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What do you spend most of your money on?

Guest Charmingbestfriend96

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I spend money more on Food and Magazines. My gosh! Yes Magazines, I noticed my love for collecting magazines just this year when I hit the mall then I bought a magazine after that I felt better as if I didn't have any problem at all. I mean, how's that? haha :crazy:

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Guest jimmyrodrics

I spend my most of the money in shopping and that too via online...I am a huge shopping spree and my thinking is that if we don't wear good, what's the worth of living..lolz

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest LadyRoseDove

Most of my money goes towards food or cute things (I recently got a Hello Kitty scrapbook with stickers!)

My money will start going towards my phone bill soon as I'm going to be getting an iPhone (hopefully, and a deco case!)

I also spent money on a Korean phrase book and a dictionary recently.

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Guest miss.j

My credit card bill is filled with small ($5-$20) transactions for food T____T... which adds up to be a lot..

The next most is shopping.. clothes and shoes... The change of season definitely encouraged that, haha

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Guest AiMango

outside of school fees - FOOD. been eating amazing food lately (eating out due to lack of kitchen at my current place) and entertainment -> movies, clubbing, music events, etc. also travel fees and sightseeing.

also a lot of money gone into clothing... sigh, i've been buying too much. need to stop.

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Guest shortstufflai

Ever since university started, all my money has gone to rent and food :(

I have no left over money to spend on cute things anymore </3

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Maaiissterr

Food was the thing that I spent the most on during the school year. I saved all me receipts from the school year and yeahhh my first semester I spent wayyy too much on filling my stomach. Now that school is over, most of my money goes to gas and car insurance.

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Guest dot.1430279747

I usually spend all my money on clothes because that is something that I just can't get enough of. everything else is kinda meh 

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