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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Guest noopie_1

Thank you red_ginger!!!! I'm screaming when I read the spoiler!! waaaaaaaa!!!:wub:

Thank you mimi for the photos!

Spoiler part 2 and 3 make me go GAGA! wahhahaha! cant wait to watch ep 5 and 6! I'm waiting the medium file to download the raw.

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loved the ending.................

MY is too Oblivious to be written in words abt EJ as girl around him......n now he is concerned abt her, m just hoping m not reading much in his concern but still......yyyeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy    m on cloud 9 MY taking care of EJ....

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@bold.....zenti...at this pace we will Epic Betrayals in every epi and at last we have to conclude the BIGGEST EPIC Betrayal....was it a EJ's Blue Betrayal  or MY Red Betrayal ....

@mimi...loved all ur screen caps...and MY in blue haha....me too wanted to see him in Blue and at the same time EJ in Red.......

Hehe. Yes, the big question is: what will be the epicest betrayal of all by the end of this drama.

More Screencaps:


20120119233910262.jpg cre: daum

Here's the band aid scene (Ed.) :wub::


cre: KST WR

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no worries guys... I do what I can

@padhari i use mobile too. You can scroll all the way down and choose Theme SOOMPI4000 or 5000 then it will in normal viewing instead of mobile mode. Mobile mode you can't see spoilers.

Thank you much for your help both for the recaps and change from mobile mode thingy. READ THE RECAPS. Nice episode. May be MY IS NOW TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THAT SHE IS A GIRL RATHER THAN A TOM BOYISH BODY GUARD. Will wait for tudou or yt link to see the raw episode.

What did the waiter exactly whisper in MY's ear? Was it revealed?

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Ep 6 sounds so exciting XD Thanks everyone for the spoilers! Looks like MY has some difficult time, thankfully he has EJ. Just hope the writer won't pull a cliché by making him to ask her to leave him for her sake or any reason he comes up with.. just no.

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AHEM AHEM Don't know what these are. Just sharing some pics I found! :sweatingbullets:

b65d359ee0b9de9014886ac2b02c7892_40134579..jpgf383c2e03f16e1fd729912217e89a7df_40134584..jpgCre: KST WR

You must have seen this before. But watch Wookie's star date again as we wait for some link to ep.6. Unfortunately, torrents don't work for me. :(Wookie Star Date  He really has a tongue in cheek humour. But really, I was reading all the backpages and felt so bad that WR is not getting the ratings it deserves. Actually, this is a much better show than many of the rom-coms out there. Anyway, hope Wookie's wish comes true. WR fighting!

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<br />Ep 6 sounds so exciting XD Thanks everyone for the spoilers! Looks like MY has some difficult time, thankfully he has EJ. Just hope the writer won't pull a cliché by making him to ask her to leave him for her sake or any reason he comes up with.. just no.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

ur gifs in sig box are super cute. Frm where did u get them? Can i use them if u dont mind.

@mimi do u want to kil me with such pix of wookie *fanning*also cn u pm me the band aid pix as i cnt see them here.

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What an emotional ep, it's getting deeper in MY's character, about his past and his pain. My eyes got teary when his hyung was talking about him to the reporter, EJ sat there watching him batting. After this ep I feel how lonely he is. People only see his hot-tempered character, treat him like a bad guy, it saddens me when he says he's hurt too. The scene when they return home after visiting the waiter guy at hospital, the reporters were waiting for him, but when he turned to look at them, they didn't dare to look back, they're scared of him, don't really care to know him. He asked EJ later if she thought the same (my guess) but she couldn't answer. Maybe at one point, her thought does matter to him, regardless of how the world sees him. I love how the writer could slowly mix the funny wacky with more emotion, heart stirring moments, the characters have more layers than they appear at first. I think that's why some say EJ falling is too sudden, well not really, someone said it's just physical attraction, the first stage, and I agree. They still have a long way to go, but EJ as a girl is more perceptive, I can imagine her falling for him after this incident, when she starts seeing the other side of MY. well about MY, I think he'll catch up soon, the last scene showed how he noticed EJ got injured when she intendedly tried to hide. It's not some grandiose gesture, just meaningful, he does notice things about her even w/o showing it (her lips at the beginning of ep, got her a new cellphone in previous ep). On other note, I'm glad MY has real personality, please don't turn him into that indecisive main lead once his past love appears.

@sadhli I made them myself ^^ will make more when have time.

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^^^ @nomanymoreu made it those are gorgeous, can i use them if u dont mind.And after ur analysis m dying to watch both epis. Its just gr8 that we startd the show as a wacky one bt nw as new epis are coming we are seeing more aspects of MY as a an individual. And it gives me a satisfaction that i dint waste my time on WR.


thanx sweety for the pix

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Guest PBaddict

 On other note, I'm glad MY has real personality, please don't turn him into that indecisive main lead once his past love appears.

Amen to that (sorry to cut you short I do share your opinion, especially this line :) ) I love male leads who know what they want and not get swayed by lingering feelings from the past.

It was a very emotional episode and one thing is certain that Mu Yeol has a deep scar or two on his heart that make him lose his mind and become violent and I can't wait to see what these scars are from his past. I think he might show his vulnerable side to EunJae soon and more easily trust her. I wish he would confide in her more little by little.

Anyone who finds a preview, please post it, pretty please... :):rolleyes:;)

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Guest flora47

It was an sad ep.

At the beginning of the ep, he just didn't wake up and after, he just thought that it was a dream ,

DS is no longer in the team ,we see the consequences:each one wants to help the other but at the end they don't succeed.It's strange that he has to explain to MY that he loves baseball. and he was so naive to believe in the reporter.MY is also stupid ,he didn't think that he could hurt DS' pride

We also learn about the reporter,he stopped to play because he was hurt

Why are there so mysteries about what the guy said to MY?We can't hear him

I only understood when MY asked in the hospital" how did you know this name ?from who did you hear it?"

MY doesn't seem to be in great terms with his mom.He speaks rudely to her at the phone : she complains that she got many calls because of him.

The last scene was great: it was quiet and intimate,he didn't react in the car but right after they come back home, he took his emergency box.He was so focus on her wound and EJ was very moved.

They become really close now.

It was heartbreaking when he asked her if she also think that he is just a crazy guy but her answer was logic,she didn't know what happened,hope she will make him feell better next week.EJ is so funny ,when My said "i was hurt too",she said where?your heart or your feelings

Wonder what will happen with his ex next week .

yesterday ,EJ said to him that it was not a pure love but an obsession, he denied it.She probably thought about her mother and her father.

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What an emotional ep, it's getting deeper in MY's character, about his past and his pain. My eyes got teary when his hyung was talking about him to the reporter, EJ sat there watching him batting. After this ep I feel how lonely he is. People only see his hot-tempered character, treat him like a bad guy, it saddens me when he says he's hurt too ...

You said almost all that I wanted to say. I really feel glad,like sadhli was saying, that I am following a drama that keeps on getting better and that too in ways I had never imagined it would go. I was expecting Mu Yeol to be the typical arrogant guy who might soften as we progress, but nah,, Mu Yeol has depth. Often in k-dramas,the hero is projected as 'misunderstood' n all, but more often than not, the 'misunderstood' thing seems to me more cliche than reality. However, in the case of Mu Yeol, he does remind me of celebrities whom everybody love to hate, whom the Press often hounds and makes do things they wouldn't have done if left alone. Really, LDW was just superb in this episode. Like you said, in the last scene, he noticed she was injured though he seemed to be lost in some other world during the PC and in the car. That was what was so emotional for me, that this guy who reacts to almost anything had suddenly withdrawn into a corner, yet he noticed EJ was hurt. But have to say that I didn't enjoy the background score when he was putting the band aid. The scene itself was so poignant, there was no need for the music.

Still to watch episode 5 with subs, so don't know whether the falling in love is too sudden or not though like FloraI too had doubts yesterday. But after today, I can totally understand EJ falling for MY. I mean, before, she was the one who would buy that newspaper trashing him n write those hate comments against him. But now that she is on his side, she can really see how it feels to be in his shoes. I feel MY is also falling for her now and like you, I too loved the scene where he is batting n she is sitting there watching him.  I loved that scene, had not expected the drama to have such tender moments so early on.Also think MY was moved by whatever she was saying there, perhaps something about her own life? Who thought our Mu Yeol would turn out to be a quietly considerate guy? Usually in dramas like this, there is a scene where the guy is seen looking at the wound and then he goes for the band aid. What does our MY do? Walks straight to his room to get the first aid box and again wordlessly! MY, don't break our hearts. Just keep on surprising us like this.  If left to himself, I am sure MY would fall in love with EJ in the next episode itself. I hope Sica's character contributes to what is turning out to be a wonderful drama instead of giving us the usual angst of an indecisive or confused hero n the heroine getting her heart broken in the process. Wild Romance,please stay this way.

Btw, whose home did the reporter visit? Was it the home of the waiter guy? That reporter guy is really scary n how terrible it is to be in a profession where you earn your bucks making another's life hell! The dinner scenes were funny though. :) About the lips, think he was asking her whether her lips were cracked or something n asked her to put lipbalm? Do not understand what Dong Soo did in all this.Think he had good intentions and narrated MY's life story to the reporter, right? Wonder what the waiter told him! Is the ANTI thing related to all this?

After this episode, I feel the 'beginning to understand each other' process is underway and I can't wait to see them fall in love.

Viki is N/A in my region. So it will be a long wait for the subs. Those of who get to watch it with subs,plz update us with your insights n comments. :)

yesterday ,EJ said to him that it was not a pure love but an obsession,  he denied it.She probably thought about her mother and her father.                                                 

Didn't understand that part, Flora. Where does she say that? Didn't understand the context. So the reporter visited MY's home or the waiter guy's?

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Hi everyone! this is the first time I'm gonna post in this forum, WR is the most hilarious and the most unique rom-com that I have ever watch in Kdrama, I love themes like gender blender, but WR is quite different because she didn't pretend to be a guy, but that is her personality, I love girls that are androgynous, but soft in their personality when they are start to be like a girl, its like they just finally discovering themselves......and I just raise my hat to Lee Si Young, for portraying the perfect character! she is an excellent actress! Mu gosh I can't believe that she can pull it off! not to mention that she is being cute as well! hehehehe!

and I love all the works of Lee Dong Wok, ever since My Girl era..... rom-com really suits him very well. I think they really got an amazing chemistry for this series.

I'm excited to see EJ disguise as a real lady just like her best friend did, last episode dressing up like a chebol, and I hope she will have the same personality, but I still hope that the comedy is still refreshing.

Kudos Wild Romance!

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It sucks that the reatings are this bad. :( This wonderful show deserves so much more than that. I really don't get why people don't see how great and hilarious it is. The actors and writers (so far) doing a wonderful job and they really deserve more appreciation for it.

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<br />It sucks that the reatings are this bad. <img src='http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> This wonderful show deserves so much more than that. I really don't get why people don't see how great and hilarious it is. The actors and writers (so far) doing a wonderful job and they really deserve more appreciation for it.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

completely agree with u.

This much more than just a rom com, it has depth in emotions of characters, storyline is appealing, screen play is just gr8 bt stil show nt geting deserve ratings.

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Guest flora47

Didn't understand that part, Flora. Where does she say that? Didn't understand the context. So the reporter visited MY's home or the waiter guy's?


EJ apologized to MY's friends and she learned that the ring was from her ex girlfriend, they broke up when they were graduated.The part that i was talking about is in the car when they were waiting for DA.

EJ said to him that she knows the ring is from her ex,she is asking"you still didn't forget her?" .He asked her how did she know ,if she did an investigation on him .And after ,she says "it's not a pure love ,it's just an obsession ".It's from my memory when i watched in in viki.

Thanks to them ,i don't have to wait for a week,they are awesome

I think it's the waiter's home.

PS:i sent you a PM

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Guest flora47

i also liked the scene when she was looking at him ,LSY and LDW were both good.

i think EJ was talking about her past

Her family had a hard time before,(maybe when her mother left them )but thanks to baseball,they overcame it.

For her,life is like baseball:they can lose at that moment but after they can be fine.

MY agrees with her

That's what i guessed

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