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[Drama 2012] God of War 무신


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Guest Joongbo4evr

Man Jun is getting married-- I already feel tragedy the poor woman has to go through. Pictures in spoiler tag.


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I only saw half the episode, I died laughing when that guy called  Ah shim mother .He is going to play a pivotal role in the coming episodes (because he is quite shrewd )Kim Joon was placed beside Man Jeon  because Hapha knew Man Jun was an richard simmons.I think Hapha really felt Kim Joon would rule behind the scenes

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Guest Joongbo4evr

Episode 43 - Summary

Man Jun begs Kim Joon to take him back to the capital. Kim Joon accepts but thinks to himself whether he is doing the right thing.

Hapha's liver has been scarred (probably from all that drinking) and the physician informs that he is not in good condition. Hapha's wife worries but Hapha takes the news in with good stride, accepting his time of end is nearing.

Song Yi's daughter, the crown Princess passes away. When Hapha gets the news of her dire state he goes to visit, and before her last breath she pleads to her grandfather not to kill anymore people. And also take care of her little brother. Till the very end she says, "I can't forgive you, grandfather."

Kim Joon returns to Dobang and meets with Hapha. He reports to him his assignment and then they lean into the subject of the two brothers. Hapha basically asks to know whom Kim Joon chose. Hapha says that it probably is Man Jun---because in regards of Ma Jeong, Kim Joon from the start probably would not feel good about him because he is the guy that killed his woman. And so we come to the conclusion in their discussion that Man Jun, who will feel indebted and grateful to Kim Joon for bringing him to this position, will come into this leadership place--but it is Kim Joon who will guide him through. Hapha says,

     "If Ma Jun does not work according to how you instruct him, at that time, you take over Dobang." --- Hapha also says how Kim Joon resembles him in many ways. They both hold the dream of constructing a great Goryo. (And that is why, I guess, Hapha feels more inclined to entrust Kim Joon with such a task).

Song Yi's son, Mi, wonders why his uncle, whom the whole of Goryeo respects and praises, is not doing anything except submitting himself to Hapha. Mi says to himself that if he was in his uncle's position he wouldn't be like this.

We see Kim Yak Seon's brother drinking and thinking to himself ---for what purpose has he fought all this time. His nephew has been sent away, his niece has passed away--the whole family has been wiped out. He expresses how this capita/Dobang, is so frustrating--it is far better to be running through the battlefields. Just then one of the scheming advisers comes in. He basically is trying to trigger Yak Seon's brother into joining his schemes-- he says how the state of the Dobang is in such mess and all that--he is worried about the future of the country and all that (and basically implies that they join hands). But Yak Seon's brother cuts him off and says, "You are not worried about the well-being of this country. You are only worried about your own future (securing his position in the future)." He basically tells the guy off.

Kim Joon and An-Shim get married. They have their wedding banquet where all of Kim Joon's fellow comrades are there. Im-Yeon gives his bow to his "father and mother". Yang Baek says some words of praise for Kim Joon, about how he admires him for always pulling through all difficulty. The generals talk and they decided that they should all take one another as brothers. General Gil Yoo calls An-Shim sister-in-law and asks how she feels and she replies that she is happy to suddenly have both sons and all these brother-in-laws.

Man Jun is suddenly being all generous and giving out rice to all the villagers. When this news reaches some officials they are shocked. Aren't these brothers the one who took all of people's wealth and inheritance? But people are saying that Man Jun had some dream from Buddha and that is why he is being so generous. He has also tagged his older brother Ma Jeong into this-- but Ma Jeong is having a more difficult time being giving.

Hapha orders for the preparation for Man Jun's coming to begin. He also orders for poison drink to be send to Ma Jeong, the older one. He says that his younger brother is coming into leadership position, if not now then later-- problems may arise (like a fight for power) and so Hapha wants to clear it up--- he says that before he dies there shouldn't be anymore bloodshed. He also orders that all inheritance the brothers took/have should be distributed among the commoners.

Yang Baek goes to bring Man Jun. Gong Joo, Gab I and Gop Pi go to bring the poison to Ma Jeong. Ma Jeong asks why must he die? He has already said his brother can have everything. All he wants is to stay here, drink and have his women. He keeps on asking why and so Gong Joo answers that they are Hapha's servants, they do not know the reason-- they are only here to carry out the command. And so when Ma Jeong breaks the bottle send by Hapha--they tie him up and choke him to death.

In regards of Mongols- it seems Goryeo send one of their royal prince as an envoy-- but I can't remember all the details, since I am recounting all of this just after live--- but from my glimpse recollection-- it was something like the prince was sent but something went wrong with the way things turned out on the Mongol side and the lady prince/empress seems to take a liking to the prince and I think marries him (?). Not sure, I will have to rewatch that scene again--- but there was talk of marriage and that the empress/princes liked him--so that's the gist.

Hapha has a last talk with his trusted men. He orders for the best teachers to be arranged for Man Jun--giving Kim Joon, and the others the responsibility to teach him well. He also says to find a suitable match of good family for him--(there is news that Man Jun had a son somewhere, if I recall correctly). Hapha says how his time is coming to and end and now the world is theirs. The expression is basically like saying, "It is your time now." He trusts Dobang to them. (Also Kim Joon is given a new position/role-- to take on more responsibilities in regards of Dobang. Hapha asks Park Song Bi to help Kim Joon with it.)

Man Jun makes his grand entrance. The generals, soldiers, and everyone is there. He takes it all in with great glory. Then he spots Kim Joon and gets off his horse and demands that Kim Joon be able to walk in with him. He acts so grateful to Kim Joon, that it puts the others to wonder and puts Kim Joon in a spot. But regardless Kim Joon rides in with Man Jun.


Preview Episode 44

 Hapha passes away. Before he does he says to Kim Joon, "You are like my son.". That adviser guy is still going around trying to lure something and his next target seems to be Kim Joon. Man Jun calls in Yang Baek and says how he has some people he really wants to kill.

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Man Jun is a complete jackass!!  Everything he thinks you can see right on his face. and revenge those soldiers only did as they were instructed. Kim Joon is going to have to kill him eventually. He is THAT stupid.The first person he will try to kill his Yaek Soon's brother. I cannot believe Hapha left the Dobang to that inept richard simmons. As usual Joongbo4evr you are the BEST!! THANK YOU!! It isn't easy  digesting, translating  and then recapping so I appreciate you every time you take the time(and care) to help us GOW fans get a better look into the drama. I told I think I might have a girl crush LOL

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Guest drea007

I become so excited to see the recaps. Thank you Joongbo4evr. I enjoy reading the, in fact I continue to look for the recaps all day!!!! Man Jun as so much power now he will become overwhelmed and begin to abuse it. Do bang will not be a priority but enacting revenge will b. this will contribute to his demise amongst other things. I think Hapha know this and why he is telling KJ to take over. Hahpa giving KJ would be difficult process but KJ taking it is a different matter all together. What I am saying is MJ is his son and people will not like it but accept MJ appointment a lot easier? With his bad leadership and behavior people will want him gone and making KJ takeover much needed.

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So we finally get the ruthless dictatorship that we've been missing.  I don't know about you people, but earlier for something that's supposed to be a military dictatorship, the warriors seem to be rather lenient, though we do see moments of ruthlessness.  
Kim Kyongson...such a shame that he met a terrible end at the hands of a pathetic person

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Guest Joongbo4evr

Hello guys.

You are very welcome @shedevill77 and @drea007 and everyone else. All of your encouragement and thanks has really been wonderful. I really mean that.

Which is why this saddens me so much to say this, but I think I will be unable to do a recap for 44. I had planned to at least do episode 44 but happened to get really sick over the weekend.

 It is really unfortunate that I have to stop "Soldier" when things are really perking up to a whole new level. By the time I will be able to come back to watching, which is probably mid-August---I think the drama will already be finished airing-- so sadly I will not be able to take part in this live-watching and sharing experience.

I was really happy for being able to share with everyone as much as I could. This was my first time ever to do recaps and now I have finished doing from episode 31 to 43. Thanks to every single one of you for taking the time to read them.

 Mostly the youngsters of my age group tend not to enjoy saguek dramas of this level-- so I was often alone in my enjoyment and had no place to really discuss and there didn't seem like any place where there were any recaps or discussion of this drama going on. So to be able to come out, share and get to know all of your insights was really an exciting and wonderful experience for me.

The very fact that I felt and came out to do these summaries for this drama greatly shows how much I enjoy and love "Soldier". In the midst of all the dramas I have ever seen, this was the first time I had such a wonderful time posting here on soompi. I agree with you all that Soldier is now taking a new interesting turn and I hope that when it ends, it departs with the most epic memories.

Thank you all for everything. Please take care. And hwaiting to "Soldier"- the actors/actress/crew/production till the end! I can't wait to come back and finish it all. :)

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