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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Waving to all FDs...woahhhhh...I sure miss this thread..been really busy with school and work lately..*sigh...
to all @jerqu's fanfic fans, chapter 21 is out
PASSWORD: same as last chapter... ;) ;)
I tried making a fanart and I wanna share it to everybody...  I'm not that good at it so please bear the imperfections.. ;) ;)
the quote is credit to @jerqu as written on her fanfic.. :) :)
Have a good day everyone!!! The thread may seem slow but people still visit here.... I'm not good at expressing myself so I refrain from giving insights since other FDs are good at it but I'll share some of my finished FMVs and fanarts, I'm just saving it for later dates... :D :D
FDs FIGHTING...we still have a long way to go...

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Guest noona1430269773

@shymaldita28 oh my...~ teary eyed, i'm crying ryt now,really, your post has touched my heart.  :(:(( , it has been a while i never had this kind of feelings, Park Jung Soo, Kang So Ra. Hey! You two beautiful people, even Jung soo wrote in his only U lyrics "don't cry over the empty space that i live" ... i don't think so i can do it right now, gimme sometimes to heal the longings both of you leave me. sobbing~  :( 
“I was waiting for the longest time, she said. I thought you forgot.

It is hard to forget, I said, when there is such an empty space when you are gone.” 
― Brian Andreas, Story People: Selected Stories & Drawings of Brian Andreas

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Guest lallinachan

@virya ahaha! so you were debating if replying my questions or not? well unnie, thankyou for doing so. I actually can see now a tiny little smile when teukie see Sora on the screen^^
actually about Min Hyoring… it is curious… Since we know the celebrities were contacted after the meeting with Sora and Teukie… I think it was just a coincidence. But not the same if we think about suju expectations. I think suju probably talked about the pretty actress when watching the show, so they probably were like "we talked about that actress, and maybe she is gonna be his wife?". Also, we know Teukie probably liked her… just for the prettiness of course.
@kika8 Wow! good points! maybe he had that change from a smiling face to a not so smiley face because he thought Sora too was not a possibility… I never actually thought about this possibility! and I really like to believe it was like that^^
And noticing that the scene was cut was another thing I missed! thankyou for sharing! <3
I find I am more on the line of thoughts of @noona and @ice308 I actually think he was a bit startled seeing her on the screen, because she remembered her from the movie, and she was a tomboy there. But also he remembered too the SH brief meeting.
like you @kika8 and @ice308 pointed out, teukie did his researches.. he even knew her birthday. so now my next question:

If he knew about her, don't you think he would have been a little worried about her height?

I think he would have been more cool with her, because we know he is really worried a lot by his height. But he changed expression seeing her, and was immediately captivated. He was just admiring, but still his height problem came out during the same meeting (and his age too). In my opinion teukie is very focused and organized. He probably knew her bday because he had to know her age and also because as an husband he should remember her bday, and be prepared with something big.
My point is: he probably re searched other candidates too, and judging from my first impression he was not expecting her at all. Maybe he was also worried/ thoughtful. And she appears and his thoughts are not on her height  anymore in that moment^^
hahha! <3 He is captivated! like "OMG how can I act cool if she is that pretty? no way!"

sorry it's late and i have to sleep but I'll enjoy replying the new answers in this last page tomorrow <3

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Guest jungsora2love

@lallinachan:@lallinachan and all of you fds how are you all

happy to be here

pic not mine



Have you noticed that Leeteuk met Sora first and then told fans in morning > :-?  >>>

Is it possible to have your love and admiration at first sight :x ????

Is it possible to also read at the site of Turkish that :-SS Leeteuk type who falls in love easily and give up and forget easily several times because he did not find the woman who love him without truly exploit but here he finally found a good women  she is very sincere pure that helped him a lot to find himself as Park Jung-soo

IS Leeteuk really changed and deserves the pure Heart of Sora??


Sometimes when I think of the lives of Park Jong Soo feel like it's tired and suffered so much :((  in his life and his childhood so SORA was his gift before entering the military>>> appearance of  SORA in his life I hope to keep it and sticking out his side always  :((

I read in the Turkish site also MBC knew the approaching army entering for teukie
and decided to give him that opportunity if a little bit of time and the product is chosed wife Sora to teuk =D> :-S

we must  thank him so much because he also gave him the freedom to act without any text given him the chance to online dating openly and not in secret and gave him a chance to feel happy as thanks for his efforts in all programs all his work hard

Have you noticed that Leeteuks mother  and his sister and letters were acting like Sora and her parents appear to have been affected by them in ep 27   wooooooo:)>- oooooooow Sora realy PERFECT

Finally are you noticed that on the first day of the ceremony Busan SoRa raised  flower to her mouth, saying Teuk with a bright smile very fast wear dress like a really beautiful wedding dress

Finally is  Italy beautiful because I was thinking in inviting them to spend their honeymoon there and  :\"> :)  have in places of nature and catching fish without>>>>>>>>> :\"> :)


pic from first pages

Really enjoyable reading here

Li return to writing everything inside me, even though I follow them only 3 months, but I would love to know too much about them, read all the articles here and in any other site



Downright miss them, but did not forget them and the subject did not die if for a moment
Always in our hearts and minds and live with 31 episodes per day
A real test for them and their feelings as I am happy to enter Leeteuk army
Because it would change for the better and better and relaxes a bit, especially of his articles with women




from ep1 until noOOOOOOOOOOow





Given a chance for true happiness Do not waste it


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Guest mywebfoot

Not to bring up the SH issues again, but this just demonstrates - if you were a rookie actress trying to make your name known, then 'hooking up' with a big star is a great way to do it. With SH, we have seen it 2 maybe 3 times, as rookies prepare their story for the show, they find some scandalous association with Teuk to tell their story.
The more I watch Teuk and his interactions the more I think he1. has had more than one situation where female entertainment rookies try to connect themselves to him to use his fame for themselves2. has fallen for it before, and been hurt by it3. is extra cautious now because of it4. may have doubted Sora's sincerity for a whole year because of this.

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Guest k_craze

Been a long while.  Just moved office and there are lots of work to handle and adjusting to new environment.

But still I'm lurking away. Though I do not have much time to contribute more as in the past, I would still like to leave my footprint behind :)

Watched Strong Heart Lee Teuk Special Part 2, can't help but realise that he is so nervous esp the part whereby Boom asked him when was his birthday and he said tomorrow and look at the lady beside him, the lady said why are you looking at me.  after that, he turned to look at the camera, with this look.


The look in his eye when he faced the camera, I dunno how to describe it - pleading? baby-it-is-all-for-the-programme-you-do-understand look? and he lick his lips before the camera quickly move to next frame.

I love the host Shin, on the Oh-who-is-that-girl segment, Shin quickly closed the segment, I think Shin must have a lot of answering to his wife everytime, so he understands LT  :P

Ok, that's all from me folks!

Will come by again soon.



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Since a lot FDs have mentioned SH again (LT's goodbye special), I would like to add something to what I have already posted before.

When I said I didn't really care much about their discussions in that episode, it was probably because LT himself didn't seem interested in the show - except probably when his mother and sister showed up.  I didn't watch the whole episode - but I noticed something on LT - he was a bit serious - and he wasn't giggling - like he used to.  I guess he was really itching to finish the show so he can leave the studio.  I'm sure production did a big cut on this episode  - they showed the contacts in LT's cp which obviously included Kang Sora, but whether or not Kang Sora responded, was never shown.  Why even do a special for someone whose latest issue was a kiss on the lips and an open love letter to someone on national broadcast, if the issue couldn't be discussed at all.

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@lallinachan - his height was the problem why Sora was not his ideal type - that was before - but she became his ideal type after they started knowing each other - her mind is what made him change his mind about what to like in a woman.

LT probably didn't watch the other WGM couples - and he concentrated on Alex and Shinae only.  He should have watched the Caramel Couple - Uee and Park JaeJoong - another couple almost like DC.  The age difference is bigger that DC and the height is same as DC.  Uee is just like Sora but not as shy as Sora when it comes to skinship - but she takes care of her husband.  I was envious of them for DC - they got to celebrate their 100th day and Park JaeJoong even gave her roses for their 100th day - and they got to go on a honeymoon.  This couple, along with a couple who was so underrated (Lee SunHo and Hwangwoo YeulSi who only did 10 episodes) were able to go places.  Until now, I still feel sad for DC - they were so deprived of the time and events - and they have to suffer.  They could have done so much, and could have gone places if not for the damn things that happened for four months at MBC.

Am I ranting?  Yes, I am - because until now, if not for us followers, no discussions would go around regarding LeeTeuk and Kang Sora!  Even the media are against this couple.  But still, they are the best couple of all times in WGM!!

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Happy Afternoon to all (here in the Philippines)
@mywebfoot please continue your fic, i am actually excited how the story would go and to be honest, I was rooting for Sora all the way :)
@viyra my thoughts exactly. About the SH ep. not gonna comment until i watched the whole episode. 
About DC's last episode, I really freaked out when I found out that they kissed because in my two years of being a fan, I haven't seen Teuk kiss a girl on the lips (excluding the fake ones he did before). Another thing was, when me and my sister were talking about how they should end their virtual marriage, the possible scenarios, the location, etc., my delusional self was telling me that they should have a kiss on the lips (I swear its true) and this talk happened after their wedding photoshoot aired. (you know its a sign that the end was coming when they have the wedding photoshoot) so when their farewell episode was aired, I was really screaming like crazy hahaha :)) because all of the possible scenarios that I imagined happened so there and surprised to see Teuk cry in a show (he wasn't crying when he did Hello Baby). 
To be honest, I was already accepting the fact that they can't be a real couple (the moment he announced that he already filmed their farewell ep.) but when he kissed her and said I Love You in his note, it really changed everything, asking myself if it's a dream or what...so for now I only wish them the best of luck whether they end up together or not I will still support them no matter what happens.
Have a good day everyone :)

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Leeteuk and Sora Couple they both had there fair share of news. I think this couple had a choice to promote themselves or not. When a wgm couple is made  both parties go on mainly for  promotional purposes. They are in the end celebrities who need to get some light shown on them(Sora being new and starting on Dream High at that time and Leeteuk since he was goint to military needed to be in the media a lot until enlistment).The amount of news coverage they get also depends on their management. When other couples went on the show they had albums released soon afterwards and so when they promoted their albums DJ's and Mc's asked them about each other and so on. Leeteuk is part of a group so he can be singled out with such questions but i am sure SM ent. has rules and restrictions about what was asked about Sora and Leeteuk...or he may have just said do not bring up Sora(he has clout enough to do that)... Many of the best information/gossip I found is from Radio shows which usually aren't english subbed. Luckily Suju interviews always get subbed thanks to the elf's! There we saw Leeteuk bringing up Sora on his radio show she did so when she d-jayed and the feelings they had developing was obvious . I'm not sure where I'm going with this.

I'll bring up Hwanyobi couple again since I deem myself knowledgeable on them...Both Hwanhee and Hwayobi were asked about each other on various shows and radio shows. The main reason I think was the fact they both were well known celebrities in the music world. They saw the transformation of both as the shows went on. I believe both were so much better when with each other than single. Even Brian who is Hwanhee's duo FTTS partner said after watching the first episode that he never saw that side of Hwanhee. These idols are forced to live in secrecy and in a box hiding any relationship they've had so coming out on WGM is refreshing for them. Hwanhee is not like Leeteuk so can't compare or shouldn't. Hwanhee is old school idol who will not let his relationship specifics get out. Hwayobi who has been in the business since she was 16 never had an article about who she was dating..except when she came out with her dating Sleepy from Untouchables. Her dating and break up made the news sometimes even moreso than her songs. That is a reason not to come out in public. Their power is their music and that must take precedence over anything personal...It is all about them being a brand.

The celebrities who want to get fame through media due to lack of talent are many those who keep quiet are the wiser. They are singers actor,actresses and they should be judged on that and not who they date...and gossip about their personal lives is a no no. We do see the younger idols taking chances and revealing who they are dating but that group is not large..

In the end Sora and Leeteuk know we love them as a couple,we want them together,we want them to succeed individually...I think they got that.

I think these 21 months they are separated will be the test. We know they care for each other, we know they love each other because they said so,let's hope

they get/are together and wish them happiness(I know everyone here does)

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While looking on the old YT I found a video ( Heechul talks about Leeteuk ENGSUB )

where Heechul talks about PJS. What makes me continue to watch the video was Heechul enderament to Leeteuk which is " GaeTeuk " meaning " Dog Leeteuk

Leeteuk entry to his Cyworld 2008


the entry talks about his name ‘Gaeteuk’
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In one of leeteuk interviews in Star date with heechul he has made a plan in his life. Watching it on 2012 it seems that he was able to follow the plan he has said before.

According PJS he knows that he will have better opportunites when he reach 30 at the same time he will go to the army and have plans to get married around 35 or 36 years old. By the age of 37 he will have 2 kids by then...meaning he really planned to marry at the age of 35 and maximum age is 36. If that was the case his plan on 2010 and his SH interview that he will marry after 5 years just coincide to his plan before and after he met Sora.

Does it mean he really pursues someone to be on his side within those year? As he spoke with his interview before that after his army finished he wanted to be independent and have a house for himself for that it is one way of confirming that he really pursues his plan of settling after 5 years.

I just noticed that Sora entertains herself alone and she even tweeted that she went to watch jinwoon and a movie alone by herself. Is she telling someone her activities? before somebody writes about her nor send message to leeteuk that she was outside. She uses twitter to publicly announce her whereabouts and activities in order to show leeteuk that she was not hiding anything. Knowing leeteuk as a jealous person and now that he is in the army there are things that he might misunderstand but seeing her activities on public means that she is showing her honest side to all ELF at the same time to their leader inside the army.

If Sora would love to update her activities in public, Is it proper that she updates her work activities on twitter in order for the fans to follow her which Leeteuk usually does. For Sora she updated her personal activities on twitter therefore she is showing her private activities for someone. In case that person has doubt where she went and what she was doing lately and with whom, it can proved a lot of things and therefore can able to make the person's heart at ease. That person can simply open his and her twitter and he will find out where and when she went out. Most of the artist tweets their activities in order for the fans to get updated at their work but for Sora she seldom tweets about her work if she does, her activities were finished by that time she tweeted it.

It only proves that Sora is still in a simple life and a simple person who uses twitter for her personal being and not for work purposes only. She uses it in order to communicate more with her fans to allow them to know her as a person and not for Sora as actress.

Most of the artist who has twitter uses this tool to promote their works to their fans, they don't wanted to share their personal life with them and for that I salute Sora for still being in touch with the real world

Sorry for the long post



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Seeing Sora's update pictures on her twitter is just like a normal girl who shares her pictures to her friends. She is not scared of getting bad comments from public. Honestly when i saw her picture in twitter when she watch a play her fashion is too ordinary and even the time she went to watch PSY she looks ordinary as well. No make up hair was not much combed. Just like a normal person who wanted to enjoy.She never cares about photographers whenever she goes outside but when she attends work related you can see her concious behavior to look good but not necessarily we see the real Sora on that. It was her facade when she is on stage the real Sora was the one who never puts make up when there is no work for her.

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Guest lallinachan

janpyo said:

@lallinachan, special thanks for the questions.
1: I thought Teukie was trying to gauge what the reactions of his fans will be. Actually I was quite surprised with their (fans) reactions about the marriage since some of them are not your typical high school/ teenager  types. They all probably initially thought it was a real marriage...because some of them have that lost look on their faces... And this is how I admired Teukie  at first ( I watched WGM at first not because I liked either  Sora or Lee Teuk individually...but I love their chemistry and that giddy feeling they make me feel, of course now my feelings for both of them has changed)...  he wanted the fans  to know directly from him so as not to surprise them on broadcast and this goes to show how considerate he was of their feelings. As for the fans...I think it was more this feeling of doom thinking this is a real one...and even after realizing it was for a show...they were very vocal about their opposition to it. I think it worried Teukie a bit....but I am sure he enjoyed the feeling it gave him...kkk
Question 2: I have seen Narsha in SH and I thought she is a funny girl with a sad past.(her story  touched me). I think she was trying to be playful with Lee Teuk and since I am familiar with their interaction in SH i found her actions  comical and hilarious and very platonic.
Question 3: I knew Teukie knew that the first few actresses shown were shown for variety purposes...I thought he was initially disappointed when Sora's pic came out...he probably thought she was going to be Min Hyorin, since he mentioned her name while having the conversation with Sora. My inkling is he knew her wife will be from the movie Sunny, he probably wished it was Min Hyorin since she fits his ideal type more than Sora, although if you go back to their conversation...you will realize that they have researched about each other a litte bit( Teukie knows her birthday and Sora knows his real name)....so Teukie knew Sora is a probability  , but I thought she was not his first choice. And this is what I like about Teukie in WGM. Teukie knows how to do variety well as Lee Teuk...he is in his best element when doing it....he can talk non stop and know exactly what will play well on TV and with the audience....that was why he caught my attention at SH and remembered him well with Shindong, although I did not really follow him up and his activites...I like his showmanship and enjoy his variety skills....in WGM, especially in the first few episodes....I saw a different side of him....the same thing the PD saw in him that was why he got the part....the truthful,shy, introvert side of the real person named PJS. That is why I knew that despite this being a variety reality show....I knew Teukie shed the personality and characteristics of Lee Teuk most of the time and showed the inner qualities of his inner persona, the real PJS...that is how I knew it was not scripted and that is how I looked forward to watching it and how I subsequently came to love it and then fell in love with both of them later. I thought this is how their feelings develop for each other as well.
I expect this thread to slow down a bit but I hope everyone will continue their efforts to post when others are too busy to do so ...that is how this thread will continue to flourish  and  survive. 


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Hi FD's ^^
First an apologize for my strange english kkkk

Sharing my opinion about the age, height and  Teuk's ideal woman:
Teuk concern about age and height is for his age and his hight. His concern is about Sora don't like short man because the most korean women likes tall men (one MC said teuk is no tall)  and about his age is because the korean parents and society the age is important in a relationship.
My opinion is that he think he is short. He have a serious problem with his height, is the reason for that he uses always shoe lifts (he want to have the identity of the shoes lifts ambassador kkkk - it's true, he said in a variety show). It's one of his complexes.
So, for these reasons he asked sora: do you like tall man o more short ?  and about sora parents were against for his age kkkkk.
Basically, he want calm in his heart. And when sora answer, he could breath and his smile was OMG. 
About Teuk's ideal woman, He really likes young woman with baby face kkkk, we remember "baby princess" kkkk and about height he prefer short woman for his height but i think he likes tall woman or maybe it's no important for him because one of his ex-girlfriend (170cm) is taller than sora, so the problem is about his height no Sora height and Sora's ideal man. He wants to be her ideal man.
I think there are the principal reasons because he did many events, because he wants that Sora like he (He wants love) kkk and for the show also (he likes attention).  
So, i think he likes Sora since beginning. It's my opinion kkk and i want sharing with you.

Thanks for reading Hugs~~


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A picture can say a thousand words..JungSora's guesting on the same show and on the same year..Looking at the fingers positioned by Sora looks a V sign she has this kind of Signal when she came in Busan in 2011. I remember Leeteuk look at her V sign but her fingers were displayed like this. Still he knew that she will do it.

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