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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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everyone behold...oh & stay calm. hahaha

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credit daum & mydaily


OMG!!!! the pics are awesome, that too close-up shots. Can anyone say that HGI is 30 Y.O. NO Way!!!! She looks so young for her age. And that too the fourth pic. She is petite and beautiful next to KSY. thk u so much.

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Yeeee I'm so excited from watching the previews :D OMG THE REUNION. And flirty Hwon. SO CUTE.

Btw, is it confirmed that both episodes will air back to back on Thursday? Because I read here: http://www.soompi.com/news/the-moon-that-embraces-the-sun-episode-18-preview that TMETS will air according to schedule on WEDNESDAY.

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I swear everyone seriously on the HYPER mood!!!

MoonSunners are all so happy today!!!


not enough with the preview pictures release, they release the preview, now the news articles release the BTS picture of the kiss scene!!!

I'm in heaven ^_^

해품달 definitely prove that they are the National drama for 2012 :D

korean people are so excited for tomorrow episode after they saw the preview.

posts about 해품달 appears so much suddenly on Bestiz, they spazz on twitter too, I'm not checking on DC yet but I'm pretty sure the situation is the same ^^

3 out of 10 articles trending on nate are from this drama ^^


해품달 ep17 preview trending at Daum


해품달 ep17 preview trending at Naver


even celebrity Ok Joohyun also cant wait for Wednesday now :lol:


read the comments at nate on how they will feel after this drama end. what drama they want to watch after this and some say they had this dilemma before, one year ago with secret garden. I agree with this. I also had the same feeling I had watching this drama the same when I watch secret garden. I dont know if i'll ever ready to let go this drama later...

on the mean time, I'll rape the replay button of the preview lmao XD

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Guest KhunTorian

the moment I watched the preview....

i screamed my lungs out cuz the long-waited kiss scene is there...

and hwon wa so damn cute in it!!!!

I was literally jumping around the room,so my room-mates had to calm me down....

the fact that I had a dental school exam tmoro and moonsun will be airing the epic episode is just freaking insanity!

but some kind soul had posted the stills for it...

and I now i'm still hyperventilating from it....hahahahhaah

MBC,if this is just some effort to troll on us fellpw moonsunners....i'm gonna hunt you down.!

hahahaha...just joking! =] 

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Just asking....what do you think the rating will go????????


Personally, I think

Seoul= 50%

Nationwide= 46%

It is just a guess, I just added the rating for Wild Romance which was completed last week. I think KBS will be putting up some documentary.

BTW, is there any confirmation regarding the airing of episode 17??? Is it really tomorrow or Thursday???


REgarding HGI's pics, have you guys watched the chinese drama Condor Heroes???? I just find some resemblance between the female lead and HGI.. hehhe!

The kiss looks much better in the preview than the previous preview. They seems to be in so much ease now.. :wub::wub:

Mr. Vampire Prosecutor said, because of his busy schedule, he doesn’t find time to watch MoonSun. I guess, seeing the preview, HE WILL NEVER WATCH IT EVEN IF HE HAS TIME TO DO SO! :P:P

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Thanks, s@nbi. I've adjusted the closed captioning based on your revisions.

Shoot. Sorry, guys for topping the page with nothing substantial to offer.

I think the word means "treason"?

Ahhhhhh!!!! I'm at work but i had to bite my fingers to stop myself from screaming "kyaaaa!" my heart leapt when Hwon said "yeon woo ya". Ahhh!! Melting melting melting... Yay!!! V happy with the chemistry between HGI and KSH at the reunion scene!

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Guest MR. LEE'S

OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDD i haven't watched the preview yet because the one provided on the soompi's article didn't work so i came here but i saw those pictures that were posted by amiliyana90 and omg i think i just died ahhhhhhhh sorry for my exaggeration but what the hell i've been waiting for this moment to come for so long already. they freaking kissed omg i swear my heart was filled with butterflies when i saw that pic i just couldn't believe it i kept scrolling up and down, trying to make sure whether it was real or not. but indeed it was! my goodness and seeing han gain wearing that proper hanbok, she really does look similar like the younger cast, which i've forgotten what her real name is. damn it. i'm super excited for the next episode.

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