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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Am I hallucinating or is the thread full of suju abs. Ahhh.... Died. On mobile today so having a hard time posting. But the perjumma clan is getting bigger. Let's thank @jerqu @playerkbd also @malonowa and seems @ok_craze is catching up. Also special shout out to@meridian suciramadhani. Your English is fine. Keep spazzing.

ROFL.. So is it because of me and @jerqu that perjuhmma club members are increasing with numbers??hahaha.. @jerqu, do u agree with that???kkkkk.. Me a BIG NOOOO!!! =))

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@playerkbd you may not penned the story but you definitely is an accomplice therefore guilty as charged.

Hahaha.. For supporting @jerqu's fanfic, being her blog sponsor and providing preview videos.. I became an accomplice..and now becoming her director..:)

Then I am willing to submit myself to the jury and proclaim myself gulity as charge.. =)) =)) for I never had this fun in my life joining a thread.. :) :) and went crazy over teukso and fanfics..kkkk

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Guest malonowa

Hi girls.
In preparation for future chapters of the renowned FF and the concern of blood loss I have asked a few of my friends to lend a hand to help stock up Malonowa Land Hospital with enough blood.


@kaiskloset I heard you complain about Yeye always weraing a shirt

suju_shirtless_or_almost_by_sheika_gamergirl-d366yj5_zps5de55bf8.jpg  Now he's showing more lol

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Good morning FD's:

68420_10151128597707252_409641954_n.jpgcr: WGM Leeteuk SJ & Kang Sora Facebook (Dwiputriani Hermiandina)

class="entry-title" style="line-height: 1.3; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 2.4rem; font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 50px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both; "[NEWS] Kang Sora “Leeteuk Oppa open his mind/heart first” OCTOBER 23, 2012


Actress Kang Sora challenged herself with animation dubbing. She did a voice acting for Merida the protagonist of ‘Merida and the Magical Forest’. “It was hard but it was fun too,” said Kang Sora.

“Usually, I talk a little faster so it was difficult to lip-sync my words with Merida’s words. There’s a lot of screaming too so my throat became sore.(Laugh) But still, through this opportunity, I discovered many things that I never knew before. I’ve got to know the entire process of producing/creating an animation. It took 7 years for them to put up the ideas for creating this animation itself.”

Kang Sora’s image is aptly matched with Merida’s tough and lively appearance. But Kang Sora said, “I don’t think my appearance is that bright. I think it (the bright image) just emerges in front of camera. It(referring to the bright lively image) wasn’t like that when I’m alone all by myself. I’m truly a type A(blood) person. At first, because I’m introvert, I couldn’t express myself well. People thought I’m cocky due to the fact that I couldn’t even greet them because I was too shy. It’s just my nature that I couldn’t approach people and be friendly first. Nevertheless, all these traits have changed a lot now.

It was the same when she appeared as a virtual couple with Super Junior Leeteuk in MBC’s “We Got Married”. At the beginning, she couldn’t approach him first, but with the help of the other party (Leeteuk), her heart/mind opened little by little.

Leeteuk Oppa did express himself a lot. After filming ended, I received “It was hard right?” this kind of text message from him. Since he already opened up his heart like that, I wanted to give more to him. At the beginning, if Leeteuk Oppa did the talking for about 85%, I did the remaining 10% by laughing & 5% by talking but later on, it changed a lot.

Kang Sora became no.1 bride through We Got Married. She gained a lot of male fans by showing her own charms.

“I’m not a pretender, I’am a frank type of person. And when I date, no matter what I will treat my boyfriend with the very best I can. Rather than feminine charm (aegyo), I guess I use more of a friend-like feeling/vibe to approach my boyfriend. The favorite things (hobby)that my boyfriend interested in, I’ll do them together with him. Later when I’m married for real, I think I’ll do the wifely duty very well,” she laughed.


This year is her 3rd debut year. Kang Sora has this “I have reached this far already” kind of look on her face and she smiled. “I’m always worrying about my acting,” she said.

“I never learn anything about acting formally before. I always worry on how to be better in acting. During the breaks of dramas or movies, I feel as if I’m like ‘a frog in the well’ (means she has little experiences and knowledges). Even among my peer actors/actresses, there are lots of them that are good in their acting. I just have to face the facts though.(Laugh) Up until now, I mostly played students role, so in future I want to play more mature roles and get rid of those girl in school uniform kind of roles.”

“I was originally like to study about directing, so I took the opportunity to come to an audition. But I got to make a debut by chance instead and my parents used to stop me from becoming an actress once. Right now, they are rather more keening to know what I do, concerning and worrying about me,” she added.

Kang Sora is a celebrity that diligently communicate with her fans. She communicates with fans via SNS or even directly visits and leaves some posts on fan sites. Before this, she used to send a reply letter to every fan letters that she received. “I use informal/low form of speech to fans,” she said. It conveys different messages to the fans. That way the closeness with the fans can be felt more. “Mind you that it will be a big trouble if you guys (fans) run away from me/turn your back on me, I’m going to tie your ankles or I will flick your forehead,” she laughed.

**Translated by hiedi/@nhb19

cr: kang sora wordpress

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kika8 said: I'm sorry, i can't edit my last posted.  I post before correcting  :(
Apologies for errors and links.
The first picture is only for fun, i saw in facebook.
Have a nice day~~~

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@kika8 I was going to post that but you beat me to it..keke.. we have the same fave highlight on her interview..it says a lot doesn't it?
Leeteuk Oppa did express himself a lot. After filming ended, I received “It was hard right?” this kind of text message from him. Since he already opened up his heart like that, I wanted to give more to him. At the beginning, if Leeteuk Oppa did the talking for about 85%, I did the remaining 10% by laughing & 5% by talking but later onit changed a lot.
doesn't it sound like what Leeteuk said during their final episode on the backroom interview when he said he should have cared for her and love her more? I can't post his exact words as I'm using my cousins laptop.. correct me if I'm wrong.. and she wanted to give more to him as well? aren't they the sweetest? they both always want to give more love to the other..this is something that they have again in common..they are always in sync...
what does she mean when LT opened his heart? I know there's a lot of instances where PJS opened his heart consciously/consciously....but  this brought me back to the content of his letter.. and then she left the last piece that says " From the bottom of my heart Saranghae"
“I’m not a pretender, I’am a frank type of person. And when I date, no matter what I will treat my boyfriend with the very best I can. Rather than feminine charm (aegyo), I guess I use more of a friend-like feeling/vibe to approach my boyfriend. The favorite things (hobby)that my boyfriend interested in, I’ll do them together with him. Later when I’m married for real, I think I’ll do the wifely duty very well,” she laughed.
This is why I adore this woman so much, with this, we know that she showed her real self in WGM, all the emotions she showed is all for real.... "The favorite things my BOYFRIEND interested in, I'll do them together with him "... playing the piano together, learned SJ's dance, and remember how she always follow Leeteuk's lead no matter how dorky it can be? hence the Tango...
They may not have confirmed it but they never denied it either..
Teukso is REAL
sorry for spamming..keke..

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Guest meridiansuci

playerkbd said:

meridian suciramadhani



playerkbd said:<br />

<br />

ROFL...sorry guys.. give me a moment whilst I scrape myself off the floor from laughing too hard!!




<br />

and yeah... kindly correct your hubby, aside from wifey perjuhmmas..we also have single perjuhmmas here... 


<br />

just a hint: you'll definitely love chap. 18...that's all I'm going to say... 


*evil me*<br />

<br />

<br />

oh nooooo.. you and


really know how to make everyone in this thread dying from waiting..<br />


<br />

count me in.. i think i need 2 dozen of blood bags!! my dirty mind keep thinking what's gonna happen in chapter 17


<br />

please make sure you'll be directing


's fanfic and make drama with leeteuk and sora..<br />

you two will be my favorite director and writer then.. i'll be your number one fans!!!!!!!<br />

honestly i keep thinking to make some picture or gif.. but i'm not good enough with gadget things.. ah, stupid me.. <br />


<br />

so much that i want to share here.. but my bad english really frustated me..

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