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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest koreanway88

hi fd's! just want to say that sora is sincerely and seriously inlove w/ pjs muscles that she even mentioned it in her interview. at last i am at peace.now i know that they keep in touch.for me the interview is already telling in a subtle way. just wish one day when they are ready...they will just announce it to the world.

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Guest koreanway88

hi fd's! just want to say that sora is sincerely and seriously inlove w/ pjs muscles that she even mentioned it in her interview. at last i am at peace.now i know that they keep in touch.for me the interview is already telling in a subtle way. just wish one day when they are ready...they will just announce it to the world.

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Guest Sammya

My day was worth totally worth it, just because of this interview. Sora was subtle, but loved their responses to the kiss, the program, the music (still looks delirious by the muscles of PJS hehehehe). Besides her being beautiful and elegant as always.  :)

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Guest najwa85

salam @lolowaw soldier najwa85 reporting.1503453.GIF
it's actually 45min past midnight in my country and i am still up voting for my 2 favorite artists  sora and suju.became crazy1508485.GIF
i actually found a way to vote multiple time a day; i turn off the modem for a moment then turn it on again then do it every 15 min or so ...........don't want to break it i still need internet to vote though.i tried it and it worked for me for suju's the world music award and try it on sora's voting but i am not sure if it worked since i don't understand the message in korean still i keep voting so please try it and those who know korean please inform me if it works cause i am exausted voting every 15 min i would really like to know it works.as i said before i am losing itit would help me keep up.i know it's not very honest god forgive me. but there is french saying A l'amour comme à la guerre (anything is allowed in war and love)and I love my suju and my sora and i am in war now so every weapon is allowed and even welcomed.keep voting keep hopingBTW sora's interview is just AWESOME love this girl so spontaneous and so natural.I may be an angel ELF but sora is just perfect i may revise my position if LT let her slip from his hands........just sayingif my post doesn't make sense forgive me cause i need my beauty sleepsee all of u tomorrow inchallah
so goodnight FDs


wake up to ask about @virya anyone knows where she gone like lolowaw said it's been awile@virya if you're there please give us a sign we're worrie, hope nothing is wrong god bless you

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Hey hey heeeey.. Hows everyone Bebegurls?
I came to say that..

If Sora would go higher than EunHye, that would be really shocking for me. @-)
EunHye is an extremely good actress. 
She is so talented. I myself am a huge fan of her dramas actually. 
So if Sora would go higher than her I would.. I don'r know,, probably dance for all SUJU 
albums, and probably go CRAZY after that looool 
8-} 8-}

I don't know if that would mean that Sora is better than her or not 
cuz EunHye has been very successful since her debut in GOONG
... but it would definitely mean that Sora is more popular and loveable. :x :x
Who's ready to go crazy with me if that happens ??? 
@mianazra @kaiskloset @tienvo2 @ozzy @najwa28 @huey @twetiaa @josan  @lolowaw 

=)) =))

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kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ^^^ Love thissss..
see the different ^^
keep voting guys ^^

4위   icon_down.gif 1 293 윤은혜 Profile 14% 26,942 점 3 위 NEW
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6위   icon_up.gif 5 191 하지원 Profile 1% 5,758 점 11 위 NEW

bounce to u bounce to FD ^^

Bounce to you, Bounce to you nae gaseumeun neol

  >> Bounce to you, bounce to you, my heart is beating so fast for you

Happy Dimple Day Fds ^^

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zeez said: Hey hey heeeey.. Hows everyone Bebegurls?
I came to say that..

If Sora would go higher than EunHye, that would be really shocking for me. @-)
EunHye is an extremely good actress. 
She is so talented. I myself am a huge fan of her dramas actually. 
So if Sora would go higher than her I would.. I don'r know,, probably dance for all SUJU 
albums, and probably go CRAZY after that looool 
8-} 8-}

I don't know if that would mean that Sora is better than her or not 
cuz EunHye has been very successful since her debut in GOONG
... but it would definitely mean that Sora is more popular and loveable. :x :x
Who's ready to go crazy with me if that happens ??? 
@mianazra @kaiskloset @tienvo2 @ozzy @najwa28 @huey @twetiaa @josan  @lolowaw 

=)) =))

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Guest mianazra

:P @zeez im always with u darling.huhuhu...

OMo!!....guys the vote keep increase.. Aja! Aja! HWaiting Gurls...im already done voting twise today using hp.. cannot running to the comp bcoz im on leave..huhuhu.. going crazy rite now.. @zeez @kaiskloset @lolowaw @huey @tienvo2 have a nice day gurls..:D love ya.... :x :x :P

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Guest tweetiaa

Happy Dimples Day ALL...!!! :)>-

First of all....Yeay....I finally come back from my lurking mode! kkk :D :D :D

Hm....Sora is curently in the fifth place of 100 Top Actress in Korea. And our first mission to make her in the top five has done. Now another week has passed, our next mission is to make her get a higher rank....in the top three maybe? I know we can :) So keep voting her as much as we can. And don't worry, though I rarely show up in here, I never stop to vote her 

And about Sora's interview, wow......to me it's proves everthing about their "relationship". In her interview, she said they still communicating by phone or kakaotalk occasionally, right? Come on, PJS won't call Sora if she's not that special, but the truth is HE called HER...!! 
:x  People in army usually call family and people who close to them for their collect call. And Sora is one of the person that PJS called to! It means that she's speacial to him! Kyaaaa.... >_<

And after almost 6 months since WGM ended, she still remember the kiss and how's her response that time, she even still remember how she just realized that kiss after about 4 SECONDS and how's her hand position when that kiss! How come she can remember that so accurate! It means that she still thinks about that kiss and the moment they had in WGM until now...!!! :) :) :)

And now....2 ELF fanbase account in twitter are starting to show their support to Sora too! first is Sup3rjunior and now NKSubs !!! and too add that, honestly everytime I tweeted about Kang Sora and Dimple Couple there are many ELF retweeted or favorited that! Waaaaa......Sora is The Real First Lady indeed! >_<

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Here is the part 2 guys:[Trans - Part 2/2] 2013 March 08, Sora Interview with Sina. "Dialogue with Kang Sora: Have regrets towards Lee Teuk, Like Tony Leung, Wei Tang"

(Translated by luvallkorea, English from Chinese article)

* Some sentences are paraphrased for grammar.

Sina: Since your debut, you received the Best New Actress Award, Popularity Award, also worked with Hallyu stars like Lee Teuk, Kim Hyun Joong, Won Bin, do you feel that you were very fortunate/lucky?

Sora: I believe it's 99% due to luck. As I worked more I feel as if that I am very fortunate. Although being hard work is important, having the opportunity/luck cannot be overlooked/neglected. I do not know how long it (good fortune) will run, so I will continue to work harder.

Sina: You acted in roles in movies, dramas, even been hosts. Which role did you like most?

Sora: Whatever it is, without a doubt, I love acting in movies the most.

Sina: How different it is from filming a drama?

Sora: In Korea, the preparation work for dramas is comparatively complex/more cumbersome/tiring, with more continuous nights of filming. Skilled/Capable actors are very efficient as they could absorb (digest) the day's script on the same day. However, I lack this skill. I'm not saying that acting in movies is more interesting, but I do feel I need more time to adjust to prepare for a role. In comparison. there is ample/more time when preparing/filming a movie. 

Sina: In [strong Heart], you said you authored/published a martial art (kungfu) novel online, why did you write this genre?

姜素拉:原本是在租漫画店里兼职的时候,因为没有漫画书可看,所以开始看了武侠小说。加上妈妈非常喜欢《十 面埋伏》、《满城尽带黄金甲》、《卧虎藏龙》、还有不久前看的《剑雨》,她很喜欢《关云长》、《赤壁》等。啊,还有《无极》也看过。看电影时会带我一起 去,我在电影院最初看的是迪斯尼《花木兰》。从小就很有兴趣,所以自然而然就写起来了吧。现在也很喜欢。
Sora: Well, when I working part-time in a comic bookshop, I started to read kungfu books when I ran out comics to read. To add my mother loves movies like [House of Flying Daggers], [Curse of the Golden Flower], [Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon], recently watched [Reign of Assassins], she also loves [The Lost Bladesman], [Red Cliff] etc. Ah, also watched [The Promise]. She will bring me along when she watched movies, my first movie was Disney's [Mulan]. Since young, I found it interesting and naturally I wrote about it. Even till now, I love kungfu (movies/shows).

Sina: Do you still write short stories?

Sora: Currently I love reading novels, so I honestly couldn't write short stories any longer. When writing Kungfu (martial art), it must be long in order to be rich/interesting, as such if I seriously wanted to write one I wouldn't have enough time. 

Sina: We heard that your work was very popular, how do you feel about it?

Sora: I wrote it when I was in primary school not in high school. It's a purely passionate piece of work/ literature. If I read it again now, I feel I read it somewhere before, maybe it's because I researched other work/stories when writing then.

Sina: Did ever dream of being an author, before you being an actress?

Sora: I loved both writing and acting. As such when I enrolled in University, I wanted to work towards this area/direction as my career. While I was in 'drama course', I wanted to transfer out as my results was not good. But, unconsciously I'm here where I am now.

Sina: Currently many Chinese movies are adapted from internet stories/novels, have you dreamt your work will one day be adapted into a movie? And to personally act in it?

Sora: If I had the chance, but after watching how directors produced/worked, I won't be able to do it with my present skills. Perhaps when I'm 40 when I have improved my skills/accumulated enough skills, I think I will take on this challenge.

Sina: Do you plan to write and direct your own work (movie)?

Sora: If I can, I would after I build/collect (bit by bit) my social network and slowly seek actors and singers who will act in my show for free.

Sina: What's your future expectations as an actress? What's your ultimate dream?

Sora: My aim? Not forgetting my dream is my aim, really. My dream is to be an actress with character, determined, an out of an ordinary/different from the rest.

Sina: Among the actors/actresses, who are your friends? Do you meet often? What do you do?

Sora: I usually meet up with fellow actors from [Dream high 2] Jinwoon, (and 2 more actors, sorry can't figure out the names). We became drinking friends naturally/unconsciously. We are like brothers and sisters, no feelings of love.

Sina: Do you keep in contact with [sunny] sisters?  

Sora: As they are more busy than myself, we can meet up only after my long pleading, can contacting via phone be considered?

Sina: What is your ideal man?

Sora: As I'm tall, I prefer strong/muscular man with a shaped/pointed chin. Also, I'm a bit rounded, that's why I like guys with the same physical (shape) like foreign actors like Chris Hemsworth from [Thor], Mark Walberg.

新浪娱乐:对中国的导演和演员熟悉吗? 看过中国的影视作品吗?哪一部?
Sina: Are you familiar with Chinese directors and actors? Have you watched any Chinese Movies? which one?

Sora: I love [Lust, Caution] with Tony Leung (senior)? Tony Leung and Tang Wei. I loved it so much that even bought its DVD. I also love [Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon], I also watched the movie [MeilanFang], really love the actress Zhang Ziyi.

Sina: Is there any Chinese actor/actress you want to work with? 

Sora: All of the actors are great professionals. Recently I watched [The Thieves] and found the actor, Simon Yam, very stylish/handsome. Chinese celebrities are very good-looking with very good facial features. If I have the chance, I love to work with anyone of them.

Sina: Do you plan to debut in China?

Sora: If I've the opportunity, I love to do a drama/work like [Return of the Pearl Princess] which I loved watching when I was young.

Sina: What is your future work/plans like?

Sora: Later part of 2013, I may film a drama though I do not what role I'll take on. But I will work harder to meet everyone. Also I will continue to learn mandarin.

Sina: Your last wish for our Sina friends!

姜素拉:新浪的网友们,虽然是第一次和大家见面,以后希望努力以更好的作品和大家经常见面。这期间不要忘了我哦。春天也即将到来,天气也越来越热,注意管理健康哦,还有希望也多多来韩国玩哦~!我也会去中国玩的,谢谢。春天~ 谢谢大家。再见!娃娃发自韩国站
Sora: Even though this is my first time greeting you, my Sina friends, I hope you again and will work harder bring you better work. Meantime, please don't forget about me. Springtime is coming and the weather is getting warmer, please look after your health. Hope you can visit Korea! I also hope to visit China. Thank you. Springtime, thank you everyone! Bye! Little sister going back to Korea stop (stand)!

Translated by: @luvallkorea
*Please forgive me for any grammar error. 
For all Kang Sora's international fans, Take care everyone!
**take out with full credit


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Guest crayon01

First time to post here but I have been reading all your post here and I felt that they were an awesome couple. I even started watching all their episodes in WGM and I admire both of them. I even open a twitter account to be able to see what she is up to in case during off cam. Seriously I feel sad that Sora's recent interview in SINA makes me think that her actions and gestures in WGM are a bit fake. ( Please don't be mad about my opinion ) No wonder Leeteuk said that he is the only one honest in WGM during their stint.

In WGM she always avoid any skinship with Leeteuk but when I watch her in some public functions I can see that she is comfortable placing her hands with men. I can't blame Leeteuk for that in his last interview in WGM. It was really a different Sora from the real life off cam.

When I watch the Tango episode where she wear costumes and she said she was not comfortable with it, why does she wear the see through clothes in her recent press greeting.

Obviously she is a different Sora off cam. She drinks with men and in my culture ( ladies who drink with men occasionally is not much a respectable person for us ) Even my father tell me not to drink with men, If I want to be respected.

I think I will start to focus more with leeteuk since from the start I was an ELF and I tried to like her for the sake of our leader.  I guess WGM is not a total reality show still we can fake things and in the end the truth still comes out.

I hope she will not talk about him anymore becoz if makes some of us confused on her true intention. Let her prove that she can become famous without Leeteuk name on the side.


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Finally Kang Sora News by TVReport

강소라, 이특과의 키스 회상 "4초 지나고 알았다"

기사입력 2013-03-09 11:40:53


[TV리포트=박설이 기자] 배우 강소라가 중국 매체와의 인터뷰에서 이특과의 키스를 회상했다.

8일 중국 시나닷컴 연예는 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'와 영화 '써니'의 인기로 중국에서 인지도를 높여가고 있는 강소라와의 인터뷰를 보도했다.

시나닷컴은 인터뷰에서 중국 팬들이 가장 관심을 갖는 슈퍼주니어 이특과의 키스에 대한 질문을 꺼냈다. 강소라는 "4초 정도 지나서 (키스한 걸) 안 것 같다. 손을 어색하게 하고 있어서 맹하게 나왔다"고 당시를 회상했다.

군에 입대한 이특과 제대로 인사를 나누지 못한 데 대한 안타까움도 드러냈다. 강소라는 "실제로도 아쉽고 슬펐다. 더군다나 바로 군대에 가서 술을 마시면서 '잘 다녀와라' 할 시간도 없었다"고 아쉬워했다.

강소라는 "아주 가끔 전화하고 가끔 카카오톡도 한다. 얼마 전 '프라미스'도 보고 왔다. 남자가 됐더라"고 여전히 친분을 유지하고 있음을 밝히기도 했다. '프라미스'는 이특이 출연하는 군 창작 뮤지컬이다.

인터뷰에서 중국 진출에 대한 의지를 드러내는 것도 잊지 않았다. 강소라는 "'색계'의 양조위와 탕웨이를 정말 좋아한다. 장쯔이의 '매란방'도 좋아하고 '도둑들'의 임달화도 멋지다"고 중화권 배우들에 호감을 보이면서 "기회가 된다면 중국에 가서 '황제의 딸' 같은 드라마를 해보고 싶다. 중국어도 조금 배우고 있다"고 중국 진출 계획을 밝혔다.

한편 강소라는 개봉을 앞둔 영화 '파파로티'에서 주인공 장호(이제훈 분)에게 호감을 보이는 여고생 숙희 역을 맡아 열연했다.

/ 사진=

CREDIT >> http://www.tvreport.co.kr/?c=news&m=newsview&idx=319596

note : i just want to share this bcz i want to make sure we have this history ^^ sorry for not translating ^^

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Guest koreanway88

@cray0n01   You did not get the  gist of what leeteuk was trying to say during the interview in WGM.   He regretted it remember?  Because he thought he was the only one who was true in WGM but he later found out that Sora was also true in her stint in WGM.   I respect your opinion but I totally disagree with what you are saying.   It doesn't mean that if you go out with guy friends and drink...your not a good person anymore.   It might be in your culture but most westernized culture it is just normal and you don't judge a person because she drinks occasionally with friends....  Sora was just being honest.,   She is being ask about Teuk...she is just answering Sina's question.   Many Elf's love Sora by the way so there might be a few who are against their "friendship".  Its ok.  You cannot please everybody.  Do you see the difference of the see through she wore in WGM and the see through she wore in a recent event....Gosh... was there a difference???  totally!!!!  The recent dress she wore is so covered even though its see through.  Its something anybody can wear whereas the one from WGM...its not for everybody to wear.  It takes someone to have guts and the figure to wear it.

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Guest mianazra

Im totally agree with koreanway88..dear @crayon01 i think u should rewatch our teuksora again..Our Sora not being fake she just too honest about her feeling..lols... \m/ peace.

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Guest Cicci_92_1

Mmh...I think Crayon read another interview and saw another WGM. I mean, really? she was fake? She was just shy. In my culture you don't become all touchy with the first men you meet. And you can see that after the Nami Island episode, everything changed. They were much more comfortable with each other. About the interview...really she said she hangs out with her Dream High2 friends and sometimes they drink together. But she is close to all her colleagues, even girls ones. So, really there's no need to attack her personally. You can say that you don't like her, and I wouldn't say anything, even if as an ELF myself sometimes I really get mad when people hate on Sora because of this absurd jealousy toward Teuk. But saying she's a bad gir, you really went a bit overboard

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vote at home done ^^
bounce to u bounce to FD ^^

Bounce to you, Bounce to you nae gaseumeun neol

  >> Bounce to you, bounce to you, my heart is beating so fast for you
# 4  icon_down.gif 1293Yoon Eun HyeProfile11%36,763 points# 3NEW
# 5  icon_na.gif569♥ gangsora ♥Profile7%23,352 points# 5NEW
6  icon_up.gif 1244Han Ji MinProfile4%12,157 points7NEW
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Guest crayon01

@Cicci_92_1 Since we are both an ELF we definitely has trhe concern to Leeteuk. I don't have anything against Sora if Leeteuk likes her I will be happy to cheer for them but I just hope her honesty on the interview will be more less in a way that she don't need to flaunt that she drinks with his colleague and that she hoped she had a drink with Leeteuk after the show since we all know that Leeteuk don't like drinking and for a woman who thinks like that I hope she has kept it with her. I don't want some ELF to get this information straight from her or else in the future it will be against her.

I hope she stays pure and wholesome till Leeteuk gets discharge. There is no need for her admitting that she has some drinking buddies. It does not reflect good image on her part. I would rather accept SJ Kyuhyun to admit that he loves drinking wine than Sora informing us that she enjoys drinking.

I loved her in MERIDA even it is only her voice but having that wonderful voice and spoiling it by drinking alcohol is not nice, I may say. Think of the image she has and the future in which she wanted

Jinwoon who is proud to be a drinker is a friend of Sora. I believe they are friends but you will never know what will happen to people when they get drunk. I guess I'm lucky that Eunhyuk and Leeteuk does not like drinking alcohol even they are real men.


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