth of plot.  Anyhow, here’s my weigh-in at this quite-past-halfway-point in all three dramas.

So Ji-sub is not So Ji-sub?!?  Whaaat?!?  That was really a big mind-blow, not that it had all that much to do with the mystery or the bug (electronic, not living) story today.  All those they’re-gonna-get-caught! scenes were pretty fun… until the 100th time they did it in a single episode.  But hey ...
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Guest xopo17

@Sarvin : thanks for the links on youtube, seeing the crazy cow is singging twinkle2 song and he is even do some of dance with his hands, wkwkwkkwk, :)) =)) that scenes so funny, actually i haven't watch ep.15 , so i really entertained with crazy cow that wannabe to be member of girl generation, hahahha, he even try to singing on high note, :)) . and also i like the cool face of so ji sub when he is seeing crazy cow singing, sinca sinca sinca awesome :D

btw, some recap pic from ep.14:

photo247371.jpgcredit : http://www.hancinema.net/spoiler-added-episode-14-captures-for-the-korean-drama-ghost--drama--45210.html

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Guest xopo17

"Ghost - Drama" So Ji-sub counterattacks on Eom Gi-joon


So Ji-sub satisfyingly counterattacked on Eom Gi-joon.

On the fifteenth episode of the SBS drama "Ghost - Drama" on the 18th of July, Kim Woohyeon (So Ji-sub) used Jo Hyeon-min's (Eom Gi-joon) plot of framing the police for illegal tapping to dig information about him.

Previously, Jo Hyeon-min had framed Kwon Hyeok-joo (Kwak Byeong-gyoo) of tapping the prosecutor's office when actually he had tapped Safe Tech. Kwon Hyeok-joo was held in a cell and the whole of the police force was blatant about what he tried to do.

However, Kim Woohyeon realized that prosecutor Im Chi-hyeon (Lee Ki-yeong) who's had experience of being bribed by Sekang Group before, was allured by Jo Hyeon-min to do the job. Kim Woohyeon and the cyber investigations team worked to get the truth out of it.

Yoo Kang-mi (Lee Yeon-hee) copied the black-box camera in Jo Hyeon-min's car to find out his tracks and Lee Tae-gyoon (G.O) started the DDOS attack on Safe Tech. Kim Woohyeon retrieved the CCTV records in the Safe Tech server room.

With enough evidence, Kim Woohyeon showed director Jeon Jae-wook (Jang Hyeon-seong) his cards. Jeon opened a press conference. He brought the CCTV records and announced, "I have proof that the prosecutors were lying".

The CCTV showed prosecutor Im Chi-hyeon getting the USB with the tapping records from the director or Sekang Group. The reporters were shocked at what they saw and the truth of a corrupt prosecutor was out in the world in an instant.

Kim Woohyeon smiled after having released Kwon Hyeok-joo and reinstated the cyber investigations team 1. Jo Hyeon-min who watched the news on TV couldn't restrain his anger.

Meanwhile, at the end of the episode, Kim Woohyeon did not only gather evidence to prove his co-worker's innocence but he had gathered evidence to prove Jo Hyeon-min's crimes.

Source and credit : www.newsen.com/news and SBS

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This only has 20 eps ryt? Gaaaahhh i wonder if they will still add some cute/romantic scene? Lol im still hoping...not that overly romantic though, more like cute/butterfly-in-stomach scene! Hehehe Speaking of which, i just watched ep 16 with no sub, and there was a scene when i think byungsoo? (the guy that has a crush on the main lead) gave her flowers and perfume and when Gi Young saw it, i think he was kinda jealous ryt? Lol I hope they'll have more intimate scene together! Like only the 2 of them. Kekekek :P Oh btw, did Gi young told the bad guy that he really is giyoung at the end?! Oh my....i wonder whats going to happen now on the next ep! It seems like they are not trying to hide anything from each other anymore.... And i knew it! The old boss guy that acts like Woohyun's father is a bad guy!!!

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This only has 20 eps ryt? Gaaaahhh i wonder if they will still add some cute/romantic scene? Lol im still hoping...not that overly romantic though, more like cute/butterfly-in-stomach scene! Hehehe Speaking of which, i just watched ep 16 with no sub, and there was a scene when i think byungsoo? (the guy that has a crush on the main lead) gave her flowers and perfume and when Gi Young saw it, i think he was kinda jealous ryt? Lol I hope they'll have more intimate scene together! Like only the 2 of them. Kekekek


Oh btw, did Gi young told the bad guy that he really is giyoung at the end?! Oh my....i wonder whats going to happen now on the next ep! It seems like they are not trying to hide anything from each other anymore.... And i knew it! The old boss guy that acts like Woohyun's father is a bad guy!!!

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Ep 16 was good because there were some really fun parts lol...like the drinking part. And I'm dying for some romance between Kang Mi and Ki Young... but I don't think it will happen...x.x sigh. Why am I looking for romance in a detective drama like GHOST?

I'm actually shock that there are more people involved with JHM.. Did he bribe them or something...

Ughh why is Jo Hyun Min always a step ahead? I guess they need to drag the drama til ep 20 xD I can't wait till the cyber team wins...

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just watched episode 16 yayyyyyyyyyyy HM wins this time, he totally fooled KY KM and Mad Cow!!the drinking scene was super awesome!!! love it so much, mad cow drunk is so funny, and the others were so annoyed!!! lol hope for more scenes like this. KY and mad cow are great together!!!that scene when san woo left the flowers and lotions for KM was so fun, she was so going to ask KY if it was him!!! and san woo is not the only one who thinks that KM is not looking good lately (maybe is her hairstyle???) i was wondering the same. and of course KY is jelaous!! and KM running after him??? pricelessthat scene with KY and his 'son? was very touching, i felt so sad for the little boyi'm happy director jun is not the bad guy, because i like himthe ending??? i just can't believe it!!!i need the preview to come out fast!!!only 4 episodes left and there's so much to be explained
dear sarvin thnaks for the ost link (already downloading it) and the news about the interview!!!  :)>-

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Guest xopo17

class="ks_article_title"‘Ghost’ Girls' Generation Brought Up Again, “Does Everyone On The Cyber Police Department Like Them?”



Girl's Generation appeared once more in 'Ghost', which was brought to attention. 

On the episode aired on the 18th, Kwon Hyuk Joo and Byun Sang Woo confirmed that they were Girls' Generation's fans.

On this day, Kwon Hyuk Joo was misunderstood and was arrested for wire tapping the police department. But while he was getting arrested, he ordered Park Ki Young to get help from Byun Sang Woo.

But Ki Young could not trust Byun Sang Woo so to find out if he is someone to be trusted or not, he looked through his computer and when he was searching around Byun Sang Woo's computer, Ki Young found a transaction for Girls' Generation's concert tickets.

Park Ki Young said, "Even in the midst of business, you guys went to Girls' Generation concert. And not even alone but two people?" and to this Byun Sang woo said, "I went with Kwon Hyuk Joo", which confirmed that they are both Girls' Generation's fans and caused a lot of laugher for the viewers.

Before this incident, Kwon Hyuk Joo brought attention by singing TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. He reenacted the whole dance and the song comically while he was on duty to their song, which played on the radio. By showing perfect dance moves and singing the song, he showed that he is a big fan of Girls' Generation.

When the viewers saw this they said, "Seems like everyone on Cyber police department likes Girls' Generation", "it was so funny when he sang Twinkle", or "are the constant appearances of Girls' generation all for Kwak Do Won?"

credit: korea.com

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Guest Brianwest92

i have to say that ep 16 so far is one of  Ghost's best episodes <3<3<3
love Subbie in scenes with Mad Cow

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Guest quynhn

I knew it I knew it (since the 1st episode)...that director is bad.  The actor who plays this character rarely plays the good guy in other kdramas.  Lol, you know you're a kdrama addict when you can tell a character is bad/good based on characters that the actor played in other kdramas.  (<---that's me).

Hmmm...it would be interesting to find out later on that the person who ordered Director Jeon Jae Wook to investigate Woo Hyun is actually Woo Hyun's father, and Woo Hyun's father being in a coma is a lie (maybe he was in a coma but he woke up).  Kekeke..I couldn't stop giggling at the dinner scene (after the cyber team caught the two hackers) in episode 16 and Sang-Woo crushing moments at Gang-Mi...so cute! 

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Guest purpledrama

Ahhh so nice this week episodes were really good ones i have to see both this weekend so i can comment :)

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