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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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I wonder why assuming that u're a  TeaTeuk shipper provokes you very much
after your last post it seems to me like you really are
or maybe you hate shipping Taeteuk as much as you hate Teuksora but the only way to provoke us is to convince us that Taetuek is real
As you were told,, we have our own beliefs and assumptions about DC couple.. it's our fun world.. yet we are very sincere about it

I can see there is a lot of contradictions in what you say.. 
first you're saying "i'm not a TeaTeuk shipper" then in ur next post you're dying to convince us that they are real ,, 

you are talking about being objective again?
gemmi a moment yo laugh please
let's talk about being objective ,, 
you're claiming that you are being objective 
but then, you go to another forum
pretend that shipping Sora and her current costar whom she just met, and you assume that they cud end up real
does that seem to be more realistic to you than us shipping two people who showed their affection publicly and even confessed their love few times in different ways, directly and indirectly 

explain you're actions please, because I'm a person who also cares about being objective .. 
Explain how can this be objective? and if you also don't mind , explain the way you think.. many here have even tried to reach a mutual point with you
but you looks like you're enjoying provoking us,, 
does provoking many people and making them angry makes you sleep better at night?
that's not a good person should do..
dear, you don't know how precious free time is..  go live happily, stop bothering yourself with us,, and stop bothering us .. 

one more thing,,  an advice for life..

Even if you are a person who care about being realistic or objective, and you see that others don't agree with you, that doesn't mean that they don't think realistically too
That's why I won't care to teach you or anyone how to be objective the way I am.. 
because just that people different criteria about objectiveness  .. 
So don't live arrogantly and always think that people who disagree with you are at fault 

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Guest yana7576

anyone here want some ice cream? coz i really need some to cool off my flaming head

well well well...i'm a page topper ( or what do u call it) so i can wish some thing here...

i wish i have a power or magic to make the unwanted dot dot dot to dissapear from this thread forever~


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Guest kulot

hey!! @crayon01 what do you really want to prove to us here?? this is not all about leeteuk and sora anymore..this is all about you who are trying to annoyed us with your own argument..if you dont believe that teuksora is real then fine!! just stay away with our thread..for how many times we tell you, this is for leeteuk and sora so it is understood that we post all about what we speculate and what we wish, what we hope and what we believed with our shipping couple..dont expect us to agree with your own argument..this is not about proving who is real, teukso or taetuk..because we are here because we exactly love and support teukso..this is not a debating thread..this is for all FD's who keep on loving and believing teukso..no one can ever claim who is the real GF of Leeteuk as long as we dont get direct confirmation from him or to the other parties..everything is all speculation..if we FD's speculate that they are real then it is our right because we are their fans..and we based that on what we observed about them..if your a fan of leeteuk, and you follow all his fanbase and every update of him doesn't imply that you know him enough even to his personal life..you are not the only super junior fan here..almost all of us  FD's become an ELF because of Teukso..if your a true fan you will just support to him whatever makes Leeteuk happy, no need to go to other thread and claim that what we believed here in unreal..just because your assuming to your self that you know leeteuk more than what we know to him..because we might know him better than you do..LOL forgive me if i might used harsh word to you but honestly this is not interesting anymore..to tell you frankly i know exactly how you feel if you go to the other thread and reading the post that you dont believe what they claim about their shipping couple..you wonder how can they say that they are real because you believe the opposite of what they claim to be real..this is called individual differences..but there is so called respect of individual opinion  .they choose to believe that because thats what they speculate, hope, wish and believed and makes them happy then let it be ..find your own packs where you can share the same sentiments..then you can enjoy spazzing happily without upsetting others..

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Guest lennycsn

I am still around. My heart for DC hasnt vanished but getting stronger. You are not me or us the fighting dimples. You have just step into my border line and dare you speak on behalf of lurkers that we pretend to be shippers!

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hmmm ive finished 4-yr business ad  and im majoring history now.  
good thing you pointed that out colored troll. YES. not some, but ALL of us here are well educated, not just in this thread but also in the other thread you infiltrated earlier. 
like seriously. get. some. freaking. life. 
or finished some PSYcho thesis in some PSYcho world or better yet you go to some PSYcho thread and posts all your PSYcho rants. how's that????
Sincerely yours. PSY!hahahhahahaha 

=)) :P =)) :P =)) =))

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Hey everyone!!! Woah!! It's been awhile since I posted..my real life got in my Teukso life..I hope I can come back and post more often once I sorted some of my real life dilemmas. @lolowaw I read your DM to me..that's sweet..I miss posting here too..

Anyhow..I decided to post because I read on twitter that a troll is on the loose in our lovely home saying the "old" FDs (cough cough..just note, I'm not old..LOL) has left the thread because we lost faith with DC..

To someone whose name is not worth mentioning but I'll mention IT so IT can read my post..Hey you!! You troll @crayon01..I really wonder why u keep coming back to the thread..I am a member of this thread for long now but it seems like you visit here more often than I do. I can't help but think that maybe you don't have anything to do with your life so you try to destroy other people's home (thread). I pity you, you feeling lonely and no one to talk about your ship? Seriously sweetie, grow up! U know what that means or do you want me to explain on it further?.. I even read that u troll on Ugly Alert thread..stalker much?? Get a life!!!

*deep breathes..

To my lovely FDs..don't even think..not even for a second that I (and my other twitter buddies) left this thread or that we lost faith on our lovely couple..that will never happen..I promised to wait until Teukie comes back and I'm still holding onto that..and of course I'm still waiting patiently for our DC!!

FDs..I miss you all!!! Love you lots...xoxo

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Guest pinnavinna

well i'm still around..some of us might be busy and have bad internet connection, but still following DC news via twitter (actively) and communicate with other FD via twitter (actively). this is not the only place to keep my faith on DC, coz DC love can spread everywhere..and i still don't know

why i have to explain it, but i just want to.

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Well, I'll admit I felt harmed,, and I'm sure many others did if you are honest that you meant no harm.. stop what you're doing already please, if you can't understand why did we feel that, though you're a psych student, you don't have to.. knowing that the harm is done already should be enough for you to stop if you're love the members here as you're saying 

....you're so allowed to say your opinion freely
but freedom of speech, is a meaningful thing,,
but once it causes harm, ,, it loses it's meaning,, that's not "freedom of speech" anymore .. it's just a harm
Since you're telling us you're an educated person, I think you can understand that very well..
BTW good luck with you thesis 

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Guest yana7576

dear @crayon01 ssi, first i would like to say thanks for the compliment (i guess)...

you said to believe you that you really love this thread but why did you post all the infos that we don't need n hear...i'm really curious, what exactly are your intentions posted all those infos here? you knew that this thread doesn't need those kind of crap so kindly i say this to you...please don't post anything that not related to this thread. i know you are an educated person too so think wisely before you post anything that might hurt my friends feelings..

actually, i don't talk much especially about things that doesn't interest me so i hope you won't bother this thread with non-related news...coz i don't want to say harsh words that might hurt your feelings n dissapoint my friends.

sorry my pretty FDs, this ahjumma got carried away...i just don't want my second home to be intruded...

love you my FDs...annyeong~

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Guest 33ru_mieru

Hi everyone i am mieru,nice to know you all. I like TeukSora after i watched them for few episodes until today.... And i came here today because of @lazyme2day Not sure what to write...just wanna show some support to TeukSora and beloved FDs (agent D, u owe me one ;) ) Teuk went to army...Sora with new project Ugly Alert....and i myself busy with my life personal project too... Everyone busy but well...to know Dimple Couple and deciding to watch them, falling in love with them, is always a blessing for me. I dont spazz a lot i dont write a lot i dont do videos.....but my mind will revisit TeukSora memory once in a while and it gave me strength...cause for me, liking TeukSora is not only about simply liking Leeteuk and Sora, but the friendships with FDs...that is what makes it more precious.. Hahaha old members new members...tsktsk... anyway, just wanna say that there are so many places other than soompi to express the love to TeukSora..and so many ways to express the support towards TeukSora.. Soompi is only one of the so many awesome places to gather and have fun enjoying TeukSora. Okay just got back from work and super hungry now.. Everyone, Have fun spazzing any TeukSora moment... For me, now i am in the mood of Kang Sarah and MC Leeteuk episode....the dokbukggi looks nyummy.. I am fighting dimple and fighting dimple gotta eat well to fight well... Signing off now...see you all!

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One more thing,,, @crayon01
Just to let you know there are a lot of grad psychology students in this thread.. if you were a lurker for a year, I think you know that 
You don't have to worry thinking that there no one is being objective but you in this thread .. 

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crayon01 said: kaiskloset said: hmmm ive finished 4-yr business ad  and im majoring history now.  
good thing you pointed that out colored troll. YES. not some, but ALL of us here are well educated, not just in this thread but also in the other thread you infiltrated earlier. 
like seriously. get. some. freaking. life. 
or finished some PSYcho thesis  in some PSYcho world or better yet you go to  some PSYcho thread and posts all  your PSYcho rants. how's that????

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provoking others and harming their feelings,, in order to get your answers as you are claiming
What kind of heart is that? 
even if you think we are not being objective,, 
You know that it's a precious thing we have here,, is playing with people's emotions that fun? 

it's much more than just the DC story,, it's also that DC caused us here to be good friends and allowed us to have great memories together here
They were also an inspiration for many talented FDs who wrote great stories, made beautiful arts, FMVs, 
As they look back at these achievements, as we have fun together and make more good friends everyday .. 
We remember it all actually started because of DC
thats what makes us want to continue here besides our believe in DC, 
I said this once before,,
we never know what could happen in the future ... but still we will always remember that because of DC we had great memories in this thread,, 
even if DC won't exist anymore, God forbid, lol, the friends we made here and the great memories and the fun projects were made will last 
*now guys you can play sad music after hearing this and say Awwwww,, kkkkkkk 

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I am still around, lurking on this thread, shipping and spazzing hard Dimple Couple.

That was very unmannered and you making more assumption that "the old ones simply accepted reality" and us pretended to be shippers. Hey, don't labelled us "old". Although by age I am older, am still loyal and those old FDs (pardon me ah!) are all still around watching and caring..Not posting in soompi do not mean we gave up either.

There are lot more out there in life to be concerned on - the real reality of life. There is no right or wrong, it is self to see what fits.

보조개커플 파이팅!!!!

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@playerkbd Ehh....where have you been my LLT? Still busy at work and school? You disappeared from Twitter! Miss you lots. If only I don't have work, then I'll be doing more DC stuff. ^^ We all have to make a living right? ;)

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33ru_mieru said: Hi everyone i am mieru,nice to know you all. I like TeukSora after i watched them for few episodes until today.... And i came here today because of @lazyme2day Not sure what to write...just wanna show some support to TeukSora and beloved FDs (agent D, u owe me one ;) ) Teuk went to army...Sora with new project Ugly Alert....and i myself busy with my life personal project too... Everyone busy but well...to know Dimple Couple and deciding to watch them, falling in love with them, is always a blessing for me. I dont spazz a lot i dont write a lot i dont do videos.....but my mind will revisit TeukSora memory once in a while and it gave me strength...cause for me, liking TeukSora is not only about simply liking Leeteuk and Sora, but the friendships with FDs...that is what makes it more precious.. Hahaha old members new members...tsktsk... anyway, just wanna say that there are so many places other than soompi to express the love to TeukSora..and so many ways to express the support towards TeukSora.. Soompi is only one of the so many awesome places to gather and have fun enjoying TeukSora. Okay just got back from work and super hungry now.. Everyone, Have fun spazzing any TeukSora moment... For me, now i am in the mood of Kang Sarah and MC Leeteuk episode....the dokbukggi looks nyummy.. I am fighting dimple and fighting dimple gotta eat well to fight well... Signing off now...see you all!

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