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Jeon Hye BIN 전혜빈

Guest dashuu

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Guest evelyn168

I'm definitely another JWH and JHB lover!!! You can go to JHB's forum and see that almost all the pics I saved and posted up is JHB with JWH... They look really good together. But I think Bin looks good with most guys... I like SSK, MW, JJ, Yunho, Ryan and other guy from Princess Lulu (Ha something) going after Bin on LL.

I've uploaded Bin's 2AM MV and 2 Banjun in the JHBin forum...

Jiwon: Thanks... I bombed it... I misread one question and was clueless on another... I suck...

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Guest StrawberryPunch

Awww She Soo pretty! I noticed shes brushed up on her dancing, and she looks soo cute with Woo Hyuk. I also thing Woo Hyuk looks cute with whats her name..the girl from sweets.. Really pretty, and acts really spoiled? grr cant recall her name. anyways im glade there is a hye bin thread its so hard to find stuff about her...

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가수전혜빈이 무술 연습 중 얼굴에 상처를 입었다.

다음달 크랭크인 하는 영화를 앞두고 무술 연습에 매진하고 있던 전혜빈은 최근 뜀틀을 넘다가 넘어지며 얼굴이 매트리스에 먼저 떨어지는 사고를당했다. 이 과정에서 얼굴에 찰과상이 생겼고, 긴급히 응급실로 옮겨져 치료를 받았다.

전혜빈 소속사의 한 관계자는 "모든 스케줄이 끝난 상태이고 큰 부상이 아니라 그나마 다행이다. 일단 휴식을 취한 뒤 조만간 무술 연습을 재개할것"이라고 밝혔다.

you guys! Jeon Hye Bin got hurt! Something happened to her face! she has to cancel all activites. Can someone translate it?

Credits: Yahoo



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가수전혜빈이 무술 연습 중 얼굴에 상처를 입었다.

다음달 크랭크인 하는 영화를 앞두고 무술 연습에 매진하고 있던 전혜빈은 최근 뜀틀을 넘다가 넘어지며 얼굴이 매트리스에 먼저 떨어지는 사고를당했다. 이 과정에서 얼굴에 찰과상이 생겼고, 긴급히 응급실로 옮겨져 치료를 받았다.

전혜빈 소속사의 한 관계자는 "모든 스케줄이 끝난 상태이고 큰 부상이 아니라 그나마 다행이다. 일단 휴식을 취한 뒤 조만간 무술 연습을 재개할것"이라고 밝혔다.

Translated into:

Singer Jun Hye Bin had an injury to her face while practicing martial arts.

In a movie that will air next month, Hye Bin attempted to jump over a wall and landed face first into the mattress. There was an injury to her face as a result and she was quickly taken to a hospital where she received emergency treatment.

An affiliate of Jun Hye Bin explained that he was relieved since her schedule is practically done and it was not a big injury. She will have some time off and will resume her martial arts training later.

from the love letter thread.

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Guest ryisakooguy

ahh oh no! binnie got hurt?!?!

"landed face first" ouch >_<

i hope she gets better soon. i also didnt even know shes comin out with a new movie that contains martial arts...wow watta girl :blush:

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Guest sh1nhwafan

aww i hope she recovers asap=) ahh shes sooooooo pretty._.

i just rewatched flip reverse by jang woo hyuk, shes sooooo gorgeous in there. i wish the two would date LOL

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Guest evelyn168

Bin fighting!!! I hope she's okay... I didn't know that she was releasing a film. No wonder she doesn't have time to go on music shows anymore... But from teh previews of LL, Bin is going to be on next week... I just hope she takes care and that the injury is rather minor.

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Guest doralinz

Bin hurt while filming? the girl is very brave and very talented. Singing, dancing, acting, humour, and now martial arts? what else she didn't do? I hope she recover soon.

Isn't usually actor will be replce by other when it come to martial acts thing? I believe Bin must work really hard. I hope Bin will recover soon.

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Guest star17s101

O.O bin got hurt!! *freaking out* omgsh i hope shes ok. landing on her face?? ouch! well lets all pray or hope she gets better awesome jeon hye bin fanz! and o yea..this thread is really growing..so happy that there are more bin fans.

p.s Looking forward to the new drama

Bin fighting!!! I hope she's okay... I didn't know that she was releasing a film. No wonder she doesn't have time to go on music shows anymore... But from teh previews of LL, Bin is going to be on next week... I just hope she takes care and that the injury is rather minor.

o really? i saw the preview ( like a barely showing 30 sec thing lol) and i didnt see bin..hmm..

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