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[Drama 2012] Syndrome 신드롬


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Ooops sorry for the confusion (I have edited the spoilers). Though we are not well-versed with the language, I think we are almost there – thanks creidesca for the detailed highlights. Your analysis make perfect sense and I couldn't have said it better. :D

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Guest zealioner

In ep. 5, does it mean a malpractice since Kwang Hee neglected his patient during the party?

I still can't get why he decided not to head back to the hospital (unless it had something to do w/ having alcohol in his system). He was made head of the center (not sure of which center) by Tae-jin, wasn't he? Or was it Tae-jin's plan all along to get Kwang-hee into trouble?

I feel it boils down to a sense of dedication and professionalism, in this case, a lack of both. Putting it as malpractice would seem inappropriate since he's off-duty and technically, the patient did not die on the operating table. But of course, he can't return to the hospital even if he wanted to since he was intoxicated. The cause of the subsequent blow-up is because the patient need not be operated on but Kwang-hee did it on an ego trip. He's suffering from (I hope I got this right) cerebral aneurysm and the prognosis is grim due to his old age. Thus, the residents were against the operation as it would taxed the family financially. Realistically, it's pointless since a surgery wouldn't do much good for the patient. It isn't a sure thing that he wouldn't die now if he was not operated on, but what's certain is the surgery hastened his death.

It's Tae-jin's plan to pit Kwang-hee against Eun-hee, and appointing him as head of the critical care center is one of his moves. The surgery happened at a timely moment and gave him extra leverage to sow discord between the siblings.

What announcement did Min Sung-joon make at the NS department conference? And why was Kwang-hee so against it?

How about the press conference? It looked like Eun-hee had gotten the upper hand but was later foiled by whatever the mistress suggested Tae-jin to do? Oh, what did Eun-hee say to the mistress?

Wow, looked like the NS sunbaes took that 5min rule seriously? What was the conversation b/w the sunbaes & YW/HJ in that scene as well as b/w YW & HJ after finishing the meal?

What about the elderly male patient? The NS sunbaes were not pleased with Hae-jo and she was made to go get Min Sung-joon? But then Kwang-hee comes in and wanted to operate? The two sunbaes were very hesitant. Later, when the the patient arrested, why did Hae-jo not want to perform CPR, I think? And what did Eun-hyun have to say to Hae-jo at the end, before and after he brings her to see the newborns? I was really surprised to see Eun-hyun take up both Hae-jo's hands--he didn't look like the type that would do such a thing. Of course this will all be misunderstood by Yeo-wook.

On another note, I couldn't help giggling at how the EP started out! So that's why Hae-jo was gazing intently at Yeo-wook. His heartrate must have escalated, so she asked him about it. I think his response had something to do with him just having espresso/coffee. I don't think he completely understood why he felt the way he did.

(1) Sung-joon wants to be notified of EVERY A&E patient that comes through the department. He'll go through the case files, appoint NS surgeons to the respective patients. Kwang-hee accuses him of using that to filter out important surgeries for himself, throwing the poor lots to the other surgeons. It's complete disregard for his colleagues and the department. But Sung-joon stands by his ruling as having went through 6 months worth of case files, he noted that almost half of the surgeries were unnecessary, questioning the extent of a doctor's responsibility for his patients, if not the hospital's system.

(2) The press conference was called by Tae-jin to address the opening of the brain treatment center. Indirectly, he also meant to suppress Eun-hee (as shown by how he's dictating her wardrobe) but she turns the table on him by calling in another group of the press. There, she reveals she and her husband were in conflict over setting up the critical care center which is Tae-jin's brain-child since he has always been concerned about patient care for the impoverished patients. She, on the other hand, sees no merit in it as it's non-contributing to the hospital's income. Putting Tae-jin's 'kindness' under the spotlight, he can't overthrow her plans (which he told her that he would), and this 'forces' him to share the 200 billion won grant between the brain treatment center and the critical care center.

(3) Tae-jin's mistress, Yi-joon suggests to make use of Kwang-hee to run down Eun-hee. At which, Tae-jin appoints Kwang-hee as head of the critical care center despite Eun-hee's insistence to run it. After Eun-hee rejects Kwang-hee's plea to get him out of being sued by the patient's family over the surgery, Tae-jin badmouths Eun-hee, telling Kwang-hee that his sister is refusing to help because she wants him out of the picture so that she can head the critical care center. This puts the siblings in conflict and eventually Eun-hee submitting to her brother's threat to step down as Head of Anesthesiology, even though she knows Tae-jin is masterminding the discord.

(4) Eun-hee picks a hair off from Yi-joon's coat, jokingly reveals that her impairment somehow heightened her sense of sight to the smallest detail. She seems to pick out things like a loose strand of hair, a lipstick mark, a crooked tie. She tells Yi-joon since she's zeroing in to the most minute details, Yi-joon should be more cautious (with her actions).

(5) Yeo-wook and Hae-jo both failed the 5 minutes rule. He was in at 12 minutes, and she 13. So, Jo-gang gets punished by Jae-yoon because that means he failed at properly educating the fist year residents. Jae-yoon then asks Hae-jo about her least favorite food, she reveals she can't take spicy stuff and she dislikes jampong (Chinese Seafood Noodle in Broth). And guess what? She will be eating that everyday for the next 100 days, as instructed by Jae-yoon. On Yeo-wook's turn, he reveals that he dislikes shark's fins and foie gras which means he's daring them to make him eat that for the next 100 days. He criticizes them for their uncivilized way of taking them in hand, "there's no animal more cruel than Man." Jae-yoon is offended, "for the next 100 days, you're going to have..." Obviously not shark's fins or foie gras, so Yeo-wook makes it easy for him. If he can't come up with a suitable menu, he can get him anything. After all, he will not get sick of the same menu even if he were to eat it everyday for the next 100 days, "that's what you're hoping will happen, right?"

(6) Yeo-wook chides Hae-jo for falling for the trick - how could she really reveal her least favorite food? One look and she should know that their sunbaes are out to get them. He grumbles about the unreasonable rules and suggests they chance on this opportunity to fight back, instead she answers that she's much satisfied with the system. He doesn't get it how she would be when they barely have time to sleep, eat or wash up, and spend their time running about. Hae-jo reminds him that it's only given that they wouldn't have time for those since there's a lot they need to learn in their first year of residency. She explains that the N.S. Department sees critical patients everyday, and surely young doctors can't be seen gallivanting or laughing as it's going to upset the patients' families, "this is the reason why we have to hang a gloomy expression all day round. This is a form of responsibility, like a courtesy to people."

(7) According to the vital stats, the elderly patient is brain dead, leaving only his heart pumping. This is why Hae-jo told her colleagues to discontinue CPR so to let the patient leave in peace. Eun-hyun asks if it's the first time she's certifying a death? If she's going to weep over it, then the place isn't for her. Taking her to see the newborns, he tells her that the hospital doesn't only see deaths, neither is it a place filled with only the living, "a patient's life and death are your responsibility." Holding up each of her hands, he tells her that in each is a life and a death, "you have to be responsible for it. That's what a neurosurgeon is. What you did today was right."

(8) Hae-jo was worried if Yeo-wook could be ill since his heartbeat is erratic, suggests he gets a medical checkup, asks if he wasn't experiencing discomfort of recent? He points it down to having too much coffee for the day, to be specific, he had too much espresso which is his favorite. She doesn't get why he would drink something that bitter and speeds his heart this bad, he answers that preferences differ. She remarks that they sure don't share the same preferences for she likes canned coffee. He can see why, "it's ordinary and cheap, suits you perfectly." She takes offense at cheap, he chides her for getting angry again - even when he's right.

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Ooh that's what happened. Thank you zealioner and creidesca. Getting understand it better now.

I'm curious what HJ tell YW on the preview for next episode, when she close his eyes with her hands.

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Guest zealioner

I'm so curious as to the various conversations going on b/w Hae-jo & Eun-hyun. What did Hae-jo learn from her male friend that made her misunderstand Yeo-wook (something about his uncle)? And later what she found out from the nurse that changed her thinking again (about his mom)?

So I'm guessing Tae-jin must have been keeping tabs on Kwang-hee to find the right moment to have him fall into a trap? The elderly man's son only made the scene at the hospital after someone told him something. What did Tae-jin propose to Kwang-hee? And what did Kwang-hee give to his sister, which she then handed to Tae-jin, after such a difficult decision.

Could Tae-jin have done something to Eun-hyun's mom, or whatever happened b/w her and Tae-jin was so traumatic? She keeps calling her son "oppa" as if she was talking to maybe Tae-jin or someone and not her son. She must have a strong connection to Tae-jin since her room is filled with cacti plants.

And the 4th year resident who's not of the neurosurgery unit is Eun-hyun's friend. Also, do you think there might be a possible romance b/w MSJ and the nurse?

And any idea as to the happenings in the preview for EP 7?

(1) After telling Hae-jo to take a rest, Eun-hyun suddenly realizes that she does not have a place to sleep since she's one female (among the male residents) She dismisses it by saying she's not tired. Asked where she has been sleeping these couple of days, she answers that she 'sleeps here and there', adds that she doesn't want special care simply because she's a woman. "Who said anything about giving special care?" Eun-hyun gruffly puts her concern to rest, then tells her to follow him. He brings her to a room, tells her to use it for now until he finds her proper bedding. He assures her that only the female staff uses it and she can rest at ease but not to an extent where she lets her guard down and misses the emergency beeps. Grateful, Hae-jo promises that she will work earnestly. He tells her that he doesn't need her to do that, "just do a good job."

(2) After Eun-hyun takes the blame for pronouncing the elderly patient's death, Hae-jo tells him that she should be responsible since she was the one who certified the death. He reminds her that she's only a first year resident, and to what kind of responsibility (due to her inexperience) can she shoulder? Still, since she was the patient's attending physician, and she doesn't want to shirk her responsibility on that reason, "I should be the one to be scolded by the professor." Eun-hyun wants her to get the facts right, "you're a first year resident. I'm the Chief Resident. Whether you've done good or wrong, it all becomes my responsibility." Not betraying a smile, he praises her though, "you wanting to shoulder responsibility. That isn't too bad."

(3) Hae-jo learns from her friend who Yeo-wook is, and his relationship to Kwang-hee. This has her misunderstanding that Yeo-wook refuses to discontinue CPR on the elderly patient so to preserve his uncle's reputation. She learned from the Head Nurse that his mother developed prosopagnosia after a surgery and she felt sympathy for him.

(4) The elderly patient's son was ignorant about the truth behind his father's diagnosis and operation. He had instead expressed gratitude to the hospital and surgeon, it was under Tae-jin's manipulations that he learned what really happened. This is why he was seeking justice at the hospital lobby. Apparently, it's not the first time Kwang-hee has gotten into such trouble and Eun-hee bailed him out too many times that she refuses to do it again. Kwang-hee seeks Tae-jin's help, relieved to learn that he has already got the legal team on it to see to the matter. He offers Kwang-hee good advice that he should hit back with (his sister's) weakness. Much as he managed to persuade his sister to let him head the critical care center, he fears that she'll chance on this mistake to turn back on the decision since she never really thought much of him. Tae-jin hopes that he understands his good intentions even if he's eventually not elected for the position.

(5) So Kwang-hee hits back as told, threatens his sister with exposing their late father's unethical medical practices - he has all the CT scans and MRIs as evidence - if she does not step down from her position as Head of Anesthesiology. Apparently, since after the Korean War, their father regarded every medical cases as a neurosurgery case (I may be a little off here) just to make money. Even as Eun-hee explains that was the situation there and then with almost every doctor practicing in the same manner, Kwang-hee thinks that it would still be fodder for talk if the press gets wind of it. Other than that, how he researched brain surgeries on unclaimed bodies, and in some cases, even forced families to give their consents in allowing him to open up the skulls of their dead relations. That would totally smear the hospital's reputation. Eun-hee couldn't reach a decision until she recalls how her father, on his death bed, wants her promise to set up a critical care center to ease the sufferings of the patients as he has sinned too much against them. He hopes that she will fulfill his wish and perhaps that can eradicate some of his sins. So to preserve the hospital's standing and get the center in motion, she tenders her resignation as Head of Department (but not as an anaesthetist). She tells Tae-jin that she understands her brother too well to know that he can't pull something off like this without someone playing the strings. She knows he's behind it, tells him to let the matter go but she makes clear that resigning from her position doesn't mean he has her limbs tied - she awaits the next round of battle.

(6) According to the character profile, Eun-hyun's mother, Hee-yeon is suffering from early onset Alzheimer's, the reason why she mistakes her son for Tae-jin and addresses him as 'oppa'. She contemplated suicide on learning that Tae-jin was to marry someone else, and it was then she learned she was pregnant. The conversation with Eun-hyun/Tae-jin is mostly about her feelings for him. She recalled how she would send him a change of clothes when he was doing his residency. She reveals that she's the kind of woman who could be at his beck and call regardless of what he did to her.

(7) Again, according to the character profile, 4th year resident Beom-ju is attached to the A&E Department. She's Eun-hyun's only best friend which explains how she knows about his mother. In Episode 6, he was on his way to the nursing home when she called out to him. She asks where he's heading for and when he doesn't respond, she gets it immediately, tells him to hurry off. I don't feel there will be something romantic going on with Sung-joon and Jung-mi (the Head Nurse), it feels more like a long-time friends vibe and I'm certain that she knows his history with Eun-hee.

Preview for EP 07

(1) Tae-jin tells Eun-hyun that he reminds him of himself when he was young;

(2) Sung-joon makes a call to someone, says he has some questions about Eun-hee's surgery;

(3) (Likely consoling Yeo-wook about his mother's impairment) Hae-jo covers his eyes with her hand, tells him that he would know who she is even if he can't see her...

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Guest zealioner

As for elderly patient, I'm still confused why HJ was mad at YW because of what he did. Was he HJ's patient actually? About YW's background, maybe it's more about her guilt so she was mad at YW. Because is 'only' a colleague or friend of her, she has only known him for a while so I don't think YW has responsibility to tell her about his background, especially when he's a son of the director of the hospital. Maybe she already feels 'something' for him, just hasn't realized it yet ^_^

It's quite possible that Eun Hyun is son of TJ. Hope it's not because of TJ again so Eun Hyun's mom end like this. :ph34r:

Maybe I missed something here, but why KH blamed SJ for causing the deceased family to bring shame to him? Isn't it his fault for not to go back to hospital when there's an emergency call?

(1) Hae-jo is the elderly patient's attending physician. She's upset with Yeo-wook for not discontinuing CPR even when it's evident that he's brain dead. His continuing CPR measures fractured the dead patient's ribs, and to Hae-jo, it's a form of disrespect as if not letting the patient die in peace (and subjecting him to physical pain). Her unfavorable attitude towards Yeo-wook after learning of his family background stems from HER reasoning that it's because Kwang-hee is his uncle, Yeo-wook goes to the extent of 'abusing' the dead patient's body in his attempt to keep him alive so to protect Kwang-hee's reputation.

(2) Eun-hyun is Tae-jin's illegitimate son.

(3) Kwang-hee presumes that Sung-joon told the elderly patient's family about what he did, causing the son to disgrace him in public. This is what he was blaming him for.

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Guest zealioner

What did Eun-hyun finally decide to do when Kwang-hee did not answer the calls? It looked like the other residents were unwilling with the exception of HJ who went to make a call to the man's guardians. I feel that when the guardians arrived and asked Jo-gang to stop with the CPR did Jae-yoon, Jo-gang, and Yeo-wook understand/take in the situation as the guardians apologized to their father and closed his shirt covering up the bruises from CPR. I thought I heard either HJ or Eun-hyun mention DNR (do not resuscitate). Did either the guardians or patient himself agree to this prior?

HJ was just as devastated as the other residents over the patient's death, but she was the only one with courage to pronounce the time of death.

(1) The reason why the residents are trying every means to resuscitate the patient is because Kwang-hee can't have his patient die on him just six hours after the operation. At the very least, the man has to be kept alive until the next morning. He threatens Jae-yoon that they are DEAD if they don't do as he says. Hae-jo saw that it's pointless just to keep the heart beating and she defies Jae-yoon, tells Yeo-wook to stop, "his ribs are fractured, don't you think you've gone overboard by treating an unconscious patient this way? Let him go." Yeo-wook refuses, even more, because he's NOT a DNR case; he's determined to save him. Eun-hyun arrives to witness the commotion, told by Jo-gang what Kwang-hee threatened them with, briefed by Hae-jo that the patient's pulse stopped thrice and they have given him a heart massage for more than 50 times. A quick check and Eun-hyun yells at them for having lost their minds (to do what they did), "his pupils are dilated. He's dead!" When his calls to Kwang-hee goes unanswered, Eun-hyun makes a judgment call to inform the patient's family and certify his death. Jo-gang is concerned that hell will break lose when tomorrow comes, Eun-hyun reminds him that BP has fallen to 20, "does that look like a living patient to you?" He repeats to call for the family, at which Hae-jo takes up the task.

(2) Hae-jo certified the death because she's the attending physician and it's her duty to do so. Before she did that, Eun-hyun asked which of them is the attending physician.

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Guest zealioner

Thank you, zealioner! Sometimes, I wonder if Yeo-wook pretends not to know certain things in front of his NS sunbaes. Like in EP 1 where 3rd year resident Jae-yoon asks him about treating DVT when the other NS sunbaes didn't have an answer.

You're welcome. Yes. it's obvious Yeo-wook is keeping a low-profile. According to his character profile, he's gifted and so I guess he's more intelligent than what he's showing outwardly. I like that even though he's smart, he's not portrayed in a way that he knows everything, as shown in the scene where he needed Hae-jo to point him towards the direction of Sung-joon's theses. And Hae-jo being gifted too, is less adept when hands-on. So, taking to their characters is easy as they just seem to be normal even though they may have higher IQs, but higher IQs are normal too for argument's sake.

I think there are no more chinese subs to this drama. So sad. Hopefully I'm wrong.

I think it's not a cause for worry. I'm almost certain that C-subs will continue, maybe a little delayed at times. Han Hye-jin and Song Chang-eui both have a strong Chinese fan base, and in one way or the other, they will see to it that their dramas get subbed.

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Guest altinneen

Good news! Sofsubs for episodes 1 to 4 are released on Darksmurf. Thanks Creidesca, Prisma and other translators!*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*

Do you have a link per chance?

I'm a huge Han Hye Jin fan. I fell in love with her in Thornbirds. She's definitely in my list of top 5 hottest Korean actresses.

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Lol, I can't really watch dramas with Han Hye Jin because I fall in love with her and have to pinch myself at the end of every episode. She's just everything a man would want in a woman. Ah *sigh* ok I'm done now

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Thanks a million zealioner for the detailed recaps! They are really really helpful!

I was just showing portions of Syndrome to my mother even without subs, explaining to her in English what was going on, and realised in the process what a great drama indeed it is! I mean I was already enjoying it but in sharing it with her, and seeing her interest in it, I grew to appreciate it even more. Hope the ratings continue to rise and that it gets bought by other cable networks/stations outside Korea too.

Thanks to all involved in the English subbing!! Prisma especially - you're doing a fantastic job!!! (I'm wendyfsp on darksmurf)

And it's so great to meet other English speaking Han Hye Jin fans here!! I became a fan after watching Be Strong Geum Soon too. Miraculously I was able to join her cafe fan site which is known as her "Angel Family"! I think I'm the only one who posts in English there! :-)

Have a great week everyone and looking forward to the next two episodes of Syndrome!! biggrin.gif

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Days ago, I had posted a photo of Han Hye Jin and Park Gun Hyung swatting on the ground in front of the heater. Han Hye Jin had made a comment on her twitter when she posted the photo. After a newsarticle concerning the photo was written today, did I understand why Han Hye Jin and Park Gun Hyung had their hands like that. As Song Chang Eui was in the background, depending on the perspective of the photo, he was in the palm of their hands!

Oh, also the drama's medical advisory are answering questions on the drama homepage's message board regarding authenticity of such scenes like the one we saw of the the elderly patient who became brain dead.

edit @ 4:25AM PT: About 4hrs ago, "Yeo Chae Wook" posted on FB (this is the official FB for Yeo Wook's character created by jTBC) that "today, the big secret is revealed..."

Now which secret could that be?

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Days ago, I had posted a photo of Han Hye Jin and Park Gun Hyung swatting on the ground in front of the heater. Han Hye Jin had made a comment on her twitter when she posted the photo. After a newsarticle concerning the photo was written today, did I understand why Han Hye Jin and Park Gun Hyung had their hands like that. As Song Chang Eui was in the background, depending on the perspective of the photo, he was in the palm of their hands!

Oh, also the drama's medical advisory are answering questions on the drama homepage's message board regarding authenticity of such scenes like the one we saw of the the elderly patient who became brain dead.

edit @ 4:25AM PT: About 4hrs ago, "Yeo Chae Wook" posted on FB (this is the official FB for Yeo Wook's character created by jTBC) that "today, the big secret is revealed..."

Now which secret could that be?

Have you got a link to the newsarticle Creidesca? From the rough translation of HHJ's tweet, I figured they were just playing around to kill time while waiting for their turn to shoot and were trying to "frame" (I think she used the word 'window') SCE with their hands so he would appear as a picture and their hands as a frame or a window framing him as the scene through their "window." 

Did you ever come across a post by HHJ herself on the Syndrome message board? There's a debate going on on her cafe site about a post supposedly by HHJ herself on the MB but some fans claim it's not her, just someone posing as her. I searched through the MB but wasn't able to spot it.

I also wonder what the secret could be?? Hope they would also create a FB page for Lee Hae Jo!! smile.gif

Looking forward to watching episode 7!!!! And reading some recaps here! Thanks to all.

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Have you got a link to the newsarticle Creidesca? From the rough translation of HHJ's tweet, I figured they were just playing around to kill time while waiting for their turn to shoot and were trying to "frame" (I think she used the word 'window') SCE with their hands so he would appear as a picture and their hands as a frame or a window framing him as the scene through their "window." 

Here's the newsarticle, in Korean

Haven't had a good glimpse of the message board, so I'm not sure whether I saw if there was a message supposedly posted by Han Hye Jin.

I also wonder what the secret could be?? Hope they would also create a FB page for Lee Hae Jo!! *quoted image*

Hae Jo has a FB page too! Here it is.

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Guest mumudav

The song at the end of episode is so beautiful <3 I liiiiiike it <3

Does anyone know what is the song or who is the singer?~^*^

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