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[Variety] Shinhwa Broadcast

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Guest achinikki

Looking forward to Shinhwa broadcast every Saturday. :D This weeks episode is going to fun! Debate on doing nude photobok again.. :))

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Guest Selby


I think this comeback he appear like a weak, feminine boy but actually in the past shows like Love Letter He really playful type among the members and seem very strong not like now

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Guest Animeuver

@Selby: True. I thought he looked feminine and all, but when I watch old epis like Loveletter, X-man etc and the bungee jumps, he's really manly, heh. I can't forget how he flung Junjin into the water during one xman epi, it was epic! :D


Omg, I was reading in the baidu tieba that oil and water had a bonus round of debate just between the two of them with the topic initiated by the members, and the topic is "Eric, Hyesung to live together". If that's true, I'd be laughing my head off. It's be one epic battle!

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Guest Selby


Hyesung thrown Junjin into water on X-man German Special.

Oil and Water debate can't wait for that. " Eric and Hyesung to live together" =)) I can imagine the rest of the members laugh like crazy at them and Hyesung embarrassed face =)))) Hope it is true.

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Guest kriza09

Omg, I was reading in the baidu tieba that oil and water had a bonus round of debate just between the two of them with the topic initiated by the members, and the topic is "Eric, Hyesung to live together". If that's true, I'd be laughing my head off. It's be one epic battle!

Just reading that alone made me laugh so hard already... can't wait for the actual episode... Gosh, it's getting harder and harder to get by a week. I wish everyday is saturday... ^^

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omg... really looking forward to the debate this week.... if oil and water had a special debate, i am especially excited for this.

i am curious to know what the ranking for the shinee episode is for... i initially thought it was the "worst MC ranking"... knowing that hyesung was gonna MC for that episode too..

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Guest Animeuver

What happened before was testing the waters.

Heading towards the 'God of Eloquence' title, the 6 men have engaged in an official war!

'Shinhwa Broadcast' Speech channel, 'God of Eloquence' chapter two!

■ Shinhwa, to release another nude photo shoot after 11 years?!

The most important thing during a debate is speech and calmness.

To become the 'God of Eloquence', a 3 on 3 debate has started!

Topic?! Look no further, it's 'Shinhwa, should release another nude photo shoot'.

Andy's explosive comments brought about due to his absence from the shoot 11 years ago,

is only swallowed by Junjin, Dongwan and Hyesung's impromptu attacks!

Here! Moving away from the main topic, it's a storm than cannot be stopped as they expose everything about each other!

The heated debate revolving about the nude photo shoot of these 6 men shall be revealed!

■ Shinhwa's water and oil, Eric and Hyesung! Have they started their face-off?!

Just listening to each other's voice had their heartbeats rising.

They had a bonus round initiated by the members...

The topic is no other then 'Eric, Hyesung should live together.'

Unexpectedly agitated, it's obvious that each and every sentence had the hits the other's sensitive spot.

Who's hand shall be picked up by the goddess of victory?!

■ Shinhwa, we have lots to say too!

If ‘Gag Concert’ has a four-man team, then 'Shinhwa Broadcast' has a six-man team!

In the freestyle speech, everyone had their chance to voice their thoughts in their own colour.

From the heart-warming tears, to the shouts to their fans, and the fury towards Seoul citizens(?!) !

Revealing the funnies Shinhwa freestyle speech!

There's more! Do look forward to the scary punishment that had Shinhwa members trembling in fear!


Kor-Chi trans:shinhwaの呆 神话吧翻译组

Taken from: Shinhyesung Tieba [申彗星吧]

Chi-Eng trans: Animeuver

Translated the one I found at the tieba. It's supposed to be a written preview...I guess taken from the official site? Omg, can't believe that Saturday is finally here! :D

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Guest rose_liana

Spoiler for RicSyung Special Debate!!

[Trans] Shin Hyesung, Is Eric Or Dongwan A Problem?

Source: Six Senses

Chinese Trans: shinhwaの呆 @ Shinhwa Baidu Bar

Eng Trans: cllslam10

Shinhwa’s Shin Hyesung is in a dilemma situation when he was asked to choose between Eric and Dongwan.

On 26 May JTBC “Shinhwa Broadcast” segment “Speech Channel - God of Speech” part 2 filming scene, was discussing the topic regarding “Whether To Release Another Naked Photobook Again” Shin Hyesung couldn’t contain

his agitation when he was being verbally attacked by Eric and the rest of the members.

Although there is a rule that their heartbeat rate have to be not more than 120, but only the strong response from Eric and Hyesung, triggering lots of laughter.

After which, the members say that the 2 of them have very good rapport with each other, thus they propose the topic “Shin Hyesung To Live With Eric” as a theme for the special competition.

However at Eric’s request “Let’s Live Together” proposal, Shin Hyesung stubbornly rejected “Impossible”. Only later on to find out that they have been living on the same block side by side and are neighbours.

Facing the rejection from Hyesung, Eric asked “Then between me and Dongwan, who do you choose and like most to live together with forever?” changing the theme of the into a reality childish show.

So who will Shin Hyesung choose? The answer will be out on 26 May, 10.55pm KST “Shinhwa Broadcast”.

OMG i really cant wait for tonight's episode! everybody cant resist the special relationship between our Shinhwa Oil and Water couple XD

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Guest Selby

OMG!!! Eric make Hyesung choose between him and Dongwan=))) it's a tough one. It's will be a lot easier if chosing between Eric and Junjin (of course Hyesung gonna choose Junjin) . And there is a "live together forever" part. I can't wait for the engsub (that's mean next week =(()

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Just finished watching but the lagging was quite bad. I did catch the last segment where members get to speak about whatever they wanted in a given time limit. Everyone else was goofing around with what they are saying but Andy spoke about how little his parts are in Shinhwa songs and gave some examples..seems like it's something he never got over with. The members kinda tried to lighten the atmosphere. Din know what he said after this because streaming got cut off. Oh Andy why so serious?

Anyway if last ep belongs to Andy, ep 11 belongs to Hye Sung! He took a limelight this time haha

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Guest rose_liana

HAHA Andy always be the serious one among members..he's the mature one while hyungs as childish as ever.lol. he's act more like hyung himself than his hyungs.this episode totally daebak. i laugh so much.

actually, at 1st HS choose DW over Eric but then i dont know after DW talk about poops then HS change his answer to Eric haha.

btw, they have several segments in todays episode. Debate, self-made poem of "PArk Choong Jae" (they all looks great wearing hanbok), Shinhwa-manager guessing game and speech...this episode really needs sub.

next week episode with Shinee seem interesting too. i saw Junjin-Minho interation for their sport competitiveness, Minwoo-Jonghyun and maknae Andy-Taemin! cant wait! i think Shinhwa gonna loose in the game feat Shinee just like they embarrassingly lost in Qualification of Men hahaha

Preview of ep 12 next week!youtube.com/watch?v=QAdB4_TZOdM&feature=youtu.be

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Guest rose_liana

btw, tonight's episode of Shinhwa Broadcast is no 2 in Hot Naver Search.. i hope it did well with the rating too ^^

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Guest rose_liana

Translation on Preview of Shinhwa Broadcast next week!

Next Week on SHINHWA BROADCAST: Minho VS Junjin: The Battle between Aces! // Andy VS Onew: The intense over-dance Battle! // MH: Im the only one that's 180cm, only me.. (everyone short shocked) JH: You also wear with insoles!! He's 180cm and still wears with insoles!!!!!!! MW: Dont wear insoles!!!!!! (the two shortest in the group Jonghyun and Minwoo hugs)

credit: venessa_chun @twitter

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