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[Drama 2012] Dr. Jin 닥터진


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Just watched episode 1 and actually enjoyed it. I really couldn't find anything there that was so terrible as to dub this the worst drama of the year n so on n so forth. I found the Joseon part more interesting than the Korean part and would have, as someone pointed out, wanted a bit more on Jin as a doctor. But I hope as the drama progresses, we get to see a bit more on what are his beliefs as a doctor.

Since I haven't watched the J-Jin, I have nothing to compare it with and am enjoying the Joseon characters this show has introduced and the political situation into which Jin has been thrown. The first episode was well-paced and fun (enjoyed the LBS-SSH interaction), while the acting can certainly improve, it wasn't so cringe-worthy as to make you wanna drop the show. There were many points where I felt the cast had good chemistry and were doing things right.

Speaking for myself, there have been several instances where I have not liked a drama others were raving about. But once I realized that the drama was not for me, I have not found it necessary to spoil it for the people who were still on the thread and enjoying it. Constructive criticism is always welcome and can be very meaningful as it helps you see things in a new light, but such a criticism means one where you think something has the potential to improve and is worth your time and effort. If people find this drama revolting to their senses, I wish they would stay away and let the 'lesser mortals' enjoy it. If your enjoyment of the drama comes from just mocking it, I am sure there are other places where you can continue it without getting in the way of people who are enjoying it for other reasons. Each to his/her own.

So Jin seems to have been operating on himself and the patient, probably, must have come from another time period. But why does he want the tumour? The patient JIn was discovered in a park and Jin himself says the tumour was not malignant at that point. I wonder if Jin was not supposed to remove the tumour. If the patient Jin has timetravelled from somewhere (is it the past since Jin has gone there instead of him?), what will happen now that he has been left in a time period where Jin should have stayed? It seems like a circle. If the patient Jin is from the past, how can he come into existence without this Jin making the time leap? Or is it another changing of history as in In Hyun's man? Interesting!

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Finally finished watching episode 1

WORST DRAMA of the year?lol then i think they havent seen A LOT of dramas and oh well judging so much when 2012 isnt finished yet. Im wondering how can you make a sound reasoning to back claims when its futile to make 'comparisons' between JJin and Dr.Jin given the various differences culturally affecting the plot.

storyline i dont have so many problems w/ it but more on the editing of the scenes. The Joseon parts were better than the present ones.

Acting, Jaejong isnt ready for a Saeguk and how i wished he had another drama before this one. He talks fast for a Saeguk dude but he sure is an eye candy. I feel bad for this character tho since he wont get the girl and has some daddy issues. Im not giving up on the chance that he'd make future scenes more convincing.

Song Seung Hun... ive watched a lot of his dramas and he sure does overacts. There's that issue of controlling his facial expressions and he fairs better in romcoms like My Princess. What he has is 'presence' and I guess thats the reason why people like me still watch his dramas and care less with acting chops.hehe.

Minyoung delivered what is required of her and its a no brainer because her character doesnt demand a lot for now. I just hope there wont be too much crying because there are times she tends to overdo it. I like her chemistry w/ SSH and even with Jaejoong but i hope she somehow feels a little bit for JJ in the Joseon time. The boy needs lovin.

Bumsoo is hands down good,no complaints. Maybe the two guys need some acting workshop from him. Lee So Yeon I couldnt tell for now, she's pretty to look at on screen and she sounds convincing.

For a fusion saeguk its not that bad but on how actors will manage to keep the viewers drawn to the story is still in question.I guess we'll know that for the succeeding episodes.

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Guest Yunho_Jaejoong

I don't mind constructive criticisms about the drama and cast members if people will elaborate into why they feel that way. What I do mind is outright and cruel bashing of actors who star in the drama without substantial proofs to back up their opinions.

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Guest Yunho_Jaejoong


Fancy seeing you here. I remember you have been bashing Song Seung Hun over petty matters since way back but again came back to voice your already prejudice thoughts. Doing so, I don't think your bias judgments matter much since you already hate Song Seung Hun so much to be rational about his acting in Dr. Jin.

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hello hello,

new to this thread and so far even though with a shaky start in my opinion,

the second episode was pretty good...

i have to say that i am VERY impressed with Jaejoong's performance.

im not saying this in a bias compliment... (not a cassie here) but am seriously impressed with his acting skills

his stares sometimes really scare me lol

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Hi Everyone,

Dr. Jin Episodes 1 to 2 English Soft-Sub Subtitle are out.


Dr. Jin Episodes 1-2 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: darksmurfsub.co...dr-jin-2012/

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project.

CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!

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Guest Pheonixia

Very random....but these are my thoughts.

Sorry for posting such a long comment. Please discuss things with me ^____^ You can talk about one part of my long post if you don't want to talk about the whole thing.

Initially I grew impatient waiting for the Korean Dr. Jin to air. Many people were saying the original JIN was really good and had won many awards. So I started to watch it.

I quickly found out it bored me. The only character that made me fall for them was Saki. She was so cute and innocent and ready to learn. I really liked her character and the actresses acting. It frustrated me though that there was no love line...and JIN rejected her and even tried to run away, by closing shop, because of her love. I gave up watching the rest of JIN on that episode.

The positive points of JIN were the actors and their superb acting, the music, and the editing. It was really good. Also, I loved how they used the butterfly affect to make JIN worry about change.

Though I did find the character of Saki's brother unnecessary...except for the fact that JIN initially saved his life and thus got introduced to Saki. Besides that I did not know why it was necessary for him to have separate scenes after that.

Also, I did not like how the Japanese version used the character of Ryoma. On forums...I was told that historically the man was 'epic'. I did not understand through the drama why his character was epic though (up to where I watched it). I wish the writer did a better job with his character earlier on. Though the actor was very good.

In comparison, I find the Korean version utilizes Yong Rae's brothers character better. I like that he is with the rebel force and so contributes something to the storyline instead of being a random character that just exists. I also like that he is KT's childhood best friend.

For Lee Ha Eung's character....though LBS acts really well.....his character has not really affected me yet. The most he is doing right now is providing comic relief to generally serious drama. Things I wish to see soon.....him meeting this 'son' who is to become the future king and actually having a relationship with him, and him showing some emotions to someone about having to fake being stupid just because he is a relative of the King. It would be annoying if he is just jolly all the time. And I hope they used his character well to develop the plot overall instread of just adding in conflict to his life....just when they are running out of other plot idea's.

For Song Seung Hun I found his acting cringe-worthy the first episode in places. But he improved in the second episode. I will be keeping an eye on him. Also, his 'love' for Mi Na in the past seems questionable because it seems that he is ready to forget her by accepting someone who looks like her into his life.

The whole future scene was not explained properly. =___= Why was Jin able to make all the calls in the hospital he worked at? Were there no standard procedures? Also, like the original Jin was he one of the best surgeons in that hospital? What kind of Dr. was Mi Na? Overall.....JIN Japanese version explained the future in a much better way than the Korean version. I liked how in the Japanese version she was dying of an incurable disease....and the motive of the drama became him trying to change the past (improve medicine) so that the tumor could have a cure. In the Korean version....we have none of that. She just had a random accident. That hurt him (but SSH doesn't portray that pain very well =___=) And then he gets transported into the future by a baby-tumor. The motive of the Korean version seems to me that Jin changes his morals to become a better person...instead of caring about improving medicine etc. It seems he wants to show Mi Na that he is a good person by changing himself. I prefer the Japanese version in this regard. I wish in the Korean version she also had a tumor instead of an accident.

Here I would like to mention that with the original JIN the surgeries were REALLY realistic. And they showed the process. That was something I really enjoyed. On the other hand the Korean version's surgeries seem too fake and plastic. Also, the PD rushes through them not really showing that much detail....and that is something I do not appreciate. Though he does show some stuff. I guess they do not show those scenes thoroughly because of the plasticity. I hated how they randomly had to roll on each other 'sexily' (it wasn't very sexy or appealing) when her brother was dying. I wish the PD or script-writer had dropped that portion because it was laughable. Also, in the first episode the doctor performed two surgeries when morally he should have been pulled out of the operating room for being sick. Also, he performed a surgery on someone he loved which is not standard medical procedure.

In the original JIN, I already stated I LOVED Saki to bits. But, in the Korean version I really dislike Hong Young Rae. I blame the script-writer. Why did you have to ruin beautiful Saki's character? TT_____TT In disliked her in the whole scene where Jin was performing surgery on her brother. She was over-acting....and her lines were not written well. First she pushed Jin to do the surgery when he didn't want to. And when he agreed she wanted him to stop even though her brother was dying anyways because no other doctors were in town. Then, she ratted him out. Also, she seems cruel to KT's character even though he is apparently her brothers best friend while growing up....so they probably grew up together. She does not clearly tell him that she does not like him and starts developing feelings for another man when she is already engaged. To me that is wrong. If she does not like KT then I hope she tells him clearly before having a love-line with another man....because if nothing else he is her fiancee so she owes him that. Also, she obviously knows he has feelings for her. But, knowing K-drama plots....she will not tell him but drag him along. And then somehow he will find out and become 'evil' or mope around.....=___=

For the geisha lady (don't remember what they are called in Korea)...I hope they use her character more in future episodes and actually give her a role/aim.

Lastly, KT......I chose to comment on him last....because as a fan I do realize I have bias. Apparently, the majority of reviews on his acting in Korea are positive. I found him a bit stiff in the first episode. In the second he improved greatly. His expressions have improved a lot....and I actually like the pacing of his speech. His soft image and hard image in different situations is good. So far his character seems to be the most dynamic (sad, warm, angry, commanding, obeying, etc.). Also, he is the character that I have fallen sorry for. In The Sun Embraces the Moon....I wanted the guy to get the girl instead of the king (I actually wanted the king to die of heart failure or something cause I hated him so much). But, I don't want him to end up with Young Rae unless her character shows more 'kindness' and a conscious. Otherwise, I rather he find someone else. I also have read that his body movements are stiff. I didn't really notice that since he was on horse back most of the time and I was mostly paying attention to his facial features ^/////^ But I will pay attention to that in the future. I know he will improve by episode cause that's what he always does in his roles.

Right now what is attracting me to the drama is the relationship between KT and his dad (when will he disobey him? How will he be punished? Because their morals are obviously different)....and soon the conflict that will develop between him and Young Rae (How evil or controlling will he become?) and her brother when he finds out he is with the rebels (Will he let it slide/hide his crime or use Young Rae's unfaithfulness to him to seek revenge even though it is his best friend?)

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Guest Pheonixia

Things I forgot to add:

Did anyone find the mom fainting two times annoying in episode two?

Also...I wish they had epic background music in the Korean version like they did in the Japanese version? Right now the music in the Korean version is mediocre.

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Eh? Why so volatile people? Relax. We’re here to watch and enjoy ourselves eh?


My 2 cents~


1. If you find the story really need some constructive criticism = Please criticize, but in a very objective/constructive/civilized way.

2. If you find the story what?-sucks?-really?-this-is-the-BEST-drama fan = You have every right to protect your obsession but don’t expect others to be in the same page. Be open about other’s dislikes.

3. If you find the story ugh!-it-sucks-turtle-egg-my-eyes-are-bleeding = Stop watching or risk to be blind. Or worse, you’d die. My advice? Stay at least 50 feet away from any Dr Jin related stuff. Don’t risk your life.

4. If you are I-don’t-care-if-the-story-sucks-I-am-JJ/SSH/PMY-diehard fan = Enjoy yourself but be prepared to brace any comments that might say you are shallow because all you care is your bias.

5. If you are I’m-a-wait-and-see viewer = Try to stay positively rational tru out the drama until it’s time for you to call it a quit. And please share your insights.

6. If you are heck-so-and-so-said-this-story-sucks-I-might-just-as-well-think-so-too peeps = Please spend some time to watch and come up with your own opinion, rather than simply swallow what people feed you. Coz you never know if all these while they’ve been poisoning you.

7. If you are I-need-something-to-watch-over-the-weekend fan = Enjoy watching with no pressure! Like me and my other half, who just want to have fun, to put our mind off of lousy colleagues, to tease each other’s interest of masculine SSH & pretty PMY, to challenge each other’s intelligence of what would’ve been the best plot if we are the writers, to cringe over scary images and to guess if this drama will have a rational or ridiculous ending which in the end we don’t really care since the outcome doesn’t pay our monthly salary. Heh.


Yes, this is a free space for everybody to speak up your mind, but be careful with our words. We don’t want to hurt others. Worse case, if it really burning up in our chest, if we want to be nasty, be nastily nice. How ‘bout that?

Btw, I agree JJ looked a bit awkward in sageuk. Hope he will adjust fast.


Enjoy, take care and don’t drink & drive. Peace!

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Why people find the need to come onto a thread just to bash someone or something is beyond me. Don't you people have better things to do? If you don't like the drama, DON'T WATCH IT. Why bother wasting your breath on something that does NOTHING to you? Leave this thread to the people that do like the drama and care for the actors. Leave all the negativity behind. Haven't anyone ever learned "if you've got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?" I'm just trying to enjoy this drama without having to read all of these negative comments here.

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I saw the first two episodes and I liked them. I've seen the Japanese version and I know we are in for a long ride, so be prepared everyone.

There are a lot of differences between the Japanese version and this Korean version, and I am really liking it. The Korean one seems a bit faster paced in comparison to the Japanese one.

As for the plot...Sure the time travel part is odd, but that is a small part in the plot as a whole. I don't really see anything else which is completely random.

I didn't find the acting to be as bad as people posted before. We are only 2 episodes in, too, so there is lots of time for improvement as the actors get accustomed to the entire production.

Those are my two cents. I look forward to next week's episodes.

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Very random....but these are my thoughts.

Sorry for posting such a long comment. Please discuss things with me ^____^ You can talk about one part of my long post if you don't want to talk about the whole thing.

Initially I grew impatient waiting for the Korean Dr. Jin to air. Many people were saying the original JIN was really good and had won many awards. So I started to watch it.

I quickly found out it bored me. The only character that made me fall for them was Saki. She was so cute and innocent and ready to learn. I really liked her character and the actresses acting. It frustrated me though that there was no love line...and JIN rejected her and even tried to run away, by closing shop, because of her love. I gave up watching the rest of JIN on that episode.

The positive points of JIN were the actors and their superb acting, the music, and the editing. It was really good. Also, I loved how they used the butterfly affect to make JIN worry about change.

Though I did find the character of Saki's brother unnecessary...except for the fact that JIN initially saved his life and thus got introduced to Saki. Besides that I did not know why it was necessary for him to have separate scenes after that.

Sorry that I shortened your quote. Since I have watched Jin, both seasons before. Let me explain a few things from my views.

Many dramas don't have a love line, particularly Jdramas, and Jin don't have a distinct love line. Jin came from a Manga, that was probably geared toward the male audience. Hence less loveline, more medical, thrills and history incorporated. When it was made into a drama, it is geared toward 'family' audience. Any gender, ages can watch it. Because the tone of the drama was mostly revolve around faith, hope, losses and mutual love. Jin guesses that the Gisaeng, Nokaze was the ancestor of his girlfriend, so throughout the whole thing, he rejected her love, and attempted to find her a husband so she can continue the lineage. As for Saki, Jin did fall for Saki while working with her, but because it was a Japanese drama, it was shown mildly, unlike Kdrama with intenseness. Jdrama tone for love is very, calm and sweet, less tense compared to Kdramas. Furthermore, Jin is very accepting of where he is. He don't know when he'll go back to the future, or stuck there forever. But when he was back to the future, he accept it as well, and went to search and see if he changes any history. If he was to stay in the Edo period, he was preparing to love Saki and be with her as well.

Saki, though she fall for Jin, she was more a career minded woman. She knows that Jin has someone from his time, and is very understanding of it because she don't know when he'll go back, or stay there. In old time, girls who are of age, were to be married. Unlike other girls, Saki had plan A and B. A was to confess and see if Jin accept, if not, she'll focus on her career as his assistant. And she chose B later on, even before the confession.

Saki's brother, is important because he has the connection to the key players that Jin can use for his journey, he as well is part of the rebel, soldier? I don't remembered since I watched it months ago. He's a leader of his own samurai clan.

Sakamoto Ryoma... All I can tell you is read his wikipedia. lol. He is very interesting, like Lee Ha Eung.

In order to understand the story more, you have to understand the Edo era. This is one of those story where you can easily adapt it to any history, because the concept of the story is just, a doctor going back time and cope with the turmoil era he was thrown in. And how he's connected to all key pieces of that turmoil era.

They already told you that he's a doctor, a brain surgeon, they don't have to tell you everything else, because it's a drama, they have to cut down time, and shorten it. Because most of the story will take place in Joseon era. Heck, I can tell you that you'd only get the future scenes in the beginning and in the end, so don't even bother with it. All it does it tell you how the story is gonna start, or how it end, and how he ended there. How the loveline is connected to it to make it more interesting. Stories, dramas, don't get technical, unless it's a really a medical drama in future era where it's teaching you certain tools. Don't even bother at knowing what kind of a doctor Mina is, and such and such.

The fetus shape tumor is what got Jin to time slip. You'll connect to it toward the end. lol, so don't worry about it. It's funny how everyone is questioning the whole drama with just 2 eps already. So I guess, all the confusion was made so from the beginning to show you the whole story later. Though Dr. Jin took a different approach from Jin, in that, it is starting out focusing on the history side, showing you all the players, and laying out the foundation, while the JPN version started out with Jin, connecting to the people, by deciding to give medicine a push, curing epidemics. Japanese Jin, he didn't wanted to change history so much that he neglected the epidemic, until he saw people suffering. It helps that the actor was great at emotional scene. SSH... I hope he improve later on. Anyway, it is only 2 episodes so far.

The thing I find a common in Kdramas, when dealing with props, especially with medical drama, surgery scenes, they're not meticulous. But you know, even Hollywood big budget projects made mistakes. Let alone kdramas with not grand budget. Remembered CGI ducks in BOF? LOL

Young Rae don't owes KT anything. So what if they're engaged. His dad doesn't even want to have association with her family I bet. Since she's a Soron (correction please). An opposition of his family, and of lower class. That's why she kept a distant from him. She is someone who has her pride as a girl, and a person. And knows her place in that time era. She don't dare to look up to him. Though KT is a son of a concubine, his status is still higher than her.

I think, it's alright if they change how Jin's gf got in a coma state. Since Jin will find himself helping improve medicine in Joseon era through the people sufferings anyway.

Though I don't like the loveline that they changed, his gf in the future, is the reincarnated of the assistant he met in Joseon era. I'm going to have to cope with it for the historical part.

I saw some question as to why that time era for Jin to go back to. I'm taking a guess here, but I think the Mangaka ( manga writer ) chose that time era was because Edo during that era was very interesting and changing, as well as it was during at time that close to certain inventions, and advancements in medical fields. As well as certain epidemics like Cholera was happening during that era.

Anyway, it's only the first 2 episodes. There's more to the story. I feel. Though it's not exactly like the Japanese version, it can't be. Because Korea don't have a period distinct like Edo. Though it has its turmoil era. It can't follow the intricate story exactly. It can only follow the concept and incorporate its own history. A doctor from 2012, somehow, got back to the late Joseon era, meeting historical figures, and somehow is connected to certain major events of that era. It can changes anything, as long as it goes by that concept and incorporated the historical parts to the story, then it's good.

However, the one thing I quite don't like with this version so far is that, I think it's partially due the acting from SSH. There was less heart as a doctor in Jinhyuk, compared to Jin in JPN. The JPN version one, he was struggling, and is still afraid due to him unable to go through with the brain surgery on his gf in the midts, and had to rely on someone else. Especially when his gf specifically asked for him to be the one to do it, cause she trusted him. He didn't trusted himself as a doctor. In Dr. Jin, he was more of a doctor, who's just a doctor, doing everything by the book, and has no heart or hope ( the scene of him with the kid and the dad where he said it's too late, then the scene of him in Joseon era where Young Rae scolded him and ask what kind of a doctor he was if he has no heart in saving people). So they are going with that instead. I don't blame them, it's a kdramas, they want to focus on loveline so they make it a bit tragic and more intense.

Well, I hope I answered most of it. Sorry if it's a bit messy.

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Guest YunRa1430270238

Constructive criticism is always welcomed in this thread, but if some people are only going to bash immaturely or jab at the actors out of pure hate with no purpose of an explanation, then the members who support this drama for sure are not going to tolerate it.

So far, Dr. Jin is all right to me. I have not seen enough of Song Seung Hun as an actor in general to make an opinion about his acting and Lee Bum Soo provides comical relief at best, he does not capture me with his presence. Park Min Young's acting is mediocre and somehow her bubbly Yoo Min Na reminds me of Yoon Jae In in Man of Honor.

Jaejoong, as much as I love him, his acting could use improvement. I wish he would not rush the lines all the time and show more variety in his expressions.

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Dr. Jin / Time Slip Dr. Jin (2012)


Title: Time Slip Dr. Jin (타임슬립 닥터진)

Romanization: Taimseullib Dagteojin

Chinese Title: 仁醫

Genre: Historical & Medical & Fantasy

Episodes: 24

Broadcast Network: MBC

Broadcast Period: 2012-May-26 to 2012-Aug-12

Air Time: Saturday & Sunday @ 21:50 KST

Director: Han Hee

Writer: Han Ji Hoon & Jun Hyun Jin


Jin Hyuk is a genius neurosurgeon with a cold and severe attitude in his interactions with other people due to his personal pursuit of perfection. Through a mysterious power, Jin Hyuk finds himself transported back in time 150 years. He begins treating people there, but the lack of necessary implements and rudimentary medical knowledge of the period forces him to seek new ways to aid the sick. Through this challenging process, Jin Hyuk eventually becomes a genuine doctor.


Song Seung Hun as Jin Hyuk

Park Min Young as Yoo Min Na / Hong Young Rae

Kim Jaejoong as Kim Kyung Tak

Lee Bum Soo as Lee Ha Eung

Lee So Yeon as Choon Hong


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Very random....but these are my thoughts.

Sorry for posting such a long comment. Please discuss things with me ^____^ You can talk about one part of my long post if you don't want to talk about the whole thing.

skipped ..

The whole future scene was not explained properly. =___= Why was Jin able to make all the calls in the hospital he worked at? Were there no standard procedures? Also, like the original Jin was he one of the best surgeons in that hospital? What kind of Dr. was Mi Na? Overall.....JIN Japanese version explained the future in a much better way than the Korean version. I liked how in the Japanese version she was dying of an incurable disease....and the motive of the drama became him trying to change the past (improve medicine) so that the tumor could have a cure. In the Korean version....we have none of that.

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Here I would like to mention that with the original JIN the surgeries were REALLY realistic. And they showed the process. That was something I really enjoyed. On the other hand the Korean version's surgeries seem too fake and plastic. Also, the PD rushes through them not really showing that much detail.... and that is something I do not appreciate. Though he does show some stuff. I guess they do not show those scenes thoroughly because of the plasticity. I hated how they randomly had to roll on each other 'sexily' (it wasn't very sexy or appealing) when her brother was dying. I wish the PD or script-writer had dropped that portion because it was laughable. Also, in the first episode the doctor performed two surgeries when morally he should have been pulled out of the operating room for being sick. Also, he performed a surgery on someone he loved which is not standard medical procedure.

In the original JIN, I already stated I LOVED Saki to bits. But, in the Korean version I really dislike Hong Young Rae. I blame the script-writer. Why did you have to ruin beautiful Saki's character? TT_____TT In disliked her in the whole scene where Jin was performing surgery on her brother. She was over-acting....and her lines were not written well. First she pushed Jin to do the surgery when he didn't want to. And when he agreed she wanted him to stop even though her brother was dying anyways because no other doctors were in town. Then, she ratted him out. Also, she seems cruel to KT's character even though he is apparently her brothers best friend while growing up....so they probably grew up together. She does not clearly tell him that she does not like him and starts developing feelings for another man when she is already engaged. To me that is wrong. If she does not like KT then I hope she tells him clearly before having a love-line with another man....because if nothing else he is her fiancee so she owes him that. Also, she obviously knows he has feelings for her. But, knowing K-drama plots....she will not tell him but drag him along. And then somehow he will find out and become 'evil' or mope around.....=___=

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Lastly, KT......I chose to comment on him last....because as a fan I do realize I have bias. Apparently, the majority of reviews on his acting in Korea are positive. I found him a bit stiff in the first episode. In the second he improved greatly. His expressions have improved a lot....and I actually like the pacing of his speech. His soft image and hard image in different situations is good. So far his character seems to be the most dynamic (sad, warm, angry, commanding, obeying, etc.).

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Thank for sharing your thought .. :)

Sorry for cutting some parts

I agreed with part I've bold .. you said it well !

Looking forward next episode with more improvement !

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