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[Drama 2012] God of War 무신


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I see some inconsistency with Man Jeon.  Man Jeon clearly shows that he disapproves of his older brother's actions, even though he really wasn't that different, because episodes before, they both assaulted a servant girl.  Where did that more reasonable trait of his come from?

So, is the drama going to focus on the Mongols?  The more relevant stuff?

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Agasshi please leave Gim Jun ALONE. Now her dad knows she likes him and now he hates Gim Jun. Park song Bi saw both of them together,infact they are both being watched. I cried during Wol A's cremation.Yang Baek is blaming himself for her death,absolutely loved the scene where Chun Sim was hanged and Geong Ga was killed. Too bad Young Lord escaped death.

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Agasshi please leave Gim Jun ALONE. Now her dad knows she likes him and now he hates Gim Jun. Park song Bi saw both of them together,infact they are both being watched. I cried during Wol A's cremation.Yang Baek is blaming himself for her death,absolutely loved the scene where Chun Sim was hanged and Geong Ga was killed. Too bad Young Lord escaped death.

Amen libby. Song Yi is trying to get Gim Jun killed. !!!! All his children are too willful and don't give a hoot about anything but what they feel/want.As smart as Song Yi is she should realize she is creating BIG trouble for  Gim Jun. I hope her father realizes it  is Song Yi who is fanatically in love (just like Chum Sim ) and  Gim Jun is not trying to use Song Yi to further his career. Which is probably what he is thinking. The cremation was so sad I cried again as well But I clapped when all of them got killed. it is a dam* shame that those two brothers got off though. if anyone deserves  to die the young lord certainly did.. Another stellar episode.

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Amen libby. Song Yi is trying to get Gim Jun killed. !!!! All his children are too willful and don't give a hoot about anything but what they feel/want.As smart as Song Yi is she should realize she is creating BIG trouble for  Gim Jun. I hope her father realizes it  is Song Yi who is fanatically in love (just like Chum Sim ) and  Gim Jun is not trying to use Song Yi to further his career. Which is probably what he is thinking. The cremation was so sad I cried again as well But I clapped when all of them got killed. it is a dam* shame that those two brothers got off though. if anyone deserves  to die the young lord certainly did.. Another stellar episode.

Poor Gim Jun he is none the wiser at what's going on and tomorrow she chases him to the river bank we saw in the preview. I swear i kept screaming leave the man alone, she really is psychothic like her maid.

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Poor Gim Jun he is none the wiser at what's going on and tomorrow she chases him to the river bank we saw in the preview. I swear i kept screaming leave the man alone, she really is psychothic like her maid.

I saw Song Yi  chasing the poor man;he just buried is childhood sweetheart and here she is professing her love for him.EWW Talk about classless!!! The problem with all those brats is they view others as nothing but something to further their own desires If she really loved him she would have thought about the pain he must be experiencing  but not her..Gim Jun is going to probably get sent to the front line for this fighting the Mongols.(which would mean certain death for anyone else but I am sure Gim Jun being the "God of War"  he will pull off some kind of coup) And raise his prestige even higher.Hopefully her parents will have sense enough to marry her off quickly and quietly or she will  probably cause a ruckus  like the young lord..

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I saw Song Yi  chasing the poor man;he just buried is childhood sweetheart and here she is professing her love for him.EWW Talk about classless!!! The problem with all those brats is they view others as nothing but something to further their own desires If she really loved him she would have thought about the pain he must be experiencing  but not her..Gim Jun is going to probably get sent to the front line for this fighting the Mongols.(which would mean certain death for anyone else but I am sure Gim Jun being the "God of War"  he will pull off some kind of coup) And raise his prestige even higher.Hopefully her parents will have sense enough to marry her off quickly and quietly or she will  probably cause a ruckus  like the young lord..

My sentiments exactly,for once i actually want him sent away to keep her well clear of him.I watch this girl and i suddenly fancy using swear words bearing in mind it takes alot for me to swear.

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All i can say is annoying episode, and thats because of Song Yi. Now he's been sent away because of her,i hope he's sent really far.

Liked what her mum said because of her Wol A died and beause of her Gim Jun will loose his life.

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Song Yi is just like her half brother  I want what I want when  I want it. Song Yi even  had the nerve to try and run away with

Gim Jun. Is she CRAZY.!!! In what universe would that have  worked out? She begged, pleaded , and finally tried  to threaten him with what her father would do   GEEZ. I think he told her something about Wol ah but I won't know the full conversation  until the subs are out. All I know is poor Gim Jun kept his life by a thin thread.(if he didn't have so many people who thought highly of him he would be dead) This episode  was the set up for  the next phase of Gim Jun 's rise to power. Now the choices are going to easier because all he has to do next is prove himself by kicking mad Mongol butt lol

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Song Yi is just like her half brother  I want what I want when  I want it. Song Yi even  had the nerve to try and run away with

Gim Jun. Is she CRAZY.!!! In what universe would that have  worked out? She begged, pleaded , and finally tried  to threaten him with what her father would do   GEEZ. I think he told her something about Wol ah but I won't know the full conversation  until the subs are out. All I know is poor Gim Jun kept his life by a thin thread.(if he didn't have so many people who thought highly of him he would be dead) This episode  was the set up for  the next phase of Gim Jun 's rise to power. Now the choices are going to easier because all he has to do next is prove himself by kicking mad Mongol butt lol

Yeah he said something like there's only Wol A for him and boy did she go balistic.

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Guest trixicopper

This is what I feared th most.  Focus on romnce, or clingy jealous girls..FOCUS ON THE RELEVANT STUFF WRITERS!!!!

Lol! Since my interest in a Kim Jun/Song-yi romance line is pretty much nonexistent, I have to agree. On with the action, adventure and Bromance! Bring on the Mongols! :)

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