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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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Guest kyuuumin

i am actually a bit uncomfortable with kim yoo jung's acting, like her expressions always come a tad too early or a tad too late. i honestly think the young bo kyung is a better actress.

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If based on the book, the love of YW and LH is based on exchange of letters--which are also shown in the drama but not in the detailed way. However, the attraction flourished by means of those people around them whom are somehow connected to them indirectly.

For an instance, when Yeom was appointed as the liberal arts tutor , Yeon Woo panicked about the fact that his brother will be dealing with the Joseon's Sun. The riddle , the sweets, the letter given by Yeom and the "lettuce plant" (LOL funny that Eunuch regarded it as such ) are simple metaphors to represent how YW and LH develop their longing and admiration.

The mere fact that both have a common knowledge, and YW was able to solve LH riddle , there.

Right now the love triangle (I must say that way because for Bo Kyung part, I don't felt her presence yet as loving the crowned prince but simply a bratty lil evil young beyatch ) come into full circle for the young cast. I must say the YW and LH arc is at its strong point that my heart ached to see them both having fun watching the puppet show together.

Then there comes Yang Myung whom a hopeless romantic fool chosen to leave the palace but the moon (his love) would be following him all along. He may escape seeing the reality of seeing the apple of his eye marrying his beloved brother but the moon, oh my. How could he possibly go on with his life? I am curious to what Yang Myung will develop his character in the drama, because from what I read from the book fans, the Woon-Wol arc is a strong point in the novel.

oh well, to end my thoughts...

Aren't they just lovely even in a still photo?


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Guest monkeyober1

Does Woon really become that big of a rival to the prince for YW? It's hard to imagine considering the complete lack of screen time he's currently had. Additionally, they've played up the whole 'fate' card between the prince and YW so much that it makes it even harder to believe anyone / anything could come between them (granted her supposedly being dead and Wol having no memory does complicate things). Maybe the drama is going to make YM more of the secondary love interest. Going by the promo pics, this seems to be the case.

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Also, is it just me that I'm not feeling the love between Yunwoo and Hwon??  I get that they are destined to be together (or not), but I don't understand how they could fall in love so fast.  Didn't Yeonwoo just find him frustrating in the beginning like she feels toward Yangmyeong?  It's only after she finds out he is a prince that she begins to treat him with respect and thinks about him all the time; and I do find it difficult to believe she finds his childish arrogance attractive lol (of course I love Prince Hwon, but Yunwoo seems to view humbleness as an important trait)!  

When people were telling her to feign an illness and escape from the marriage "competition," she said something along the lines of "Even if I do not win and become simply one of Prince Hwon's 'court women,' I cannot leave him now / my heart is with him."  I just don't understand how she can take such a risk after a couple meetings with him.

i think Yeonwoo grew more comfortable and intimate with Hwon when Hwon started to share his story with his brother. she comforted him then which shows that she cared for his feelings at that time. Hwon's letter afterwards increased their intimacy and she's so into solving his riddle. since she's someone who enjoys learning, i bet she loves riddles too. but the moment she knew Hwon's identity. that was like trying to put a stop to her growing interest and fondness towards Hwon. and we know the more you want to stop thinking about someone, you will think about that person more. but i dont disagree, that knowing he's a crown prince could be another attraction of Hwon, just that, i dont think that is all that attracted Yeonwoo. she's interested in Hwon before that already. 

and about her liking hwon that much enough to gamble on her life to be his princess, after such a short time knowing him. well, liking someone doesnt depend at all on how long you know that person. during the short time they know each other, so much things have happened between them on emotional level. there was misunderstanding, jealousy, hurt and confession. 

@monkeyober1 in the novel, Woon looks like he is a bigger rival compared to YM. but in this drama i think they change it.  

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Does Woon really become that big of a rival to the prince for YW? It's hard to imagine considering the complete lack of screen time he's currently had. Additionally, they've played up the whole 'fate' card between the prince and YW so much that it makes it even harder to believe anyone / anything could come between them (granted her supposedly being dead and Wol having no memory does complicate things). Maybe the drama is going to make YM more of the secondary love interest. Going by the promo pics, this seems to be the case.

Yeah, I think the drama is going to differ from the book in that respect. It seems like they are going to play up YM's role and make him the stronger love rival, and focus less on Woon. My guess is that Woon will end up being one of those strong, stalwart types who loves her from afar with no one but himself ever knowing it. *sniffle* That kind of hurts my heart a little just thinking about it. sad.gif You know what? YW already has enough people in love with her, she doesn't need Woon too. Can we just give him to S please? Yup, I like that idea better. wink.gif 

@alexus: I know, at least Hwon got to experience having his feelings for her reciprocated. I was planning on watching next week's episodes when my family wasn't around. That way I could sniffle and cry as much as I wanted to and not have to pretend that I wasn't sniffling and crying over a drama! Then I realized that Wed and Thurs are the two days we're moving and I probably won't even get to watch the episodes next week at all. I'm just going to have to jump on this thread when I can, so I can read everyone's comments and experience it vicariously.

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i think Yeonwoo grew more comfortable and intimate with Hwon when Hwon started to share his story with his brother. she comforted him then which shows that she cared for his feelings at that time. Hwon's letter afterwards increased their intimacy and she's so into solving his riddle. since she's someone who enjoys learning, i bet she loves riddles too. but the moment she knew Hwon's identity. that was like trying to put a stop to her growing interest and fondness towards Hwon. and we know the more you want to stop thinking about someone, you will think about that person more. but i dont disagree, that knowing he's a crown prince could be another attraction of Hwon, just that, i dont think that is all that attracted Yeonwoo. she's interested in Hwon before that already. 

and about her liking hwon that much enough to gamble on her life to be his princess, after such a short time knowing him. well, liking someone doesnt depend at all on how long you know that person. during the short time they know each other, so much things have happened between them on emotional level. there was misunderstanding, jealousy, hurt and confession. 

@monkeyober1 in the novel, Woon looks like he is a bigger rival compared to YM. but in this drama i think they change it.  

I see, it was nice hearing your opinions about this! In your opinion, why do you think Yunwoo has never opened her heart to Yangmyeong as she so quickly did with Hwon?? Yangmyeong also allows Yunwoo a glimpse into his sad life in the greenhouse; and while Yunwoo is sympathetic, she doesn't really connect to his feelings like she does with Hwon, rather she simply wants to remind him that he has his duty and that there are people "waiting for him." Even on the night he decides to leave, she is more intent on criticizing him for being away for such long periods of time and for worrying those who care about him - rather than trying to persuade him to stay. She treats Hwon with more respect even though Yangmyeong is a lot more mature on so many levels - I think it is because back in those days, being a king was like being a God and it was an honor to be loved by a king, period. What makes this sad is that this means the fact that Yangmyeong is illegitimate...is the biggest reason he is destined to live a sad life...indifference from his father, no chance of living at court, and unreciprocated love.

Even though Yunwoo is beautiful and clever, I'm so sad (and even sometimes dislike her ^_^ ) for the way she is so indifferent to Yangmyeong. Heuk heuk!

Haha Prince Hwon's biggest attraction IMO is that he's a prince! HAHA! I'm such a Yangmyeong shipper. Yangmyeong is supposed to be even more intelligent than Hwon in some ways, and he's also been writing letters to Yunwoo for who knows how long. Why Hwon over Yangmyeong? Haha! And she was so intent on finding the perfect cloth/paper for that moon poem/ letter of apology, and the lettuce flower gift. Really, so much effort!! LOL!

It's just always bothered me because I 've watched several sageuks where the female protagonist always seemed to show interest after learning the prince/king's true identity. :P I know that's definitely not the intention of the writers HAHA! The problem is probably the story itself.

To be honest, I think this sageuk is a far cry from a "masterpiece" or classic. It's missing too many things for me (including a good OST ^_^ ). The "frothiness" of the story kind of disappoints me, but reading the 5 chapters of the novel (translation) I think that's just how the story is. All the same, the earnest atmosphere to the drama really draws me. I love the comedic moments as well. I was hoping for another DAMO style drama but I think Moonsun is totally different style. :sweatingbullets:

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If based on the book, the love of YW and LH is based on exchange of letters--which are also shown in the drama but not in the detailed way. However, the attraction flourished by means of those people around them whom are somehow connected to them indirectly.

For an instance, when Yeom was appointed as the liberal arts tutor , Yeon Woo panicked about the fact that his brother will be dealing with the Joseon's Sun. The riddle , the sweets, the letter given by Yeom and the "lettuce plant" (LOL funny that Eunuch regarded it as such ) are simple metaphors to represent how YW and LH develop their longing and admiration.

The mere fact that both have a common knowledge, and YW was able to solve LH riddle , there.

Right now the love triangle (I must say that way because for Bo Kyung part, I don't felt her presence yet as loving the crowned prince but simply a bratty lil evil young beyatch ) come into full circle for the young cast. I must say the YW and LH arc is at its strong point that my heart ached to see them both having fun watching the puppet show together.

Then there comes Yang Myung whom a hopeless romantic fool chosen to leave the palace but the moon (his love) would be following him all along. He may escape seeing the reality of seeing the apple of his eye marrying his beloved brother but the moon, oh my. How could he possibly go on with his life? I am curious to what Yang Myung will develop his character in the drama, because from what I read from the book fans, the Woon-Wol arc is a strong point in the novel.

oh well, to end my thoughts...

Aren't they just lovely even in a still photo?

*quoted image*

You're right, maybe the events that lead to their falling in love, and the letters, are developed more the in the novel. Yeom is described in character description as blaming himself for having connected Yunwoo and Hwon (indirectly). I guess circumstances really drew them together, which is probably why they are "destined." What's the point of analyzing why someone loves another LOL!

I like Bokyung because she makes me HATE her with a vengeance! But I think she is a beauty perhaps even more than the girl who plays Yunwoo. Doesn't Bokyung look like a baby Sonyejin??

I am such a Yangmyeong shipper. Yunwoo better treat him good in the future!! LOL!

I always have a thing for underdogs. In ep 5, we finally got to see Yangmyeong show bitterness towards Hwon after finding out Yunwoo may be betrothed to Hwon! I was so surprised that the drama showed this so soon. I thought it was 100% brotherly love at this point. Wasn't it heartbreaking when Yangmyeong was thinking "Will you not even allow me to hate you?" Because Hwon looks up to Yangmyeong as a role model and is so kind to him, Yangmyeong can't even bring himself to hate him which is even harder to bear; not being able to hate the rival who took everything from him. I totally know this feeling, wanting to hate someone but I can't because this person is so incredibly sweet. Lol!

If only Yunwoo chose Yangmyeong, Yangmyeong wouldn't care about anything else. But alas, even the woman of his heart chooses Hwon. Hwon has taken everything from him!! Gosh, isn't it usually this sort of person who is the main character of a drama??

But you know what Hwon and YM are both way too complicated for me; if I was Yunwoo, I would choose Woon. Adult Woon is going to be such a hottie.

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@ Nauna Yes. It is too much to make 3 of the leads chasing after 1 female. There should be some sharing. I think Woon and Seol would be great pair like you said. The KickAssPair!! Why not! They should have their moments of passion too! Woon should serve his King, protect Wol and keep his feelings for Wol just as an admiration from afar. I wish they would introduce another female for Prince YM but I guess that won't happen? Does anyone know if there is another love interest for YM in the book??

But more importantly, my heart is breaking that you won't be able to watch the episodes next week and share your thoughts with us right away :( Good luck with your move. I will let you know whether you can watch it infront of your family or you should hide and watch it alone. I watched episode 4 again and all I can think about is YM. I am so in love with him. I hope the adult actors can really pull it off and make us fall in love with them too. The younger actors really did a great job. Sort of feel wierd having a crush on these young actors but I think that is a sign of a great job of winning the viewers over!

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I see, it was nice hearing your opinions about this!  In your opinion, why do you think Yunwoo has never opened her heart to Yangmyeong as she so quickly did with Hwon??  Yangmyeong also allows Yunwoo a glimpse into his sad life in the greenhouse; and while Yunwoo is sympathetic, she doesn't really connect to his feelings like she does with Hwon, rather she simply wants to remind him that he has his duty and that there are people "waiting for him."  Even on the night he decides to leave, she is more intent on criticizing him for being away for such long periods of time and for worrying those who care about him - rather than trying to persuade him to stay.  She treats Hwon with more respect even though Yangmyeong is a lot more mature on so many levels - I think it is because back in those days, being a king was like being a God and it was an honor to be loved by a king, period.  What makes this sad is that this means Yangmyeong is destined to live a sad life with indifference from his father, no chance of living at court, and no love from Yunwoo - solely because he was born illegitimate!!!!!!!!!!!

Even though Yunwoo is beautiful and clever, I'm so sad (and even sometimes dislike her  ^_^ ) for the way she is so indifferent to Yangmyeong.  Heuk heuk!    

Haha Prince Hwon's biggest attraction IMO is that he's a prince!  HAHA!  I'm such a Yangmyeong shipper.  Yangmyeong is supposed to be even more intelligent than Hwon in some ways, and he's also been writing letters to Yunwoo for who knows how long.  Why Hwon over Yangmyeong?  Haha!  And she was so intent on finding the perfect cloth/paper for that moon poem/ letter of apology, and the lettuce flower gift.  Really, so much effort!!  LOL!

It's just always bothered me because I 've watched several sageuks where the female protagonist always seemed to show interest after learning the prince/king's true identity.   :P I know that's definitely not the intention of the writers HAHA!  The problem is probably the story itself.

To be honest, I think this sageuk is a far cry from a "masterpiece" or classic.  It's missing too many things for me (including a good OST  ^_^ ).  The "frothiness" of the story kind of disappoints me, but reading the 5 chapters of the novel (translation) I think that's just how the story is.  All the same, the earnest atmosphere to the drama really draws me.  I love the comedic moments as well.  I was hoping for another DAMO style drama but I think Moonsun is totally different style.   :sweatingbullets:

I have a feeling  that was the first time YM shared his personal life with YW. or maybe he did before, but it was ambiguous like he did at the greenhouse. had YW never heard from Hwon, she may never know about YM's situation. so, since she heard it from Hwon first, and connected with Hwon first, when she heard YM's story at the greenhouse her response showed her feeling and concern towards Hwon more. she encouraged YM to go back because someone must have been missing him. now its too late, even if YM opens up to her, her heart already goes to Hwon. i think its because YM is always playful with YW and jokes around her that she cant take him seriously. like when he wanted to leave again, he said now he can go after looking at her ugly face.  

i think the case with me is, i rarely fall into second lead syndrome like you guys especially with a guy like YM. those times when i favored the second lead, they were normally the bad guy type. like in Autumn Tale, What Happen in Bali (where the supposedly 2nd guy won the girl because of fandom) and Fashion 70s. i'm not into nice prince charming guy when watching kdramas. besides my principle is also if someone shows he/she is not interested in you and interested in someone else, you should just move on. those times when i loved the 2nd guy, i didnt hope for him to get the girl but i hoped he get a much better girl since the girl love someone else already anyway. i felt bad for YM because YW didnt reciprocate his feeling but he's digging his own grave when he keep chasing a girl that never show interest in him. this is one thing that i hope in dramas, that for the 2nd lead to get a much better woman/guy at the end. but i know, this are all for dramatic purpose. i'm thankful that i love Hwon and Yeonwoo together, so i save myself from the torture of seeing my favourite guy keep chasing an undeserving girl. 

regarding princess minhwa, i found her cute in the first 2 episodes but she really got on my nerves in episode4. i hope Yeom will never love her back so she can understand  that love is not something you can force and have as you wish. but if they follow the novel, then i just hope i can grow to like her. and yes, please let Woon and Seol fall for each other. or maybe YM with Seol.   

to HwonWoo shipper, do you guys notice how when YM moved closer to YW, YW moved back, but when Hwon moved closer towards her, she just stood still heeee.... 

or am i hallucinating here.. 

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Guest nana544

The girl that plays Bokyung is really pretty, I actually think she looks like Go Ara. Needless to say, it just the role so she looks ugly, but I think she's actually a beauty. The other main girl lead is very pretty too! This whole castings has pretty people! Well, last episode sure was heartbreaking, I just cannot handled it when YM saw YW looking past him towards HW....it is really sad. *Sigh*, how can I continue watching this show while feeling pity/sad for YM???? He is just too pitiful of a character. HW has everyone loves and admire him because he's to royal crown prince while YM is nothing, but a illegitimate child of the King...it is really not fair! Also, Princess MW is quite annoying, I hate her character---so immature and childish-like! Episode 4 will only get better and better.....although I really like the child actors, I cannot wait to see when the adults come in....Ahhh!

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I have a feeling  that was the first time YM shared his personal life with YW. or maybe he did before, but it was ambiguous like he did at the greenhouse. had YW never heard from Hwon, she may never know about YM's situation. so, since she heard it from Hwon first, and connected with Hwon first, when she heard YM's story at the greenhouse her response showed her feeling and concern towards Hwon more. she encouraged YM to go back because someone must have been missing him. now its too late, even if YM opens up to her, her heart already goes to Hwon. i think its because YM is always playful with YW and jokes around her that she cant take him seriously. like when he wanted to leave again, he said now he can go after looking at her ugly face.  

i think the case with me is, i rarely fall into second lead syndrome like you guys especially with a guy like YM. those times when i favored the second lead, they were normally the bad guy type. like in Autumn Tale, What Happen in Bali (where the supposedly 2nd guy won the girl because of fandom) and Fashion 70s. i'm not into nice prince charming guy when watching kdramas. besides my principle is also if someone shows he/she is not interested in you and interested in someone else, you should just move on. those times when i loved the 2nd guy, i didnt hope for him to get the girl but i hoped he get a much better girl since the girl love someone else already anyway. i felt bad for YM because YW didnt reciprocate his feeling but he's digging his own grave when he keep chasing a girl that never show interest in him. this is one thing that i hope in dramas, that for the 2nd lead to get a much better woman/guy at the end. but i know, this are all for dramatic purpose. i'm thankful that i love Hwon and Yeonwoo together, so i save myself from the torture of seeing my favourite guy keep cha

regarding princess minhwa, i found her cute in the first 2 episodes but she really got on my nerves in episode4. i hope Yeom will never love her back so she can understand  that love is not something you can force and have as you wish. but if they follow the novel, then i just hope i can grow to like her. and yes, please let Woon and Seol fall for each other. or maybe YM with Seol.   

to HwonWoo shipper, do you guys notice how when YM moved closer to YW, YW moved back, but when Hwon moved closer towards her, she just stood still heeee.... 

or am i hallucinating here.. 

Waah totally agree with you ^^. I'm a HwonWoo shipper too i really like YM but i think the other reason YW don't feel the kind of like/love she feels for hwon is because she see YM as a.playfull brother and loves to joke around with her, so she doesn't take him seriously.

in fact i'm really startle that i didnt become YM&YW shipper.since some dramas i start to like the second lead more.

With princess MW i like her in the last 2 ep. but in ep.4 i didnt like her so much anymore. I hope in future ep. the writter dont make me dislike her.

And YES ^^ I Notice that little move YW did with LH and YM!

Hahaha love how LH tease YW of being jelous..... waaah so sad when both princes find out about YW's dead.... T_T

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Jazzer I have a question about the novel..

I've read Blue's novel transcript and I am really sorry for being impatient as I am really curious to know when will Hwon and Wol meet again? As per the novel, for a month Wol stayed in Hwon's side without him knowing. So when and how he will discover that Wol has been with him all that time? Also, when will YW regain her memory? KAMSAHAMNIDA!!!


I think the child Shaman Jang and YM rescued will help Jang conceal YW's true identity. I think Wol will use her identity to avoid suspicions about Jang raising YW.

Can't wait for the adult cast! Wednesday please come soon!

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Guest ginny_potter

Somehow I wished I could understand Korean (Hangul?), so that I can follow these saeguk kids on Twitter.:) But it's nice to know some (if not all) of them follow each other already. Must be what happens when you move in the same circle and end up being castmates from time to time.

The support seems to be pretty high for Prince YM already. Great job in building up the character. We see his flaws and we cannot help but sympathize with his unfortunate status within his family at the moment. Damn, evil grandma! You're the one who's been causing these all along... planting and sowing seeds of doubt within the royal family's inner circle just so you can keep holding on to power. tongue2.gif

I'm going on easy on the Princess MW hate annoyance indifference. She hasn't really annoyed me as much as BK did so her childish tantrums are tolerable. Or maybe I just tend to lean more towards unpopular characters? Hehe!

I cannot wait 'till BTS pics of the adult cast shooting for their scenes are shown! :w00t: I wanna see grown-up Hwon, Yang Myung, Yeon Woo, Yeom, Min Hwa, Seol and Woon!

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@grapejuice, i just finished watching the first 2 episodes with subs. the first time Yeonwoo imagined talking to Hwon, she said to him she wished he is not a crown prince. so i think him being the crown prince is not what attracted yeonwoo to hwon at all, maybe..  

@Hikary, after watching episode 2 again i just notice that YW also didnt move back when YM came closer towards her in the greenhouse. so my point earlier is not valid keke 

anyway, i just noticed that the ost 'Moonlight is Setting' is actually the closing theme which already played in the very first episode lol. i didnt like it when i heard it during the closing before. only after they played in episode 3 during the last scene of Yeonwoo and Hwon. i think what grab my attention and tug at my heart is the beginning of the song. they really choose the wrong part to play for the closing theme. 

also, i just realize about what the shaman said regarding Yeonwoo cannot be too close with the sun, yet she needs to be close to protect him. the latter i guess means when she becomes the shaman where she'll cure his illness and maybe protects him in other matters afterwards like sensing any danger that comes to him... <br class="Apple-interchange-newline">

about who will meet Wol first, in the novel, based from Blue's translation it looks like Hwon and Woon will meet her first. but since the drama has made YM's character a bigger part of the story than Woon, anything can changes.  <br class="Apple-interchange-newline">

i think i've been stalking this thread too much today. wednesday seems so far away!

i'm so excited we will meet the adult casts next week! finally! but its also sad that we wont be able to see these amazing kids anymore

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This drama will be a big test for Kim Soo Hyun, he's gotta have to work really hard to get the people's attention. Because right now Yang Myung is set-up to be a much likeable character in the future. I mean, what can you dislike about him? Unless he's gonna go really evil in the future, more and more people will definitely jump on his ship. Plus the adult version of Yang Myung seems to be much more interesting than the adult version of Lee Hwon. Acting playboy just to protect his brother will definitely get more love than a character who's going to be a cold and heartless person.

On the other hand, I want Bo Kyung to be a much more layered character. Someone that we can also sympathize with and not just a one-dimensional evil female second lead. Like someone that even though she got all the material things and glory, she'll realize that these are not important and she's still lonely because no matter what she do she cannot have the love from her husband. Since SKKS, Kim Min Seo exudes that elegant aura so I believe she'll have no problem playing a queen, but for Pete's sake, make her character more human!

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